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发展腐植酸复合肥料是腐肥向高浓度多养份发展的一个方向。在腐植酸复合肥料中,腐植酸与 N、P、K 以及作物需要的其他营养元素、微量元素之间应当按怎样的比例搭配才合适?这是需要根据具体使用对象和条件如土壤、作物、气候等情况加以研究的一方面课题。但是从工艺要求上而论,共同的和很重要的一点是应该十分注意和努力做到复合肥料中的各种成份能互相促进,避免或减少成份之间可能产生的互相牵制,以  相似文献   

温度、营养和光强对发状念珠藻生长的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了温度、营养和光强对发状念珠藻(Nostoc flagelliforme Born. et Flah.)生长的影响. 结果表明,温度、营养和光强的变化影响其生长速率和细胞的生化组成. 藻细胞在25℃温度与45 μmol/(m2×s)光强下培养分别得到最大比生长速率;而N, P和Ca2+缺乏显著降低细胞的比生长速率,微量元素As和K缺乏对细胞生长速率没有明显影响. 随着培养温度的增加,胞外多糖含量逐渐下降;而不同光强对胞外多糖含量也具有显著影响,高光强和低光强下的多糖含量均高,而15~45 mmol/(m2×s)光强下的胞外多糖含量仅是高光强和低光强实验组的10%~20%左右;营养成份的缺失不利于多糖的合成,缺Ca等对胞外多糖的分泌影响较大. 适宜的生长温度(25℃)下蛋白质含量高于其它温度;高光强[90~180 μmol/(m2×s)]下的蛋白质含量显著高于其它光强;营养成份缺失的实验组蛋白质含量均比未缺失的对照组(BG11)低.  相似文献   

刘晓文  高玉刚 《广州化工》2022,50(7):95-96+104
为了研究多孔粒状铵油炸药的组成成份及各组份所占的百分比,本文采用水浴烘箱法和水分测定器法测得多孔粒状铵油炸药的水分含量,同时采用蒸馏洗涤方法测量分析多孔粒状铵油炸药中硝酸铵与柴油所占比例。实验结果表明:使用水分测定器法测得多孔粒状铵油炸药的水分含量更为精确,水分测定器法适用于含有柴油类的铵油炸药。蒸馏洗涤方法测量多孔粒状铵油炸药的组份方便可靠。  相似文献   

钾元素在烟叶中的分布特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡金 《广东化工》2009,36(7):48-49,69
运用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP—AES)法,测定国内和部分进口烟叶中无机元素钾含量,进行了统计分析,得出了烟叶钾含量随地区差异,部位差异和年份差异钾含量的规律。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童营养性疾病患儿矿物质元素测定的临床意义。方法对683例儿童营养性疾病患儿进行血清矿物质元素测定,并与200例健康体检儿童的检测结果进行比较。结果佝偻病患儿血清钙和血清锌水平低于正常对照组,血铅含量高于正常对照组,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);营养不良患儿血清铁和锌水平低于正常对照组,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);营养性贫血患儿血清铁、铜水平低于正常对照组,血铅高于正常对照组,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论儿童体内矿物质元素含量的异常与营养性疾病的发生密切相关,合理营养、平衡膳食是预防儿童营养性疾病重要措施。  相似文献   

欧盟委员会拟扩大食品中农药残留情况的调查,2008年提出调查活性成份有78种.到2009年将对另26种活性成份进行调查.到2016年要在增加25个。三年内的调查涉及不同的作物。2008年的作物对象是菜豆、胡萝卜、黄瓜、桔和橙、梨、马铃薯、菠菜和水稻。  相似文献   

一、前言本文所讨论的硝化甘油含量较高的双基无烟药是指硝化甘油含量在40%左右的制式双基药,这类无烟药大部分用于迫击炮装药,又称双迫型无烟药,如:双环、双螺、双片、双带等。近年来枪和无后座力炮也在采用类似成份的装药。它们的硝化甘油含量大都在40%,比40%还高的硝化甘油含量的其他类型无烟药或推进剂虽然本文并未涉及,但仍可以从实验数据及其讨论中得到一定的启示。双迫型无烟药的化学安定性在人们的印象中比单基无烟药差,首先是它含有较多的硝化  相似文献   

<正> 随着营养学家对各种元素在动物生理学中作用的研究,至今已经确认:矿物质在动物肌体内或与无机物或与有机物相互结合,以各种形式存在于肌体各部位,成为肌体的组成成分,特别是在骨骼、血液中含量最多,而且尚能转移到肉、蛋等产品之中。还注意到禽兽发生各方面的营养性障碍,而引起各类疾病也都与从自然界中取得各种矿物元素不足或缺乏有关。可见矿物元素是养鸡所必需的养分之一,在营养学上作为饲料是必  相似文献   

