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为了提高带钢断面形状的控制精度,提出一种新的带钢断面形状在线控制矩阵模型。采用1次、2次、3次和4次曲线精确描述带钢断面形状,根据影响函数法的原理,给出断面形状控制影响矩阵的概念,并建立断面形状控制方程。以机理模拟数据为基础,对断面形状控制的矩阵模型进行了仿真实验,结果表明该模型具有较高的控制精度,控制效果良好,适合现代轧机带钢断面形状高精度控制,为带钢断面形状在线控制提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

板带轧制头部翘曲的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对板带轧制过程中头部翘曲问题,学者们及现场技术工作者已进行了大量试验及现场跟踪研究,取得了一定成果.从翘曲的测量方法、翘曲的研究方法、影响翘曲的主要因素入手,对板带头部翘曲的研究成果进行了综述,指出今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

提出了一种轧件自由宽展面鼓形率的定义.借助非线性有限元分析软件MSC.Superform研究了无孔型轧制过程中摩擦条 件对轧件断面形状的影响,分析表明:轧件自由宽展面和角部的变形与摩擦条件有紧密的关系,尤其在大压下量的轧制状况下其影响更为显著.  相似文献   

编制了轧制规程计算程序,该程序模拟了在冷轧条件下的整个轧制过程,包括单位变形能数学模型、张力数学模型、轧辊压扁系数数学模型、速度影响系数数学模型、变形效率数学模型等。根据极限条件,计算出入口厚度、出口厚度、轧制速度、张力、轧制力、轧制力矩等。  相似文献   

通过对全啮合同向旋转的双螺杆齿形曲线形成过程的推导,给出全啮合双螺杆断面曲线几何形状的确定公式。  相似文献   

本文从巷道受力角度出发,利用模糊数学方法和国外新近提出的应力和均匀化理论,在巷道断面形状的优化比较方面,首次提出一种根据巷道周围平均应力集中系数MSCF来选择最佳断面形状的定量方法——模糊决策方法。应用此方法,作者结合某矿山深部地质、应力条件,确定该矿深部开采巷道的最佳形状为准椭圆形,为矿山深部开采设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

利用修正后的Z Wusatowski宽展模型对棒线材实现无孔型轧制进行研究,并对其轧制稳定性条件和轧制力能参数进行了分析和计算。结果表明,在最大倾歪角和导卫间隙系数范围内,棒线材是可以实现无孔型轧制的。  相似文献   

四辊板带轧机的轴向动力学特征模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了四辊板带轧机轧辊交叉情况下的轴向动力学特征,建立了辊系轴向振动的合理的动力学模型,基于摩擦学的预位移理论,给出了工作辊与支承辊之间,以及工作辊与轧件之间的轴向刚度的定义。同时,分析了辊系的轴向阻尼特性,确定了轴向阻尼系数的量级。动载荷放大系数的研究为讨论轴向力对轧辊轴承的影响同时提供了合理的依据。  相似文献   

纳米添加剂对板带钢冷轧乳化液润滑性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过四球摩擦学试验分析纳米添加剂对板带钢冷轧乳化液摩擦学性能的影响;在不同润滑条件下进行冷轧试验,分析纳米添加剂对冷轧过程和轧后带钢表面质量的影响。结果表明,含纳米添加剂的轧制乳化液与传统轧制乳化液相比,其承载能力和抗磨减摩性能均有所改善;带钢冷轧过程中采用含纳米添加剂的轧制乳化液进行润滑,可有效降低轧制压力和轧机功率、减少能耗,并且轧后带钢表面质量也有明显改观。  相似文献   

通过对某钢厂CSP轧制区生产工艺特点的分析,得出带钢温度下降的主要因素为水冷,由此建立基于水冷的带钢温度模型,并利用现场数据回归得到了综合水冷系数。将带钢温度预测值与设定值进行比较,发现水冷带钢温度模型可满足带钢温度设定要求。  相似文献   

