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煤层群采动覆岩裂隙演化与煤炭开采、卸压瓦斯渗流具有内在的联系,为建立煤炭开采与卸压瓦斯抽采(共采)的协同作用机制,阐明了共采协同的内涵,应用协同学理论建立了以单宽工作面煤炭日产量Q_m、覆岩裂隙带日扩展体积V和卸压瓦斯涌出量Q_g为协同变量的共采系统序参量方程,试验研究了覆岩裂隙垂向与水平扩展特征,建立了裂隙带发育体积演化模型,通过对序参量方程进行线性稳定性分析,建立了协同变量的相互影响机制.以沙曲矿为背景进行了共采协同机制应用研究,构建了24208工作面共采协同变量的相互影响机制.结果表明:裂隙钻孔抽采层位选择裂隙带日扩展体积V曲线拐点位置(距顶板19.5~22.6 m)较为合理.  相似文献   

煤矿绿色开采技术   总被引:282,自引:15,他引:282  
提出了煤矿绿色开采的概念,阐述了它的内涵和技术体系,绿色开采的理论基础为:开采后岩层中的关键层运动形成的节理裂隙与离层规律以及瓦斯与地下水在破断岩层中的渗流规律。绿色开采技术的主要内容包括:保水开采、建筑物下采煤与离层注浆减沉、条带与充填开采、煤与瓦斯共采、煤巷支护与部分矸石的井下处理、煤炭地下气化等。  相似文献   

煤炭开采引起覆岩破断及地表下沉,覆岩及地表运移规律可反映裂隙带高度的动态演化过程,因地表下沉滞后于煤炭开采,采空区封闭后,长期压实作用导致裂隙带高度较采动期间有所降低.基于地表点下沉速度的阶段特征将裂隙带高度的演化全程分为2个阶段,第1阶段裂隙带发育对应岩层破断逐步向上传递的过程,第2阶段裂隙带高度降低对应离层及裂隙闭合、断裂岩层受压后变形回弹及破碎岩体自然压实的过程,针对不同阶段裂隙带高度演化开展了试验研究和理论推导,揭示了不同阶段裂隙带高度的演化特征及影响机制,并结合同忻煤矿和太平煤矿实测结果进行了验证.研究结果表明,关键层的控制作用使得裂隙带高度阶段性增长,关键层最终破断层位及其上方部分岩层的岩性特征决定了第1阶段裂隙带发育高度,第2阶段裂隙带高度由第1阶段结束时裂隙带高度及垮落带高度、不同状态下的垮落带碎胀系数及地表动态下沉结束后的下沉量决定.研究可为废弃采空区卸压瓦斯地面抽采钻井结构设计及煤矿地下水库极限库容计算提供参考.  相似文献   

