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我公司200万t/年水泥联合粉磨系统,其入磨提升机原为中央链提升机,不仅电耗高,维护费用也高,返料严重,循环负荷超出设计提升能力,冒灰,环境恶劣,成为影响水泥制成成本的重要因素之一。选用板链提升机替代原中央链式提升机后,提升机运行平稳,电耗降低,链条未出现断裂现象,维护成本降低,检修工作量减少,停机时间大量缩短。  相似文献   

0前言 我公司两条水泥生产线,共计使用输送生料、水泥、石灰石等物料的提升机多达近20台,均由头轮装置、运行链条及料斗部分、尾轮及张紧装置和驱动装置等组成.多年的使用实践表明,提升机传动装置的选择与其运转率、故障率关系密切.我公司因提升机传动装置故障影响窑运转率,最多时每月停机超过50h.严重影响生产线正常运行.为此,我们通过对使用的几种提升机传动结构进行分析比较,并结合实际应用要求对不合理部位加以改进,取得了良好改造效果.  相似文献   

我公司2号生产线是1986年从从丹麦史密斯公司引进的干法预分解生产线,原料磨提升机由丹麦史密斯公司提供,提升高度41.7m,输送能力590m3/h,提升链条为环链结构,设计使用寿命为1.5年,实际使用约2年.由于环链从国外进口,价格高,订货周期较长,我们曾经对环链进行过国产化改造,但实际寿命只有9个月,在使用过程中因两侧链条同时裂断出现链条和链斗一起跨塌事件.为了彻底解决上述的设备问题,我们于2005年3月邀请和泰机电设备有限公司和我们一起对该提升机进行改造.  相似文献   

我厂立窑成球用生料粉提升机,熟料入库提升机,闭路水泥磨头、闭路水泥磨尾提升机原设计均为TH400型环链斗式提升机,其高度分别为36.5m,25.32m,19.89m,25.32m,在运行过程中分别出现以下故障:36.5m提升机:由于其高度较高,运行过程中链卡经常有断裂,偶尔还伴随链条断裂,运行不到一年发生两次垮链事故。25.32m提升机:由于输送熟料颗粒及出磨水泥,链卡、链条、链轮磨损快,亦经常有断链卡、链条,运行不到9个月即更换链条、链卡、传动链轮镶块。19.89m提升机:由于我厂烘干设备没安装,煤渣、矿渣带入的水份大,加之熟料具有一定…  相似文献   

徐州中联水泥有限公司是中国联合水泥集团公司旗下的核心企业,拥有两条日产万吨新型干法水泥熟料生产线,年产优质水泥熟料720万t。其中一线已投运近20年,其煤耗、电耗、环保指标均已不能适应现阶段国家“双碳”战略下能耗双控的政策要求,我公司为实现生产线的可持续发展,对其进行了以预热器“五级改六级”为主体的节能降碳和超低排放的技改升级。 由于窑尾框架大幅提高,原有进口品牌窑尾胶带提升机的改造成为该技改项目中的关键点之一。在广泛调研国内外万吨线窑尾提升机使用状况的基础上,提出了“二级提升”或者“利旧改造”两种技改方案。鉴于我公司万吨二线上国产窑尾提升机的良好运行效果,经充分论证,最终确定在原有进口提升机基础上进行国产化利旧技术改造的方案,并对窑尾提升机技改中钢丝胶带的安全系数提出要求,加大传动配置,同时针对壳体加高安装提出注意事项,使得提升机可安全稳定的投入使用。  相似文献   

我厂立窑成球用生料粉提升机,熟料入库提升机,闭路水泥磨头、闭路水泥磨尾提升机原设计均为TH400型环链斗式提升机,其高度分别为36.5m,25.32m,19.89m,25.32m,在运行过程中分别出现以下故障: 36.5m提升机:由于其高度较高,运行过程中链卡经常有断裂,偶尔还伴随链条断裂,运行不到一年发生两次垮链事故。 25.32m提升机:由于输送熟料颗粒及出磨水泥,链卡、链条、链轮磨损快,亦经常有断链卡、链条,运行不到9个月即更换链条、链卡、传动链轮镶块。 19.89m提升机:由于我厂烘干设备没安装,煤渣、矿渣带入的水份大,加之熟料具有一定温度,配料配合后在提升机内部产生水汽,虽有抽气装置,但下部链轮及简体亦粘结物料,特别是下部传动链轮粘结物料形成一个圆形整体,链槽逐渐变浅,熟料颗粒掉入链槽处经常引发提升机滑链,因而每隔10天必须清理一次下部链轮及简体,清理一次需要时间约6小时,直接影响生产。  相似文献   

<正>在水泥生产过程中,斗式提升机是常见的输送设备,通常使用的有胶带斗式提升机及链条斗式提升机二类。链条斗式提升机常用的输送链条有环链、板链及铸链三种类型。然而,这三种类型的链条斗式提升机都具有笨重、链条销轴易磨损等缺点。其次,随着使用时间的推移,链条会不断加长,需要  相似文献   

正提升链条是板链提升机的核心部件,链条的主要组成见图1。链条的寿命是衡量提升机性能的关键指标,因此如何延长链条寿命,是提升机设计、使用维护的重点。决定提升机链条寿命的因素,一是链条本身材质的选择及热处理加工工艺;二是链条的强度;三是运行时链条与链轮的磨损。因此抛开链条本身质量因素以外,提升机的选型  相似文献   

