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利用自行设计高温压力加载试验装置,研究了高温后受损衬砌高性能混凝土(HPC)残余抗压强度在不同条件下随温度劣化的规律和定量关系,建立了火灾后隧道衬砌HPC残余抗压强度与火场温度之间的数学关系式.研究表明:高等级的HPC强度很高,但其抗火性能很差;在高温过程中及自然冷却条件下,HPC残余抗压强度总体上呈降低趋势,在300℃时,C50HPC残余抗压强度有小幅增加;射水冷却条件下,HPC残余抗压强度随着温度升高一直呈衰减状态;相同加热温度等级条件下,高温过程中HPC的残余抗压强度略高于自然冷却后HPC的残余抗压强度,自然冷却后HPC的残余抗压强度高于射水冷却后HPC的残余抗压强度.  相似文献   

针对塑性混凝土具有弹性模量低、抗渗性及塑性变形特性良好等特点,利用尾矿砂配置了不同尾矿砂砂率和不同水泥掺量的塑性混凝土,对尾矿砂塑性混凝土试件分别进行了立方体抗压强度、轴心抗压强度以及弹性模量等试验.利用极差分析探讨了砂率和水泥掺量等对尾矿砂塑性混凝土的立方体抗压强度、轴心抗压强度以及弹性模量的影响,得到了立方体抗压强度、轴心抗压强度以及弹性模量随砂率和水泥掺量的变化规律.试验结果表明,尾矿砂塑性混凝土立方体抗压强度和轴心抗压强度随砂率的增加而降低,随着水泥掺量的增加,其立方体抗压强度和轴心抗压强度均逐步增大,弹性模量在砂率为50%处达到最大,随着水泥掺量的增加其弹性模量也逐步增大.  相似文献   

碱矿渣陶粒混凝土基本性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解决碱矿渣胶凝材料收缩过大限制其应用的问题,将陶粒和陶砂掺入碱矿渣胶凝材料中形成碱矿渣陶粒混凝土.完成了252个碱矿渣陶粒混凝土试件的试验,考虑了水灰比、砂率、粉煤灰质量分数、水玻璃模数、氧化钠质量分数等关键参数对碱矿渣陶粒混凝土抗压强度和干缩率的影响.试验结果表明,碱矿渣陶粒混凝土的28d边长为100 mm立方体的抗压强度为45~55 MPa,碱矿渣陶粒混凝土的28 d干燥收缩率为1.8×10~(-4)~4.4×10~(-4).当水灰比、粉煤灰质量分数、水玻璃模数、氧化钠质量分数增大时,抗压强度减小,干缩率增大;砂率增大时,抗压强度增大,干缩率减小.  相似文献   

高温后冷却环境对钢筋混凝土黏结性能的损伤   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对在不同受热温度、不同冷却方式下的钢筋混凝土黏结性能进行了研究.钢筋混凝土黏结试件的受热温度分别为250C,450C和650C,加热方式为黏结面直接受热,冷却方式分为自然冷却和喷水冷却2种.分析了高温后冷却环境对钢筋混凝土极限黏结应力、极限滑移的影响.结果表明,受热温度和冷却方式对高温后钢筋混凝土黏结性能有很大影响,随温度的升高,自冷和水冷黏结试件的极限黏结应力都将逐渐减小,且极限滑移逐渐增大,同时,与自冷试件相比,喷水冷却试件的黏结强度不但有较大幅度的降低,且其滑移量也有明显的减少.最后,给出了高温后钢筋混凝土黏结应力的计算公式.该公式能够用于预估受到不同温度后,在不同冷却方式下钢筋混凝土的黏结强度.  相似文献   

Three different kinds of coatings were coated on the concrete surface, and the changes in appearance, surface roughness, microstructure and components of coatings in artificial sewage were investigated. In addition, the strength, micrograph, mineral compositions and pore structure of concrete specimens after removing coatings were also studied. The results show that epoxy coal tar pitch coating(ECTPC) has the best effect of protecting concrete from the sewage corrosion. After being immersed in sewage for 90 days, the compressive strength of concrete coated with ECTPC is still as high as that of specimen immersed in water, and the cement paste has a high CH content and dense structure with low porosity, which mainly accounts for its excellent barrier property and certain antibacterial function. Cement-based bactericidal coating(CBC) also has good effectiveness to sewage corrosion of concrete. The strength and microstructure of concrete coated with CBC in sewage are still significantly superior to those of uncoated concrete. Although cement-based capillary crystalline waterproofing coating(CCCWC) is a good waterproof material, it is not suitable for the corrosion resistance of concrete in sewage. After 2 months corrosion, almost all of the CH crystals in coating reacted with the metabolic acid substance by microbes. Therefore, the strength and pore structure of concrete coated with CCCWC are only slightly superior to those of uncoated concrete. Overall, the protective effect of cement-based inorganic coatings is relatively poor.  相似文献   

