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The purpose of this bench-top study was to demonstrate the feasibility and effect of applying ozone and ozone/peroxide upstream of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes as a means of controlling organic fouling during reuse applications. A series of ozone or ozone/peroxide doses was applied to surface water and a membrane bioreactor (MBR) filtrate using a HiPOx® reactor skid, with ozone-to-dissolved organic carbon ratios of approximately 0.25 to 1.75. Results from the flat-sheet testing indicate that both ozone- and ozone/peroxide-treated waters, even at the lowest ozone dose of 1.5 mg/L, fouled the membranes less than the MBR filtrate and surface control waters while both treated and control waters maintained consistent levels of salt rejection throughout the tests.  相似文献   

This research details the effects of ozone pretreatment on flux of a reverse osmosis membrane. Initial tests were conducted to determine the effects of ozonation on solids removal, turbidity, and chemical oxygen demand concentrations using various doses on a simulated surface water. These initial tests showed that the best reduction of solids in the 2–5 microns range was at 0.30 mg/L of ozone. Next, a series of bench scale tests was run for 62.5 hours using a standard reverse osmosis system under constant pressure with three pre-ozonation doses and a no ozone baseline dose. Temporal models were developed using the flux data from these tests to determine the effects of operating hours and ozone dosage on flux. It was found that the laboratory data were not linear and followed power law models. Statistical analysis was used to determine the significance of each ozone dose on the four developed models. The change in flux over the 62.5 operating hours with an ozone dosage of 0.30 mg/L showed the lowest flux change. Last, the models were tested using Hermia's filtration models and resistance versus time data to determine the type of membrane fouling that existed. It was concluded that the major fouling was pore blockage. This work demonstrated that ozone pretreatment is effective prior to use with reverse osmosis since it shows a better solid and organic removal rate as well as decreased flux and resistance changes over time.  相似文献   

The Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District in California is considering groundwater replenishment as a potential strategy to augment its potable water supply. This case study demonstrates the broad applicability of ozone and biological activated carbon (BAC) for such potable reuse systems based on recently developed criteria and models for bulk organics, trace organic contaminants, disinfection byproducts, and cost. Using an advanced treatment train composed of ozone (ozone to total organic carbon ratio of 1.0) and BAC (empty bed contact time of 20 min), a 10 million gallon per day potable reuse facility can achieve savings of $25–$51 million in capital costs, $2–$4 million per year in operations and maintenance costs, and 4–8 GWh per year in energy consumption in comparison to alternative treatment trains with reverse osmosis. This ozone-based treatment train is also capable of achieving public health criteria recently developed by the California Department of Public Health and the National Water Research Institute for potable reuse applications.  相似文献   

The additional removal of trace organic contaminants (TOrCs) provided by advanced water and wastewater treatment inevitably requires additional financial costs, which must be estimated to support utility planning and compare alternatives. This study presents conceptual-level (Class 4) capital and annual operations and maintenance (O&M) cost curve equations to aid evaluations of advanced treatment trains for water reuse. The cost curve equations are broadly applicable to the water reuse community, particularly those interested in ozone-based treatment trains. Unit processes include microfiltration or ultrafiltration membranes (MF/UF), nanofiltration or reverse osmosis membranes (NF/RO), ozone (with or without hydrogen peroxide, H2O2), ultraviolet (UV) treatment with H2O2 (UV/H2O2), and biological activated carbon (BAC); all cost curves are for a unit process and can be added together to obtain costs for a combined treatment train. The cost curves indicate that at all plant capacities (1 to 500 MGD), membrane treatment (e.g., MF or RO) represents the highest cost unit process, ozone the least, and BAC or UV/H2O2 fall in between. Additionally, the relationship between ozone dose and TOrC removal is discussed with a demonstration of how costs change with increasing ozone dose to achieve desired TOrC destruction.  相似文献   

The effects of applying ozone into the source water of Cheng-Ching Lake Water Works (CCLWW) on the analysis of AOC (assimilable organic carbon) were compared in the laboratory and pilot-scale tests. CCLWW takes its raw water from an eutrophic lake. A pilot plant, established in CCLWW in southern Taiwan, was performed to improve the quality of water obtained by the former treatment processes. The direct application of ozone to the source water of CCLWW is called the pre-O3 process. The post-O3 process involves the treatment of effluent with ozone through a sand filter, following other treatments, including pre-O3, coagulation and sedimentation. In a laboratory test, a 0.45 μm membrane filter was used to replace the facility of filtration for a sand filter. AOCTotal comprises AOCP17 and AOCNOX, which were determined using the P. fluorescens strain P17 and the Spirillum species strain NOX, respectively. During over 2 years' sampling in eutrophic lake, it revealed that AOCP17 contributed substantially to AOCTotal. However, the filtrate from the source water obtained by filtering through a 0.45 μm membrane filter had an AOCTotal much lower than that of the source water, especially for the considerable decrease of AOCP17. Also, the AOC value in source water is increased with algae number but not with NPDOC (non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon). This result indicated that algae numbers existing in the eutrophic lake might affect the analysis of AOC. Following the pre-O3 process at the pilot-scale plant, the AOCP17 was markedly lower than that of the source water, and AOCNOX was slightly higher than that of the source water. However, when post-O3 was added to the effluent from a sand filter at the pilot-scale plant, AOCNOX exceeded that before post-O3, while AOCP17 differed slightly from that before post-O3. Apparently, this difference may be due to the algae number existing in the water samples. These results were verified by applying ozone to the source water, and to filtrate obtained by filtering through a 0.45 μm membrane filter in a lab-scale test, respectively.  相似文献   

