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旋流-静态微泡浮选柱气含率影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
浮选柱气含率是决定浮选效果的一个重要因素.研究了循环压力、进气量及起泡剂浓度3个因素对浮选柱气含率的影响.结果表明:旋流-静态微泡浮选柱的气含率随着循环压力、进气量和起泡剂浓度的增大均呈上升趋势.3个因素中,起泡剂浓度对气含率影响最显著,而循环压力最小.在Φ100mm×2000mm旋流-静态微泡浮选柱实验系统上,当循环压力为0.2MPa,进气量为0.2m3/h,起泡剂仲辛醇浓度为12.50mg/L时,浮选柱的气含率可达66.86%.  相似文献   

针对我国西南地区难选硅-钙质胶磷矿,采用旋流-静态微泡浮选柱对其进行了柱式双反浮选工艺的研究.以硫酸和磷酸作为磷矿物抑制剂,脂肪酸类药剂PA-64作为碳酸盐矿物捕收剂,胺类药剂GE-601作为硅酸盐矿物捕收剂,考察了磨矿细度、药剂用量、循环泵工作压力等因素对浮选指标的影响.研究结果表明,采用旋流-静态微泡浮选柱双反浮选工艺,可以得到精矿P_2O_5品位30.49%,MgO含量0.73%,磷回收率81.03%的浮选指标,简化了胶磷矿浮选工艺流程.  相似文献   

溶气析出式浮选柱处理含油废水的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对含油废水中难分离的细粒级油分,结合溶气气浮技术和柱浮选技术的优点,提出利用溶气析出式浮选柱处理含油废水,研制了溶气析出式浮选柱及液位调节装置,建立了一套试验研究系统,采用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)为表面活性剂,聚合铝(PAC)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为絮凝剂,通过系统试验,考察了溶气压力、进水pH值、处理量、回流比、泡沫层厚度、表面活性剂以及絮凝剂投加浓度等因素对除油率的影响,试验结果表明,在优化操作参数条件下,除油率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

通过静态烧杯实验和动态模拟试验,验证了改性纤维球可以有效吸附餐饮含油废水中的油脂,探讨了改性纤维球的投加量、反应温度、pH对处理效果的影响及其吸附周期.结果表明,在投加量为13.6g/L,碱性条件下,温度为30℃以上的条件下改性纤维球的除油率最高达到90.74%,可以运行8h.动态模拟实验周期为4h,最高除油率为39.45%.改性纤维球在吸附饱和后可以经简单的方法再生恢复其吸附性能,再生后的除油率高达78.88%.  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的旋流-静态微泡浮选柱气含率预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了影响旋流-静态微泡浮选柱气含率的因素,选取循环压力、进气量和起泡剂浓度3个主控因素作为BP神经网络模型的基本特征量,建立了浮选柱气含率与主控因素之间的相关关系和BP神经网络预测模型,并对气含率进行了预测分析.结果表明:BP神经网络能合理地表达浮选柱气含率与其主控因素之间的非线性映射关系,预测结果与实测值之间的相对误差一般小于5%,达到了较高的预测精度.  相似文献   

浮选柱筛板充填的气含率研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
浮选柱气含率大小是决定浮选柱回收能力和分选效果的重要参数之一.探讨了旋流-静态微泡浮选柱气含率在轴向的分布及其影响因素.研究了筛板充填浮选柱的气含率,结果表明:气含率在清水且不加起泡剂的浮选柱内的轴向分布不均匀,由于气泡的兼并和破裂呈现上部低、下部高的趋势.筛板充填浮选柱的气含率随着循环量的增大先增后减,当循环量为720L/h时,平均气合率达到最大值29.6%;之后,随着给料速度的增大而略有减小;同时,随着筛板数量的增多先增后减,当筛板充填层数为7块时达到最大值.  相似文献   

介质充填可有效改善浮选环境.传统筛板仅是部分抑制旋流,填料充填易堵塞且严重影响浮选处理量,结合筛板与填料优势,提出引流介质充填旋流-静态微泡浮选柱,以解决强旋流与静态浮选之间的矛盾.引流介质充填在旋流分选和柱浮选之间,在稳定静态环境情况下,又引导上移涡旋(负效应)成为平稳上升流并促使易浮矿物泡沫快速上浮(正效应),使精选泡沫层更厚、更稳定.结果表明,在原矿品位基本相同情况下,引流介质混合充填比筛板充填可以使精矿品位平均提高了1.88%,回收率提高了1.63%.  相似文献   