The dynamic model of cold rolling mill based on strip flatness and thickness integrated control was proposed,containing the following sub-models:the rolling process model,the dynamic model of rolls along axial direction,and the compensation model.Based on the rule of volume flow rate,the dynamic rolling process model was built.The work roll and backup roll were taken as elastic continuous bodies,the effect of shear and moment of inertia were taken into consideration,and then the dynamic model of rolls was built.The two models were coupled together,and the dynamic model of rolling mill was built.In the dynamic model,the thermal expansion of the rolls,the wear of the rolls and other related parameters can not be considered.In order to compensate the dynamic model,the coupled static model of rolls and strip was applied.Then,according to the inner relationship of these models,the dynamic model and the compensation model were coupled,and the dynamic model of rolling mill based on the strip flatness and thickness integrated control was built.The dynamic simulation of the rolling process was made,and the dynamic thickness and the dynamic flatness information were obtained.This model not only provides a theory basis for the virtual rolling,but also provides a platform for the application of advanced control theory.  相似文献   

采用非线性优化方法中的序列二次规划法 (SQP)优化碾压混凝土重力坝坝体体型 .此方法能考虑碾压混凝土重力坝材料分区问题 ,采用更多变量的组合 ,进行断面优化设计 .计算实例表明 ,在满足设计安全的前提下 ,能降低断面单宽造价 ,获得经济、实用的坝体体型  相似文献   

热连轧带钢负荷分配法的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了热连轧带钢生产中负荷分配方法的发展,阐明了各种分配方法的优缺点,为热连轧精轧机组合理分配各机架的压下量提供了参考,并叙述了热连轧负荷分配的发展方向。  相似文献   

针对干平整轧制过程中工作辊与带钢表面粗糙度对摩擦系数的影响仅能定性分析、不能满足生产需要的问题,经过大量的现场试验与理论研究,充分结合平整机组的设备与工艺特点,基于粗糙度的基本理论,根据干平整轧制过程中摩擦特点构造了反映工作辊及带钢表面粗糙度与摩擦系数之间一一对应关系的数学模型,提出了相应的模型计算策略,并将其应用到宝钢冷轧薄板厂1 220平整机组的生产实践,定量分析了工作辊及带钢表面粗糙度对摩擦系数的影响,有效地提高了轧制压力的预报精度与产品质量,取得了良好的使用效果,具有进一步推广应用价值。  相似文献   

为优化H型钢产品孔型工艺,提高孔型设计精度,利用有限元软件,对100mm×100mm规格H型钢产品的初轧孔型进行轧制过程模拟计算,得到各道次轧件在变形过程中的孔型充满度、金属流动性以及应力应变的仿真结果.分析表明:在斜轧孔型初轧过程中,各孔型均未完全充满,K2、K3、K4孔型的闭口腿内侧金属与轧辊有脱离现象发生.K1、K2孔型的楔子部位应变最大,K3、K4孔型在开口翼缘部位金属出现内翻现象.  相似文献   

A high-precision shape detecting system of cold rolling strip is developed to meet industrial application, which mainly consists of the shape detecting roller, the collecting ring, the digital signal processing (DSP) shape signal processing board and the shape control model. Based on the shape detecting principle, the shape detecting roller is designed with a new integral structure for improving the precision of shape detecting and avoiding scratching strip surface. Based on the DSP technology, the DSP shape signal processing circuit board is designed and embedded in the shape detecting system for the reliability and stability of shape signal processing. The shape detecting system was successfully used in Angang 1 250 mm HC 6-high reversible cold rolling mill. The precision of shape detecting is 0.2 I and the shape deviation is controlled within 6 I after the close loop shape control is input.  相似文献   

A 2-dimension axisymmetric model was developed by the finite-difference method, which can be used to predict the transient temperature field and thermal profile of work rolls in the hot strip rolling process. To demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of the solution developed, the calculation results were compared with the production data of a 1700 mm hot strip rolling mill and good agreement was found between them. The effect of strip width and roll shifting on the thermal expansion of the work rolls was studied.It is found that the strip width has marked effect on the efficient thermal crown. Initially, when the rolling strip changes from narrow to wide, a bigger efficient thermal crown can be quickly achieved; afterwards, when the rolling strip changes from wide to narrow,not only the influence of uneven wear can be reduced but also the excessive efficient thermal crown can be avoided. It is also found that the work roll shifting has a determinate but not obvious effect on the reduction of the efficient thermal crown, and will make the strip shape unstable without being used properly.  相似文献   

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