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陶瓷中碱金属和碱土金属氧化物对三氧化二铁分解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了陶瓷原料中的碱金属、碱土金属、氧化铝对三氧化二铁分解的起始温度和分解量的影响,并采用TO—DTA和XPd3等方法分析了这些成分与三氧化二铁分解之间的机理。  相似文献   

欧盟REACH法规对我国化学工业的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对我国与欧盟进出口的贸易情况进行了介绍,指出欧盟REACH法规的生效和运行将对我国化学工业产生以下影响:①给我国化工产品及相关产品的出口造成障碍;②使我国从欧盟进口产品成本增加;③将打破目前国际化学品贸易平衡的局面;④消弱我国出口产品的竞争力;⑤具有影响人体健康及污染环境的产品有可能向我国转移.提出了一些对策和建议.  相似文献   

2011~2012年世界塑料工业进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了2011年7月~2012年6月世界塑料工业的相关资料,介绍了2011~2012年世界塑料工业的发展情况,提供了世界塑料产量、消费量及全球各类树脂的需求量及产能情况。按通用热塑性树脂(聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯、聚苯乙烯、ABS树脂),工程塑料(尼龙、聚碳酸酯、聚甲醛、热塑性聚酯、聚苯醚),特种工程塑料(聚苯硫醚、液晶聚合物、聚醚醚酮),通用热固性树脂(酚醛、聚氨酯、不饱和聚酯树脂、环氧树脂)不同品种的顺序,对树脂的产量、消费量、供需状况及合成工艺、产品应用开发、树脂品种的延伸及应用的进一步扩展等技术作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

王敏 《水泥技术》2008,(3):71-72
球磨机是广泛用于水泥、电力等工业中耗电量较大的设备,如何对其进行自动控制,使之保持在最佳状态下运行,是多年来的一项技术难题.本文提供的测量装料量(料位)并加以控制的方法,经实践证明足行之有效的.  相似文献   

瓦克化学股份有限公司在2007业务年度创造了销售额和利润新记录.尽管原料和能源成本大幅上涨以及坚挺的欧元所造成的汇率影响,这家总部设在德国慕尼黑市的化学集团实现了利息、税、折旧、摊销前利润(EBITDA)10.02(上年:7.86)亿欧元,比上年增加27%.  相似文献   

刘丹 《中国涂料》2008,23(1):12-14
上海是中国涂料工业的发源地,上海涂料有限公司是上海涂料工业最具代表的一个大型企业。从1915年诞生的中国第一家涂料工厂——"上海开林造漆厂(原名:开林颜料油漆厂)"起,上海涂料有限公司经历了九十多个春秋,一直致力于涂料前沿技术的研究和开发,至今已发展成为规模一流、品种齐全、质量上乘、服务周到和潜力无限的现代化涂料集团,2006年公司销售额超过35亿元。在当前国内倡导节能环保理念,推广水性涂料的大环境下,作为全国涂料制造业效益十佳企业的上海涂料有限公司,旗下技术中心更是意识超前地研发出了一种既具有高品质乳胶漆的优点,又具有大理石和花岗石等材质装饰效果高雅大气、施工方便的全水性多彩外墙涂料,并已实现规模化生产。为使业界对该公司及其前沿新品有一个深入全面的了解,本刊特对其技术中心进行了专访。  相似文献   

历代的画家都把"三顾茅庐"当作一种流行的绘画题材,景德镇高级工艺美术师、艺术瓷厂美研所副所长江振生先生独具匠心,精心制作的瓷板"三顾茅庐"再现了这一历史题材故事,整幅画面作者用传统粉彩工笔加写实的手法画出了三国时期刘备三赴卧龙岗求贤诸葛孔明的故事,画面景物宏伟壮观,色彩浓丽鲜明,雪景人物相影相彰,给人以清新的视觉效果,巧印了罗贯中原著:"柴门半掩闭茅庐,中有高人卧不起.""一夜北风寒,万里彤云厚,长空雪乱飘,改尽江山旧."小桥、流水、庭院;古树、雪景、人物,好一幅诗景画意.  相似文献   