矿山采动裂隙岩体地球物理场特征研究及工程应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下矿床开采引起采场围岩变形破坏产生采动裂隙,采动裂隙是矿山一系列灾害的根源,研究矿山采动裂隙岩体的地球物理场特征,提出可行的地球物理方法对裂隙岩体实施高精度高分辨率探测,对于防治矿山灾害发生,保障矿山安全,具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值.本文通过理论分析、数值和物理模拟以及现场试验等技术途径,全面系统地研究了矿山采动裂隙岩体的地球物理场特征.主要研究内容、方法、结论及发现点如下: 1)根据覆岩变形破坏产生冒落带和裂隙带这一特征,建立煤层开采前和开采后电性数学模型,利用高精度有限单元法进行电场数值模拟.计算结果表明:采动裂隙引起煤层上覆地层的视电阻率变化,其影响范围较实际破裂范围大得多,基本上是覆岩冒裂带范围的两倍,其视电阻率值最大影响区为冒落带,变化率可达19%;在裂隙发育带,视电阻率的变化率可达10%~12%. 2)通过建立与实际采矿活动对应的相似材料物理模型,实施直流电阻率法的动态数据采集及反演计算,获得了覆岩采动裂隙的电场响应特征.选择采矿活动引起覆岩采动裂隙的4个关键时段,进行代表性的电场观测和计算分析.物理模拟结果表明:在覆岩变形破坏产生的裂隙带中,电场特征变化表现为正常场电阻率值升高2~3倍;而在冒落带中,电阻率值增加4~6倍;在弯曲变形带,采动过程中电性特征有一定的变化,主要表现为电阻率值略有增大. 3)利用相似材料物理模拟进行覆岩变形破坏的弹性波速度场响应特征研究,获得了覆岩采动裂隙的波场响应特征.建立与实际采矿活动对应的相似材料物理模型,进行煤层开采之前和开采之后两个不同时段对所模拟的岩层进行声波CT测量,反演计算所模拟岩层的波速场的分布.实验结果表明:在所模拟的覆岩破坏产生的裂隙带中,速度场变化表现为正常场值降低约10%~20%;而在冒落带中,采后很难接收到弹性波穿透的有效信号.在受开采影响但未破坏的采空边缘区,波速的升高是主要特征.4)结合含完整采空区的采区三维地震资料,全面分析了在煤层采空区、裂隙带及采动影响边界的地震波场特征.研究表明:对应采空区的位置,煤层反射波消失或能量变弱,覆岩层中出现波组零乱的反射波,能量弱,连续性差;对应支撑压力区,反射波组能量明显增强;对应采动影响带,包括上倾和下倾方向边界角范围内岩层的反射波能量明显减弱,局部出现反射空白带.根据这些特征可以划分采空区范围、采动裂隙发育高度、裂隙”天窗”、采动影响范围,为水体下煤炭资源开采以及岩层沉陷控制提供了可靠的地质依据和监测技术.5)建立煤层开采前以及开采后生成离层(离层充水、离层充气)的波场数学模型,利用有限差分法进行波场数值模拟.结合现场利用地震技术探测离层层位,分析了离层发育的具体位置及注浆充填离层带的效果,理论与实际相结合,并经实际检测.6)结合煤层开采底板岩体采动裂隙的动态弹性波CT现场实测试验,研究采动过程中采动裂隙产生过程与弹性波场的响应关系.探讨了动态探测方法的观测方案,确定关键观测时段和观测系统,根据CT反演的速度场特征,全面分析了底板岩体产生采动裂隙的速度场响应特征,在此基础上确定底板破坏裂隙最大发育深度,探测效果明显,为承压水上安全开采底板破坏监测提供了新的技术途径和地质保障.7)综合分析采动裂隙岩体的电性特征和波场特征,结合现场试验的结论和效果分析,提出了采动裂隙岩体地球物理方法监测初步技术体系.  相似文献   

为了研究覆岩采动裂隙分布状态及瓦斯运移规律,合理地确定出瓦斯富集区并优化瓦斯抽采钻场布置方案.借助于高精度的微震监测系统,结合淮南矿区工业性试验,对覆岩采动裂隙发育实时动态的分布状态进行了研究.结果表明:工作面采动效应引起了采场背景应力场的变化,高应力区的出现促使煤岩体萌生了微裂隙,而微裂隙的扩展和逐渐贯通又成了瓦斯解析、运移及连通的通道;覆岩产生大量的微裂隙,采空区中部的离层裂隙会被覆岩的移动所压实,而在采空区周围则形成了一个不规则闭合"圆柱形横卧体"裂隙区,其边界为:高约25~40m;宽约30~50m;左边界为采动影响边界线,与煤层底板夹角约为105°,右边界以45°左右偏向采空区发展,此裂隙区覆岩的透气性成倍增加,为瓦斯的运移提供了通道和聚积的空间.  相似文献   