煤炭洗选脱硫研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
简述了我国煤炭洗选脱硫现状及各种洗选脱硫方法,介绍了研制成功的煤炭洗选脱硫两大关键设备——无压给料重介旋流器和旋流微泡浮选柱的工作原理、脱硫性能及脱硫工艺与应用实践,无压给料旋流器给料方式独特,介质入口曲线选择合理,抗耐磨性能好;旋流微泡浮选柱柱体高度低,两段式结构设计新颖,微泡发生器的节能性及体外配置工作可靠性大大提高,两者配合使用对煤炭的全粒级洗选脱硫可达到满意的脱硫效果.  相似文献   

采用旋流-静态微泡浮选柱对某胶磷矿进行了半工业试验研究,在原矿品位为23.73%P2O5的情况下通过正-反浮选流程获得了精矿P2O5品位29.78%、MgO品位0.29%,回收率82.69%的良好指标,缩短了流程结构.为浮选柱技术的工业应用进行了积极探索.  相似文献   

为回收铜镍矿工业尾矿的镍金属元素,实现对贫细难选硫化镍矿的高效分选,以旋流-静态微泡浮选柱为分选设备,采取二粗三精的浮选工艺流程,入料镍品位为0.234%,得到镍精矿品位为2.615%,镍尾矿品位为0.219%.利用扫描电镜和能谱仪检测分选样品的种类及元素含量,采用自动定量分析测试系统MLA检测样品矿物组成和单体解离度,结果表明,损失在尾矿中的镍元素主要是呈细小粒状或脉状嵌布于脉石矿物中的镍黄铁矿、氧化镍以及部分难以用浮选方式回收的微细粒级镍黄铁矿单体,旋流静态微泡浮选柱对<O.043mm矿物回收能力和选择性较强,易选粒级镍黄铁矿单体基本得到回收.  相似文献   

作为一种新型高效的油田采出水处理技术,紧凑型旋流气浮一体化技术近10年来在国外得到了商业化应用,国内虽然已经对该热点技术予以关注,但总体上尚处于产品放大试验阶段。笔者根据不设内筒式、内筒内旋式、内筒外旋式3大类,对国内业已公开的12家单位的结构方案进行系统介绍,针对旋流气浮一体化主体设备的内筒外旋流式气旋浮结构方案、微孔介质产生的微细气泡发泡方案、微细气泡与含油污水混合的罐外混合方案进行深入的理论或实验研究,以尽快推动该技术国产化和工业应用进程。  相似文献   

Research on Pressure Drop Performance of the Packing-Flotation Column   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A packing-flotation column was proposed to optimize the flotation environment A research system was established using a 100 mm diameter cyclonic micro-bubble flotation column to study fluid properties. Dry-plate and wetplate pressure drops were studied and the corresponding pressure drop equations developed. The results show that the dry-plate pressure drop of the packing cyclonic micro-bubble flotation column is 10-15 times less than that of the chemical tower, which is principally shown in its relatively small resistance coefficient, ξ = 0.0207. The wet-plate pressure drop is 2-3 times higher than that of the chemical tower, which is largely caused by the separation materials and characteristics of the equipment. With flotation, the greater the pressure drop, the better the flotation environment.  相似文献   

中低品位铝土矿浮选柱短流程分选研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国铝土矿绝大多数为中低铝硅比的一水硬铝石型,矿物嵌布粒度细,分选困难.在分析铝土矿矿石性质的基础上,利用旋流-静态微泡浮选柱对中低品位铝土矿进行分选,考察了捕收剂用量、循环压力、处理量等因素对浮选效果的影响.研究结果表明:铝土矿易泥化,微细粒级含量高,其有效分选是关键;随着捕收剂用量、循环泵压力、处理量的增大,氧化铝回收率增加、精矿铝硅比下降;当捕收剂用量1000g/t,循环泵压力0.17MPa,处理量4.0t/(m2.h)时,精矿铝硅比8.02~8.13,氧化铝回收率88.77%~90.01%.采用"一粗一精"两段浮选柱分选可以完成浮选机"一粗两精两扫"五段分选作业,分选流程短,工艺简洁.  相似文献   

