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干馏终温对油砂油化学结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王擎  戈建新  贾春霞  许晓飞  刘洪鹏 《化工学报》2013,64(11):4216-4222
引言随着全球石油资源的日益短缺和石油需求的不断增加,油砂作为非常规油气资源中的一种,因其储量丰富、开采成本不断降低而越来越受到资源需求者的极大关注。世界上有70多个国家蕴藏油砂资源,主要油砂资源国有加拿大、俄罗斯、委内瑞拉、尼日利亚和美国[1]。据统计,全球油砂可采资源量约为891×108 t,占世界油气资源可采总量的32%[2]。油砂又称沥青砂或焦油砂,是一种含有沥  相似文献   

油砂又称沥青砂,由沥青、水、砂砾组成,是一种重要的非常规石油资源,其分离技术引起了国内外科研工作者的重视。文章采用热碱水洗的方法对新疆风城油砂分离,探讨了碱质量分数、温度、分离时间、液固比、碱液循环使用等因素对油砂分离效果的影响。实验结果表明:碱浓度1.5 wt.%,液固比2∶1,温度90℃,搅拌速度110 r·min~(-1),加热时间60 min的条件下,油砂分离效果最佳,油砂洗油率可达到82.7%。  相似文献   

作为人类最宝贵的资源,石油在世界各国国民经济的发展中一直起着很重要的作用。但是,与天然气、煤炭等相比,石油的可开采时间最短。因此,加拿大油砂等非常规石油资源作为石油有效的补充逐渐受到人们的关注。但是,与中东原油等常规原油相比,加拿大油砂是使用性能极差的原油,从加拿大油砂提取的油砂沥青流动性非常差,很难通过管道输送的方法运输到炼油厂,因此其利用受到很大的限制。针对这一情况,研究人员利用超临界水进行了降低超重质油粘度,改善其流动性的研究工作,取得了很好的结果,可为利用加拿大油砂等非常规石油资源、保障未来能源安全起积极的作用。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘风城地区油砂资源丰富,油砂含油率平均在10%以上,油砂品位较高,实验发现该区油砂适合水洗分离,分离过程中油砂沥青膜首先在表面活性剂的作用下,通过搅拌剪切力剥离作用而形成沥青液滴,从而使油-砂呈现分离状态,分离方式包括油-砂较完全分离方式和油-砂不完全分离方式,且2种方式同时存在,油砂分离主要受硅砂与沥青相互作用力和油砂粒径分布的影响,相同条件下,油砂粒径越大分离效果越好.  相似文献   

油砂,作为一种新发现的、重要的非常规能源,在世界分布广泛,储量巨大,而且油砂中的稠油含量较高,势必会成为石油的一种重要补充能源。油砂资源在世界分布范围广泛,储量巨大。开发油砂中的油砂油会在很大程度上缓解石油资源紧缺的紧张局势。近些年,针对油砂的开采分离及其油砂油应用的技术研究不断深入。文章主要介绍了油砂的性质组成、分布概况、开采方法、分离方法,油砂油的性质及其主要的加工工艺。  相似文献   

油砂--一种新的替代能源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李莉 《当代石油石化》2005,13(12):28-30
油砂是一种非常规石油资源,其储量较大,但由于性质特殊、开采加工工艺不同,与传统石油相比开采成本较高。近年来,随着国际石油资源争夺日益激烈,国际油价不断攀升,油砂开采也越来越得到人们的重视,并得到发展。  相似文献   

油砂作为一种储量丰富的非常规石油资源,越来越受到世界各国的广泛关注。对于油砂的加工利用,其前提就是油砂沥青的分离,因此对其技术的研究十分必要。本文首先介绍了油砂的组成及分类,然后着重对几种主要油砂分离技术(热水洗法、有机溶剂萃取法、超临界流体萃取法、超声波辅助萃取法、离子液体萃取法和热解干馏法)的优缺点进行了汇总,并详细分析了它们各自的分离流程。其中,热水洗法、有机溶剂萃取法和热解干馏法是目前研究相对成熟的3种方法,而其他方法虽然分离效果相对高,但是对工艺条件和设备的要求较高,导致较高的投资和运行成本,因此还需要对这些油砂沥青分离工艺进行更加深入的研究,以满足工业化应用的要求。最后,对油砂沥青分离技术的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

