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选用纳滤膜NF270、DK、DL对浓海水进行实验研究。考察了不同操作压力下3种纳滤膜的透过通量、截留性能和分离系数的变化,从而选出适宜软化浓海水体系的纳滤膜。  相似文献   

水溶性荧光染料溶液脱盐浓缩的纳滤实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选用NTR7450和NF270两种纳滤膜对水溶性工业荧光染料原液进行分离,选择出透过通量大、除盐效果好和染料截留率高的纳滤膜,并对该染料溶液进行了脱盐和浓缩的间歇渗滤过程研究:在温度25℃和压力1.0MPa下,膜对染料截留率达到100%,最终料液中NaCl浓度从0.214mol/L降到0.0025mol/L,料液被浓缩了2.6倍。说明纳滤膜的间歇渗滤操作过程能够实现染料溶液的脱盐浓缩。  相似文献   

马燕燕  朱丽芳 《水处理技术》2013,39(9):28-31,35
选用具有不同特性的2种纳滤膜NF90和NF270,采用错流试验研究了被天然有机质污染前后纳滤膜对水中邻苯二甲酸酯的去除效率和渗透通量。结果表明,NF90对邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)具有较高的截留率,分别为87.9%、95.3%和100%,且截留率随着有机物分子量的增大而增大;NF270对DMP、DEP和DBP的截留率分别为32.1%、50.4%和50%,较NF90的截留率低,且对分子量较大、较疏水的DBP未呈现较高的截留率。在进料液中添加海藻酸钠后,2种纳滤膜的渗透通量明显下降;污染后2种纳滤膜对DMP的截留率分别提高了5.9%和2.4%,对DEP的截留率略有下降,对DBP没有显著影响。改变离子强度(10 mmol/L到20 mmol/L)使NF270对DMP、DEP和DBP的截留率分别下降了2.4%、1.5%和1.5%,而NF90对3种邻苯二甲酸酯的截留率没有明显变化。  相似文献   

选择纳滤膜NF270对双甘膦和NaCl自配混合溶液进行分离试验研究和理论分析.探讨了pH、操作压力、氯化钠浓度、双甘膦浓度对纳滤膜分离性能的影响.结果表明,由于纳滤膜NF270截留分子量小于双甘膦分子量,孔径筛分效应成为双甘膦截留率的决定性因素,截留率均稳定在97%左右.电荷效应对NaCl截留率与膜通量有着显著的影响,在pH为6.2,压力为0.7 MPa时NaCl截留率达到最低值4.5%,而高浓度氯化钠不利于分离,高浓度双甘膦却有助于二者的分离.结论认为运用NF270在适宜的操作条件下可实现双甘膦和氯化钠的最大分离.  相似文献   

针对饱和卤水直接制碱过程需要去除硫酸根、钙离子、镁离子(SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+)等杂质离子的问题,探索了利用纳滤膜分离精制饱和卤水新工艺。通过考察NF270、DL2540、ESNA1 3种类型纳滤膜的透过通量和离子截留率,确定了选用DL2540为实验用膜;分析了DL2540纳滤膜对离子的截留性能和对盐田饱和卤水的分离性能及其对饱和卤水精制的效果。结果表明,增加同离子浓度、降低压力有利于不同价态阳离子、阴离子间的分离,DL2540纳滤膜对盐田饱和卤水中SO42-、Ca2+、Mg2+截留率分别达到95%以上、30%~50%、30%~70%,对Na+、Cl-截留率均低于15%,进一步证明DL2540纳滤膜具有较好的稳定性和二价离子截留效果,在饱和卤水精制上展示出较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

选择NP010和NP030两种纳滤膜对含MgSO_4、Fe_2(SO_4)_3、Al_2(SO_4)_3的磷酸溶液进行分离净化试验,考察了盐含量、操作压力、料液温度等对纳滤膜分离性能的影响。结果表明:随盐含量的增大,纳滤膜的通量减小,其对盐的截留率亦下降;随操作压力的增大,纳滤膜的通量增大,截留率也随之增大,但在压力较高时,截留率增大趋势不明显;料液温度上升,纳滤膜的通量上升,截留率下降;在不同盐含量、操作压力、料液温度的条件下,两种纳滤膜对P_2O_5的截留率均在5%以内。  相似文献   

