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何军 《贵州化工》2012,37(2):58-61
介绍美荷型300kt/a合成氨装置一段蒸汽转化炉辐射段炉顶保温更换和改造对炉顶燃烧器的影响,针对存在的问题提出相应的解决方案。考虑到炉顶保温结构的改变和影响以及燃烧器"存在的问题"想采用新型燃烧器来解决,通过两种燃烧器在同工况条件下使用得出相应数据,论证在"自吸方式进空气"条件下两种燃烧器的可行性。  相似文献   

北京燕化公司化工一厂乙烯装置的BA-109、110两台轻柴油裂解炉原为SRT-Ⅱ型炉,后改成SRT-Ⅳ-HC型炉,同时将原炉顶吊砖结构改为平铺悬吊式陶纤结构。在这两台炉改型后的运行过程中出现了一些问题;尤其是炉顶结构设计不够理想,运行中  相似文献   

广西鹿寨化肥厂对1、2号炼肥高炉生产装置进行了技术改造:①把炉型由瘦长型改为矮胖型,炉熔由38米~3改为42米~3和45米~3,更换了大小料钟和卷扬机,炉顶装置改为高压炉顶,强迫下料。②坚持“精料”入炉,对原料场地、  相似文献   

李凌云 《川化》2001,(3):26-29
一段炉转化管是合成氨装置的关键设备,由于炉内采用火焰直接加热炉管,烧嘴数量大,热量集中,整修炉膛运行,炉内保温衬里的使用情况一直是日常检查和大修工作的重点。从1976年装置投产以来,一段转化炉一直运动正常,辐射段炉顶衬里仅进行局部修补和维护。1997年底,我厂实施了一段炉废热回收节能改造项目,对炉顶衬里结构进行了全面更换,经过3年运行,该结构形式逐步暴露出一些问题,如炉顶上面环境温度明显升高、炉顶钢板烧红、衬里材料局部段斜脱落等。为解决这些问题,确保装置的安全、稳定,在2000年大修中,我们对炉顶衬里结构重新设计、制作、安装,取得了较好的效果。现将3种炉顶结构进行全面的对比分析。  相似文献   

1存在问题1998年以前,我公司年产合成氨4万t,造气共有1台di2260mm和4台rp2400mm煤气发生炉,煤气发生炉炉壁耐火保温层(型砖Z一9‘Z-14‘Z-15砌筑),煤气出口管T800mm保温层(型砖Z-8砌筑)以及旋风除尘器保温层(耐火混凝土浇筑),运行半年或一年就出现部分脱落或塌落现象,导致炉壁。煤气出口管以及旋风除尘器壁受到直接冲刷,从而变形,严重影响生产。2改造方案及实施办法在1998年大修期间,我公司为提高产量,降低消耗,扩大生产能力,决定对煤气发生炉进行改造,将02260mm和di240Omm煤气发生炉改为rp2610mm。采用的是山东博…  相似文献   

我公司66型焦炉的装煤工艺,于2001年末由炉顶装煤改为捣固侧装煤,并在炉顶增设了消烟除尘车。为此与原设计车上的进、出水管产生冲突,使炉组186个立火道无法正常测温,火道烧嘴砖破损不易发现,更难以更换。针对这个问题,我们在考察了相关焦化厂后,进行了如下的改进。(1)将供、排水槽的炉顶部分向焦侧平移1010mm,紧靠焦侧炉柱,保持其截面与支架等各处尺寸不变,以解决对火道测温及火道维护受制约的问题。(2)将煤塔下部区段的供、排水槽分别改成DN150和DN250的螺旋焊接管,仍布置于原设计的煤塔焦侧墙柱的内侧。(3)炉顶“U”型截面水槽与煤塔下…  相似文献   

正本实用新型涉及一种外热式低阶粉煤连续干馏炉的炭化室炉顶结构,包括炉顶盖板及设于其上的下料口、集气伞支座、上升管底座和砖煤气道清扫孔;集气伞支座设在炉顶盖板中部,底部伸入炭化室内连接集气伞;集气伞支座两侧分别设有下料口,下料口的底部也伸入炭化室内;炭化室内下料口底沿下方两侧沿炭化室长向分别设砖煤气道,砖煤气道顶部通过炭化室炉顶空间连通上升管,上升管安装在上升管底座上;砖煤气道上方的炉顶盖板上对应设有砖煤气道清扫孔。本实用新型采用炉顶盖板与炭化室炉顶配合安装,并在其上布置工艺孔的方式,在满足炭化室顶部操作工艺条件要求的同时,可保证荒煤气导出速度及温度,避免水蒸汽、焦油、灰尘冷凝堵塞炉顶煤气通道。  相似文献   

