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Theory of Σ-(α-tautologies) in revised Kleene systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Manyresearchpapersonfuzzyreasoningandfuzzylogichavebeenpublishedsincethe1970s(see,forexample,refs.[1—4]),butnoneofthemcombinethetwoobjectssuccessfully.Theauthorintroducedinref.[5]aformalsystemL,revisedtheKleene’simplicationoperator,changeditintoanewone,R0,andpro…  相似文献   

The simulation of the transformer transient is one of the indispensable qualifications for improving the performance of transformer protection, the key technique of the transformer‘ s transient simulation is the treatment of ferromagnetic elements‘ loop. Thus the shapes of the primary hysteresis loop and each internal secondary hysteresis loop in the identical magnetism conducting are analyzed, and then it is proposed that there are somefractal characteristics in the relation between them. The fractal phenomenon of the ferromagnetic dements‘ hys-teresis loop in the transformer‘‘ s transient simulation is first brought forward, the mutuality between the ferro-magnetic dements‘ primary hysteresis loop and its secondary hysteresis loops is revealed in mechanism by usingthe fractal theory. According to the iterated function system of fractal theory, the secondary hysteresis loops canbe generated by the iterative calculation of the primary loop. The simulation results show the validity of this idea.  相似文献   

The viewpoint about harmful residual element control, the charging structure and its influence on production index due to the diversification of raw material in EAF steelmaking was expatiated. The residual element control model, the concept of the proportion of iron and steel and the charging structure triangle were putted forward. Based on theoretical calculation and statistical analysis, the influence of charging structure on production index was discussed, and it was found that the utilizing efficiency of energy will reduce as the proportion of iron and steel in EAF steelmaking increases.  相似文献   

In order to take data information from the slag property diagram in a ternary system automatically and actually, a picture recognition and drawing software has been developed by Visual Basic 6.0 based on the image coding principle of computer system and the graphics programming method of VB. This software can transform the ternary system isopleth diagram from bitmap format to data file and establish a corresponding database which can be applied to rapidly retrieve a mass of data and make correlative thermodynamics or kinetics calculation. Besides, it still has the function of drawing the ternary system diagram which can draw different kinds of property parameters in the same diagram.  相似文献   

一步法合成3-(α-萘氧基)1,2-环氧丙烷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3-(α-萘氧基)1,2-环氧丙烷是心血管疾病药物心得安重要的中间体.本文研究了α-萘酚与环氧氯丙烷在碱性条件下,以聚乙二醇400为相转移催化剂,用强碱作催化剂.一步法合成3-(α-萘氧基)1,2-环氧丙烷.合成路线缩短,反应条件温和,操作简便,产物容易获得.较适宜的反应条件是相转移催化剂用聚乙二醇400,碱催化剂用15%的氢氧化钠水溶液,在95℃反应10h.通过化学分析方法、红外光谱鉴定了产物的组成及性质.总收率为83%,纯度为98%.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionCatastrophe theory is a new mathematics subjectdeveloped in 1970s, which is part of nonlinearscience and a branch for studying discontinuousphenomenon. Seven elementary catastrophe modelshave been developed, including fold catastrophe, cuspcatastrophe, swallowtail catastrophe, elliptic umbiliccatastrophe, hyperbolic umbilic catastrophe, butterflycatastrophe and parabolic umbilic catastrophe[1-8].Generally speaking, catastrophe theory means cuspcatastrophe model which categorizes …  相似文献   

The significant features concerning liveness of generalized free-choice (GFC) systems are discussed.These features provide a sound basis for analyzing liveness of GFC systems in a reductive approach.What is interesting is that the characterization is just based on deadlocks,rather than on both deadlocks and traps as Commoner characterizes the liveness of ordinary free-choice systems.Several proof techniques for proving liveness-related features of GFC systems are introduced.  相似文献   

Several liveness theorems for GFC (the generalized free choice) systems in a reductive approach are presented.What is interesting is that the characterization is just based on deadlocks,rather than on both deadlocks and traps as Commoner characterizes the liveness of ordinary free-choice systems.Several proof techniques which may be useful for proving liveness of other types of net systems are also introduced.  相似文献   