目的研究火灾后混凝土抗压强度与混凝土不同深度处的平均回弹值之间的关系,建立逐层回弹法评定火灾后混凝土抗压强度的专用测强曲线和计算公式.方法通过采用逐层回弹法对不同火灾温度条件下的混凝土试块进行逐层切割回弹试验。得到火灾后混凝土不同深度处的回弹数据,利用分层回弹数据的变化趋势和混凝土的实测强度来拟合火灾后混凝土的专用测强曲线和计算公式.结果表明按逐层回弹法建立的火灾后混凝土测强曲线和计算公式具有良好的精度。同时该方法考虑了不同深度处的回弹值与混凝土强度之间的相关关系,使得本文提出的测强曲线更接近实际.结论逐层回弹法可以应用于火灾后混凝土的强度评定。该法满足工程精度的要求.可以为火灾后混凝土结构的检测鉴定提供新的依据.  相似文献   

为了研究富含砖粒再生混凝土的抗剪性能,制备了4组不同配合比的富含砖粒再生混凝土试件,以28 d立方体抗压强度值为变化因素,在分析立方体抗压强度对抗剪强度影响的基础上,研究了立方体抗压强度值对剪应力-应变曲线的影响。结果表明:富含砖粒再生混凝土的剪切破坏形态与普通混凝土相似,其抗剪强度随着抗压强度的提高呈显著增长趋势;建立了剪应力-应变的本构方程,提出了富含砖粒再生混凝土的剪切模量计算式。  相似文献   

自然界中气温、降水的长期作用导致古代砖砌体风化,风化损伤材料和砌体力学性能。实验采用大气环境实验舱实现自然风化作用人工模拟,根据不同饱水度和冻融次数,实验舱设定了7种非饱水冻融工况,对7种工况影响下的砖、灰浆、砌体抗压、砌体抗剪试件试件强度变化规律进行实验分析。实验表明,饱水度是反映材料冻融性能的重要指标;不同饱水度下的冻融试件强度呈现先升后降的趋势;试件在饱水度为53%的冻融作用下,砌体构件具有最佳抗力;提出古代砖砌体构件风化程度评定标准。实验对古砖砌体结构保护工作具有指导和应用价值,定期评定古塔砌体风化程度,时刻掌握古塔构件结构安全性能的变化规律,科学保护古塔。  相似文献   

To meet the requirement of fire endurance for concrete structures strengthened with CFRP sheets, this study develops an inorganic adhesive whose strength at 600 ℃ is not lower than that at normal room temperature. The inorganic adhesive is then used to bond CFRP sheets on reinforced concrete beams in order to strengthen them. The fire protection of the CFRP sheets is done using the thick-type fireproofing coatings for tunnel ( TFCT) and steel structure ( TFCSS) respectively. Four specimens are tested in the furnace together. Specimens are exposed to fire for 1. 5 h in according to the ISO834 standard fire curve,and then naturally cooled for 1 h. In the tests,the largest displacements at the mid-span positions of specimens are only from 1 /1400 to 1 /318 of actual span corresponding to the highest temperatures from 300 ℃ to 470 ℃. After the specimens are naturally cooled to the normal temperature and the fireproofing coatings are then removed,it can be seen that the CFRP sheets keep in a good state,which indicates that CFRP sheets can be tightly bonded on the concrete and work well together with the concrete beams during and after fire. Besides,the tests also verify that the fire performance of TFCT is superior to TFCSS for the strengthened beams.  相似文献   

