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本文简述了绿色农药制剂的特点以及几种绿色农药剂型的组成、技术指标、加工、特点等。  相似文献   

农药泡腾剂是一种相对较新,发展较晚的剂型。此剂型不仅具有水分散粒剂(或片剂)无溶剂、无粉尘、稳定性好的优点,而且还具有入水后能够迅速崩解的特点。论述了农药泡腾剂的优点、崩解过程、配方组成、应用效果和注意的问题。同时指出,它符合农药发展的环保性、安全性、方便性和高效性等方面的要求,受到市场的推崇,有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

未来农药的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了农药的重要性以及农药的广泛使用所引起的日益严重的环境污染问题,指出了未来农药的发展趋势应该是绿色农药。绿色农药包括手性农药、光敏化农药、转基因农药、生物农药及绿色农药制剂等。  相似文献   

专利发明名称:一种微胶囊绿色农药制剂及其制备方法专利发明名称:生物抗菌排毒饲料添加剂及其制备方法摘要:本发明公开了一种微胶囊绿色农药制剂及其制备方法,微胶囊绿色农药制剂是由囊核和囊皮组成,其特点是囊皮包括动物胶、植物胶、海产品胶中的两种及两种以上的水解物的组合  相似文献   

农药水分散粒剂的发展概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水分散粒剂是上世纪80年代新开发的一种农药制剂,具有包装和使用方便,没有溶剂,无粉尘,安全性好、对环境污染小、在水中崩解性好的特点,已成为当今农药剂型的主流发展方向。本文在讨论了水分散粒剂基本特征、配方及其制备方法的基础上,指出国内对水分散粒剂的研究需加大力度。  相似文献   

腐植酸类农药及其发展前景   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
许恩光  曾宪成 《腐植酸》2004,(2):1-6,36
腐植酸类农药是一种新型的绿色环保农药,具有高效、低毒、安全、环保等特点。腐植酸类农药的出现,标志着一类环保型无公害农药的开发方向。它把原农药的单向调节(即靶标生物)扩展到环境保护,将有害生物宏观调节扩大到微生态调节。腐植酸类农药还可将化学农药与生物农药联结到一起,建立一个化学农药——腐植酸类物质——生物农药三位一体的绿色环保农药支柱,为农业可持续发展提供一条新路。  相似文献   

正1我国绿色农药创制概况绿色农药创制难度大,属原始创新,也是多学科交叉的复杂系统工程,具有周期长、投资大、成功率低、竞争激烈等特点,也正因如此,我国创制的农药品种数量极少。目前世界常用的农药品种600余种,其中我国发明的仅有10余种,致使我国高端农药品种基本依赖进口,严重制约了有害生物防治水平,亟需创制具有自主知识产权、安全高效的新农药品种。事实上,自  相似文献   

绿色食品与绿色农药   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农产品安全性是农产品质量的重要内容,绿色食品是农产品安全质量的具体表征,绿色农药是实施绿色植保工程主要措施。绿色农药是一系列高效、安全、环境相容性较好的农药。本文就绿色食品与绿色农药的关系、绿色农药的范畴、有关施用技术以及绿色农药研制与开发中的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

农药废水处理技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了目前我国农药废水的现状及特点,介绍了已经应用于农药废水处理的各种方法,认为开发新的有效的绿色的处理方法,处理药剂是农药废水处理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

化学农药的发展方向-绿色化学农药   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
刘建超  贺红武  冯新民 《农药》2005,44(1):1-3,39
环境的现状和绿色化学的实施对化学农药提出了挑战,同时也为化学农药的发展提供了机遇。今后化学农药的发展方向是化学合成类绿色农药,即绿色化学农药,其特点是:①超高效:药剂量少而见效快;②高选择性:仅对特定有害生物起作用;③无公害:无毒或低毒且能迅速降解。广大农药工作者应该强化绿色意识、合理设计目标分子、快速有效地筛选,将绿色化学新技术应用到农药研制的每一个环节,使传统的化学农药发展为绿色化学农药,使化学农药立于不败之地。  相似文献   