黄发 《玻璃与搪瓷》2006,34(2):62-63
1企业概况上海器皿模具厂创建于1927年,前身为黄发记机器厂,是全国第1家专业制造玻璃机械和玻璃模具的企业,原属上海轻工控股集团公司,2001年转制为股份合作制民营企业。现有员工85人,其中具有大专以上学历的21人,技术人员14人,具有中高级职称的11人。企业专业生产经营各类玻璃  相似文献   

陈志宏 《橡胶工业》2008,55(5):280-280
2008年3月20日,中国橡胶工业协会机头模具分会第七届会员代表大会在广东省揭阳市召开.根据中国橡胶工业协会的建议,会议一致推选广东巨轮模具股份有限公司为新一届理事长单位,总经理洪惠平任理事长.  相似文献   

Advanced model-based control strategies,e.g.,model predictive control,can offer superior control of key process variables for multiple-input multiple-output systems.The quality of the system model is critical to controller performance and should adequately describe the process dynamics across its operating range while remaining amenable to fast optimization.This work articulates an integrated system identification procedure for deriving black-box nonlinear continuous-time multiple-input multiple-output system models for nonlinear model predictive control.To showcase this approach,five candidate models for polynomial and interaction features of both output and manipulated variables were trained on simulated data and integrated into a nonlinear model predictive controller for a highly nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor system.This procedure successfully identified system models that enabled effective control in both servo and regulator problems across wider operating ranges.These controllers also had reasonable per-iteration times of ca.0.1 s.This demonstration of how such system models could be identified for nonlinear model predictive control without prior knowledge of system dynamics opens further possibilities for direct data-driven methodologies for model-based control which,in the face of process uncertainties or modelling limitations,allow rapid and stable control over wider operating ranges.  相似文献   

王彦  左宁  姜媛媛  陈芳媛 《化工进展》2020,39(4):1539-1549
污泥生物炭中氮硫元素含量高,其氮硫行为和环境效应对全球气候变化的影响不容忽视。以往的研究中,研究者往往以富碳生物炭作为主要研究对象,关注碳对全球气候变化的行为和功效,而对氮硫元素的作用关注不够。本文从原始污泥基本性质到其热解过程,再到生物炭的老化,逐步对污泥生物炭整个生命周期内氮硫的行为及其环境效应研究进行综述,并对未来应注重开展的研究方向进行展望,为生物炭中氮硫元素固定、释放及与之关联的环境效应和温室气体排放控制研究提供理论基础。分析表明,污泥中氮元素含量普遍高于硫元素,且热解过程中氮比硫更容易转移至气相产物。氮硫元素随热解温度的增加,在三相产物中的分配都是炭中持续减少,油中先增后减,气中一直增加。高温(>800℃)条件下,气相中的氮含量高于固相,而硫元素则仍然主要存在于固相中。污泥生物炭老化及其环境效应研究表明,污泥生物炭氮硫元素与土壤的相互作用及其温室效应问题在今后的研究中应引起重视。  相似文献   

