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The Tangjiashan Quake Lake is the largest quake lake triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake that happened on May 12, 2008 in China, posing high risk of catastrophic flash flood hazards to downstream human life and properties. A physics-based numerical simulation approach is proposed for real-time prediction of dam breach development of the Tangjiashan Quake Lake in the case of emergency treatment. Bed erosion and lateral development of the dam breach are represented through accounting for the underlying physics including selective sediment transport and gravitational collapse. Conceptualized breach erosion model that involves few parameters enables quick calibration based on the monitored hydrological data in emergency analysis where fully geotechnical information about the barrier dam is not available. The process of dam breach development is found to be nonlinear in cascades due to the combined effects of headcutting and bank collapse. The agreement between the simulation results and the observed data shows the applicability of the present approach for emergency analysis of quake lakes. Limitations will arise in the situation where the soil composition of barrier dam is significantly inhomogeneous. Incorporation of circular arc failure for cohesive soil and lateral seepage in bank slope will also enhance its applicability to complex situations.


The Tangjiashan Quake Lake is the largest quake lake triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake that happened on May 12,2008 in China,posing high risk of catastrophic flash flood hazards to downstream human life and properties.A physics-based numerical simulation approach is proposed for real-time prediction of dam breach development of the Tangjiashan Quake Lake in the case of emergency treatment.Bed erosion and lateral development of the dam breach are represented through accounting for the underlying phys...  相似文献   

The Tangjiashan Quake Lake is the largest quake lake triggered by the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake that happened on May 12, 2008 in China, posing high risk of catastrophic flash flood hazards to downstream human life and properties. A physics-based numerical simulation approach is proposed for real-time prediction of dam breach development of the Tangjiashan Quake Lake in the case of emergency treatment. Bed erosion and lateral development of the dam breach are represented through accounting for the underlying physics including selective sediment transport and gravitational collapse. Conceptualized breach erosion model that involves few parameters enables quick calibration based on the monitored hydrological data in emergency analysis where fully geotechnical information about the barrier dam is not available. The process of dam breach development is found to be nonlinear in cascades due to the combined effects of headcutting and bank collapse. The agreement between the simulation results and the observed data shows the applicability of the present approach for emergency analysis of quake lakes. Limitations will arise in the situation where the soil composition of barrier dam is significantly inhomogeneous. Incorporation of circular arc failure for cohesive soil and lateral seepage in bank slope will also enhance its applicability to complex situations.  相似文献   

Based on the techniques of X-ray diffraction analysis, identification of the thin sections of core cast, physical analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysis, this paper studied the reservoir characteristics of the Carboniferous strata in Donghe well No.1 of Tarim region. The results show that the reservoir lithology is mainly the fine-grained quartz sandstone with ferrocalcite and pyrite, mud cement-based, the permeability concentrated in 5–40 × 10–3 μm2, a small part of the high permeability up to 150–327 × 10−3 μm2 and porosity ranged from 10% to 20%. The most part of the reservoirs is low permeability with a small part of the layer in moderate-high permeability. The types of reservoir space include intergranular pores, intra particle-molding pores, micro-pores and cracks, which mainly are intergranular pores with the pore diameter of 15–200 μm, 95.5 μm on average. And the types of the throats are complex with the main type of constricted throats in this area and large contribution to the permeability.  相似文献   

建立了堰塞湖1/3溃决下,洪水的水流速度、淹没区域及到达时间等模型.根据模型,利用DEM(三维数字高程模型)和MATLAB软件模拟了汶川地震唐家山堰塞湖1/3溃决后的洪水演进情况,设计了“人员撤离紧迫性”的量化方法,拟订了下游人员撤离方案,为部队和政府相关部门撤离群众提供了数据支持.最后对模型的精确性进行了评价,针对地震堰塞湖应急评估中存在的数据不足、时效性较差等问题提出了建议.  相似文献   

为协调流域洪水资源利用与洪水资源调控利用能力和下游生态需水量两个约束之间的关系,在现有研究的基础上,进一步提出基于二元极限理论的流域洪水资源利用现状与潜力分析方法:认为洪水资源可利用量是洪水资源调控利用能力和下游生态需水量的函数;认为洪水资源利用潜力也是洪水资源调控利用能力和下游生态需水量的函数。对其概念和方法进行阐述,并通过二元极限理论分析两个因变量和两个自变量之间的关系。以淮河流域吴家渡水文站以上区域为例,根据所提出方法,计算区域相关指标: 1956-2016年区域平均洪水资源利用率为24.7%,利用率波动幅度较大,但是随着时间的发展,整体趋势在不断提高。多年平均现状可利用量为72.4亿m3,平均理论可利用量为183.53亿m3,平均现状利用潜力为34.76亿m3,平均理论利用潜力为145.89亿m3。洪水资源利用主要集中在偏丰水年和平水年。洪水资源调控利用能力每增加20亿m3,洪水资源可利用量平均增加15亿m3,利用潜力平均增加16亿m3;下游生态需水量每增加20亿m3,洪水资源可利用量平均减少5亿m3,利用潜力平均减少3亿m3。说明洪水资源可利用量和利用潜力主要受洪水资源调控利用能力限制,提高调控利用能力是提高该区域洪水资源利用水平的关键。  相似文献   

