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20世纪30年代,向现代派艺术学习的从艺者成立了艺术团体决澜社,虽然它并没有如其发起者所预想的那样造成狂澜决堤之势,但终究为当时的画坛打开了一扇放眼世界的窗口,并且提出了"现代中国绘画艺术与现代世界艺术合流"的问题.是他们让人们意识到世界艺术日趋多元化的格局的到来.通过对其先锋性和局限性的思考让我们对于中国艺术的发展道路了解更加深入.  相似文献   

在美国西南部和墨西哥西北部,雨季的降雨量占全年降雨量的一半以上,这些雨季降雨通常强度大且难以预测.在雨季到来的时候,来自加利福尼亚湾和墨西哥湾等海洋上的湿润气流经常会给太阳炙烤的土地带来暴雨的突袭.这种突发强降雨可能会冲毁道路,在短时间内诱发泥石流等自然灾害,不仅会对农业和生态系统造成重大影响,也严重威胁着人类的生命及财产安全.  相似文献   

从《劝学篇》看张之洞的立宪思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般论者认为,张之洞的<劝学篇>是反"民权"的;其核心创获--"中体西用"论中的"西用",仍停留在"西技西艺,,层面.本文通过分析<劝学篇>中张之洞对西方民权、立法、议院的理解,认为他反对"民权"却不反"立宪",并且对西方立宪制度中的"立法"与"议院"颇为认同,不无效仿之意;张之洞的"立宪"在于"保教",这大大限制了他对"西政"的吸收.尽管如此,<劝学篇>仍不失为张之洞立宪思想的首次表达之作.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法和数据统计法对河南省城市社区体育发展现状进行了调查与分析,找出了河南省城市社区体育发展中存在的问题,针对这些问题提出了相应的对策,为河南省城市社区体育运动的深入开展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

文中通过对一个优秀的单元楼户型的分析思考,明确了玄关在单元楼户型设计中的重要性,揭示了厨房、入户门和餐厅之间复杂的人流关系,介绍了主次卫生间设计的一些细节,分析了该户型中厨房和卫生间关系的时代性、主卧在整个户型中位置的合理性、卧室门开设的优越性.  相似文献   

提出了一种专用微电脑大流量校准仪的设计方案,通过测量孔板静压差来求孔口流量计的流量,其中重点考虑到了因测量现场环境大气压、温度等因素的变化所造成的测量误差,并提出了相应的补偿措施,同时设计出了包括对孔板静压差、大气压、温度进行监控的测量电路,采用单片机对信号进行处理计算.该校准仪实现了对大气TSP采样器流量校准测量过程的智能化,能够实时适应大气压强、温度的变化,把环境因素带来的误差降低到最小,并采用大屏幕液晶显示配合人性化的操作界,使仪器的操作更简便直观.  相似文献   

用RAPD技术对两个地区药用植物肉苁蓉多态性的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RAPD技术对内蒙古阿拉善盟和巴彦淖尔盟两个地区的药用寄生植物肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola Maenend Ma)的基因组DNA进行随机扩增,对得到的DNA指纹图谱进行分析,从20个随机引物中筛选出4个能扩增稳定且谱带清晰的引物,得到的多态性片段中有相同的条带,也存在差异性条带,根据DNA谱带所计算的各品种的相似系数范围为0.672~0.971.对6个品种UPGMA聚类分析讨论各品种之间的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

在中国传统装饰艺术中,特别是在传统民间艺术作品中,存在着大量具有吉祥寓意的艺术造型.这些形象承载了深厚的民族历史文化的底蕴,折射着多彩的民俗民风,寄托了人们对美好生活的向往.更重要的是,由于这些吉祥造型的载体大多是与人们的日常生活、衣食住行息息相关的实用产品,因而与物质生产生活密不可分,可以说是审美理想和使用功能的统一体.对于深化我们现代艺术设计的思想,创作出能够被广大民众所接受和喜欢,同时又具有中国民族特色,传承中华民族文化,并且走向世界的现代设计作品具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

为了开发一种适用于神华煤制浆的高效水煤浆分散剂, 对木质素磺酸钠进行了化学改性实验,研究了改性产品GCL3S对神华煤制浆性能的影响.结果表明:经化学改性的木质素磺酸钠可使神华煤制浆粘度显著降低,在GCL3S掺量为0.7%,制浆浓度为62.00%条件下,神华煤黏度可降低至898 mPa·s,且浆体的稳定性有明显改善,其降黏效果及抗剪切性能均明显优于目前常用的萘系水煤浆分散剂FDN.  相似文献   