The role that thyroid hormone deficiency plays in depression and synaptic plasticity in adults has only begun to be elucidated. This paper analyzes the possible link between depression and hypothyroidism in cognitive function alterations, using Wistar–Kyoto (WKY—an animal model of depression) rats and control Wistar rats under standard and thyroid hormone deficiency conditions (propylthiouracil administration—PTU). A weakening of memory processes in the WKY rats is shown behaviorally, and in the reduction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the dentate gyrus (DG) and CA1 hippocampal regions. PTU administration decreased LTP and increased basal excitatory transmission in the DG in Wistar rats. A decrease in short-term synaptic plasticity is shown by the paired-pulse ratio measurement, occurring during hypothyroidism in DG and CA1 in WKY rats. Differences between the strains may result from decreases in the p-CaMKII, p-AKT, and the level of acetylcholine, while in the case of the co-occurrence of depression and hypothyroidism, an increase in the p-ERK1-MAP seemed to be important. Obtained results show that thyroid hormones are less involved in the inhibition of glutamate release and/or excitability of the postsynaptic neurons in WKY rats, which may indicate a lower sensitivity of the hippocampus to the action of thyroid hormones in depression.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) plants form root nodules and fix atmospheric dinitrogen, while also utilizing the combined nitrogen absorbed from roots. In this study, nodulated soybean plants were supplied with 5 mM N nitrate, ammonium, or urea for 3 days, and the changes in metabolite concentrations in the xylem sap and each organ were analyzed. The ureide concentration in the xylem sap was the highest in the control plants that were supplied with an N-free nutrient solution, but nitrate and asparagine were the principal compounds in the xylem sap with nitrate treatment. The metabolite concentrations in both the xylem sap and each organ were similar between the ammonium and urea treatments. Considerable amounts of urea were present in the xylem sap and all the organs among all the treatments. Positive correlations were observed between the ureides and urea concentrations in the xylem sap as well as in the roots and leaves, although no correlations were observed between the urea and arginine concentrations, suggesting that urea may have originated from ureide degradation in soybean plants, possibly in the roots. This is the first finding of the possibility of ureide degradation to urea in the underground organs of soybean plants.  相似文献   

Stomach and intestines are involved in the secretion of gastrointestinal fluids and the absorption of nutrients and fluids, which ensure normal gut functions. Aquaporin water channels (AQPs) represent a major transcellular route for water transport in the gastrointestinal tract. Until now, at least 11 AQPs (AQP1–11) have been found to be present in the stomach, small and large intestines. These AQPs are distributed in different cell types in the stomach and intestines, including gastric epithelial cells, gastric glands cells, absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes), goblet cells and Paneth cells. AQP1 is abundantly distributed in the endothelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. AQP3 and AQP4 are mainly distributed in the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells in the stomach and intestines. AQP7, AQP8, AQP10 and AQP11 are distributed in the apical of enterocytes in the small and large intestines. Although AQP-null mice displayed almost no phenotypes in gastrointestinal tracts, the alterations of the expression and localization of these AQPs have been shown to be associated with the pathology of gastrointestinal disorders, which suggests that AQPs play important roles serving as potential therapeutic targets. Therefore, this review provides an overview of the expression, localization and distribution of AQPs in the stomach, small and large intestine of human and animals. Furthermore, this review emphasizes the potential roles of AQPs in the physiology and pathophysiology of stomach and intestines.  相似文献   

宝钢转炉钢包用耐火材料的现状及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
邱文冬  牟济宁  汪宁 《耐火材料》2002,36(4):231-234
综述了宝钢转炉钢包用耐火材料的变化过程及使用现状 ,重点介绍了近年来宝钢在钢包耐火材料使用上的一些技术进步 ,提出了存在的问题及对策 ,展望了今后宝钢转炉钢包的发展方向。  相似文献   

Aging is a complex process that involves the accumulation of deleterious changes resulting in overall decline in several vital functions, leading to the progressive deterioration in physiological condition of the organism and eventually causing disease and death. The immune system is the most important host-defense mechanism in humans and is also highly conserved in insects. Extensive research in vertebrates has concluded that aging of the immune function results in increased susceptibility to infectious disease and chronic inflammation. Over the years, interest has grown in studying the molecular interaction between aging and the immune response to pathogenic infections. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model system for dissecting the genetic and genomic basis of important biological processes, such as aging and the innate immune system, and deciphering parallel mechanisms in vertebrate animals. Here, we review the recent advances in the identification of key players modulating the relationship between molecular aging networks and immune signal transduction pathways in the fly. Understanding the details of the molecular events involved in aging and immune system regulation will potentially lead to the development of strategies for decreasing the impact of age-related diseases, thus improving human health and life span.  相似文献   

通过测量聚丙烯腈(PAN)纤维在空气和臭氧气氛下预氧化过程中的热应力行为,比较空气和臭氧气氛中预氧化所得纤维的物化性质。结果表明:PAN纤维在臭氧气氛中进行预氧化时,纤维的物理收缩应力和化学收缩应力比空气中的小,应力松弛严重;纤维在臭氧气氛中的敏感温度均比空气中的高,化学反应推迟;相同的升温速率下,臭氧气氛中纤维发生化学反应的时间较空气中的少,臭氧中纤维的化学反应速率较空气中的快;两种气氛中纤维的体积密度相差很小,臭氧中纤维皮芯结构状况较严重。  相似文献   

