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为遴选预测煤自燃进程的标志气体,采集了乌达矿区6个具有代表性的煤样.在实验室开展煤升温氧化气体产物的测定实验,主要测试了煤样在升温氧化条件下各种气体组分的发生量.根据各种气体组分的发生量及最低检测温度,确定了乌达矿区煤自燃预测预报的标志气体,为该矿区煤自燃火灾的预测预报提供了实验依据,对矿区的安全生产具有较好的指导作用.  相似文献   

同一管网引入不同来源的天然气已成为规划建设阶段的常见做法.不同天然气气源的组成可能存在差异,为了解不同燃气组成对民用燃烧灶具的CO排放的影响,避免大量终端用户的室内环境品质受到损害,对民用灶具的CO排放进行了实验研究.首先考察了中国12T天然气组成的分布并利用华白数相等与碳氢原子数守恒原则,确立了6组原组成天然气以及对应的三组分天然气,并测试灶具在每组燃气运行下的CO排放情况;对原组成天然气以及对应的三组分天然气的CO排放差异进行了讨论;在灶具上测试了以华白数和PN数为变化依据的不同三组分天然气.实验表明:三组分天然气的CO排放与原组成天然气等价;气质参数华白数和PN数可以描述灶具在不同燃气组成下运行时的CO变化规律;在PN-W图上存在等CO排放线簇,可用于家用灶具使用不同组成燃气的CO排放预测,并以此为依据提出了一种确立CO排放界限气的思路.对保障室内环境空气品质以及输配管网气源质量管理,都具有现实意义和实用价值.  相似文献   

In shallow burial mining areas, abnormal CO emission and the spontaneous combustion of coal are great threats to safety production at a fully-mechanised working face. In order to prevent the CO concentration in the air return corner from exceeding the critical limit, the paper studied the CO emission regularity and characteristics through theoretical analysis, experimental research and field observation. The results show that the main sources of CO emission were the spontaneous combustion of coal in the goaf and the exhaust emissions coming from underground motorised vehicles. The effect factors of CO emission were also investigated, such as seasonal climate changes, the advancing distance and advancing speed of the working face, the number of underground motorised vehicles and some other factors. In addition to these basic analyses, the influence mechanism of each influence factor was also summarised theoretically. Finally, this study researched the distribution and change law of CO concentration in the fully-mechanised working face in two aspects: controlling the change of monitoring points and time respectively. The research results provide a theoretical basis for preventing the CO concentration from exceeding the critical limit in the air return corner and reducing the possibility of spontaneous combustion of coal. Additionally, the results also provide important theoretical and practical guidelines for protecting miners’ health in modern mines featuring high production and high efficiency all over the world.  相似文献   

A gas–solid coupling model involving coal seam deformation,gas diffusion and seepage,gas adsorption and desorption was built to study the gas transport rule under the effect of protective coal seam mining.The research results indicate:(1) The depressurization effect changes the stress state of an overlying coal seam and causes its permeability to increase,thus gas in the protected coal seam will be desorbed and transported under the effect of a gas pressure gradient,which will cause a decrease in gas pressure.(2) Gas pressure can be further decreased by setting out gas extraction boreholes in the overlying coal seam,which can effectively reduce the coal and gas outburst risk.The research is of important engineering significance for studying the gas transport rule in protected coal seam and providing important reference for controlling coal and gas outbursts in deep mining in China.  相似文献   

煤炭自燃标志性气体预测指标的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计并研制了氧化热解实验模拟装置,通过对峰峰矿区小屯矿工作面采空区煤样的氧化热解模拟实验,绘制了各氧化热解气体CO2、O2、C2H6和CO等气体浓度随温度的变化曲线,并对其分析找出了该矿采空区煤炭自燃的标志性气体预测指标,从而为掌握工作面采空区煤炭自燃的规律和制定有效合理的煤炭自燃发火的防治措施提供依据,为煤矿的高效生产提供安全保障。  相似文献   

煤炭自燃标志性气体预测指标的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计并研制了氧化热解实验模拟装置,通过对峰峰矿区小屯矿工作面采空区煤样的氧化热解模拟实验,绘制了各氧化热解气体CO2、O2、C2H6和CO等气体浓度随温度的变化曲线,并对其分析找出了该矿采空区煤炭自燃的标志性气体预测指标,从而为掌握工作面采空区煤炭自燃的规律和制定有效合理的煤炭自燃发火的防治措施提供依据,为煤矿的高效生产提供安全保障。  相似文献   

