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曹洋 《工业水处理》2016,(5):106-108
在详细分析回收水循环处理利用原理的基础上,介绍了回收水处理的配置和主要控制指标,以及回收水处理单元首次在核电凝结水精处理系统树脂再生过程中的应用情况。通过阴树脂再生塔和阳树脂再生塔循环清洗时间调整,并根据再生剂残留量的对比,得到两者最佳的循环清洗时间比例。最后进行了回收水处理单元所能取得的节水效果分析。  相似文献   

综述了废旧服装纺织品、废旧地毯、纤维增强复合材料、车用纺织品中合成纤维的各种回收再利用方法:详述了废旧涤纶及锦纶的化学回收及物理回收再利用技术;指出了我国合成纤维回收再利用的技术瓶颈,并建议我国应集中科研力量开展合成纤维回收再利用关键技术和设备的研究,建立合成纤维回收再利用示范基地。  相似文献   

低碳经济驱动废旧塑料回收再生大市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在污染日益严重的今天,废旧塑料造成的白色污染受到人们的广泛关注,因而废旧塑料回收也成了时下非常热门的话题。根据废旧塑料回收再生的紧迫性,本文阐述了废旧塑料的节能环保循环利用,欧美各国旧塑料的回收再生动态和“以旧换新”有利于塑料的节能环保循环利用,以及汽车市场火爆由此车用废塑料处理难题显现及对应措施,同时指出了塑料再生利用存在的瓶颈、对策及塑料资源回收利用任重道远。  相似文献   

介绍了聚酯废弃物的回收再生方法及技术,重点阐述了日本帝人公司聚酯瓶到瓶、瓶到纤维、纤维到纤维的新原料回收再生技术。指出新原料回收再生法是开发的新方向,技术开发的关键是对苯二甲酸二甲酯。并对我国聚酯废弃物的回收提出了建议:应加强聚酯废弃物的回收再生的研发,重点在于开发化学解聚技术,建立相应法规及机制,实现聚酯废弃物完全循环化学回收。  相似文献   

近期PET系列产品循环利用新技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张燃 《聚酯工业》2010,23(4):11-13,58
介绍了PET循环利用的发展。详细叙述了近几年PET产品循环利用的新技术,包括可提高回收PET性能的新型增链剂、PET瓶-瓶回收技术,PET回收在塑料合金领域的应用,用微波炉分解PET塑料瓶,PET再生率达95%的新技术,PET废料生产PBT和聚苯乙烯新工艺,可反复使用的PET啤酒瓶等。并对PET循环利用的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

正为积极推动我国化纤工业的科技进步,围绕低碳、生态、功能、舒适、再生循环等新需求,加强原料创新、技术创新、产品创新及服务创新等四位一体实力和硬实力的建设。结合我国合成纤维的产品研发及设计思路,实现  相似文献   

综述了近年废旧塑料的物理和化学回收技术及设备。物理方法包括填埋、焚烧和机械再生法;化学方法包括气化法、增容法、热解法、流化催化裂化法;回收设备有奥地利埃瑞玛再生工程机械设备、reco STAR PET 330、reco STAR165、第二代手工DIY塑料再生设备和热风循环熔融塑料回收造粒机。并对未来废旧塑料回收利用的发展趋势进行了分析和展望,利用废旧塑料制备附加值较高的新产品以及开发高效多功能回收设备将是今后废旧塑料回收的发展方向。  相似文献   

<正>加拿大塑料行业协会(CPIA)最新调查报告显示,该国塑料购物袋回收利用率已突破90%大关,升至93%。这一数据表明,加拿大塑料回收事业取得重大进展。近年来加拿大政府十分重视循环再生行业发展,除兴建一些基础设施外,还组织筹划了很多废弃物回收利用项目。这为企业和个人为再生事业作出贡献提供了很大便利。据悉,加拿大居民在对塑料购物袋进行分类后,可将其直接送往当地市政废弃物收集点或社区零售商店,然后再由专门的工作人员将其运往废弃物循环再生工  相似文献   