选用两种国产纳滤膜NF1和VNF2进行除氟的实验研究,考察了不同的原水pH、操作压力、进水F-浓度、温度以及腐殖酸的浓度对纳滤除氟截留率以及膜通量的影响。实验结果表明:VNF2膜的截留率高于NF1膜,而膜通量则低于NF1;同时两种膜的最佳操作条件为pH在6.5~7.0,温度在18~23℃,操作压力为0.4 MPa,进水氟离子浓度为4 mg/L;而腐殖酸主要通过静电斥力和氢键影响纳滤膜的截留率和膜通量,同时出水F-浓度满足生活饮用水卫生标准(GB5749-2006)。  相似文献   

吴琼  明强  卢卫  季勇  夏庆  周振 《水处理技术》2022,(8):102-106
以脱硫废水为处理对象,提出了软化预处理后的纳滤-电渗析深度处理组合工艺。考察了纳滤分盐特性及电渗析浓缩工艺特性。实验结果表明:纳滤膜 NF270 相比于 NF90 膜接触角较小,膜通量更大。同时 NF270 对 SO42-的截留率为 90% 以上,对 Cl-的截留率仅为 4%,可以实现良好的分盐效果。两段式纳滤膜处理进一步降低了杂质离子的干扰,提高了 Cl-的纯度。电压对电渗析浓缩 Cl-的相对浓缩率影响较大,而温度影响相对较小。经 7次浓缩,Cl-浓度从77.6 mmol/L提升至1 201.2 mmol/L,可以满足制次氯酸钠的生产标准(GB 19106-2013)。  相似文献   

采用NF 90、NF 270、NF 2001、NF 5001 4种纳滤膜对燃机电厂压气机清洗废液进行处理,考察操作压力、初始CODCr、温度和pH等因素对纳滤膜性能的影响。结果表明,操作压力为0.7 MPa时,4种纳滤膜对废液中低分子质量的难生物降解溶解性有机物截留效果均较好,产水水质满足纳管标准(CODCr≤500 mg/L)。操作压力在一定范围内增加,4种纳滤膜膜通量和CODCr截留率呈不同幅度的上升趋势,压力由0.6 MPa增加至1.0 MPa时,NF2001产水CODCr降幅最大(70.73%),NF 5001膜通量增幅最大(28.14%)。初始CODCr增加使膜通量下降而对CODCr的截留效果提高,且随着温度由20℃升高至40℃,及pH由3升至10,各膜通量均有一定程度的提高。此外,较低温度(20℃)下NF 270膜通量较大且不可逆污染值较小,因而在处理压气机清洗废液中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

根据纳滤膜的截留相对分子质量和对盐具有一定的截留率,针对一种商品代号为对ORD-HPDT的染料所需脱盐和浓缩要求,进行了纳滤膜的筛选和纳滤膜-间歇渗滤操作实验研究.结果表明,选用合适的纳滤膜,采用间歇渗滤法处理该染料溶液,不仅脱盐效果较为理想,而且染料质量分数也从3%浓缩至6%,因而技术上是可行的.  相似文献   

Bio-based succinic acid recovery from fermentation broth has remained a challenge in the separation industry due the presence of by-products with similar physicochemical properties. In this work, the selective separation of succinate from succinate model solutions and the actual fermentation broth were investigated using newly fabricated polyimide P84 (PI) nanofiltration (NF) membrane and compared with three types of commercial pressure filtration membranes namely NF1, NF2 and NF270. Results show that PI membrane demonstrated comparable inorganic salt rejections performance as the commercial NF membranes of 86% and 99% for NaCl and Na2SO4, respectively. However PI shows much lower surface roughness, beneficial in reducing the fouling effect. PI also demonstrated equivalent performance for succinate permeation flux and retention at high concentration as the commercial membranes. PI exhibited high succinate retention (95%) in actual fermentation broth, equivalent to the commercial membranes (92–99%) and also higher selectivity factor (SF) < 0.14 compared to the NF1 membrane, SF < 0.19. Thus the PI membrane could give better succinate recovery against other carboxylates in the fermentation broth than the commercial membranes.  相似文献   

