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内构件对高密度提升管内气体混合行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
魏飞  杨艳辉  金涌 《化工学报》2001,52(9):766-770
在Φ18 6mm的提升管内 ,以空气和FCC颗粒为实验对象 ,采用气体稳态示踪技术对高密度提升管内气体混合规律研究的结果表明 :引入钝体的高密度提升管内 ,远离构件区域的气体在径向上的混合仍符合气体的拟均相二维扩散模型 ,颗粒的引入使得气体的径向扩散变差 .钝体的引入 ,使得床内流体产生强烈的绕流 ,径向分布变得均匀 .模拟结果表明 ,气体的径向扩散系数Er达到了 1.0× 10 3cm2 ·s-1,比提升管 30cm2 ·s-1高出一个半量级 ,可很好地改善高密度提升管内气体的径向混合行为  相似文献   

内构件对于高密度提升管流体力学行为的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
魏飞  杨艳辉  金涌 《化工学报》2000,51(6):806-809
引 言近年发展的高密度提升管反应器 ,由于其较高的颗粒固含量 ,很容易达到很高的反应效率 .同时由于其具有的高气固通量、颗粒的循环操作方式和优良的传热性能 ,使得这一类反应器特别适宜于以中间产物为目的产品、要求高转化率和高选择性的强放热氧化 -还原类反应过程[1,2 ] .但大量实验表明 ,提升管特别是高密度提升管中空隙率、气体和颗粒速度沿径向的分布很不均匀 .这样将造成非常严重的颗粒和气体返混 ,固体颗粒停留时间分布变宽 ,反应程度参差不齐 ,造成反应器的处理能力偏低[1~ 4 ] .许多研究者采用在提升管中加设内构件的方法来改…  相似文献   

内构件对于提升管中颗粒混合行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
对加设了钝体式内构件的提升管内颗粒的轴径向混合为进行了研究。研究结果表明,内构件的存在并不能明显减少提升管内颗粒的轴向返混,这与提升管内稳定的微观两相结构密切相关,但颗粒的径向混合能力却可大大加强,而且在越高的气速和固含条件下,这种加强作用越明显,其原因是内构件的存在加强了边壁区颗粒的脉动,有利于破坏提升管边壁区的颗粒浓环,促进颗粒的径向交换与混合。  相似文献   

he hydrodynamics and solids mixing behavior in a riser with blunt internals are studied. A uniform radial distribution for solids fraction and particle velocity achieves near the internals. The turbulent velocity of particles near the wall increases with the addition of the internals, with the lateral solids mixing enhanced significantly. Probability density distribution of particle velocity is bimodal in the riser with internals, which is similar to that in the conventional riser, indicating that no significant difference in the micro flow structure exists between the riser with internals and the conventional riser. At the same time, the axial solids mixing behavior changes insignificantly with the addition of internals. These results indicate that the micro flow structure in the riser is very stable, which changes insignificantly with the change of the bed structure.  相似文献   

提升管-下行床耦合反应器内颗粒混合行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
刘会娥  杨艳辉  魏飞  金涌 《化工学报》2002,53(3):302-306
引 言循环流化床中气固两相的流动有两种不同的方式 :提升管中为气固并流上行的逆重力场运动 ,下行床中为气固并流下行的顺重力场运动 .其差异表现为提升管内颗粒浓度、速度以及气体速度在径向上严重的不均匀 ,颗粒浓度概率密度分布以及速度的瞬时信号都表明了颗粒团 -空穴两相结构的存在[1] ,一些研究[2 ,3] 还发现提升管中颗粒的停留时间分布 (RTD)曲线存在较大的拖尾甚至出现双峰 ,研究者认为提升管内存在弥散颗粒和颗粒团两种不同的混合机理 ;下行床则比提升管大大改善 ,气固速度、颗粒浓度沿径向分布要均匀得多 ,颗粒的RTD曲线…  相似文献   

通过增加新型内构件来改善内循环三相流化床的流体力学与传质特性,以实现化工、环保领导中追求高氧利用率的过程。针对此过程设计了3种不同结构参数的漏斗型导流内件并设置于导流筒顶端,分别测定反应器内气含率、液相混合时间、液体循环速度、体积氧传质系数的数据并分析其变化规律,以解析内件的作用机制。实验在有效体积39L,以空气为气相、水为液相、多孔泡沫颗粒为固相的反应器中进行,研究发现:漏斗型导流内件的设置使升流区气含率平均增大10%,体积氧传质系数kLa提高了15%,液相混合时间下降10%-25%;内件的设置可以改变液体循环速度,当表观气速<0.5cm/s时,液体循环速度加快,当表观气速>0.5 cm/s时,液体循环速度下降;此外,漏斗型导流内件的结构参数变化对流化床流体力学与传质特性有较大影响。结果表明,流化床内增加新型内构件并合理设置能够实现反应器效能的提高。  相似文献   