An application of an unequal-weighted multi-objective decision making method in site selection of a waste sanitary landfill is discussed. The eight factors, which affected possible options, were: size and capacity of the landfill, permeability of the stratum, the average difference in elevation between the groundwater level and the bottom of the landfill pit, quality and source of clay, the quality grade of the landfill site, the effect of landfill engineering on nearby residents, distance to the water supply and the water source as well as the cost of construction and waste transport. These are determined, given the conditions of the geological environment, the need for environmental protection and landfill site construction and transportation related to the design and operation of a sanitary landfill. The weights of the eight factors were further investigated based on the difference in their relevance. Combined with practical experience from Xuzhou city (Jiangsu province, China), the objectives, effects and weights of grey decision-making were determined and the process and outcome of the landfill site selection are stated in detail. The decision-making results have been proven to be acceptable and correct. As we show, unequal-weighted multi-objective grey situation decision-making is characterized by easy calculations and good maneuverability when used in landfill site selection. The number of factors (objectives) affecting the outcome and the quantitative method of qualitative indices can be adjusted on the basis of concrete conditions in landfill site selection. Therefore, unequal-weighted multi-objective grey situation decision making is a feasible method in selecting landfill sites which offers a reference method for landfill site selection elsewhere. It is a useful, rational and scientific exploration in the choice of a landfill site.  相似文献   

基于碘酸根在稀盐酸介质中氧化盐酸羟胺产生亚硝酸根,而亚硝酸根和对硝基苯胺重氮化后可以与α-萘胺偶联产生红色偶氮染料, 提出了分光光度法测定碘(V)的新方法.研究表明碘酸根质量浓度在0~2.8×10-3 g/L内服从比耳定律,其线性相关系数γ为0.999 7,表观摩尔吸光系数ε510为 3.918×104 L·mol-1·cm-1.所拟方法用于加碘盐中碘(V)的测定, 结果令人满意.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Intelligent information processing is a research hotspot in information science. However, knowledge acquisition is a bottleneck in intelligent systems. Pro- posed by Pawlak in 1982[1], the rough set theory (RS theory) is based on a classification mechanism and regards knowledge as partition over data using equi- valence relationships in a given domain. The RS is a tool to deal with expressing, studying and reasoning of incomplete data and imprecise knowledge, which has been wi…  相似文献   

用过氧化氢 /α,α,α 三氟苯乙酮催化 3 ,3 乙撑二氧 Δ5(10 ) ,9(11) 雌甾二烯 1 7α ( 1 丙炔基 ) 1 7β 醇环氧化合成相应的 3 ,3 乙撑二氧 5α ,1 0α 环氧 Δ9(11) 雌甾烯 1 7α ( 1 丙炔基 ) 1 7β 醇 ,原料转化率高 ;5α,1 0α 环氧化合物和 5β,1 0 β 环氧化合物的摩尔比达到 1 0∶1 ;经柱层析分离、提纯 ;得到了相应纯的 5α ,1 0α 环氧化合物和 5β,1 0 β 环氧化合物 .测定了它们的熔点、比旋光度 ;并用IR谱、1H NMR谱和13 C NMR谱对其结构进行了鉴定 .  相似文献   

CenterOffsetTheoryandItsApplicationintheProcessingofCuttingToolsTANGYuyong;LIUPin(唐余勇)(刘品)(Dept.ofMaths.,HarbinInstituteofTec...  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on the study of ore deposits and orebody structures of two sedimentary-exhalative ore deposits,i.e. , Changba and Xitieshan Ore Deposits, it is found that the structural patterns of metallogenic basin of seaftoor exhalative sulfide deposits in the ancient graben systems are controlled by relay structures in normal faults. The shapes of metallogenic basins are composed of tilting ramp, fault-tip ramp and relay ramp, which dominate migration of gravity current of ore-hosted fluid and shape of orebody sedimentary fan in the ramp. By measuring and comparing the difference of length-to-thickness ratios of orebody sedimentary fan, the result shows that the occurrence of the ramp has a remarkable impact on the shape of orebody.  相似文献   