综述了近年废旧塑料的物理和化学回收技术及设备。物理方法包括填埋、焚烧和机械再生法;化学方法包括气化法、增容法、热解法、流化催化裂化法;回收设备有奥地利埃瑞玛再生工程机械设备、reco STAR PET 330、reco STAR165、第二代手工DIY塑料再生设备和热风循环熔融塑料回收造粒机。并对未来废旧塑料回收利用的发展趋势进行了分析和展望,利用废旧塑料制备附加值较高的新产品以及开发高效多功能回收设备将是今后废旧塑料回收的发展方向。  相似文献   

正根据2015年的统计,目前我国废旧轮胎每年的产生量已超过1200万吨之多,而回收利用量才达到550万吨,废旧轮胎的回收利用率只有约46%,而全国固弃物的平均回收率约53%。废旧橡胶回收目前有:翻新轮胎、再生橡胶、胶粉多用途利用等几大途径,其中,超过80%的废轮胎是以再生橡胶的方式进行循环再利用的。脱硫是再生橡胶生产的关键环节,我国目前的再生橡胶脱硫设备主要有以下几种。一、动态脱硫罐  相似文献   

回顾了我国化纤工业自1957年以来的发展状况,展望了今后十年的发展趋势。指出为实理2000年化纤产量达2.5—3Mt的目标,必须新建1.5—2Mt的化纤原料装置。作者还进一步论述了各大类纤维的用途、生产原料及市场需求,指出到2000年我国粘纤与合纤之比以1:9为宜,涤纶长丝的比例以35—40%为宜,腈纶在合纤中的比例应挺高到20%左右,锦纶在合纤中所占比重拟扩大到10%。此外,还要大力开发差别亿纤维及高技术纤维。  相似文献   

展望高分子材料在世纪转换年代的发展和作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄澄华 《化工进展》1995,(3):1-10,21
高分子合成材料主要指合成树脂和塑料、合成纤维、合成橡胶这三大合成材料。它们已广泛应用于尖端技术、国防建设和国民经济各领域。它与金属材料、陶瓷材料一起称为新技术革命的三大支柱材料。高分子材料的发展不仅对材料科学本身有重大影响,而且也直接关系到国民经济所有领域的发展。高分子材料为了满足21世纪新技术革命发展的需要,主要朝着高性能化、高功能化、复合化、精细化和智能化的方向发展。  相似文献   

A mathematical model for high‐flux asymmetric hollow fibre membrane was developed considering the effect of permeate pressure build‐up inside the fibre bore. A new solution technique was developed to solve the model equations, which constitute a boundary value problem. The ordinary differential equations were solved as an initial value problem in two successive steps using the Gear's BDF method. The technique is advantageous since it requires minimum computational time and effort with improved solution stability, and the computational complexity does not multiply as the number of components increases. The model predictions and the robustness of the numerical technique were validated with experimental data for several membrane systems with different flow configurations. The model and the solution technique were applied to evaluate the separation characteristics of air using representative membranes with different configurations, including single‐stage, single‐stage with permeate recycle, single‐stage with retentate recycle, air blending, and two stages in series. The study demonstrates that the new solution technique can conveniently handle the high‐flux hollow fibre membrane problems with different module configurations. © 2011 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

Nonwoven material made of polypropylene with a 3–3.5 μm fibre diameter manufactured at the Synthetic Fibre Scientific-Research Institute (VNIISV) experimental plant can be used as the inner layer of long-acting protective-filtering clothing. Technology must be developed for manufacturing aerodynamically spun fibre materials (ASFM) with finer fibres (0.5–2.5 μm) by further modernizing of the equipment to ensure the higher sorption capacity of ASFM close to the initial capacity of activated carbon.  相似文献   