In this study,a quantitative performance of three commercial polyamide nanofiltration(NF) membranes(i.e.,NF,NF90,and NF270) for phosphorus removal under different feed conditions was investigated.The experiments were conducted at different feed phosphorus concentrations(2.5,5,10,and 15 mg·L~(-1)) and elevated pHs(pH 1.5,5,10,and 13.5) at a constant feed pressure of 1 MPa using a dead-end filtration cell.Membrane rejection against total phosphorus generally increased with increasing phosphorus concentration regardless of membrane type.In contrast,the permeate flux for all the membranes only decreased slightly with increasing phosphorus concentration.The results also showed that the phosphorus rejections improved while water flux remained almost unchanged with increasing feed solution pH.When the three membranes were exposed to strong pHs(pH 1.5 and 13.5) for a longer duration(up to 6 weeks)it was found that the rejection capability and water flux of the membranes remained very similar throughout the duration,except for NF membrane with marginal decrement in phosphorus rejection.Adsorption study also revealed that more phosphorus was adsorbed onto the membrane structure at alkaline conditions(pH 10 and 13.5) compared to the same membranes tested at lower pHs(pH 1.5 and 5).In eonelusion,NF270 membrane outperformed Nf and NF90 membranes owing to its desirable performance of water flux and phosphorus rejection particularly under strong alkali solution.The NF270 membrane achieved 14.0 L·m~(-2)·h~(-1) and 96.5% rejection against 10 mg·L~(-1) phosphorus solution with a pH value of 13.5 at the applied pressure of 1 MPa.  相似文献   

To investigate nanofiltration (NF) separation for recycling polyethylenglycol (PEG) from an ion partition process using an aqueous two-phase system, fractionation performance of five different NF membranes (NF270, SR3, SR100, SR2, and BW30) with solutions of NaNO3, KClO4, and PEG 4000 in water comprising various mixtures were studied. PEG rejections and salt passage were analyzed and explained based on size exclusion as well as electrostatic interactions. The highest permeate flux at high rejection of PEG as well as the lowest salt rejections were obtained with SR2 and NF270 membranes. Similar salt rejections were observed for mixed solute solutions and complex mixtures, all following this trend: SR3 > NF270 > SR2. The PEG rejections were well above 95%. This study also revealed that high salt passage of above 90% could be achieved with the same NF membrane only by unstirred conditions through concentration polarization mechanism; however, at the expense of low flux, especially with high PEG concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental friendly Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are used to fabricate novel nanofiltration membranes by in situ interfacial polymerization of piperazine and trimesoyl chloride. The removal of excess amine solution from the porous support membrane surface is a critical step to obtain defect free active layer. Hereby, two main removal tools for the excess aqueous amine solution; a rubber roll or air knife are compared to fabricate a defect free thin film nanocomposite (TFN) nanofiltration (NF) membrane. Removal by the rubber roll is eventuated more favorable than air knife in terms of the reproducibility of NF membranes by comparing salt rejections. By determining the removal step of excess amines, various HNTs concentrations are used to fabricate NF membranes and, these membranes are tested with salt and dye solutions at various pH and temperature ranges. R2 membrane (containing 0.02% [w/v] HNTs) performs the best flux results beside higher rejections of MgSO4 (93.0%) and dye (99.5%). To evaluate the extreme conditionals, further performance tests such as pH and temperature resistance are also performed for R2 membrane. Considering the performances of R2 membrane, HNTs can be demonstrated for tailoring the balance between flux and separation performance of NF membranes.  相似文献   