地下矿床开采引起采场围岩变形破坏产生采动裂隙,采动裂隙是矿山一系列灾害的根源,研究矿山采动裂隙岩体的地球物理场特征,提出可行的地球物理方法对裂隙岩体实施高精度高分辨率探测,对于防治矿山灾害发生,保障矿山安全,具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值.本文通过理论分析、数值和物理模拟以及现场试验等技术途径,全面系统地研究了矿山采动裂隙岩体的地球物理场特征.主要研究内容、方法、结论及发现点如下:1)根据覆岩变形破坏产生冒落带和裂隙带这一特征,建立煤层开采前和开采后电性数学模型,利用高精度有限单元法进行电场数值模拟.计算结果表明:采动裂隙引起煤层上覆地层的视电阻率变化,其影响范围较实际破裂范围大得多,基本上是覆岩冒裂带范围的两倍,其视电阻率值最大影响区为冒落带,变化率可达19%;在裂隙发育带,视电阻率的变化率可达10%~12%.2)通过建立与实际采矿活动对应的相似材料物理模型,实施直流电阻率法的动态数据采集及反演计算,获得了覆岩采动裂隙的电场响应特征.选择采矿活动引起覆岩采动裂隙的4个关键时段,进行代表性的电场观测和计算分析.物理模拟结果表明:在覆岩变形破坏产生的裂隙带中,电场特征变化表现为正常场电阻率值升高2~3倍;而在冒落带中,电阻率值增加4~6倍;在弯曲变形带,采动过程中电性特征有一定的变化,主要表现为电阻率值略有增大.3)利用相似材料物理模拟进行覆岩变形破坏的弹性渡速度场响应特征研究,获得了覆岩采动裂隙的波场响应特征.建立与实际采矿活动对应的相似材料物理模型,进行煤层开采之前和开采之后两个不同时段时所模拟的岩层进行声波CT测量,反演计算所模拟岩层的波速场的分布.实验结果表明:在所模拟的覆岩破坏产生的裂隙带中,速度场变化表现为正常场值降低约10%~20%;而在冒落带中,采后很难接收到弹性波穿透的有效信号.在受开采影响但未破坏的采空边缘区,波速的升高是主要特征.4)结合含完整采空区的采区三维地震资料,全面分析了在煤层采空区、裂隙带及采动影响边界的地震波场特征.研究表明:对应采空区的位置,煤层反射波消失或能量变弱,覆岩层中出现波组零乱的反射波,能量弱,连续性差;对应支撑压力区,反射波组能量明显增强;对应采动影响带,包括上倾和下倾方向边界角范围内岩层的反射渡能量明显减弱,局部出现反射空白带.根据这些特征可以划分采空区范围、采动裂隙发育高度、裂隙"天窗"、采动影响范围,为水体下煤炭资源开采以及岩层沉陷控制提供了可靠的地质依据和监测技术.5)建立煤层开采前以及开采后生成离层(离层充水、离层充气)的波场数学模型,利用有限差分法进行波场数值模拟.结合现场利用地震技术探测离层层位,分析了离层发育的具体位置及注浆充填离层带的效果,理论与实际相结合,并经实际检测.6)结合煤层开采底板岩体采动裂隙的动态弹性波CT现场实测试验,研究采动过程中采动裂隙产生过程与弹性波场的响应关系.探讨了动态探测方法的观测方案,确定关键观测时段和观测系统,根据CT反演的速度场特征,全面分析了底极岩体产生采动裂隙的速度场响应特征,在此基础上确定底板破坏裂隙最大发育深度,探测效果明显,为承压水上安全开采底板破坏监测提供了新的技术途径和地质保障.7)综合分析采动裂隙岩体的电性特征和波场特征,结合现场试验的结论和效果分析,提出了采动裂隙岩体地球物理方法监测初步技术体系.  相似文献   

地面钻井抽放上覆远距离卸压煤层气试验研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
通过模拟及实测,对下保护层开采后其上覆远距离煤卸压效果进行了研究,并在淮北桃园矿开展了地面钻井抽放上覆远距离卸压煤层气试验。结果表明,下解放层开采后其上覆远距离煤层能充分卸压,将地面抽放钻井打到采动裂隙“O”形圈内,可将其卸压煤层气大面积抽放出来,为我国煤层气开采提供了一条新途径,具有推广应用前景。  相似文献   

本针对覆岩注浆减缓矿山开采沉陷问题,从理论上探讨了采场上覆岩层内部产生离层的力学条件,离层分布规律及离层空间体积的计算方法。  相似文献   

煤层群煤与瓦斯安全高效共采体系及应用   总被引:42,自引:3,他引:42  
提出了高瓦斯煤层群煤与瓦斯安全高效共采的概念:在煤层群开采条件下,首先开采瓦斯含量低、无突出危险的首采煤层,利用其采动影响使处在其上部和下部的煤层卸压,煤层透气性成百倍地增加,从而形成高效的瓦斯抽采条件.同时进行的卸压瓦斯高效抽采既解决了由卸压煤层向首采煤层涌出瓦斯问题,保障首采煤层实现安全高效开采,又大幅度地降低了卸压煤层的瓦斯含量,消除了煤与瓦斯突出危险性,为在卸压煤层内实施快速掘进与高效采煤方法提供了安全保障,从而实现了瓦斯与煤炭两种资源的安全高效共采.文中介绍了针对不同卸压瓦斯流动特点的近程、中程和远程卸压瓦斯抽采方法及工程应用实践,最后对高瓦斯煤层群煤与瓦斯安全高效共采体系的应用前景进行了分析.  相似文献   