为了研究不同含水率状态下富含砖粒再生混凝土的抗压性能,制作了72块强度等级分别为RC20、RC25、RC30富含砖粒再生混凝土立方体试块标准养护28d后将其移入干燥箱中进行干燥处理。将干燥后的立方体试块分别放入清水中浸泡4、12、24、48、72、168、336 h后测量其含水率,并进行单轴抗压力学性能试验。建立再生混凝土强度随其含水率变化的计算模型。研究结果表明:富含砖粒再生混凝土抗压强度随含水率增加而降低,对RC20、RC25、RC30来说,饱和富含砖粒再生混凝土的立方体抗压强度较干燥状态分别降低了33.3%、16.9%、36.9%。  相似文献   

邯郸地区再生骨料在混凝土和砂浆中应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
全面研究了邯郸地区用砖混结构建筑垃圾生成的再生骨料的粒径、堆积密度、吸水率、筒压强度等基本性能。通过试验,分别测试了以建筑垃圾为骨料的再生混凝土的干表观密度、抗压强度、抗渗性、抗冻性等相关的物理力学性能、以混凝土废渣为粗骨料的再生混凝土的抗压强度和以建筑垃圾作为细骨料等体积替代砂浆中的砂的再生砂浆的抗压强度,并分别与普通混凝土和砂浆对比分析。试验结果表明:以建筑垃圾为骨料的再生混凝土具有良好的基本力学性能,强度最高可达C30;用混凝土废渣作为粗骨料配制的再生混凝土的强度等级可达C50;再生砂浆的强度不降低。  相似文献   

为研究施工现场中小直径芯样检测混凝土抗压强度方法的修正系数,采用新浇素混凝土板和旧钢筋混凝土梁进行检测实验。分别钻取Ф100 mm、Ф75 mm、Ф50 mm的芯样,通过超声回弹法、钻芯法实验,测出不同直径芯样混凝土抗压强度与标准立方体抗压强度之间关系,从而推导出小直径芯样检测混凝土抗压强度修正算式。该研究结果可为施工现场检测混凝土抗压强度提供参考。  相似文献   

火灾下混凝土构件正截面承载力估算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对火灾下混凝土构件正截面承载力计算繁杂的问题.提出对于受拉区为迎火面的板的控制截面,不考虑压区混凝土强度的变化,考虑高温对受拉钢筋强度的影响;对于受压区为迎火面的板的控制截面,引入截面有效高度折减值,不考虑折减后剩余混凝土强度和拉区钢筋强度的变化,考虑高温对受压钢筋强度的影响;对于四面受火的轴心受压混凝土方柱,引入截面尺寸折减值,不考虑折减后剩余混凝土强度的变化,考虑高温对钢筋强度的影响,并建立了火灾下板及四面受火钢筋混凝土方柱正截面承载力的估算方法,可供钢筋混凝土结构抗火验算时参考.  相似文献   

To study the dynamic mechanical behavior of C60 concrete at high temperatures, impact tests under different steady-state temperature fields (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500.℃) were conducted under a variety of durations at the corresponding constant high temperature, namely 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120.min, employing split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system. In addition, the impact tests were also conducted on the specimens cooled from the high temperature to the room temperature and the specimen under room temperature. From the analysis, it is found that C60 concrete has a time-dependent behavior under high-temperature environment. Under 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500.℃ steady-state temperature fields respectively, as the duration at the corresponding constant high temperature increases, the dynamic compressive strength and the elastic modulus decrease but the peak strain generally ascends. After cooling to the room temperature, the dynamic compressive strength and the elastic modulus descend as well, but the peak strain increases first and then decreases slightly, when the duration increases. For specimens under and cooled from the high-temperature, as the temperature increases, the dynamic compressive strength and the peak strain raise first and then reduce gradually,and the dynamic compressive strength of specimen under high temperature is higher than that of the specimen cooled from the same high temperature.  相似文献   

高温后再生混凝土的残余抗折强度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完成了150块不同再生粗骨料取代率(0%、30%、50%、70%、100%)下再生混凝土棱柱体试块在20℃~800℃下的高温试验。通过对高温中和高温后试验现象与数据的对比,研究了高温后再生混凝土的残余抗折强度,分析了高温后再生混凝土的残余抗折强度与经历温度之间的相互关系与变化特点,同时与已有高温后再生混凝土的残余抗压强度进行了对比分析。最后,提出了基于试验统计的再生混凝土残余抗折强度与经历温度之间的建议公式。结果表明:随经历温度的升高,高温后再生混凝土的残余抗折强度整体上逐渐下降;与残余抗压强度相比,再生粗骨料取代率对高温后再生混凝土的残余抗折强度影响不明显。  相似文献   