2004~2005年国外塑料工业进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了2004年7月-2005年6月国外塑料工业的相关资料,介绍了2004年~2005年国外塑料工业的发展情况。提供了世界几大区域塑料的产量、增长率及所占份额;美国、德国、日本、韩国、法国、比利时、印度、西班牙、中国台湾、加拿大、巴西、英国等国家和地区的不同树脂的产量及消费量;各国、各地区塑料原料的产量、进出口量、国内消费量和人均消费量;日本塑料原料的生产情况。按通用热塑性树脂(聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚氯乙烯、ABS树脂)、工程塑料(聚酰胺、聚碳酸酯、聚甲醛、热塑性聚酯、聚苯醚)、通用热固性树脂(酚醛、聚氨酯、不饱和树脂、环氧树脂)、特种工程塑料(聚苯硫醚、液晶聚合物、聚醚醚酮、聚砜)的品种顺序,对树脂的产量、消费量、供需状况及合成工艺、产品开发、树脂品种的延伸及应用的扩展作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to quantify the methyl esters of linoleic (LA), α-linolenic (LNA), arachidonic (AA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in the muscular tissue and orbital cavity of farmed Matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) and in those caught in the Brazilian Amazonian Area during two periods. For the farmed fish, the amounts (mg/g of fat) of LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA found in the muscle were 197.6, 75.7, 165.0, 4.1, and 30.0 mg/g of fat, respectively. The amounts of these FA in the orbital cavity were 152.6, 9.1, 249.4, 3.6, and 22.3 mg/g of fat for LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA, respectively. For the fish caught during the wet period, the LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA found in the muscle were 438.2, 118.3, 42.7, 5.2, and 10.3 mg/g of fat, in the orbital cavity were found 489.1, 18.6, 18.1, 6.2, and 18.7 mg/g of fat, respectively. In the dry season, the amounts (mg/g of fat) of LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA in the muscle were 193.1, 40.0, 43.4, 8.1, and 61.3, while the found in the orbital cavity were 152.9, 28.4, 5.1, 4.9, 19.6 mg/g of fat. According to their contents of EPA, and DHA, matrinxã captured in the dry season can be considered as a rich source of EFA.  相似文献   

Conclusions On the basis of a study of the magnesia-spinellide roof of a melting furnace it was established that the refractory consists of four zones, the least changed, the working, the zone of contact with the lining slag, and in the lining slag. A nonuniform distribution of the components in specimens of lining slag taken from different portions of the roof was observed.The lining slag and the zone of contact with the lining slag consist of crystals of picrochromite, ferrite, and magnesioferrite, between which there is located a silicate binder including forsterite, hedenbergite, and the impurity phases bunsenite, hematite, and magnetite. The working zone consists of chromite, picrochromite, monticellite, and the introduced melting products copper, chalcosite, and cuprite.On the basis of analysis of the data on failure of refractories as the result of chemical interaction with the melting products, penetration of the low-melting components, and thermomechanical cracking at the boundaries of the zones it was established that one of the methods of protection of the roof is cooling.Translated from Ogneupory, No. 2, pp. 51–55, February, 1989.  相似文献   

针对陶瓷墙地砖干法制粉造粒立柱对颗粒均匀度的影响.基于不同的造粒立柱几何参数,采用干法制粉制备颗粒,分析造粒立柱对颗粒均匀度的影响;同时基于CFD方法构建陶瓷墙地砖干法制粉混料过程欧拉-欧拉双流体模型,数值模拟验证实验的正确性.实验检测表明:当造粒立柱几何参数依次为6 mm、7 mm、8 mm、9 mm、10 mm时,对应制备颗粒最大均匀度为4.81、4.97、5.23、5.17、4.99,颗粒平均均匀度为4.71、4.85、4.98、4.87、4.83.数值模拟表明:当造粒立柱几何参数依次为6 mm、7 mm、8 mm时,粉体的分散性逐渐变好,团聚现象逐渐消失;当造粒立柱几何参数依次为9 mm、10 mm时,粉体的分散性逐渐变差,团聚现象逐渐明显.综合分析说明:造粒立柱几何参数为8 mm时,颗粒均匀度最大,粉体分散性最好,团聚现象不明显,且实验检测与数值模拟基本相吻合.  相似文献   

熊伟  陈志盛  孙超 《广东化工》2014,(1):133-135
对于经济器螺杆压缩机的油路系统进行分析,同时运用EES软件对油路系统进行模拟计算。研究结果表明制冷工质为R22时,不同工况下,性能系数COP随喷油温度的升高而提高,孔径越大喷油孔处的喷油量越大;对于制冷工质分别为R22、R717、R134a时,冷凝温度取308.15K,提高蒸发温度,可以减小功耗、提高COP,同时还可以降低喷油量。但是系统喷油量减少后,压缩机排气温度升高,导致电功率增大,性能系数减小。因此,要合理选择系统的喷油量,需要综合考虑系统的COP和排气温度等因素。  相似文献   

林汝汉  关远鹏 《广东化工》2010,37(8):168-170
文章分析了铝型材、酸洗不锈钢、五金表面处理行业生产过程中产生的废渣、酸渣、和碱渣,并对固体废物浸出毒性物中的pH、铜、锌、镍、铅、镉、总铬、六价铬、汞、砷、无机氟化物(不含氟化钙)项目进行了研究。结果表明,三种废物按其超标率及项目的超标程度来比较,酸渣最高,程度最深,碱渣次之,废渣则最轻;若按行业产生的固体废物分则酸洗不锈钢和铝材行业固体废物超标较为严重,五金表面处理(不包括电镀)行业的酸渣和碱渣腐蚀性较强。  相似文献   