用胶质气体泡沫从废水中浮选Cu(Ⅱ)的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用胶质气体泡沫作为浮选载体对含Cu(Ⅱ)模拟废水进行了浮选分离实验.在浮选柱中装入特定浓度的含Cu(Ⅱ)模拟废水,用表面活性荆十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)制备胶质气体泡沫,将胶质气体泡沫引入到浮选柱,然后通入压缩空气形成常规柱浮选气泡完成浮选过程.此外,还考察了pH值、SDS用量和Cu(Ⅱ))初始浓度对分选效果的影响.实验结果表明,采用胶质气体泡沫和常规柱浮选结合的方法对含Cu(Ⅱ)模拟废水的铜离子去除率可达99%以上。  相似文献   

A new type of device, a dissolved-air flotation column, was developed for separation of oily wastewater.The unique design idea of the dissolved-air flotation column is the combined use of dissolved-air flotation and column flotation.The dissolved air release occurred within the column separation system.As a potential application the column was investigated for its performance in separating emulsified oil droplets in oily wastewater.A high separation efficiency was obtained in a series of tests.The aeration performance of the bubble generator used in the dissolved-air flotation column was also studied in particular.  相似文献   

Particle Residence Time in Column Flotation Based on Cyclonic Separation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cyclonic static micro-bubble column flotation (FCSMC) is an effective separation device for fine particle treatment. The high mineralization rate and short flotation time of this equipment can be attributed to its unique cyclonic force field. It also has been observed that the presence of a cyclonic force field leads to a lower bottom separation size limit and a reduction of unselective entrainment. The collection zone of the column is considered to consist of two parts, a column separation zone and a cyclonic zone. Total recovery of the collection zone was developed. For our study, we analyzed the particle movement in the cyclonic zone. Particle residence time equations for the cyclonic zone were derived by force analysis. Results obtained in this study provide a theoretical foundation for the design and scale-up of the FCSMC.  相似文献   

The work described here was focused on exploring the potential application of coal to purification of oily waste water.Coal was added to oily waste water as an adsorbent and then removed through a flotation process.This allowed economical and highly efficient separation of oil from the waste water.The absorption time,coal type,coal particle size distribution,pH value and oil concentration were investigated.The results indicate that oil absorption by a coal increases for a period of 1.5 h and then gradually tends toward an equilibrium value.It appears that the absorption capacity of anthracite is more than that of lean coal or lignite,given the same coal particle size distribution.The absorption capacity of a coarse coal fraction is less than that of finer coal,given the same of coal type.The absorption capacity of anthracite decreases slightly as the pH increases from 4 to 9.The adsorption of oil on anthracite follows the Freundlich isothermal adsorption law: given initial oil concentrations of 160.5 or 1023.6 mg/L the absorption capacity was 23.8 or 840.0 mg/g.The absorption mechanism consists of two kinds of absorption,a physical process assisted by a chemical one.  相似文献   

The work described here was focused on exploring the potential application of coal to purification of oily waste water.Coal was added to oily waste water as an adsorbent and then removed through a flotation process.This allowed economical and highly efficient separation of oil from the waste water.The absorption time,coal type,coal particle size distribution,pH value and oil concentration were investigated.The results indicate that oil absorption by a coal increases for a period of 1.5 h and then gradually tends toward an equilibrium value.It appears that the absorption capacity of anthracite is more than that of lean coal or lignite,given the same coal particle size distribution.The absorption capacity of a coarse coal fraction is less than that of finer coal,given the same of coal type.The absorption capacity of anthracite decreases slightly as the pH increases from 4 to 9.The adsorption of oil on anthracite follows the Freundlich isothermal adsorption law:given initial oil concentrations of 160.5 or 1023.6 mg/L the absorption capacity was 23.8 or 840.0 mg/g.The absorption mechanism consists of two kinds of absorption,a physical process assisted by a chemical one.  相似文献   

利用耗散结构理论分析了矿物浮选过程热力学和动力学特征.结果表明,进行浮选的矿浆体系是一个开放系统,矿浆处于湍流状态,系统的熵较大.随着浮选药剂和空气的不断输入,系统从环境吸入负熵流,悬浮矿粒与浮选药剂作用,使系统的熵降低,最后稳定在新的有序状态,形成耗散结构,有利于提高矿物回收率.以回收某镍尾矿为例,由于层流态的浮选柱有效泡沫层厚,底部的旋流力场赋予颗粒动能,能够容易地克服颗粒与气泡间的能垒,形成耗散结构.与浮选机相比,利用浮选柱回收的镍尾矿精矿品位提高0.29%,回收率提高3.02%.  相似文献   

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