将经煅烧等过程进行活化处理的煤矸石细粉与磨至一定比表面积的水泥熟料及天然生石膏混合均匀,制成了活化煤矸石粉掺量比例不同的多组混合水泥,并对其胶砂强度性能、标准稠度用水量、胶砂流动度进行了实验检测.同时,还应用SEM对混合水泥硬化浆体的微观结构进行了观察.结果表明,掺入经活化处理的煤矸石粉配制的混合水泥具有较好的强度性能;随掺量增加,水泥浆体的流变性能变差,但对凝结时间并无明显影响.  相似文献   

为了研究铁尾矿粉对碱矿渣泡沫混凝土力学性能的影响,用掺入了铁尾矿粉的碱矿渣泡沫混凝土制成100 mm×100 mm×100 mm的立方体试块,分别将混凝土试块养护3、7、28 d后,测试其抗压强度。结果表明:随着铁尾矿粉碱矿渣泡沫混凝土表观密度的增加,其抗压强度不断增大;当铁尾矿粉的掺量从10%增加到30%时,碱矿渣泡沫混凝土的抗压强度逐渐增大;当铁尾矿粉的掺量从30%增加到50%时,碱矿渣泡沫混凝土的抗压强度逐渐减小,且强度损失较明显,随着铁尾矿粉细度的提高,碱矿渣泡沫混凝土的强度逐渐增大。  相似文献   

设计制作了再生粗骨料取代率r=0%、30%、50%、70%、100%的碎卵石混凝土立方体及棱柱体试件,在不同龄期下对其进行抗压试验。研究了五种再生粗骨料取代率下,不同龄期的混凝土立方体抗压强度以及棱柱体抗压强度的变化趋势。结果表明:在龄期为3 d和7 d情况下,r=30%时混凝土的抗压强度较r=0%时无显著变化;当r>30%时,混凝土的抗压强度随r的增加呈下降趋势,且下降幅度较明显。在龄期为14 d和28 d情况下,各组试件的抗压强度随着r的增加而降低。提出了考虑再生粗骨料取代率r的情况下,混凝土立方体抗压强度与棱柱体抗压强度相关关系计算模型fc=(-0.190 3r2+0.148r+0.722 7)fcu。  相似文献   

A series of compression tests were conducted on 150 groups of cement paste specimens with side lengths ranging from 40 mm to 200 mm. The specimens include cube specimens and prism specimens with height to width ratio of 2. The experiment results show that size effect exists in the cubic compressive strength and prismatic compressive strength of the cement paste, and larger specimens resist less in terms of strength than smaller ones. The cubic compressive strength and the prismatic compressive strength of the specimens with side length of 200 mm are respectively about 91% and 89% of the compressive strength of the specimens with the side length of 40 mm. Water to binder ratio has a significant influence on the size effect of the compressive strengths of the cement paste. With a decrease in the water to binder ratio, the size effect is significantly enhanced. When the water to binder ratio is 0.2, the size effects of the cubic compressive strength and the prismatic compressive strength of the cement paste are 1.6 and 1.4 times stronger than those of a water to binder ratio of 0.6. Furthermore, a series of formulas are proposed to calculate the size effect of the cubic compressive strength and the prismatic compressive strength of cement paste, and the results of the size effect predicted by the formulas are in good agreement with the experiment results.  相似文献   

再生骨料相当于天然骨料表面附着了一层老砂浆,老砂浆力学性能相对天然骨料较差,造成了再生混凝土内界面过渡区的数量、分布和性能的不同,从而影响了再生混凝土的力学性能.首先通过试验方法研究了再生混凝土中老砂浆的含量和分布;利用扫描电镜考察了新老界面过渡区形貌的异同,分析了老砂浆对界面过渡区的影响;采用有限元软件ANSYS对再生混凝土细观结构的受力特征和破坏机理进行了初步分析.最后利用不同强度等级的废旧混凝土加工成再生粗骨料,制备成再生混凝土,测试其抗压强度和劈裂抗拉强度,验证了再生混凝土受力的破坏机理.  相似文献   

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