A wide range of nanofiltration membranes are investigated for the fractionation of a winery effluent and recovery of the polysaccharides of low molecular weight and of the polyphenols. Permeation experiments were carried out with three laboratory-made cellulose acetate membranes and two commercial membranes: NF270 membrane supplied by Filmtec Corp., Minneapolis, MN (USA) and ETNA01PP membrane supplied by Alfa Laval, Nakskov, Denmark. The five membranes were characterized by the rejection coefficients to a set of reference solutes and evaluated in terms of the rejection coefficients to polysaccharides, polyphenols, conductivity and total organic carbon. The rejection coefficients to polyphenols were overall lower than the ones to polysaccharides, meaning that the polyphenols permeate preferentially through all the membranes. Among these membranes, the NF270 membrane displayed the highest rejection coefficients for all parameters evaluated, with rejections in the order of 93.8% and 99% for polyphenols and polysaccharides, respectively. On the other hand, the ETNA01PP membrane presented the lowest rejection coefficients: around 27% to polyphenols and 72% to polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Nanofiltration (NF) membranes have recently been employed as pretreatment unit operations in seawater desalination processes and as partial demineralization to seawater. The present paper investigates the performance of selected commercial NF membranes to reject salts of high concentrations at salinity levels representative of brackish and sea water. Two commercial nanofiltration membranes (NF90 and NF270) have been investigated in detail to study their performance in filtering aqueous solutions containing different salt mixtures in a cross-flow NF membrane process within the pressure range from 4 to 9 bar. Spiegler-Kedem model (SKM) was used to fit the experimental data of rejection with the permeate flux. The results showed that NF90 membrane was shown to have a distinct ability to reject both monovalent and divalent ions of all investigated mixtures with very reasonable values but with relatively low flux. This will make NF90 more suitable for the application in the pretreatment of desalination processes. On the other hand, NF270 can reject monovalent ions at relatively low values and divalent ions at reasonable values, but at very high permeate flux. The SKM model only fitted well the experimental data of divalent ions in salt mixture. Based on the evaluation of the overall performance of NF90 and NF270 membranes, their distinct ability to reject salts at high salinity from seawater is considered an advantage in the field of pretreatment of seawater feed to desalination units.  相似文献   

This research was undertaken in order to evaluate the potential of a nanofiltration (NF) process for the separation and concentration of phenolic compounds from press liquors obtained by pigmented orange peels. Four different spiral-wound NF membranes, characterised by different molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) (250, 300, 400 and 1000 Da) and polymeric material (polyamide, polypiperazine amide and polyethersulphone), were investigated. The rejection of the investigated membranes towards anthocyanins, flavonoids and sugars was evaluated in order to identify a suitable membrane to separate phenolic compounds from sugars. The performance of the investigated NF membranes was also evaluated in terms of permeate flux and antifouling performance.The obtained results indicated a reduction of the average rejection towards sugars by increasing the MWCO of the selected membranes, while the rejection towards anthocyanins remained higher than 89% for all the NF membranes investigated. The NFPES10 membrane showed the lowest average rejection towards sugar compounds and high rejections towards anthocyanins (89.2%) and flavonoids (70%). Permeate flux values at lower transmembrane pressures were also favourably high compared to the other NF membranes.  相似文献   

Commercial nanofiltration (NF) membranes in spiral-wound configuration (NP030 from Microdyn Nadir and Desal DK from GE Water & Process Technologies) were used in a sequential design in order to produce a separated fraction of phenolic and sugar compounds from an aqueous artichoke extract. For both membranes, the effect of transmembrane pressure (TMP) on the permeation flux was evaluated. In optimized conditions of TMP, the NP030 membrane exhibited high rejections of apigenin, cynarin and chlorogenic acid (higher than 85%); on the other hand, very low rejections of fructose, glucose and sucrose (lower than 4%) were measured. Starting from an extract with a total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 5.28 mM trolox a retentate fraction with a TAA of 47.75 mM trolox was obtained. The NF permeate from the NP030 membrane was processed with the Desal DK membrane in optimized conditions of TMP producing a permeate stream free of phenolic and sugar compounds. Accordingly, as most part of phenolic compounds was removed in the first NF step, the concentration of sugar compounds in the NF retentate had much higher results than that of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

氨基化氧化石墨烯界面聚合制备超薄复合纳滤膜   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用氨基化氧化石墨烯(NGO)为界面聚合水相单体,制备了超薄复合纳滤膜。研究采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)表征了NGO以及复合纳滤膜的化学组成和形貌。系统考察了水相单体浓度、有机相单体浓度对于制备的超薄复合纳滤膜性能的影响。该超薄复合膜在低压(0.2 MPa)下纯水通量可达27.8 L·m-2·h-1,对小分子染料有较高的截留率(甲基橙截留率74.8%,橙黄钠截留率96.0%,刚果红截留率98.5%,甲基蓝截留率99%),对于无机盐的截留率较低(Na2SO4截留率21.4%,MgSO4截留率10.7%,NaCl截留率5.3%,MgCl2截留率1.5%),展现出优异的染料/盐分离性能。同时制备的复合纳滤膜展现了较好的长周期稳定性以及抗污染特性。  相似文献   

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