本文研究了静注人免疫球蛋白(pH4)使用可能存在的不良反应的情况。结果显示,温度对静注人免疫球蛋白(pH4)的结构、活性、产品质量、用药疗效等有明显的影响。在此基础上,提出了产品生产各工艺阶段的温度控制要求。同时,结合GMP管理的有关要求提出了产品生产过程中的药品质量风险管理的注意事项,结合药品的使用提出了生产过程中需要落实的质量风险控制措施,以此来确保产品的质量可靠、疗效确切、使用安全。在保证产品质量的同时,有效的控制药品使用过程中可能的风险,切实有效的保护患者权益,不将患者(身体虚弱,本身就是一种风险)置于药品质量、药品使用的潜在风险之中,更好的发挥药品的疾病治疗与预防作用。  相似文献   

We have carried out a new study of the color combinations selected by Le Corbusier in ‘les claviers de couleurs’ for the Salubra wallpaper company in 1931, by analyzing them in the Natural Color System, which allows us to understand the perceptive variables of colors (hue, blackness, and chromaticness) as well as their combination criteria. Regarding the perceptive variables, we have discussed the selected hue ranges in relation to other color proposals of Le Corbusier himself, and we have shown the extensive presence of earthy hues, or the noteworthy absence of other colors such as yellows, violets, black, and white. We have also analyzed the chromaticness of colors, which is generally low, and the blackness, also very limited. In relation to the combination criteria, we aim to find out the underlying order in the color combinations by studying the similarities and contrasts of their perceptive variables. We demonstrate graphically, by a navigable three‐dimensional model, and with statistical support, some principles in Le Corbusier's color preferences, such as the combination of colors with equal chromaticness, the search of some contrast in blackness, or the usual resource of contrasting cool with warm colors, something slightly different to the contrast of complementary colors. We have also discussed other compositional criteria held by Le Corbusier to use color in his Purist architecture, which are related to the position and proportion of the surfaces to be colored, the connotations associated to different hues, or the use of plain colors, among others. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 41, 85–100, 2016  相似文献   

生物沸石滤池处理污染水源水的中试研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自行研制的生物沸石滤池具有溶气效率高,反冲周期长,抗氨氮冲击负荷,结构简单,操作方便等优点。利用此装置处理污染水源水的中试结果表明:挂膜期间,初期对氨氮的去除以离子交换和吸附作用为主,末期以硝化作用为主。氨氮的去除率呈现先下降再上升最后达到稳定的现象;提高水力负荷对氨氮、CODMn、铁、锰、浊度都有不同程度的影响,当水力负荷从1.06m3/(m2.h)增加到4.24m3/(m2.h)时,氨氮去除率降低了47.9%,而CODMn、浊度、铁、锰的去除率分别下降了29.1%,52.3%,41.4%,24.2%。最佳水力负荷3.18m3/(m2.h)时,氨氮、CODMn、浊度、铁和锰的去除率分别为75.2%,31.8%,27.8%,31.6%,48.2%;温度和水力负荷对氨氮的去除率有较大的影响,温度较低时,降低水力负荷,提高水力停留时间,可以提高氨氮的去除率。  相似文献   

This research aimed to quantify the methyl esters of linoleic (LA), γ-linolenic (LNA), arachidonic (AA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in the muscular tissue and orbital cavity of farmed tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and in those caught in the Brazilian Amazonian Area during two periods. For the farmed fish, the amounts of LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA found in the muscle were 208.0, 12.4, 57.9, 5.0, and 25.1 mg/g, respectively. The amounts of these FA in the orbital cavity were 103.4, 6.6, 20.0, 4.4, and 8.1 mg/g for LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA, respectively. For the fish caught during the flood period, the LA, LNA, AA, EPA, and DHA levels were 297.3, 50.7, 32.3, 3.8, and 14.1 mg/g in the muscle and in the orbital cavity were 259.7, 40.3, 10.8, 5.5, and 9.3 mg/g, respectively. For the fish captured in the dry season the levels of LA, LNA, AA, EPA and DHA in the muscle were 262.0, 48.0, 157.6, 9.3, and 40.2 mg/g and in the orbital cavity were 102.5, 15.7, 24.6, 7.0, and 8.9 mg/g. According to their contents of AA, EPA, and DHA, tambaqui captured in the dry season can be considered as a rich source of EFA. The adipose tissue of the orbital cavity did not show sufficiently high EPA and DHA contents to classify it as a better source of FA than the muscle.  相似文献   

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