结合弹塑性和断裂力学相关理论分析厚煤层上覆岩层采动裂隙扩展力学原理,根据覆岩内原生裂隙、次生裂隙和贯通裂隙分布情况将采动裂隙瓦斯流动通道沿工作面倾向分为:孤立区、局部网络区和网络区,运用UDEC数值软件模拟不同倾角和工作面长度条件下覆岩采动裂隙分布规律.结果表明:受采动影响,厚煤层工作面采空区覆岩出现"O"形裂隙圈,其随煤层倾角增大且沿煤层倾向向上发育,由水平煤层的等腰梯形演化为急倾斜煤层的不对称钝角梯形,瓦斯积聚于"O"形圈顶部;煤层倾角不变的情况下,"O"形裂隙圈随工作面长度的增加而增高.  相似文献   

Gas extraction practice has been proven for the clear majority of coal mines in China to be unfavorable using drill holes in the coal seam. Rather, mining-induced fractures in the goaf should be utilized for gas extraction. To study gas migration in mining-induced fractures, one mining face of 10 th Mine in Pingdingshan Coalmine Group in Henan, China, has been selected as the case study for this work. By establishing the mathematical model of gas migration under the influence of coal seam mining, discrete element software UDEC and Multiphysics software COMSOL are employed to model gas migration in mining-induced fractures above the goaf. The results show that as the working face advances, the goaf overburden gradually forms a mining-induced fracture network in the shape of a trapezoid, the size of which increases with the distance of coal face advance. Compared with gas migration in the overburden matrix, the gas flow in the fracture network due to mining is far greater. The largest mining-induced fracture is located at the upper end of the trapezoidal zone, which results in the largest gas flux in the network. When drilling for gas extraction in a mining-induced fracture field, the gas concentration is reduced in the whole region during the process of gas drainage, and the rate of gas concentration drops faster in the fractured zone. It is shown that with gas drainage, the gas flow velocity in the mininginduced fracture network is faster.  相似文献   

煤矿开采沉陷有效控制的新途径   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
开采沉陷是造成矿区环境地质灾害的直接根源,有效控制和减轻地面沉陷程度是减轻或避免开采沉陷环境灾害的根本之路,针对这一问题,分析了充填开采、条带开采和覆岩离层注浆岩层控制技术的优缺点,根据荷载置换原理,提出了“条带开采一注浆充填固结采空区—剩余条带开采”的三步法(二次条带式)开采沉陷控制的新思路,进行了三步法开采沉陷控制的可行性研究,初步分析表明,采用三步法开采可以实现对岩层移动和地表沉陷的有效控制,地表下沉系数可控制在0.25左右,煤炭采出率可达到80%~90%,可基本实现地面建筑物不搬迁和大幅度减轻土地塌陷灾害。  相似文献   

覆岩注浆减沉钻孔布置的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于岩移关键层理论,通过试验与理论研究证明了采动覆岩离层主要出现在关键层下,并揭示了离层分布的动态规律.在此基础上论述了覆岩离层注浆减沉钻孔布置的原则,为注浆减沉钻孔设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Mining subsidence damage is the main factor of restricting coal mining under buildings. To control or ease effectively the degree of mining subsidence and deformation is essential to resolve this problem. Through analyzing both advantages and disadvantages of some technologies such as mining with stowing, partial extraction and grouting in separated beds of overburden, we used the principle of load replacement and propose a “3-step mining” method, a new pattern of controlling mining subsidence, which consists of: strip mining, i.e. grouting to fill and consolidate the caving zone and retained strip pillar mining. The mechanism of controlling mining subsidence by using the “3-step mining” pattern is analyzed. The effect of the control is numerically simulated. The preliminary analysis shows that the “3-step mining” can effectively control ground subsidence and deformation. By using this method, the ground subsidence factor can be controlled to a value of about 0.25. Coal recovery can reach 80%-90%. Coal mining without removing surface buildins can be realized and the economic loss resultin from round subsidence can be greatly reduced.  相似文献   

