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针对褐煤水分高、发热量低、易风化自燃等特点,以内蒙古褐煤为研究对象,进行了褐煤静态干燥实验和褐煤提质多因素实验。以O2体积分数10.5%的烟气为干燥介质,在分析褐煤流化床提质干燥机理的基础上,对褐煤进行流化床动态提质实验。结果表明:褐煤提质水分控制在5%左右为宜。褐煤粒级小于3 mm时,温度对煤样干燥速度影响最大,其次是煤样粒度,风速对干燥速度影响最小。确定全粒级、0.5~1.25、1.25~2、2~3 mm褐煤临界流化风速分别为38、20、40和50 m3/h。褐煤适宜提质温度和时间分别为200~240℃和5~8 min。最后建立了褐煤提质模型,说明褐煤提质规律与提质介质温度、风速密切相关,该模型对褐煤提质生产具有指导作用。  相似文献   

褐煤干燥特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流化床干燥褐煤具有快速干燥脱水特性,对于内蒙古褐煤煤样,当干燥温度小于200℃时,去除煤样外在水分达到煤样临界干基湿含量所用的最短时间为8min。而当干燥介质温度大于220℃时,干燥速度加快,达到煤样临界干基湿含量的时间缩短到5min。干燥脱水特性方程,符合单项扩散模型,其干燥规律与干燥介质温度和风速有密切关系。  相似文献   

为比较空气和过热蒸汽干燥对褐煤化学结构和反应活性的影响,在流化床干燥器中对褐煤进行干燥,采用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)对原煤和干燥后样品的化学结构参数进行分析,并通过热重分析(TGA)实验对比了不同干燥方式褐煤的热解特征参数和动力学参数.结果表明:褐煤在空气和过热蒸汽干燥过程中,随着温度的升高会逐渐失去羧基和羰基含氧官能团,当温度高于135℃时,空气中干燥的褐煤发生表面氧化反应,而在蒸汽中干燥的褐煤,温度达到160℃仍没有发生氧化反应.干燥后的褐煤与原煤相比,活化能增加,反应活性降低.相同温度下,过热蒸汽干燥后褐煤的活性大于空气干燥后褐煤的活性.  相似文献   

为实现物料的有效分选,以磁铁矿粉和玻璃微粉为混合加重质,研究了混合加重质的流化特性及空气重介质流化床床层密度梯度分布情况。结果表明:空气重介质流化床形成了均匀稳定的流化状态,当流化气速大于7.10 cm/s后,床层压降基本维持在510 Pa,床层密度基本不变,为1.71~1.74 g/cm3。当流化气速为7.95 cm/s时,流化床内气泡直径为15~25 mm,且分布均匀,流化床各层平均密度从上至下依次为1.72、1.74、1.74、1.74、1.73 g/cm3。流化床上部区域,超微细玻璃微粉被气流带到床层表面,使表面床层密度较小;流化床底部区域,气体分布相对均匀,并未形成大气泡,使该区域流化床床层平均密度偏小;而床层大部分区域床层平均密度均为1.74 g/cm3,比较稳定。因此,当流化气速为7.95 cm/s时,流化床内并未形成明显的分层和分级现象,说明加重质混合比较均匀,为空气重介质流化床分选物料创造良好条件。  相似文献   

以印尼高水分褐煤为试验对象,采用蒸汽管回转干燥技术对其进行静态、动态干燥试验研究。褐煤干燥速率特性试验表明,褐煤粒径和质量基本相同时,干燥蒸汽温度越高,水分蒸发速率越快,褐煤干燥速率越大;褐煤质量相同时,褐煤粒径越小,干燥时间越短,干燥速率越大;褐煤粒径相同时,褐煤质量越小,干燥时间越短,干燥速率越大;褐煤干燥速率曲线常在煤中水分低于空干基水分前出现拐点,即进入干燥降速阶段。通过对褐煤干燥前后的粒径分布、热稳定性分析可知,褐煤干燥过程伴随着细颗粒煤粉的产生,褐煤干燥后细颗粒煤粉增加了14.87%;褐煤干燥前后TS6分别为10.3%和19.2%,均属于低热稳定性煤,且干燥后褐煤的热稳定性好于干燥前;干燥后褐煤的反应开始温度RI和燃尽指数Cb分别降低了7℃和0.1112,相差较小,均极易着火和燃尽。  相似文献   

空气湿度是产生复吸的重要条件,湿度越高复吸的程度越高;自然条件下,温度越高复吸速度越快;产物粒度越小复吸速度和复吸程度越大。深度干燥煤的复吸水主要发生在煤堆表面。研究了高温烟气干燥褐煤的水分复吸性能,结果表明,在6%~11%的全水含量范围内,干燥煤复吸后水分升高幅度基本一致。在此全水范围内干燥煤全水高低不会影响复吸结果。  相似文献   