Biogenic coalbed gas,how it is generated and the geochemical characteristics of the gas are gaining global attention.The ways coalbed gas is generated,the status of research on the generation mechanism and the methods of differentiating between biogenic gasses are discussed.The generation of biogenic coalbed methane is consistent with anaerobic fermentation theory.Commercial biogenic coalbed gas reservoirs are mainly generated by the process of CO2 reduction.The substrates used by the microbes living in the coal include organic compounds,CO2,H2 and acetate.The production ratio and quantity of biogenic coalbed methane depend on the exposed surface area,the solubility and permeability of the coal and the microbial concentration in the coal seam.It is generally believed that biogenic coalbed gas has a value for σ13C1<-5.5%,C1/C1+>0.95.The H isotope ratio is controlled by both the environment and the generation mechanism:typically σD1<-20%.Biogenic methane formed by CO2 reduction has more σD1 than that formed by acetate fermentation.  相似文献   

结合最新引进的德国DDR-1200型千米定向钻机,提出在工作面顶板裂隙带内打千米定向钻孔抽采瓦斯的新方法,构建千米定向钻孔煤与瓦斯共采体系.结果表明,工作面上覆岩层存在大量横向间隙和竖向裂隙,裂隙带高度为34m左右,最大离层裂隙发生在主关键层下方,距离工作面顶板22m左右,最大离层量240mm,形成瓦斯富集区域;工作面倾向方向,回采巷道向采空区方向0~60m范围内裂隙最发育,并能长期稳定存在.据此在14301工作面进行工业性试验,试验结果表明,钻孔布置在14301工作面上方顶板22m左右,倾向方向距运输巷15m处,抽采浓度达70%以上,抽采时间在120d以上,取得最佳瓦斯抽采效果,实现煤与瓦斯共采.  相似文献   

煤与瓦斯突出机理研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
后期释放条件不同导致了石门、回采及煤巷工作面突出强度的差异性.突出型的突出,包括煤粉的堆积和孔洞的形状,均是在压出型突出的基础之上迭加后形成的,瓦斯是突出的主导因素.  相似文献   

针对张集煤矿1215(3)高产高效综采工作面高瓦斯、易自燃开采过程中的安全问题,本文介绍了大采高综采工作面采空区顶板高位抽采技术,优化顶板走向钻孔位置,结合顺层钻孔和上隅角埋管等抽采瓦斯措施综合治理瓦斯,同时采取均压通风、加快工作面推进速度、采空区灌浆、注氮等技术措施防治煤自燃,保证了回采期间回风流瓦斯浓度平均小于0.5%,CO浓度20PPm以下,实现了工作面的正常安全生产。研究成果为淮南矿区一次采全高高产高效工作面的瓦斯、防火治理提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   

Based on the particularities of gas outbursts,i.e.,low gas beating capacity and low gas pressure in the"Three Soft"coal seam in western Henan,we applied the theories of plate tectonics and regional structural evolution to investigate the mechanism of this seam and its impact on the coal seam gas formation.Our investigation revealed that coal and gas outbursts are distributed in a strip in a NW direction,with a number of high-penetration mines scattered towards the south side and low-gas mines largely located on the north side.We analyzed the statistics of 38 gas explosions and the rock-coal sturdiness number coefficient f of 167sampling sites in the region and found the gas outburst mechanism that features a"low indicator outburst phenomenon".The mechanism is characterized by structural coal as its core,a low gas bearing capacity,low gas pressure and sturdiness coefficient f mostly less than 0.3.Our research results provide a theoretical foundation for effective control of gas disasters.  相似文献   

煤炭低温吸氧过程及其热效应   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
根据煤炭低温吸氧过程的3种途径,设计、研制了煤炭低温吸氧过程的试验装置,并对4种煤样的低温吸氧过程进行了试验;最后,通过煤炭低温吸氧过程的热效应分析,对煤炭自燃机理进行了探讨  相似文献   