过去用来收集石油避免溢油的吸附剂大都是人工合成的,这就限制了吸附剂降解处理的可能性。我们研究了泥炭开采副产品——羊胡子草纤维、羊胡子草毡片对几种类型石油的吸收能力和速率,并把它们同人工合成的商业石油吸附剂作比较。发现羊胡子草纤维具有优良的吸收性能:羊胡子草吸附剂吸收石油量大约是合成吸附剂的2~3倍,速度也是它的2~3倍;在测试中羊胡子草纤维几乎不吸水,这使它成为从水表面吸附石油的理想吸附剂;去除水面柴油时效率超过了99%,等于吸附剂自身重量的20倍。试验证明了生物所能降解的羊胡子草纤维是一种效率高、原料成本低的石油吸附剂。  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the dynamic performance of gas separation with high flux, asymmetric hollow fibre membranes was developed considering the permeate pressure build‐up inside the fibre bore and cross flow pattern with respect to the membrane skin. The solution technique provides reliable examination of pressure and concentration profiles along the permeator length (both residue/permeate streams) with minimal effort. The proposed simulation model and scheme were validated with experimental data of gas separation from literature. The model and solution technique were applied to investigate dynamic performance of several membrane module configurations for methane recovery from biogas (landfill gas or digester gas), considering biogas as a mixture of CO2, N2 and CH4. Recycle ratio plays a crucial role, and optimum recycle ratio vital for the retentate recycle to permeate and permeate recycle to feed operation was found. From the concept of two recycle operations, complexities involved in the design and operation of continuous membrane column were simplified. Membrane permselectivity required for a targeted separation to produce pipeline quality natural gas by methane‐selective or nitrogen‐selective membranes was calculated. © 2012 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering  相似文献   

Systematic studies were conducted and the basic scientific approaches to modification of soluble polymer composites with interpolymer complexes of different composition and structure used for impregnating fibre bases and forming coatings in production of synthetic leathers were designated; different kinds of interpolymer complexes (IPC) were examined and the conditions for obtaining them in different forms were elaborated; methods were developed for hydrophilization of nonwoven fibre bases with interpolymer complexes; the possibility of incorporating lPC in solutions of polyester urethanes (PEU) was demonstrated and the conditions for regulating the pore structure and properties of PEU coatings with them were investigated. The comprehensive approach to modification of synthetic leather as a multilayer composite material and the results obtained are of practical interest and can be used in creating high-quality synthetic leathers for different applications. From a report to the memorial conference dedicated to the 100th birthday of Z. A. Rogovin (Moscow, 2005). __________ Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 6, pp. 19–22, November–December, 2006.  相似文献   

聚四氟乙烯废料回收利用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)废料回收利用的几种方法。其中机械法制得的再生PTFE粉可模压成型,也可作为填料或添加剂;辐射法制得的再生PTFE粉可与其它添加剂共混模压成型,或用作润滑剂和油墨等的添加剂、合成材料的改良剂等;热解PTFE可用于回收TFE、八氟环丁烷等工业原料或液体燃料,但需抑制有毒物质的产生。  相似文献   

Conclusions  The pressures to recycle paper waste are great and are likely to increase. The search continues for better methods of de-inking, dispersing and collecting inks during fibre reclamation. Meanwhile new printing technologies are bringing new inks and presenting new challenges to the recycling technologist. The development and application of chemicals to overcome de-inking problems increases running costs. The development and addition of new plant increases capital costs; these must be paid for. Additional chemical and mechanical operations degrade the fibre and reduce the number of times it may be recycled. No solution is perfect. However, perhaps costs could be reduced and the job of the recycling technologist made easier if collaboration with ink manufacturers devising new ink formulations was made the norm. This paper was based on a lecture presented at the 1997 Annual Technical Conference of the Institute of Printing  相似文献   

S. Pang 《Drying Technology》2000,18(7):1433-1448
In the production of MDF, wet resinated fibre must be dried to its target moisture content, normally 9 to 11%, before compaction into a board by hot pressing. Fibre drying can be interpreted as an incorporated process involving gas-solid two phase-flow, inter-component transfer, and heat and mass transfer within the fibre. Based on these mechanisms, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate the MDF fibre drying process. From the model, fibre moisture content, air temperature and air humidity along the dryer length can be predicted and factors affecting the drying rate examined. The model can be employed to optimise drying conditions and to evaluate improvements in dryer design. A case study of drying improvement in reduction of dryer emissions and heat consumption is given to demonstrate the potential application of the developed dryer model.  相似文献   

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