褐煤干燥脱水是实现其高效利用、节能减排的重要技术措施。基于不同热风温度(60℃,80℃,100℃)和煤样粒度(小于2 mm, 2 mm~5 mm, 5 mm~7 mm, 7 mm~10 mm, 10 mm~13 mm)对高西沟低阶褐煤单一热风干燥特性进行探讨,依次采用单一热风干燥、热风-红外串联和热风-红外并联联合干燥方式,通过实验分析了干燥过程褐煤水分比和干燥速率的变化特征,应用比能耗(QSEC)和能效(ηe)对比了三种干燥方式的能耗,采用SEM和FTIR分别分析了煤样表观形貌和官能团。结果表明:单一热风干燥温度越高,煤样与空气温差越大,煤样获得的热量越高,干燥速率越快;煤样粒度越小,煤样水分比下降越快,结束时的水分比越低;热风-红外串联联合干燥转换时间节点越早,所需干燥时间越短,在热风与红外干燥阶段干燥速率各出现一次最大值;并联干燥中褐煤水分比呈指数下降,并以降速期为主要阶段;三种干燥方式按比能耗由大到小依次为单一热风干燥(334.54 MJ/kg)、热风-红外并联干燥(273.89 MJ/kg)、热风-红外串联干燥(121.18 MJ/...  相似文献   

通过将两个不同批次的褐煤煤样,用不同的制样方法分别制备出≤0.2 mm的各种分析试样,测试褐煤水分含量,探讨了影响水分结果的一些因素,如空气干燥时间、空气平衡时间、制样和化验的环境等。通过水分测试结果分析表明,褐煤水分随空气干燥的时间增加而逐渐减少,3 h内随空气平衡时间的增加水分减少的趋势较小,但3 h后空气平衡时间越长水分减少的趋势较大。因此褐煤在空气干燥3 h后磨成≤0.2 mm分析试样再空气平衡3 h为最佳的制样方法。  相似文献   

褐煤干燥特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为获得褐煤颗粒干燥器设计的基础数据,对宁夏褐煤进行了工业分析、热重分析,得到了褐煤水分、挥发分的质量分数,确定了宁夏褐煤干燥的温度范围.褐煤的热重分析表明:褐煤干燥温度应不高于250℃.在热重分析确定的温度范围内,采用薄层干燥方式进行了褐煤颗粒的等温干燥实验,获得了褐煤颗粒干燥速率随水分的变化关系,颗粒的干燥主要处于降...  相似文献   

为研究褐煤干燥过程,利用煤质水分分析仪和微分热重分析方法,对不同粒级的褐煤在不同干燥温度下进行等温干燥试验,得到了样品含水率与干燥时间、干燥速率与含水率的关系曲线。通过粒级分布系数对褐煤进行含水率折算,并用不同干燥模型对试验数据进行拟合,得到了在介质温度140℃下3个干燥阶段的干燥方程及干燥动力学参数。结果表明,引入粒级分布系数得到的干燥速率特征常数k值,与不同粒级的干燥速率特征常数k的均值相近。根据褐煤的干燥速率和水分的存在形式,将褐煤干燥过程分为3个干燥阶段,分析得出干燥方程模型分别用线性干燥模型、Wang经验模型、Page模型较为合理。根据Arrhenius经验公式建立了ln k与1/T的关系,得到褐煤干燥的界面蒸发活化能Ea=17.088 k J/mol,指前因子A=12.47 min~(-1)。  相似文献   

Analyzing the attrition of Victorian brown coal during air and steam fluidized bed drying, the change in particle size distribution over a range of initial moisture contents (60% to 0%) and residence times (0 to 60 minutes) was determined. Dried at a temperature of 130°C with a fluidization velocity 0.55 m/s and an initial particle size of 0.5–1.2 mm, both fluidization mediums show a shift in the particle size distribution between three and four minutes of fluidization, with a decrease in mean particle size from 665 µm to around 560 µm. Using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the change in particle size has been attributed to the transition between bulk and non-freezable water (approximately 55% moisture loss) and can be linked to the removal of adhesion water, but not to fluidization effects. This is proved through the comparison of air fluidized bed drying, steam fluidized bed drying, and fixed bed drying—the fixed bed drying is being used to determine the particle size distribution as a function of drying. The results show the three drying methods produce similar particle size distributions, indicating that both fluidization and fluidization medium have no impact upon the particle size distribution at short residence times around ten minutes. The cumulative particle size distribution for air and steam fluidized bed dried coal has been modeled using the equation Pd = A2 + (A1 ? A2)/(1 + (d/x0)p), with the resultant equations predicting the effects of moisture content on the particle size distribution. Analyzing the effect of longer residence times of 30 and 60 minutes, the particle size distribution for steam fluidized bed dried coal remains the same, while air fluidized bed dried coal has a greater proportion of smaller particles.  相似文献   