O2/CO2气氛下O2,CO对NO排放特性影响的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在气体煤粉携带炉试验系统上,对O2/CO2气氛和空气气氛下煤粉燃烧的NO排放特性进行了研究。实验结果显示,O2/CO2气氛下,烟气中NO沿程和最终浓度比常规煤粉燃烧低1/4~1/3,当O2浓度从21%增加到30%时,NO的最终排放浓度增加到原来的2倍。从理论上对O2/CO2气氛下NOx的生成和破坏机理进行了探讨,分析了O2,CO的浓度对NOx排放特性的影响规律。  相似文献   

燃气成分的变化将引起燃气燃烧特性的改变 ,从而引起燃具热负荷、一次空气系数、火焰结构等的变化 ,本文详细分析了燃气互换性及燃具适应性之间相互关联制约的作用。  相似文献   

The effect of the fracture distribution on CO2 injection into coal seams was studied with a heterogeneous model having dual porosity to represent both the primary medium (the coal matrix) and the secon...  相似文献   

煤层气生成及含气量控制因素   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用EASY%Ro数值模拟法,对峰峰东部矿区2号煤煤层热演化史进行模拟及恢复,探讨了峰峰东部矿区2号煤煤层气的生成和演化特点,认为峰峰东部矿区受构造运动及岩浆活动的影响,经历二次生气阶段,早期以区域深成变质作用为主,煤中有机质在深成变质作用下发生一次生气;晚期受岩浆活动的影响,促使该区的煤层进一步变质及煤层气第二次生成。在此基础上分析了研究区含气性及含气性的主要控制因素,包括煤储层顶底板岩性、分布特征、地质构造、岩浆侵入及水文地质条件等引起本区煤层甲烷含量在平面及剖面上分布的不均一性。  相似文献   

Numerical simulations and field tests were used to investigate the changes in ground stress and deformation of, and gas flow from, a protected coal seam under which an extra-thin coal seam was drilled. The geological conditions were: 0.5 meter min-ing height, 18.5 meter coal seam spacing and a hard limestone/fine sandstone inter-stratum. For these conditions we conclude: 1) the overlying coal-rock mass bends and sinks without the appearance of a caving zone, and 2) the protected coal seam is in the bending zone and undergoes expansion deformation in the stress-relaxed area. The deformation was 12 mm and the relative defor-mation was 0.15%. As mining proceeds, deformation in the protected layer begins as compression, then becomes a rapid expansion and, finally, reaches a stable value. A large number of bed separation crannies are created in the stress-relaxed area and the perme-ability coefficient of the coal seam was increased 403 fold. Grid penetration boreholes were evenly drilled toward the protected coal seam to affect pressure relief and gas drainage. This made the gas pressure decrease from 0.75 to 0.15 Mpa, the gas content de-crease from 13 to 4.66 m3/t and the gas drainage reach 64%.  相似文献   

Based on the important role in mine safety played by parameters of the first gas outburst,we propose a method of combining historic data,theoretical analysis and experimental research for the purpose o...  相似文献   

高瓦斯煤层群保护层开采卸压效果数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为合理选择保护层,针对高瓦斯突出煤层群安全开采问题,分析了保护层开采的保护作用机理,即保护层开采可对被保护层起到卸压增透作用,改善被保护层的瓦斯抽放效果是解决煤与瓦斯突出问题及瓦斯灾害的重要技术手段;卸压对煤与瓦斯突出及瓦斯问题的解决具有决定作用.针对某矿高瓦斯突出煤层群生产地质条件,采用FLAC3D数值软件模拟2个非突出煤层作为保护层开采时的卸压效果,并对其进行了分析比较,研究结果可为保护层的合理选择提供参考依据.  相似文献   

With the increase in mining depth, the danger of coal and gas outbursts increases. In order to drain coal gas effectively and to eliminate the risk of coal and gas outbursts, we used a specific number of penetration boreholes for draining of pressure relief gas. Based on the principle of overlying strata movement, deformation and pressure relief, a good effect of gas drainage was obtained. The practice in the Panyi coal mine has shown that, after mining the Cllcoal seam as the protective layer, the relative expansion deformation value of the protected layer C13 reached 2.63%, The permeability coefficient increased 2880 times, the gas drainage rate of the C13 coal seam increased to more than 60%, the amount of gas was reduced from 13.0 to 5.2 m3/t and the gas pressure declined from 4.4 to 0.4 MPa, which caused the danger the outbursts in the coal seams to be eliminated. The result was that we achieved a safe and highly efficient mining operation of the C 13 coal seam.  相似文献   

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