非常规石油资源及开发前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李若平 《当代化工》2006,35(3):145-148,165
评述了世界非常规石油资源(油砂和重油)和利用,以及中国非常规石油资源(重油一油页岩和油砂)和利用前景。  相似文献   

油砂作为一种非常规石油资源,越来越受到人们的重视。油砂沥青的含量和性质对其开发有着重要的影响。有机溶剂抽提可以测定油砂沥青的含量。本文研究了3种溶剂对新疆油砂的抽提能力,并对不同溶剂抽提得到的新疆油砂沥青进行了性质分析。结果表明,新疆油砂含油率(甲苯测)为11.75%,属于中品位油砂矿;甲苯、氯仿和石油醚3种不同溶剂对新疆油砂沥青进行抽提,发现3种溶剂抽提能力的大小关系为氯仿>甲苯>石油醚;抽提过程中,氯仿表现出对胶质和沥青质较强的萃取能力,而石油醚对沥青质的萃取能力几乎为0,采用氯仿可以更准确地测定油砂沥青的含量。氯仿抽提得到新疆油砂沥青及其组分的杂原子含量和分子量高于甲苯和石油醚抽提的。由红外谱图发现,氯仿抽提得到的油砂沥青的含氧、含硫官能团的吸收峰强度大于甲苯和石油醚抽提的,表明氯仿对油砂沥青中极性物质的抽提能力更强。  相似文献   

潘立群 《水泥工程》2017,30(3):66-67
<正>0前言油砂(oil sand)又名沥青砂、焦油砂,外观似黑色糖蜜,是富含天然沥青的沉积砂。它实质上是一种沥青、砂、富矿黏土和水的混合物,其中沥青含10%~12%,砂等矿物约80%~85%,余下3%~5%的水~([1])。所含矿物大部分为硅酸盐矿物砂岩和黏土质,但也有碳酸盐岩性的矿物中富含高密度、高黏度和高碳氢比的沥青砂,该油砂主要产于石炭系、三叠  相似文献   

吴诚  高希  成有为  王丽军  李希 《化工学报》2013,64(3):858-866
在湍动流化床中,过渡段对于包括甲醇制烯烃在内的气固催化快反应有着重要的作用。采用PV6D反射型光纤探针对内径95 mm的湍动流化床内过渡段的固含率分布和脉动参数进行了测量,分别考察了表观气速和静床高的影响,并采用修正的基于颗粒动力学的三段曳力双流体模型进行模拟。实验表明,湍动流化床过渡段中固含率的轴向分布呈现S型和指数型两种类型,固含率轴向与径向分布都在过渡段内出现最大梯度,表明过渡段中固体浓度分布比稀相段和密相段更不均匀。表观气速和静床高的变化将导致S型和指数型分布的相互转变,并且对过渡段底部与壁面附近的固体高浓度区影响最为显著。局部固含率脉动概率密度分布表明,在静床高较小时,随着气速的增大,床层下部气含率最大值位置将从中心区移动至环隙区,呈现气含率的双峰型分布。本文提出的修正三段曳力模型考虑了颗粒团聚的影响,对过渡段中分布板影响区之外的固含率分布均能较好地模拟。  相似文献   

常温常压下,在三相气升式内环流反应器中,将硅铝球、石英砂和瓷球分别与空气、水组成三相物系,考察了细颗粒与大颗粒物系中上升区相含率轴向分布规律、固体装载率和颗粒粒径对该规律的影响,以及各物系中上升区循环液速随表观气速的变化规律。结果表明:随轴向高度的增加,瓷球物系中上升区固含率εsr先增大后减小;硅铝球物系中εsr减小;石英砂物系中εsr均匀分布。随轴向高度的增加,瓷球物系中上升区气含率εgr增大;硅铝球物系中εgr减小;石英砂物系中εgr先增大后减小。固定表观气速,各轴向位置处的上升区气含率随固体装载率、颗粒粒径的增大而增大。当固体装载率相同时,各物系中上升区循环液速随表观气速的增大而增大。  相似文献   