Ⅳ.营养(续)食物的组成成份有关我国食物成份的报告已经出现了很多篇,其中比较全面而有系统的报告,早年的有吴宪关於北京食物营养价值的论文及李维(钅荣)等所编“上海食物,较近的有中央卫生研究院营养学系制订的食物成份表。有关食物中某一项成份的报告也不少:关於矿质的有张昌颖的165种食物的分析,汪葆濬等报告了碘含量,鄭集与周同璧报告了食物中的氟含量;关於维生素的有张锡钧与萨本铁等,侯祥川,陈朝玉,纪育丰等,李维(钅荣)  相似文献   

一、前言磷酸二氢钾是在国际市场上销路较好的一种磷钾肥,它的有效营养成份总含量在80%以上,有显著增产效益。但在我国的推广应用遭到很大困难,主要是生产成本太高。究其原因可以认为大致来自两个方面。其一,我国的磷矿资源,高品位的少,而中低品位的多,且铁、铝、镁等杂质含量甚高,  相似文献   

A set of 46 different trademarks of margarines produced in Brazil by eight different companies was investigated in terms of the national labeling requirements for trans fatty acids (TFA). Experimental measurements of the content of total saturated fatty acids, cis‐monounsaturated fatty acids, cis‐polyunsaturated fatty acids and total TFA by gas chromatography showed the reliability of the data listed on the nutrition facts panel, which were used as reference for this analysis. The results revealed that 50% of the manufacturers and 13% of all the investigated trademarks of margarines violated the current Brazilian labeling regulations. A group of 200 consumers categorized by age, sex and years of formal education was also questioned about the importance of nutrition labeling information and TFA. Approximately 33% of the consumers interviewed were not informed about the possible detrimental effects of TFA on human health. Individuals with longer years of formal education and those affected by coronary heart diseases attributed to the intake of TFA were most interested in reading the nutrition labeling.  相似文献   

河西走廊灌区质地中壤的灌漠土上,21年的长期定位试验表明:无有机肥条件下连年施用化肥比无肥处理增产粮食19.6%-300.5%,比有机肥增产16.2%~101.6%,对粮食增产贡献率平均达50%。连续平衡施用化肥,土壤有机质含量连续19年下降了24.9%~27.4%;土壤全N比初始年提高13.7%~46.1%,速效N含量呈稳中下降的动态:土壤全P含量比初始年提高4.4%~5.1%,速效P含量提高16.3%-19.1%;土壤K素库处于长期亏缺状态。速效K含量呈稳步降低的动态。化肥养分具有明显的间接培肥效应,在生物循环中以有机肥为载体下年输入土壤的N、P、K化肥养分分别占当年投入量的27.1%~31_3%、23.8%~27.0%和33.2%;化肥增产的秸秆有机c输入下年土壤的达567.3~626.7kg/hm。,证明有机肥中相当一部分养分来自化肥及其化肥的生产物。  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that there is a need for improved teaching of nutrition in medical schools and for increased education of the general population. A questionnaire, derived in part from a study of physician knowledge, was administered to first year medical students in order to assess their knowledge of various aspects of nutrition and metabolism, and as a teaching tool to transmit information about the subject. The performance of first year students was consistent with a generally educated population but there were surprising deficits in some fundamental areas of nutrition. Results of the questionnaire are informative about student knowledge, and immediate reinforcement from a questionnaire may provide a useful teaching tool. In addition, some of the subject matter can serve as a springboard for discussion of critical issues in nutrition such as obesity and markers for cardiovascular disease. A major barrier to improved teaching of nutrition is the lack of agreement on some of these critical issues and there are apparent inconsistencies in recommendations of government and health agencies. It seems reasonable that improved teaching should address the lack of knowledge of nutrition, rather than knowledge of official guidelines. Student awareness of factual information should be the primary goal.  相似文献   

Feasibilities to Improve the State of World Nutrition Under Consideration of Cassava, soya, Milk Protein and Blood Plasma 400 to 500 millions of people in our world still suffer from hunger and every year the world's population increases by 80 million people. The developing countries will not obtain self-sufficiency with conventional food basing on cereals (annual increase of consumption by 3.7% and of production by 2.6%) inspite of intensial agrarian support by the industrial countries. Cassava with its great yield of starch-four and soya beans with their great content to biological valuable protein can represent the main support of nutrition in the coming decades by application of modern food technology. Bread and extrusion products from starch-flour of different origin together with soya flour and lupine or from mixtures with wheat flour will make up a reliable component of human nutrition in the next years.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and repair processes in arteriosclerosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kaunitz  Hans 《Lipids》1978,13(5):373-374
The high cholesterol content of the atheroma and the correlation between elevation of the serum cholesterol and myocardial infractions gave rise to the lipid theory of arteriosclerosis, which assumes that cholesterol induces arteriosclerotic lesions and that its reduction counteracts their development. However, many facts contradict this theory. Therefore, a new hypothesis has been based on the high cholesterol content of old pathological lesions of granulomatous nature and the similarity of atheromata to granulomas. In the latter, a complicated tissue containing a high percentage of cholesterol is deposited in response to the injurious agent, which becomes walled off by this tissue. Thus, cholesterol forms part of a protective mechanism, a hypothesis compatible with the known facts about the relationship of cholesterol to arteriosclerosis.  相似文献   