李静 《日用化学品科学》2007,30(2):10-11,15
叙述了中东地区各国化妆品和盥洗用品市场的现状。随着海湾地区和沙特阿拉伯国家人们可任意支配收入的增加和旅游业的发展,带动了这一地区化妆品市场的增长。曾经一度使用的天然油皂也逐渐被外国品牌的液体皂和浴用凝胶所代替。驱动这一地区化妆品和香水增长的主要国家是富油区的沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国的一些海湾国家——科威特、巴林和卡塔尔,这些国家的经济增长主要是由石油支配。此外,商场和美容保健中心的繁荣也反映出海湾国家化妆品和香水的消费在世界上也处于领先地位。  相似文献   

Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS) is a fatal progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons. Biomarkers are useful to facilitate the diagnosis and/or prognosis of patients and to reveal possible mechanistic clues about the disease. This study aimed to identify and validate selected putative biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of sALS patients at early disease stages compared with age-matched controls and with other neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer disease (AD), spinal muscular atrophy type III (SMA), frontotemporal dementia behavioral variant (FTD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). SWATH acquisition on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) for protein quantitation, and ELISA for validation, were used in CSF samples of sALS cases at early stages of the disease. Analysis of mRNA and protein expression was carried out in the anterior horn of the lumbar spinal cord in post-mortem tissue of sALS cases (terminal stage) and controls using RTq-PCR, and Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry, respectively. SWATH acquisition on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) revealed 51 differentially expressed proteins in the CSF in sALS. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showed CXCL12 to be the most valuable candidate biomarker. We validated the values of CXCL12 in CSF with ELISA in two different cohorts. Besides sALS, increased CXCL12 levels were found in MS but were not altered in AD, SMA, and FTD. Therefore, increased CXCL12 levels in the CSF can be useful in the diagnoses of MS and sALS in the context of the clinical settings. CXCL12 immunoreactivity was localized in motor neurons in control and sALS, and in a few glial cells in sALS at the terminal stage; CXCR4 was in a subset of oligodendroglial-like cells and axonal ballooning of motor neurons in sALS; and CXCR7 in motor neurons in control and sALS, and reactive astrocytes in the pyramidal tracts in terminal sALS. CXCL12/CXCR4/CXCR7 axis in the spinal cord probably plays a complex role in inflammation, oligodendroglial and astrocyte signaling, and neuronal and axonal preservation in sALS.  相似文献   

目的 分析转瓶和方瓶培养过程中造血细胞亚群组成的变化。方法 观察培养过程中脐血单个核细胞总细胞扩增倍数 ,CD34+ 细胞、CD33+ 细胞、CFU GM、CD4 1+ 细胞、CFU Mk和BFU E占总细胞的比例及其随培养时间的变化。结果  14d的培养中 ,无论是用转瓶和方瓶 ,总细胞不断扩增 ,CD34+ 细胞含量在第 7天、CFU GM含量在第 10天、BFU E含量在第 5天达到最高 ,而后出现分化 ,转瓶和方瓶培养的CD34+ 细胞和CFU GM和BFU E含量差异无显著意义 ;CFU Mk则不同 ,其含量在转瓶培养第 7天时达到最高 ,而在方瓶第 10天达到最高 ,在转瓶中CFU Mk的含量一直低于方瓶培养 ;两种培养过程中CD33+ 细胞比例均在 5 0 %~ 70 %之间 ,而且差异无显著意义。转瓶培养中CD4 1+ 细胞含量到后期出现下降 ,而方瓶中则一直增加。结论 与静态培养环境相比 ,搅拌环境对干 祖细胞分化速度、粒 巨噬系祖细胞和红系祖细胞的分化没有明显影响 ,但不利于巨核系祖细胞的扩增 ,促进了其分化  相似文献   

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