郭锐 《水泥》2012,(8):64-64
我公司年产30万吨水泥生产线有NE50型提升机5台、NE100型提升机3台、NE30型1台,现对提升机工作部分(上链轮、下链轮、链条、料斗)的日常维护和检修作一总结。1运行声音大和下链轮上下摆动量大提升机经过长时间的运转,链条与链轮长时间磨损使得链轮出现深沟,从而出现卡链条的现象。这种现象一般出现在上链轮,因为上链轮承受的力远远大  相似文献   

Φ3.8m&#215;13m高产高细磨的综合改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规格球磨机进行磨内筛分隔仓的节能改造和高比表面积水泥选粉机的选用是目前许多水泥生产企业较为关心的问题。2006年1月江苏青龙水泥有限公司与盐城大志环保科技有限公司合作,对该公司中Φ3.8m&#215;13m圈流水泥磨系统进行了综合改造。改造后系统运行稳定,达到了增产节能的目的。  相似文献   

文章对用于大板切割新型金刚石链锯的链条张力进行了分析计算,由计算结果可知,新型金刚石链锯链条张力在试验装置条件下紧边张力为1705N,松边张力为1639N,且张力随着链轮直径的增加而减小;并由此计算并绘出了新型金刚石链锯链条围齿区整体受力分布图,由图可知,两轮结构下最大链条受力点为链条紧边最先与主动链轮啮合处。  相似文献   

根据硫基复合肥大型斗提机斗链更换的实践,介绍快捷、高效、合理更换斗链的新方法,只需3d即可完成(过去6d)更换。  相似文献   

The role of molecular weight of a chain in the chain breakdown in diluted solution at a constant concentration of chain molecules and constant temperature is discussed theoretically using the methods of the theory of the activated complex and kinetics of cooperative processes. The reaction starts at the certain molecular weight of the chain. The chain breakdown is the flat increasing function of the chain molecular weight. This function has a limit when chain molecular weight approaches infinity. Such dependence is explained by the increase of flexibility (following two theories) and increase of extra entropy of molecules of different sizes (following kinetics of cooperative processes. Unequal reactivity of chemically identical active centers links to the dependence of chain flexibility on the location of the more flexible part (place of reaction) of the chain. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 84: 1810–1817, 2002; DOI 10.1002/app.10356  相似文献   

Chain aggregates composed of nanoparticles of carbon black, silica, titania and other metal oxides are produced commercially using aerosol reactors. Properties of nanoparticle chain aggregates (NCA), such as restructuring when heated in gaseous suspension, may play an important role during synthesis. It is hypothesized that in some cases a separate step in NCA creation is the restructuring of the chains initially formed by rigid body addition processes, for example cluster–cluster aggregation. A model of a freely rotating bead chain (zero activation energy for particle rotation) is adapted here from the polymer literature to describe nanoparticle chain restructuring resulting from interaction with the surrounding gas. The link between the physical properties of the surrounding gas and the dynamics of the nanoparticle chain is provided through the diffusion coefficient of the chain center of mass. We have studied the restructuring dynamics for primary particles of various diameters, different chain lengths and at different temperatures, and the model predicts a fast transition from a non-equilibrium initial chain configuration to a relaxed state. For a stretched chain of 64 particles, each 35 nm in diameter, in air at 1800 K and atmospheric pressure, the characteristic time for relaxation was 0.34 ms. This time is consistent with a 12 ms upper limit in restructuring time for soot aggregates reported in the literature. It is possible that in practice the approach to equilibrium may be delayed by constraints on particle rotation.  相似文献   

A pseudotopological theory of chain entanglement has recently been developed, which shows that the entanglement junction is a binary hooking contact between two chains, and explicitly relates the entanglement behavior to chain structure. On the other hand, many empirical correlations between entanglement and chain structure have also been proposed to date, including those of Fox and Allen, Porter and Johnson, Privalko and Lipatov, Boyer and Miller, Graessley and Edwards, Aharoni, Lin, and Zang and Carreau. In this work, we show that the various empirical equations cited are variations of the same function, and can be derived as special cases from the theoretical pseudotopological equation. The various forms of the function nevertheless reveal different essential aspects of the chain entanglement behavior, and show that the traditional hooking view of chain entanglement is correct, and also provides a basis for the recent reptation-tube model.  相似文献   

张应  徐礼学 《水泥工程》2024,37(2):55-58
中双链刮板输送机其机槽较宽且输送量大,其断链事故所带来的影响不言而喻。减小断链所造成的破坏程度和降低事故后的维修难度直接影响着企业的生产效率。目前本领域的断链检测较为单一,响应不够及时,可靠性有待考量。应用于中双链刮板输送机、通过多种组合、结合刮板输送机的结构点,可灵活布置的复合式断链检测系统,提高断链事故发生时响应速度,大大增加了断链检测的及时性,减小因断链带来的破坏和损失,为刮板输送的智能生产和在线监测提供一种可靠方法。  相似文献   

A comprehensive survey has been made of published crystal X-ray diffraction data in order to select an authentic overall value ford 90, the average increase in chain length of crystalline long chain compounds per carbon atom, for general use in calculating angle of tilt. Data were available for 10 isomorphous homologous series including the normal hydrocarbons, alkanoic acids, primary alcohols, ketones, dicarboxylic acids, symmetrical saturated triglycerides, potassium acid salts, quarter-hydrates of Na-1-alkanesulfonates, hydrazides and the dihydrazides of dicarboxylic acids. The results, supported by data for other specific long chain derivatives show that (a) 1.27 Å is the best value for this constant, and (b) there is no justification for the value 1.30 Å, which has been used in the recent literature as the accepted value in estimating the angle of tilt. The information developed can be used to predict the effective length of one molecule in the crystal of any specific long chain member of any of the homologous series studied.  相似文献   

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