Controlled, pilot-plant ozone treatment tests were conducted on twenty-nine volatile organic contaminants in distilled water and groundwater. Results show that aromatic compounds and alkenes are well removed by ozone treatment, but that alkanes are poorly removed. Also, efficiency of destruction improved for the alkenes and aromatic compounds with increasing applied ozone dosage and, for some alkanes, with increasing pH. For most compounds, the efficacy of ozone was not severely affected by the background water matrix. Generally, information gathered from the literature regarding rate constants for the ozone treatment of compounds in the gaseous phase or in organic solution predicted, to a useful degree, the effectiveness of ozone in treating aqueous solutions in the present study.

Several of the test conditions selected for this preliminary study may be similar to those found in drinking water treatment plants. Consequently the findings of this research may help guide utilities in their choice of alternative treatments to meet Maximum Contaminant Levels for volatile organic contaminants such as trichloroethylene and benzene.  相似文献   

Increased public awareness, potential human health effects, and demonstrated impacts on aquatic ecosystems have stimulated recent interest in pharmaceuticals, personal care products (PPCPs), and endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water and wastewater. Due to the potential public and environmental health implications, some agencies are taking a proactive approach to controlling trace organic contaminant (TOrC) concentrations in water supplies. This review describes some of the research related to the toxicity and estrogenicity of wastewater-derived TOrCs in addition to regulatory guidance from several international agencies. This review also evaluates pilot- and full-scale studies to characterize the efficacy of ozonation for TOrC mitigation in wastewater applications.  相似文献   

The concentration of easily assimilable organic carbon (AOC) as determined with growth measurements using wo bacterial cultures, increased linearly with ozone dosage at values below 1 mg O3/mg of C. Moreover, a linear relationship was found between AOC increase and the decrease of UV absorbance of water after ozonation with various dosages. Biological filtration in water treatment reduced AOC concentrations, but the remaining values were above the AOC concentration before ozonation. This AOC removal was attended with an increased colony count in the filtrate. The AOC concentration of drinking water produced by the application of ozone in water treatment decreased during distribution. The greatest decrease was observed with the highest AOC concentration. Also in this situation, the highest colony counts were found. To date, ozonation is applied in seven water treatment plants in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Addition of hydrogen peroxide to water during ozonation increases the rate of oxidation of organic compounds and ozone transfer. Coupling ozone with hydrogen peroxide can increase the efficiency of a drinking water treatment line, for example in removing THM precursors. To optimize this oxidation process, the quantity of hydrogen peroxide added and the point of injection must be carefully selected.  相似文献   

A pilot-plant study was conducted in the Republic of Croatia to determine the applicability of ozonation for inactivation of non-indigenous species and to provide necessary information regarding use of ozone as a ballast water treatment option. Nauplii of the brine shrimp Artemia salina were used as model organisms to investigate the efficacy of ozonation at three different ozone dosages (2.4, 3.7 and 10.9 mg L?1). Mortality of Artemia nauplii at 98.6%, was achieved after 3 h of exposure in ozone-treated water with the highest ozone dosage. Our results indicated that ozonation is a promising treatment for controlling non-indigenous and potentially invasive species; however, to draw more general conclusions, several species with higher level of resistance to ozone are required and will be studied in the future.  相似文献   