Drying of water treatment process sludge in a fluidized bed dryer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The drying characteristics of water treatment process (WTP) sludge were investigated with a fluidized bed. The equilibrium moisture ratio of WTP sludge increased with relative humidity and decreased with temperature of drying air. However, equilibrium moisture ratio of WTP sludge was more sensitively dependent on relative humidity than temperature of drying air. When the sludge was dried in a batch fluidized bed, the drying rate of sludge decreased as the moisture ratio of sludge in the bed decreased. The periods of constant drying rates were apparently not observed on the drying rate curves. In addition, the maximum drying rates were increased with bed temperature and superficial air velocity. As the fluidized bed was operated continuously, the degree of drying of WTP sludge increased with bed temperature but was weakly dependent on superficial air velocity. However, the drying efficiency was decreased with bed temperature and relatively insensitive to superficial air velocity and increased with feed rate of sludge.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research are to design, construct and test a mobile fluidized bed paddy dryer with a drying capacity of 2.5-4.0 t/h. Suitable drying conditions are recommended as follows : drying capacity 3.8 t/h, bed velocity 2.8 m/s, average drying air temperature 144 °C, bed height 13.5 cm, fraction of air recycled 0.8. Residence time of paddy was approximately 1.3 minutes. Test results showed that moisture content of paddy was reduced from 32.6 % dry-basis to 25.8 % dry-basis. Consumption of electrical power and diesel fuel was 12.9 kW and 21.71 1/h respectively. Primary energy consumption was 910.9 MJ/h. The dryer could evaporate water 218.8 kg/h. Specific primary energy consumption was 4.2 MJ/kg-water evaporated. Cost of paddy drying was 1.48 baht/kg-water evaporated of which 0.53 was fixed cost and 0.95 was energy cost (US$1 =34baht).  相似文献   

袁璐韫  郑燕萍  杨阿三  孙勤  程榕 《化学工程》2011,39(10):39-42,46
循环流化床(CFB)作为一种新兴反应器,其结构简单、气固接触效率高、处理量大,成为气固二相干燥应用研究的新方向.文中在自建的循环流化床(内径0.104 m×高2.35 m)内,以玉米淀粉(dp=8 μm,ρp=800 kg/m3)为C类颗粒,进行了连续干燥.实验初步研究了进料速率、进风温度及气速等操作参数对淀粉平均停留...  相似文献   


The objectives of this research are to design, construct and test a mobile fluidized bed paddy dryer with a drying capacity of 2.5-4.0 t/h. Suitable drying conditions are recommended as follows : drying capacity 3.8 t/h, bed velocity 2.8 m/s, average drying air temperature 144 °C, bed height 13.5 cm, fraction of air recycled 0.8. Residence time of paddy was approximately 1.3 minutes. Test results showed that moisture content of paddy was reduced from 32.6 % dry-basis to 25.8 % dry-basis. Consumption of electrical power and diesel fuel was 12.9 kW and 21.71 1/h respectively. Primary energy consumption was 910.9 MJ/h. The dryer could evaporate water 218.8 kg/h. Specific primary energy consumption was 4.2 MJ/kg-water evaporated. Cost of paddy drying was 1.48 baht/kg-water evaporated of which 0.53 was fixed cost and 0.95 was energy cost (US$1 =34baht).  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to study systematically how to decrease corn moisture content using processes consisting of fluidized bed drying, tempering and ambient air ventilation. Effects of drying, tempering and ventilation on moisture reduction and quality of dried corn in terms of stress crack, breakage and color are experimentally investigated. Experimental results show that stress crack depends on final moisture content of com. Tempering is found useful for increasing the quality of dried com after fluidized bed drying. The optimum tempering time is 40 minutes. Among the ambient air velocity ranging from 0.075 to 0.375 m/s, the appropriate velocity is 0.15 m/s. Final moisture content of com after ambient air ventilation is about 13.0 - 14.5 %(w.b.) with breakage and stress crack lower than 2% and 5% by wt., respectively. Slight change of color of dried corn is observed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a strategy for reducing moisture in paddy by fluidized bed drying, tempering and ambient air cooling. Experimental results showed that after the three processes, moisture content was reduced from 33 % to 16.5 % dry-basis within approximately 53 minutes. During the first process, a fluidized-bed dryer was used to reduce the moisture content of paddy down to 19.5 % dry-basis within 3 minutes. Then the paddy was tempered for 30 minutes. Finally, it was cooled by ambient air (temperature and relative humidity of 30 °C and 55-60% respectively) with air velocity of 0.15 m/s for 20 minutes. Quality of paddy in terms of head rice yield and whiteness was acceptable.  相似文献   


The drying rates curves in terms of moisture content versus elapsed drying time for white pepper seeds were obtained experimentally using a fluidized bed and a combined microwave/fluidized bed. The combined microwave/fluidized bed employs a microwave field to assist convective drying. For both procedures, the drying rates were found to be dependent on the inlet air temperature and velocity. Significantly improved drying rates were achieved utilized a combined microwave/fluidized bed drying compared with a conventional fluidized bed.  相似文献   


This paper describes a strategy for reducing moisture in paddy by fluidized bed drying, tempering and ambient air cooling. Experimental results showed that after the three processes, moisture content was reduced from 33 % to 16.5 % dry-basis within approximately 53 minutes. During the first process, a fluidized-bed dryer was used to reduce the moisture content of paddy down to 19.5 % dry-basis within 3 minutes. Then the paddy was tempered for 30 minutes. Finally, it was cooled by ambient air (temperature and relative humidity of 30 °C and 55-60% respectively) with air velocity of 0.15 m/s for 20 minutes. Quality of paddy in terms of head rice yield and whiteness was acceptable.  相似文献   

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