Based on the framework of method of successive averages(MSA), a modified stochastic user-equilibrium assignment algorithm was proposed, which can be used to calculate the passenger flow distribution of urban rail transit(URT) under network operation. In order to describe the congestion’s impact to passengers’ route choices, a generalized cost function with in-vehicle congestion was set up. Building on the k-th shortest path algorithm, a method for generating choice set with time constraint was embedded, considering the characteristics of network operation. A simple but efficient route choice model, which was derived from travel surveys for URT passengers in China, was introduced to perform the stochastic network loading at each iteration in the algorithm. Initial tests on the URT network in Shanghai City show that the methodology, with rational calculation time, promises to compute more precisely the passenger flow distribution of URT under network operation, compared with those practical algorithms used in today’s China.  相似文献   

为探求深埋隧洞在非线性渗流条件下围岩-注浆圈-衬砌体系的力学行为,引入Izbash非线性渗流模型,给出了围岩-注浆圈-衬砌体系的水头分布,基于统一强度理论,考虑塑性区可能的分布位置,在注浆、衬砌支护作用下对隧洞位移、应力和塑性区半径进行了理论推导.通过算例将理论解与数值解对比分析,验证了研究方法的可靠性,并进一步探讨了考虑非线性渗流对富水山岭隧洞支护设计的工程意义.研究结果表明:非线性渗流对隧洞弹塑性力学的影响主要体现在围岩水力梯度系数m_1;围岩从低速非线性渗流向高速非线性渗流转变过程中,塑性区半径和位移越来越大,围岩应力有所减小;应从隧洞围岩的非线性渗流角度考虑注浆圈、衬砌支护厚度设计.研究成果为非线性渗流隧洞支护设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

According to the tensile failure of rock bolt in weakly cemented soft rock, this paper presents a new segmented anchoring style in order to weaken the cumulative effect of anchoring force associated with the large deformation. Firstly, a segmented mechanical model was established in which free and anchoring section of rock bolt were respectively arranged in different deformation zones. Then, stress and displacement in elastic non-anchoring zone, elastic anchoring zone, elastic sticking zone, softening sticking zone and broken zone were derived respectively based on neural theory and tri-linear strain softening constitutive model of soft rock. Results show that the anchoring effect can be characterized by a supporting parameter b. With its increase, the peak value of tangential stress gradually moves to the roadway wall, and the radial stress significantly increases, which means the decrease of equivalent plastic zone and improvement of confining effect provided by anchorage body. When b increases to 0.72, the equivalent plastic zone disappears, and stresses tend to be the elastic solutions. In addition, the anchoring effect on the displacement of surrounding rock can be quantified by a normalization factor δ.  相似文献   

对轴对称荷载作用圆巷围岩理想弹塑性分析解——Kastner解适用于软岩和小变形情况,若用于非软岩和大变形情况,从Kastner方程会导得:不论巷道围岩塑性变形多大,巷道周边切应力恒等于岩体峰值强度;围岩所承受的地应力可以随围岩塑性区半径增大而持续增大,随巷道周边位移增大而持续增大;此外,Kastner解中切应力分布曲线在围岩弹、塑性区交界处有尖峰向上的应力集中.采用符合岩石实际的弹性、非线性硬化和软化光滑连接的应力-应变关系得到的巷道围岩分析解,可以弥补以上三点不足,恰当地反映巷道临界深度和巷道围岩自承地应力极限问题;所绘出的切应力分布曲线在围岩弹、塑性区交界处光滑连接,因而有更广的适用性和精确性,对巷、隧道围岩大变形支护设计有参考作用.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Hoek-Brown parameters and the mechanical response of circular tunnels is illustrated. Closed-form and approximate solutions are given for the extent of the plastic zone and the stress and displacement fields under axisymmetrical and asymmetric stress conditions. For the same rock masses and under axisymmetrical stress conditions, the radius of the plastic zone in terms of Hoek-Brown criterion is generally an approximation of the radius in terms of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The radius in terms of the Hoek-Brown criterion is larger under low stress conditions. For poor quality rock masses (GSI〈25), measures (such as grouting, setting rock bolts, etc.) that improve the GSI of rock masses are effective in improving the stability of tunnels. It is not advisable to improve the stability of the tunnels by providing a small support resistance p through shotcrete, except for very poor quality jointed rock masses. Without reference to the quality of the rock mass, the disturbance factor D should not less than 0.5. Measures which disturb rock masses during tunnel construction should be taken carefully when the tunnel depth increases.  相似文献   