In this study, the efficiency of ozone to degrade organic compounds of nuclear laundry water was studied at different pH and temperatures and at elevated temperature with hydrogen peroxide. The degradation of non-ionic surfactant and other organic compounds was analyzed by COD, TOC, BOD and molecular weight distribution measurements. Zeta potential measurements were also performed in order to interpret the obtained results. The most favorable degradation conditions were at pH 7 with 43%, 34% and 61% reductions of COD, TOC and BOD, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results of the catalytic ozonation of Songhua River water in the presence of nano-TiO2 supported on Zeolite. The removal efficiency of TOC and UV254, the variation of AOC and molecular weight distribution of organics was studied. Results showed that TOC and UV254 removal efficiency by ozone was improved in the presence of TiO2/Zeolite, and increased by 20% and 25%, respectively. The part of organic compounds less than 1000 Da increased in ozonation, but decreased in catalytic ozonation. The AOC of water increased in catalytic ozonation, and the increase of AOC was particularly obvious when ozone dose increased from 28.8 mg·L?1 to 46.6 mg·L?1. The degradation and transformation of organic compounds was analyzed by means of GC-MS. The total number of organic compounds was reduced from 50 in the untreated water to 36 and 20, respectively, in ozonation and catalytic ozonation. The removal efficiency of the total organic compounds peak area in ozonation and catalytic ozonation were 23.5% and 62.5%, respectively. Most of the hydrocarbons could be removed easily in ozonation and catalytic ozonation. The organic compounds having hydroxyl, carboxyl or carbonyl groups were hard to be removed in ozonation, but could be removed efficiently in the presence of TiO2/Zeolite.  相似文献   

It is shown that using transition metals, especially Mn(II) and Ag(I), during ozonation of humic substances in water allows important reductions in the content of organic matter. Characterization of the organic compounds resulting from ozonation was made by concentrating the sample through liquid-liquid extraction or derivation with PFBOA.HCl, along with the GC/MS and GC/ECD techniques. In total, 110 different organic compounds were identified using GC/MS; mainly carboxylic acids, aromatics, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, ketones, and furan-carboxylic acids. The percentages of elimination or formation levels reached during ozonation are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on-site in a potable water production plant utilizing ozonation treatment at three stages of the process. The quality of water in the treatment line was studied by chemical analysis, but also for toxicity to Hela cells after XAD resin concentration, and for mutagenesis to Salmonella Ames strains and mammalian cells V79 HGPRT system. With a sufficient dose of ozone and activated carbon adsorption, the initial cytotoxicity of the raw water and the mutagenic or promoter activity are destroyed.  相似文献   

NOM isolation and fractionation to provide insight into the effectiveness of ozonation vs. conventional water treatment was done. In this research, the dissolved portion of natural organic matter (NOM) or dissolved organic matter (DOM) at two surface drinking water treatment plants that treat the same source water was fractionated by resin adsorption. The first treatment plant uses conventional treatment (coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration) with intermediate free chlorination and post chlorination while the second plant uses conventional treatment with pre and intermediate ozonation, and multi-media filtration unit operation. Several different sampling locations within each plant were selected for DOM isolation and fractionation into six fractions (hydrophobic acid, neutral and base, and hydrophilic acid, neutral, and base). The effectiveness of each treatment plant on the oxidation and removal of each organic fraction are discussed. Oxidation by ozone leads to better overall performance in the removal of DOM.  相似文献   

More than 20 years have passed since the introduction of advanced water treatment with ozonation and granular activated carbon in the Hanshin Water Supply Authority. Significant improvements have been achieved in eliminating taste and odor compounds in water and in suppressing the formation of disinfection by-products. Regarding the bromate ion, we have managed to suppress its formation by keeping the residual ozone concentration and pH low.  相似文献   

Removal of pyruvic acid from water has been studied through catalytic ozonation. Copper or cobalt impregnated MCM-41, Ru-Al2O3, Ru-CeO2, FeO(OH) and LaTi1-xCuxO3 and LaTi1-xCoxO3 Perovskites have been used as catalysts. Only perovskites and Ru-CeO2 catalysts did show significant catalytic activity to increase the ozonation of pyruvic acid.  相似文献   

The degradation of three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): benzo[a]pyrene (BAP), chrysene (CHR), and fluorene (FLU) in aqueous solution using ozone was investigated. The influence of pH of the reaction mixture, ozone concentration, and the presence of a radical scavenger on the reaction rate was determined. The highest rate of PAHs disappearance was achieved in acidic solutions. The radical scavenger, tert-butanol, effectively inhibited the rate of PAHs destruction. The rate constants of direct reaction of PAHs with ozone were calculated and they were equal to (3.32 ± 0.21) × 104; (1.10 ± 0.15) × 104 and 44.8 ± 1.1 M?1s?1 for BAP, CHR, and FLU, respectively. The contributions of direct ozonolysis, and radical reaction to PAHs oxidation in ozonation processes, were evaluated.  相似文献   

张晓娟  刘发强  王树勖 《广东化工》2011,38(4):156-157,159
根据某石油炼化企业盼污水回用装置反渗透单元浓水难以进一步生化处理的特点,用芬顿试剂进行高级氧化处理.通过实验探讨了不同的H<,2>O<,2>和Fe<'2+>浓度、反应时间、pH等因素对二级生化出水COD去除率的影响.得到处理一升该废水的最佳运行参数为pH=3,30%H<,2>O<,2>=0.3 mL,FeSO<,4>·...  相似文献   

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