The in situ synthesis method for titanium matrix composites (TMCs) has obvious technical and economical advantages over other traditional methods. Ultrafine reinforcement particles were formed in situ by chemical reaction between elements or between elements and compounds. Using the approach, contamination at the composite matrix/reinforcement particle interface did not occur, interface bonding was good, and the reinforcement particle was thermodynamically stable. The stage of development of the preparation process for in situ TMCs as well as the thermodynamic analysis of the possible in situ reaction systems was described.  相似文献   

以(Z)-2-(2-氨基-4-噻唑)-2-羟亚胺乙酸烯丙酯(AAT)和溴乙酸叔丁酯为原料,经过缩合和水解合成了(Z)-2-氨基--α{[(2)-(叔丁氧基)-氧代乙氧基]亚氨基}-4-噻唑乙酸。缩合反应的较佳条件为:n(AAT)∶n(溴乙酸叔丁酯):n(碳酸钾)=1.00∶1.14∶1.32,反应温度35~40℃,反应时间6 h;水解的较佳条件为:n(缩合产物)∶n(异辛酸钠)∶n(钯催化剂)∶n(助催化剂)=1.000∶1.648∶0.014∶0.091,反应温度15~20℃,反应时间6 h。在以上条件下,两步反应的总产率约77%,产品中标题产物的质量分数97.3%。  相似文献   

浮选速度系数K是浮选时间大的函数,并有K=kt~(-α)的关系。k值确定之后,(-α)是精确度的关键。本文介绍用剩余标准离差S作为衡量理论值的精度检验,并表明可浮性指数(-α)与S之间存在抛物线型关系。由于实验值的数量有限以及存在试验误差,不利于分析及了解其实质,为此引入了必要的补充值并最大限度地避免误差的影响。因此可以通过抛物线公式计算出精度极高的理论值。  相似文献   

Rigorous analytical theory of wave propagation along a cylindrical waveguide filled with plasmas in a dielectric tube immersed in finite magnetic field is presented.The field components' expressions,eigenvalues,dispersion equations and complex wave power transmission equations have been obtained rigorously and discussed in detail.It is shown analytically that there is no disruption of the wave propagationin the ECR (ω=ωa) case,although the electrical permittivities approach to infinite in the case,and it hasbeen found that a real resonance takes place in this case while ω=(ωa2+ωpc2)1/2,in which the wave propagationof any mode is broken.The effective collisions are taken into consideration in the theory.Based on the above theory,the analytical theory of corrugated plasma waveguide immersed in finite axial magnetic field is also presented.The Floquet's expansion of field components,the dispersion equations,and the coupling coefficients of the corrugated plasma waveguide have been derived rigorously a  相似文献   

生物拆分制备(S)-α-乙基-2-氧-1-吡咯烷乙酸工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耐酪氨酸冢村氏菌(Tsukamurella tyrosinosolvens)E105可选择性催化(R,S)-α-乙基-2-氧-1-吡咯烷乙酸乙酯生物拆分制备左乙拉西坦关键手性中间体(S)-α-乙基-2-氧-1-吡咯烷乙酸.通过单因素实验和响应面法对菌株产酶培养条件进行优化,并考察含酶静息细胞催化制备(S)-α-乙基-2-氧-1-吡咯烷乙酸的反应过程.结果表明:最优产酶培养条件为装液量30%,接种量4%,发酵36h;培养基组成为葡萄糖17.70g/L,酵母膏16.53g/L,NH4Cl 9.5g/L,K2HPO42g/L,KH2PO41g/L,NaCl 0.6g/L,MgSO4·7H2O 0.5g/L,初始pH值7.32.在优化条件下,酶活力为19.33U/g,细胞干重达4.13g/L,分别较优化前提高了32.6%和60.1%.当细胞加量为30g/L,底物浓度60mmol/L,反应体系为300mL,拆分24h后,产率和ee值分别为48%和99%,(S)-α-乙基-2-氧-1-吡咯烷乙酸浓度达28.8mmol/L,较优化前提高了32.1%.  相似文献   

本章对有限域上形如α+α-1的本原元进行了研究,给出其计数公式,并将所有不存在形如α+α-1本原元的有限域都给出。  相似文献   

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