三维上流式反应器床层流动和返混特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王威杰  雍玉梅  杨超  于康 《化工学报》2018,69(1):381-388
采用内径为280 mm的上流式反应器,以空气模拟气相、甘油和水混合溶液模拟渣油。用3种不同粒径的氧化铝球形工业催化剂颗粒为填充颗粒,考察了不同模拟物系的颗粒粒径、颗粒密度、液相黏度、不同床层的高径比和不同操作条件对上流式反应器内床层压降及其波动、床层轴向返混的影响规律。得到模拟工业运行物系和操作条件的上流式反应器床层总压降关联式,相对误差在12%以内。床层总压降均随床层高径比、颗粒密度和液相黏度增加而增大,但随颗粒粒径的增大而减小,床层压降波动随表观气速增加而增大。填充颗粒粒径越小、颗粒密度越小、高径比越大,床层内轴向返混越严重;床层内压降和轴向返混均随表观气速的增加而增大。  相似文献   

Solid concentration and particle velocity distributions in the transition section of a?200 mm turbulent fluidized bed (TFB) and a?200 mm annulus turbulent fluidized bed (A-TFB) with a?50 mm central standpipe were mea-sured using a PV6D optical probe. It is concluded that in turbulent regime, the axial distribution of solid concen-tration in A-TFB was similar to that in TFB, but the former had a shorter transition section. The axial solid concentration distribution, probability density, and power spectral distributions revealed that the standpipe hin-dered the turbulence of gas–solid two-phase flow at a low superficial gas velocity. Consequently, the bottom flow of A-TFB approached the bubbling fluidization pattern. By contrast, the standpipe facilitated the turbulence at a high superficial gas velocity, thus making the bottom flow of A-TFB approach the fast fluidization pattern. Both the particle velocity and solid concentration distribution presented a unimodal distribution in A-TFB and TFB. However, the standpipe at a high gas velocity and in the transition or dilute phase section significantly affected the radial distribution of flow parameters, presenting a bimodal distribution with particle concentration higher near the internal and external wal s and in downward flow. Conversely, particle concentration in the middle an-nulus area was lower, and particles flowed upward. This result indicated that the standpipe destroyed the core-annular structure of TFB in the transition and dilute phase sections at a high gas velocity and also improved the particle distribution of TFB. In conclusion, the standpipe improved the fluidization quality and flow homogeneity at high gas velocity and in the transition or dilute phase section, but caused opposite phenomena at low gas ve-locity and in the dense-phase section.  相似文献   

In this paper, an experimental study is performed to investigate the flow structure in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB). The typical core-annulus structure and small amount of back-mixing of particles near the wall of the riser were observed. The axial solid concentration distributions contain a dilute region towards the up-middle zone and a dense region near the bottom and the top exit zones. Furthermore, the solid concentration decreases with the increase of the superficial gas velocity, and increases with the increment of the circulation rate at the same height position. The total pressure drop of the main bed represents a linear relationship with the solid flux rate. In the dense phase zone, the solid concentration increases linearly with the augmentation of the solid flux, however, the change of the solid concentration is slight, even unchangeable at the up zones. In addition, based on the Energy-Minimization Multi-Scale (EMMS) method, a revised drag force model is proposed, which is coupled in the Eulerian two-fluid model for simulating the flow structure in the riser. Numerical results are consistent with the experimental data, which indicate the revised drag force model is very successful in simulating flow structure of the dense gas-solid two-phase flow.  相似文献   