Individuals who have knowledge on the importance of adequate and balanced diet and reflect this knowledge to their behaviors are considered to be more successful in sports life. The present study aims to evaluate the nutrition knowledge of students receiving sports education in universities.


The study sample consists of 343 voluntary students from the Sports Departments of Hacettepe, Gazi and Ankara Universities in Ankara. The questionnaire used in the study included a demographic section, and 30 questions on true-false nutrition knowledge. For the reliability of the questionnaire, the internal consistency coefficient was calculated and the Kuder Richardson (KR-20) value was found to be 0.71. For higher reliability, 9 dysfunctional questions were excluded from the questionnaire. The research data were collected through a questionnaire form and face-to-face interviews. For the statistical analyses of the data, tables were prepared to show mean, standard deviation ( ) and percentage (%) values. In order to determine the nutrition knowledge of students, the "independent t test" was used for nutrition lesson and gender.


University students receiving sports education and expected to continue their professional lives on sport-related fields were determined to have the lack of knowledge on nutrition. The mean value about the nutrition knowledge of the first year students was found 11.150 ± 2.962, while the mean value of the fourth year students was 13.460 ± 3.703, and the difference is statistically significant (p = .000).


Students, coaches and teachers in physical education were found not to give the necessary importance to their diets, and they were still not aware of the importance of nutrition on performance.  相似文献   

The authors studied the impact of a rural development project on household food security and nutrition. A quasi-experimental study design was used to compare the experience of members of thirteen Honduran small-holder farmers groups which had already received a year of credit and technical assistance, with another thirteen groups which had just joined the project, and thirteen control communities. All these communities were followed-up for one year (March/April 1997-March/April 1998). Farmers participating in the project showed a greater increase in maize stores than farmers in the control communities (p = 0.01), but did not increase their dietary energy consumption. There was, however, a small improvement in their dietary diversity (p = 0.01). The impact of the project on the nutritional status of under 5's was complex. The study underlined the importance of monitoring the impact of programs which may affect food and nutrition.  相似文献   

The influence of K fertilizer timing on yield and K nutrition of sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid sp.) was investigated by field experiments in Mauritius. The data obtained showed that delaying all or half of the recommended 150 Kg K/ha to coincide with the peak growth period of sugarcane had no significant bearing on the yield and K nutritional status of the sugarcane. In areas with an annual rainfall less than 2000 mm per year, the K requirement of as many as 6 sugarcane crops could be met by a single application of K fertilizer banded in the rows at planting. However in regions where rainfall exceeds 2000 mm per year, yearly application of the required K is preferable to a large single application of K fertilizer at planting.  相似文献   

试验材料为东北师范大学泥炭研究所所研制,在田间微区裁培条件下进行了一体化育苗营养基块与常规营养土育苗的比较试验。试验结果表明:不同施肥处理的一体化营养基育苗与常规营养土育苗相比,西红柿产量平均增加了590%,茎叶生物产量增加了35.52%;在施用有机肥和氯磷肥基础上配合施用钾肥或腐质酸复合肥,西红柿Vc的含量分别增加了5.2%和23.95%;一体化营养基育苗各处理西红柿硝酸盐含量比营养土育苗平均降低了35.53%。黄瓜育苗用一体化育苗营养基块与散状泥炭育苗营养基穴盘育苗法进行做区田间栽培比较试验,一体化营养基育苗与穴盘育苗法相比,黄瓜产量平均增加32.87%,茎叶生物产量平均增加了52.50%。  相似文献   

20世纪末以来,人们发现金在CO低温氧化中具有良好的催化活性,由此拉开了金催化研究的序幕。金催化有着重要的学术价值及广泛的应用前景。本文在简述了金催化的研究开发意义、商业价值及机理研究基础上,评述了近几年来金催化在一些有工业应用前景的化学反应中的国内外研究现状,重点对CO氧化反应、水煤气变换反应、烯烃加氢、醇和醛氧化反应、双氧水合成、碳氢键活化反应等进行了评述。还特别结合作者课题组在金催化羰化反应中的最新研究成果进行了深入讨论。若金催化剂能够大规模用于或部分替代其它贵金属所涉及的催化领域,将会产生一场历史性的变革。  相似文献   

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