为描述实际地应力场下隧道塑性区演化规律和支护设计原则,基于Mohr-Coulomb准则和弹-脆-塑性模型,采用总荷载不变法并引入弹性区应力摄动解,建立了非静水压力下圆形隧道水平轴和竖向轴处的塑性区半径方程,继而利用几何相似原理拓展至其他方位角处,并与文献总荷载不变法(以应力基尔希公式为基础)、Kastner法、复变函数法和实测数据进行对比,结合非关联流动法则推导塑性区位移解析解,探讨侧压力系数与脆性软化对隧道塑性区边界线、塑性区位移分布和围岩特征曲线的影响特性。结果表明:相比文献总荷载不变法和Kastner法,2阶摄动解作为非静水压圆形隧道的弹性区应力表达式更合理,且得到复变函数法的正确性验证;侧压力系数对隧道塑性区边界线的形状和范围均有明显影响,需针对具体方位角选择支护类型和尺寸以调控收敛约束交点处的支护压力与围岩稳定变形;隧道塑性区半径和洞壁位移随围岩峰后强度的降低而显著增加,宜使用弹-脆-塑性模型构建围岩特征曲线。  相似文献   

The zonal disintegration phenomenon (ZDP) is a typical phenomenon in deep block rock masses. In order to investigate the mechanism of ZDP, an improved non-linear Hock-Brown strength criterion and a bi-linear constitutive model of rock mass were used to analyze the elasto-plastic stress field of the enclosing rock mass around a deep round tunnel. The radius of the plastic region and stress of the enclosing rock mass were obtained by introducing dimensionless parameters of radial distance. The results show that tunneling in deep rock mass causes a maximum stress zone to appear in the vicinity of the boundary of the elastic and the plas-tic zone in the surrounding rock mass. Under the compression of a large tangential force and a small radial force, the rock mass in the maximum stress zone was in an approximate uniaxial loading state, which could lead to a split failure in the rock mass.  相似文献   

采用三折线线性软化模型描述了土体应力-应变关系,以Mohr-Coulomb为屈服准则,同时考虑塑性区弹性变形、土体剪胀以及土体软化的特性,推导了孔扩张后孔周各个区域的应力、应变及位移解析解,讨论了剪胀角、应变软化系数、是否考虑塑性区弹性变形对解答结果的影响.结果表明,最终扩张压力、塑性区半径都随剪胀角的增大而增大;软化系数对塑性区半径影响很小,但对最终扩张压力影响较大,随着软化系数的增大,最终扩张压力增大;考虑塑性区弹性变形对扩张问题解答的影响随扩张半径的增大越趋明显;考虑塑性区的弹性变形,最终扩孔压力偏小.  相似文献   

平面应变条件下的深埋圆形巷道一般忽略中间主应力的影响,但塑性区围岩的变形与实际情况会产生较大差异.为了充分考虑中间主应力对深埋圆形巷道的影响,基于平面应变假设与关联流动法则将Mohr-Coulomb准则精确匹配为Drucker-Prager准则,在此基础上推导了理想弹塑性材料在塑性阶段的中间主应力表达式;根据所得的中间主应力表达式结合关联流动法则.不引入任何假设,得出塑性区体积扩容的关系式;进一步推导了考虑中间主应力影响的深埋圆形巷道塑性区应力位移解析式,其中径向应力、切向应力及塑性区半径的表达式与卡斯特奈(Kastner)解完全一致,但卡斯特奈(Kastner)解无法得出中间主应力,而新的位移解析式则与以往的文献完全不同;经与以往文献的位移理论解比较分析知,新的位移解答更加合理.因此,考虑中间主应力的解答为深埋圆形巷道的计算与设计提供更为科学的理论基础.  相似文献   

基于岩体应变非线性软化本构模型,考虑中间主应力的影响,对衬砌圆形压力隧洞在等压荷载下进行弹塑性分析,对弹塑性边界位置在衬砌范围内和围岩范围内分别进行了讨论,指出根据弹塑性边界位置的不同应采用不同的计算公式,并得到了由隧洞开挖卸荷引起的、围岩开始屈服时的极限压力以及内压力作用下分别使衬砌、围岩开始屈服时的极限压力。  相似文献   

Based on the characteristics of the deep circular tunnel, the surrounding rock was divided into three regions: the cracked region, the plastic region and the viscoelastic region. The process of rock stress deformation and change was divided into three stages after the roadway excavation. By using the elastic–plastic mechanics theory, the analytical solutions of the surrounding stress and displacement at different stages and the radii of cracked and plastic regions were formulated. We additionally explained the surrounding rock stress and displacement which appeared in practical project. Simultaneously, based on the problem which emerged from a mine in Xuzhou during the excavating process of rock roadway’s transport, we got the theoretical solutions for the stress and displacement in the process of rock roadway’s excavation and considered that the broken area of rock roadway was largely loosing circle. The results indicate that according to the rheological characteristics of surrounding rock, in the primeval excavation of rock roadway, we should increase the length of anchor bolt and cooperate it with anchor nets cable-U steel supporting frame. In addition, when the deformation rate of the surrounding rock is descending after the 15 days’ excavation, we should use the “three anchor” supporting method (anchor bolt spray, anchor note and anchor rope) and set aside about 20 cm as the reserved deformation layer.  相似文献   

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