耦合流化床提升管内固含率径向分布及沿轴向的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对催化汽油辅助反应器改质降烯烃工艺,结合提升管与流化床的特点,建立了一套提升管与流化床耦合反应器大型冷态实验装置. 在不同操作条件下,采用PV-4A型光纤密度仪测定了提升管内固含率沿径向的分布规律. 结果表明,固含率径向分布整体上呈现中心小、边壁大的环-核结构分布特征;沿轴向向上,各径向位置上的固含率在颗粒加速区逐渐降低,在充分发展区趋于稳定,在颗粒约束返混区又有所升高;各径向位置上的固含率随表观气速增大或颗粒循环强度减小而减小,且均匀性变好;提升管上部流化床内颗粒静床高度只对颗粒约束返混区内固含率径向分布有影响,而对颗粒加速区和充分发展区的固含率径向分布影响较小;当表观气速较低或颗粒循环强度较大时,颗粒约束返混区上部局部固含率最大值出现在无因次半径f=r/R=0.7附近,此时局部无因次固含率es*=es/ 沿轴向在H>5.33 m时不再具有相似性;通过比较径向不均匀指数,得到轴向各区固含率径向分布趋于均匀的程度依次为:充分发展区>颗粒约束返混区>颗粒加速区. 利用实验数据回归出了局部固含率径向分布关联式,其平均相对误差在6%以内.  相似文献   

魏飞  程易 《化工学报》1996,47(5):595-600
利用磷光颗粒示踪技术,使用点源示踪的方法在不同的径向位置测得反映颗粒径向扩散行为的停留时间分布曲线,并对弥散细颗粒的径向混合行为进行了分析.提出二维扩散模型描述所测量的停留时间分布曲线特征.实验发现弥散细颗粒的径向扩散Peclet数随粗颗粒加入量的增加而增加,随细颗粒浓度的增大而增大,而几乎不随气速变化.给出了一个与实验数据吻合较好并可适用于单颗粒提升管的关联式.  相似文献   

Experiments of gas mixing between two half-beds were performed in a dual-leg circulating fluidized bed(DL-CFB)240 mm in width,40 mm in depth and 2000 mm in height by using glass beads with diameter of 0.25-0.28 mm as bed material.SO2 and CO as the gas tracers entering the left and right distributors separately were used to simulate the gas mixing between the two legs.MSD(mean square displacement)model was adopted to calculate the gas dispersion coefficient(Dw)which was used to investigate the effect of fluidization velocity and bed material inventory on gas mixing in the DL-CFB.The experimental results showed that Dw was about 50-300 cm2-1 at different fluidization velocities and bed material inventories.A higher fluidization velocity benefited particles exchange between two half-beds,which intensified the gas-solids interactions at the region with higher solids volume fraction.The gas mixing in the lower region of the DL-CFB was stronger than that in the upper region of the bed.A higher bed inventory was helpful to gas mixing at a lower fluidization velocity,while a higher fluidization velocity weakened gas mixing because of higher solids concentration in the center of the bed that prevented gas mixing.  相似文献   

逆向气体射流对下行床颗粒混合的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
下行床入口结构的研究一直被人们所重视。今在内径为0.192m的下行床中颗粒达到均匀分布的部位,沿床四周均布了三个45度方向逆流场气体射流入口,在此处设立气体入口可以使颗粒分散与气固快速接触不再同时进行。采用磷光颗粒示踪技术对下行床有逆流场射流气体存在时颗粒的轴径向混合行为进行了研究。这种逆流场射流气体对下行床颗粒的轴向混合行为无明显影响,在各操作条件下下行床内颗粒均能以接近平推流的方式运动;但该射流气体可以大大加强颗粒的径向混合,有利于气固接触,在下行床颗粒径向混合越差的操作条件下,射流气体对颗粒径向混合的影响效果越明显,下行床的这种入口结构具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Lateral solid mixing was investigated experimentally in the dense zone of a 900mm×100mm×5.2m rectangular circulating fluidized bed riser. Using heated tracer injection, the lateral solid dispersion was determined by measuring the temperature response at different lateral positions. Furthermore, a one-dimensional dispersion model, which describes the solid mixing in the dense zone, is presented. The experimental results were used to determine the lateral particle dispersion coefficient under various operating conditions. A correlation of dispersion coefficient with bed height, gas velocity, and particle size is also proposed.  相似文献   