The exploitation of coal bed methane or coal gas is one of the most effective solutions of the problem of coal gas hazard. A better understanding of gas flow in mining-induced cracks plays an important role in comprehensive development and utilization of coal gas as well as prevention of coal gas hazard. This paper presents a case study of gas flow in mining-induced crack network regarding the situation of low permeability of coal seam. A two-dimensional physical model is constructed on the basis of geological background of mining face No. 1122(1) in coal seam No. 11-2, Zhangji Coal Mine, Huainan Mining Group Corporation. The mining-induced stress and cracks in overburden rocks are obtained by simulating an extraction in physical model. An evolution of mining-induced cracks in the process of advancing of coal mining face is characterized and three typical crack networks are taken from digital photos by means of image analysis. Moreover, the numerical software named COMSOL Multiphysics is employed to simulate the process of gas flow in three representative crack networks. Isograms of gas pressure at various times in mining-induced crack networks are plotted, suggesting a shape and dimension of gas accumulation area.  相似文献   

The geological conditions of the Pingdingshan coal mining group were used to construct a physical model used to study the distribution and evolution of mining induced cracks in the overburden strata. Digital graphics technology and fractal theory are introduced to characterize the distribution and growth of the mining induced fractures in the overburden strata of an inclined coal seam. A relationship between fractal dimension of the fracture network and the pressure in the overburden strata is suggested. Mining induced fractures spread dynamically to the mining face and up into the roof as the length of advance increases. Moreover, the fractal dimension of the fracture network increases with increased mining length, in general, but decreases during a period from overburden strata separation until the main roof collapses. It is a1so shown that overburden strata pressure plays an important role in the evolution of mining induced fractures and that the fractal dimension of the fractures increases with the pressure of the overburden.  相似文献   

煤矿覆岩离层注浆减缓地表沉降机理与应用探讨   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
对采动覆岩离层发展的时空规律、离层带注浆减沉效果评价方法和离层带注浆减缓地表下沉在建(构)筑物下采煤中的应用等问题进行了探讨.认为:在相同地质采矿条件下,离层带高度随采空区尺寸变化而变化,当采空区尺寸达到充分采动尺寸后,离层带高度达到该条件下的最大值;准确地评价注浆效果应是根据同一采区实施注浆后的实测地表下沉盆地体积与未实施注浆的实测下沉盆地体积比较而定  相似文献   

In order to study the evolution laws during the development process of the coal face overburden rock mining-induced fissure,we studied the process of evolution of overburden rock mining-induced fissures and dynamically quantitatively described its fractal laws,based on the high-precision microseismic monitoring method and the nonlinear Fractal Geometry Theory.The results show that:the overburden rock mining-induced fissure fractal dimension experiences two periodic change processes with the coal face advance,namely a Small→ Big→ Small process,which tends to be stable;the functional relationship between the extraction step distance and the overburden rock mining-induced fissure fractal dimension is a cubic curve.The results suggest that the fractal dimension reflects the evolution characteristics of the overburden rock mining-induced fissure,which can be used as an evaluation index of the stability of the overburden rock strata,and it provides theoretical guidance for stability analysis of the overburden rock strata,goaf roof control and the support movements in the mining face.  相似文献   

Fully mechanized solid backfill mining(FMSBM) technology adopts dense backfill body to support the roof. Based on the distinguishing characteristics and mine pressure control principle in this technology, the basic principles and methods for mining pressure monitoring were analyzed and established. And the characteristics of overburden strata movement were analyzed by monitoring the support resistance of hydraulic support, the dynamic subsidence of immediate roof, the stress of backfill body, the front abutment pressure, and the mass ratio of cut coal to backfilled materials. On-site strata behavior measurements of 7403 W solid backfilling working face in Zhai Zhen Coal Mine show that the backfill body can effectively support the overburden load, obviously control the overburden strata movement, and weaken the strata behaviors distinctly. Specific performances are as follows. The support resistance decreases obviously; the dynamic subsidence of immediate roof keeps consistent to the variation of backfill body stress, and tends to be stable after the face retreating to 120-150 m away from the cut. The peak value of front abutment pressure arises at 5-12 m before the operating face, and mass ratio is greater than the designed value of 1.15, which effectively ensures the control of strata movement. The research results are bases for intensively studying basic theories of solid backfill mining strata behaviors and its control, and provide theoretical guidance for engineering design in FMSBM.  相似文献   

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