电炉炉顶原采用烧成高铝质炉顶砖,因在使用过程中抗热冲击力差,所以剥落较严重,蚀损速度较快,炉盖使用寿命低.为了提高炉顶砖性能,延长炉盖使用寿命,在基质部分添加天然优质鳞片石墨、Al2O3微粉和SiC作添加物,再配以性能优良的复合结合剂,经高压成型、预热处理等技术,研制生产出了高荷软的电炉顶用不烧含石墨高铝砖.  相似文献   

从国外引进的凯洛格型合成氨装置运行到现在,一段炉的转化管又将迎来一个更换高峰期。转化管整炉更换,工序复杂,所需工期较长,特别是节能技改后炉顶过道改成了风道,上升管的安装空间变得更小,更不利于上升管安装。如何改进转化管排上升管安装更换方式,提高质量、缩短工期、节约成本和增加效益,具有及其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

云南驰宏锌锗股份有限公司硫酸厂建于 1988年 2月 ,采用两台沸腾炉为 6 0kt/a电锌提供原料。该炉为二次扩大型 ,床层面积 16 6m2 ,前室面积 1 4m2 ,球形拱顶直径 7 6 6m ,拱顶中心角 6 0° ,采用混凝土和异型砖保温。生产过程采用酸化焙烧工艺 ,沸腾层温度 890~ 930℃ ,炉顶温度 910~ 92 0℃。因腐蚀泄漏严重 ,1995年 7月大修更换了炉壳并重新砌筑保温层。大修后仍多次出现渗漏 ,对环境和安全生产造成极大的威胁。经研究 ,决定采用施工周期短、密封性能较好的不定型耐火材料整体浇注保温。所选浇注料有两种 :LH - 90 2型 ,组成为…  相似文献   

焚硫炉设计的改进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
总结焚硫炉使用中出现的问题,对焚硫炉结构的设计和选材进行了改进和完善。针对保温材料选用不合格致使焚硫炉壳体温度过高,调整炉墙 厚度,保温层同耐火层一样设为114mm和230mm两层。随着硫磺制酸不断大,粘土质耐火砖的高温机械性能达到极限,建议焚硫炉内层迎火面、挡墙选用高铝砖砌筑,次内层仍用粘土砖,以保证焚硫炉稳定操作。以砂改用槽钢代替角钢加强,并缩短槽钢间距,增加预留膨胀缝量,解决封头的变形。  相似文献   

The paper presents 3D numerical investigation of OP-380 boiler tangentially-fired furnace utilizing bituminous coal. The boiler was retrofitted by replacing traditional jet burners with RI-JET2 (Rapid Ignition — JET) swirl burners. This kind of solution is unique in power generation systems. The purpose of this work is to show how the flow, combustion performance and heat exchange in the furnace are affected by introducing rapid ignition phenomena in RI-JET2 burners instead of delayed ignition associated with the traditional jet burners. Results were compared to simulations of similarly designed boiler equipped with traditional jet burners. Furnace simulation was preceded with a single RI-JET2 burner simulation at the inlet to a virtual combustion chamber. The results have shown that pulverized coal (PC) concentrator separates the PC into two streams: concentric with fine particles and axial with coarse particles. Stable flame operation was noticed even without secondary and tertiary air swirl. 3D simulations of combustion chamber have shown that in a burner zone a visibly isolated, concentrated flame exists in the furnace axis. This kind of flame shape reduces corrosion risk and furnace walls slagging as a result of RI-JET2 burner's long range.  相似文献   

付晓锋  高鹤年  唐贵川 《广州化工》2010,38(7):203-204,211
介绍了锦西石化北蒸馏装置在加热炉改造中应用新型强化传热燃烧器的情况。强化传热燃烧器的使用,改善了辐射室的传热模式,提高了加热炉炉管的传热强度,从而实现同等热负荷下热效率的提高、炉膛温度和排烟温度的降低、烟气有害物质的减少。环保、经济、社会效益显著。  相似文献   