一种新型制氢反应器气体流动特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对天然气水蒸汽重整制氢的工业应用,提出了一种膜组件成环型放射状排列的新型流化床膜反应器的概念设计.建立了该反应器的冷态模型,在冷态模型中膜组件上部引入示踪气体氦气模拟在反应器中引入空气实现自热反应,通过自行研发的热导氦气浓度检测系统.采用单分布器与多分布器向床层中引入氦气,检测了床层中氦气的浓度分布.实验结果表明,氦...  相似文献   

Heat transfer characteristics between the immersed heater and the bed content were studied in the riser of a liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed, whose diameter and height were 0.102 m (ID) and 2.5 ...  相似文献   

Y. Li  B. Ma  J. Hu  K. Zhao 《化学工程与技术》2009,32(6):964-970
The gas/solid flow characteristics in a circulating fluidized bed with two different inlet configurations were investigated by numerical simulation based on an Eulerian approach. In order to describe the interaction between the gas phase and the solid phase and the influence of the solid phase on the gas turbulence, a source term formulation with a more reasonable physical meaning was introduced. The simulation results were validated by the experimental data; then, the model was employed to examine the effect of the inlet configuration on the gas and solid feeding. The simulation results showed that, using the side feeding system, the distributions of solid flow and concentration were highly variable both over the column cross‐section and along the column height. However, such variations can be improved by using the elbow inlet system where the gas and solid are fed from the bottom.  相似文献   

在气固两相连续方程和动量方程的基础上,考虑到下行床内表观气速的变化,建立了适用于变气速条件下的一维轴向流动模型,并着重考察了气固速度和空隙率的轴向分布情况. 计算结果表明,线性变气速条件下的轴向流动情况与常气速下有明显的不同,也更接近于热态反应器的实际情况.  相似文献   

采用脉冲氦气体示踪技术研究了柱形和锥形移动床中气相的扩散特性,并与实验结果进行对比. 结果表明,在主体流动区(0.110.89),柱形床会出现向下窜气的现象,而锥形床中向下窜气量降低40%~50%,气相径向流动更趋近平推流. 根据径向气流在柱形和锥形移动床内的流动特点,用实验数据回归了气体浓度分布的无量纲经验关联式,计算值与实验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

在四段溢流管式多层流化床装置中研究了固体颗粒加料速率、分布板开孔率及孔径、溢流管内径、颗粒种类及粒径对多层流化床稳定操作气速范围的影响. 结果表明,多层流化床最小稳定操作气速(Umin)随颗粒加料速率、分布板开孔率及颗粒粒度增大而增大,随溢流管管径增大而减小,与分布板孔径大小无关;最大稳定操作气速(Umax)随分布板开孔率和孔径及颗粒粒度增大而增大,随溢流管管径增大而减小. 石英砂和煤颗粒的最大稳定操作气速均先随加料速率增加而增加,超过某一加料速率(表观颗粒速度约为1.0′10-4 m/s)后基本保持不变. 在相同固体加料速率下,石英砂的最大与最小稳定操作气速比(Umax/Umin)约是煤颗粒的3倍,表明石英砂比煤颗粒具有更大的操作弹性,可能是由于使用的褐煤含水量高、流动性差所致.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of segregation in solids mixing, even in simple rotating drums, are not clearly understood. Although most past studies have focused on binary mixtures, this work investigates the effect of polydispersity on granular flow, mixing, and segregation in a rotating drum operated in rolling regime through particle trajectories obtained from the radioactive particle tracking technique. Velocity profiles, radial segregation, and axial dispersion coefficients for monodisperse and polydisperse systems of glass beads are analyzed with respect to rotational speed and particle size. A model is introduced to predict the residence times along streamlines and evaluate the rate at which the material renews at the free surface and within the inner layers of the bed. Our results reveal similar velocity profiles and residence times for monodisperse and polydisperse systems. They also indicate that the particles distribute along the radial direction of the drum, although not necessarily in a core/shell configuration. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 1894–1905, 2013  相似文献   

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