A cold model experimental system is established to investigate the flow behavior in a gas‐solid fluidized bed for the methanol‐to‐olefins process catalyzed by SAPO‐34. The system comprises a gas distributor in a F 300 × 5000 mm acrylic column, double fiber optic probe system and a series of cyclones. The experiments are carried out under conditions of atmospheric pressure and room temperature with different superficial velocities (0.3930–0.7860 m s–1) and different initial bed heights (600–1200 mm). The effects of radial distance, axial distance, superficial gas velocity, and initial bed height on the solid concentration and particle velocity in the bed are discussed. The time‐averaged solid concentration and rising particle velocity profiles under different conditions are obtained. The results show that an increase in the value of r/R or initial bed height results in an increase in the solid concentration but a decrease in the rising particle velocity in the dense phase area, while improvement of the superficial gas velocity has a negative influence on the solid concentration but results in an increase in the rising particle velocity.  相似文献   

在耦合流化床反应器大型冷模实验装置上,考察了不同表观气速下FCC颗粒在耦合流化床内截面平均密度的轴向分布. 结果表明,反应器轴向固含率可分为底部流化床区域和上部提升管区域. 前者的密相区平均固含率随表观气速增大而减小;后者的平均固含率随表观气速Ug增大而增大,Ug<0.58 m/s时固含率分布均匀,Ug=0.70~1.04 m/s时提升管出口出现约束返混区(>8.62 m),Ug>1.16 m/s时提升管底部出现密度重整区(3.82~4.57 m)、加速平稳区(4.57~8.62 m)和出口返混区(>8.62 m). 确定了耦合反应器内提升管区域截面平均固含率的影响参数,并利用实验数据回归了平均固含率的轴向分布经验模型,计算值与实验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

Two dense pellicular agarose-glass matrices of different sizes and densities, i.e., AG-S and AG-L, have been characterized for their bed expansion behavior, flow hydrodynamics and particle classifications in an expanded bed system. A 26 mm ID column with side ports was used for sampling the liquid-solid suspension during expanded bed operations. Measurements of the collected solid phase at different column positions yielded the particle size and density distribution data. It was found that the composite matrices showed particle size as well as density classifications along the column axis, i.e., both the size and density of each matrix decreased with increasing the axial bed height. Their axial classifications were expressed by a correlation related to both the particle size and density as a function of the dimensionless axial bed height. The correlation was found to fairly describe the solid phase classifications in the expanded bed system. Moreover, it can also be applied to other two commercial solid matrices designed for expanded bed applications.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale circulating fluidized bed, 50 mm i.d. 4.97 m high, has been operated with different solid inventories in the downcomer. The operating conditions cover a wide range of superficial gas velocities and solid circulation rates. A critical gas velocity Ucr is defined as the gas velocity beyond which the interface between the dense bed and the dilute bed cannot be observed in the circulating fluidized bed at any solid circulation rate. Three different fluidization regimes exist at gas velocities lower than Ucr; they are: the dilute transport bed, the dense bed and the bed with an interface between the bottom dense bed and the upper dilute freeboard. An additional fluidization regime exists at gas velocities greater than Ucr where no interface can be found at any solid circulation rate. Ucr increases with increasing solid inventory. The height of the interface is significantly affected by the solid inventory, and is also greatly affected by the design of the pneumatic valve. The whole bed becomes a dense bed after the interface extends to the exit region of the bed.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to gas-solid mass transfer behavior in heterogeneous two-phase flow. Experiments were carried out in a cold circulating fluidized bed of 3.0m in height and 72mm in diameter with naphthalene particles. Axial and radial distributions of sublimated naphthalene concentration in air were measured with an online concentration monitoring system HP GC-MS. Mass transfer coefficients were obtained under various operating condition, showing that heterogeneous flow structure strongly influences the axial and radial profiles of mass transfer coefficients. In the bottom dense region, mass transfer rate is high due to intensive dynamic behavior and higher relative slip velocity between gas and clusters. In the middle transition region and the upper diluter region, as a result of low mass transfer driving force and the influence of flow structure, mass transfer rate distribution becomes non-uniform. In conclusion, among the operating parameters influencing mass transfer coefficients, the superficial gas velocity is the most important factor and the solid circulation rate should be also taken into account.  相似文献   

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