It is unjustifiable to assume that a furnace roof cannot be safely insulated. The principal variables controlling the possibility of safe insulation are: (1) temperature of bath below melting point of silica brick roof; (2) transparency of the atmosphere within the furnace, i.e., no possibility of impingement of dense hot flames. The data of this paper are taken from observations on a glass tank furnace in which the combustion rate (B.t.u. per cu. ft. per hr.) is very low. A testing method is described which will show whether or not insulation is safe for any given furnace, considering only the temperature of the inside face of the brick as affected by the application of insulation. The possibility that if the roof is insulated the progress of fluxing of the silica brick by dust and fumes within the furnace may be accelerated because the higher mean temperature of the brick is considered. In the furnace observed, corrosive dust and fumes were in the gases to a considerable extent, yet no unusual deterioration of the roof brick was noted after three years of insulation under continuous operation.  相似文献   

针对活性石灰回转窑在运行中存在内衬砖使用寿命短、隔热效果不好导致炉壳过热的问题,开展了回转窑内衬耐火材料的研究。通过破损调查和配方试验,研制了耐高温工作层与保温层一体成型的复合结构预制砖,使回转窑内衬的使用寿命提高到2年以上,降低炉壳表面温度50℃以上。  相似文献   

S.P. Khare  A.Z. Farida  B. Moghtaderi 《Fuel》2008,87(7):1042-1049
Combustion tests were undertaken in a vertical pilot-scale furnace (1.2 MWt) at the IHI test facility in Aioi, Japan, to compare the performance of an air fired swirl burner retrofitted to oxy fired pf coal combustion with the oxy fired feed conditions established to match the furnace heat transfer for the air fired case. A turn down test at a reduced load was also conducted to study the impact on flame stability and furnace performance.Experimental results include gas temperature measurements using pyrometry to infer the ignition location of the flames, flue gas composition analysis, and residence time and carbon burnout. Theoretical computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling studies using the Fluent 6.2 code were made to infer mechanisms for flame ignition changes.Previous research has identified that differences in the gas compositions of air and oxy systems increase particle ignition times and reduce flame propagation velocity in laminar systems. The current study also suggests changes in jet aerodynamics, due to burner primary and secondary velocity differences (and hence the momentum flux ratio of the flows) also influence flame shape and type.For the oxy fuel retrofit considered, the higher momentum flux of the primary stream of the oxy-fuel burner causes the predicted ignition to be delayed and occur further distant from the burner nozzle, with the difference being accentuated at low load. However, the study was limited to experimental flames being all Type-0 (low swirl with no internal recirculation), and therefore future work consider higher swirl flames (with internal recirculation) more common in industry.  相似文献   

武小红 《广东化工》2014,(9):182-183,176
通过对延迟焦化加热炉原设计和现场操作数据的核算找出加热炉存在的问题,在不对设备本体做较大改动的情况下,通过改造盘管的布置提高加热炉操作负荷,以满足焦化装置扩能的需要。并通过对燃烧器、预热器、衬里的改造,使炉管受热均匀,减少结焦,降低排烟温度,减少散热损失,提高焦化炉的热效率,达到节能减排的效果。  相似文献   

某钢铁公司加热炉采用PLC炉温控制系统,根据加热炉的上、下部烧嘴布置及烧嘴本身的特点,加热炉上部区的温度采用传统的空/煤气流量双交叉限幅控制(比例控制),而下部区的温度控制采用数字式燃烧控制技术。重点介绍了加热炉下部区的温度控制方式、脉冲数字烧嘴工作时间控制,以及火焰长度控制。  相似文献   

配备底部烧嘴和侧壁烧嘴的乙烯裂解炉应用越来越广泛,不同燃烧模式影响着炉膛内湍流流动状态,考虑到裂解炉中湍流流动与燃气喷料、燃烧和传热有较强的非线性耦合作用,为此探究不同湍流模型在裂解炉/反应器耦合模拟中的影响对于裂解炉的精确设计和优化至关重要。针对不同湍流模型对某十万吨工业乙烯裂解炉进行了耦合模拟,利用CFD数值模拟对采用标准k-ε模型、RNG k-ε和Realizable k-ε模型所建立的湍流流动模型进行评估。将三种湍流模型的模拟结果与工业数据进行比较,重点分析了裂解炉内的速度、温度、湍流能力等参数的分布情况,表明Realizable k-ε模型在火焰稳定性、反应效率等方面优于其他两种模型,且基于Realizable k-ε湍流方程的反应管模型在热通量、炉管外壁温度分布计算结果更接近实际工况。  相似文献   

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