"5·12"汶川地震形成了大量颗粒松散物质,导致河道大幅淤积、抬升等剧烈地貌变化,从而在相当长时间内改变原有的河道行洪特征,诱发次生洪水灾害.论文对唐家山至北川县城一线的通口河河道进行洪水数值模拟,定量分析该河段由于河床地貌突变所导致的汛期洪水威胁增强效应及其对北川县城地震遗址防洪能力的影响.计算表明:由于唐家山堰塞湖泄洪和魏家沟泥石流的影响,该河段沿程大幅淤积抬升,现状行洪能力大大低于震前20年一遇洪水的水平,远低于国家地震遗址保护要求的防洪标准;计算的水位和冲深对河道糙率较为敏感,但是由于河床地貌和床沙组成剧烈变化,糙率变化需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

溃坝洪水会给下游人民群众造成巨大的生命损失,开展溃坝洪水造成的生命损失风险定量评估对应急抢险救灾具有重要的现实意义。本文在已有生命损失贝叶斯网络HURAM1.0模型基础上,引入了人体稳定性物理模型,考虑人体与水流相互作用关系,对处于洪水中的人先进行稳定性判定,并进行溺水判定,运用蒙特卡洛模拟方法,综合了水深和水流速对生命损失的影响,建立HURAM2.0模型;并将该模型应用于唐家山堰塞坝溃坝洪水生命损失分析。结果表明:HURAM2.0模型建立了水流流速对生命损失影响的定量关系,更精确地刻画了人体在水流中的稳定性和求生能力,相比HURAM1.0模型对较强洪水强度条件下的生命损失预测结果更准确。同时,在本文建立的模型中,除水深度、洪水严重程度变化不大,其余变量的敏感性均有所上升,其中居民区住宅层数、在建筑物中庇护情况和溃坝时长等变量对模型计算结果的最大影响程度分别增加142%、95%和93%,加强了模型在低、中、高3类洪水强度下的解释性,与HURAM1.0相比在贝叶斯反演分析中更占优势。在唐家山堰塞坝溃坝风险分析中,HURAM2.0能区分出不同水流速条件下的生命损失,更符合实际情况,即开挖泄流槽前风险大、死亡率高,在现场勘测和开挖泄流槽后风险及死亡人数大大降低,建议结合预警疏散以降低生命损失风险。  相似文献   

兰成渝输油管道是我国惟一通向西南地区的成品油管道,供应川渝地区70%以上的成品油,是国家西部大开发的重要动脉,其安全运营十分重要。“5.12”汶川大地震在四川省绵阳市北川县城上游的唐家山形成规模巨大的堰塞湖,一旦溃坝,不仅严重威胁下游城镇、道路等基础设施和人民生命财产的安全,也威胁着输油管道的运行安全。为了确保唐家山堰塞湖泄洪排险过程中输油管道的安全,对堰塞湖可能出现的三种溃坝方案中输油管道涪江穿越断面的冲刷深度进行了计算。根据计算结果,如果发生三分之二溃坝,涪江穿越断面主槽冲刷深度为6m,边滩冲刷深度为4m;如果发生全溃坝,则分别为8m和6m。并对其安全性进行了评价,提出了相应的应急处理措施,确保了兰成渝输油管道安全渡过唐家山泄洪。  相似文献   

A high-Mg2Si content Al alloy was extruded by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) for 8 passes at 250 °C and an ultrafine-grained structure with an average grain size of about 1.5 μm was achieved. The coarse skeleton-shaped Mg2Si phase presenting in the as-cast alloy are significantly fragmented into fine rod-shaped as well as equiaxed particles mostly less than about 230 nm and become relatively dispersed. The tensile strength 192.8 MPa and the elongation up to 31.3% at ambient temperature are attained in the 8-pass ECAPed alloy versus 163.3 MPa and 9.1% in the as-cast alloy. High-temperature creep test at 250 °C reveals that the ECAPed sample exhibits a high elongation close to 100% at a relatively high creep rate 7.64×10−5 s−1, compared to the elongation 56% at a low strain rate 1.74×10−7 s−1 in the as-cast alloy.  相似文献   

地震堰塞湖排险技术与治理保护   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
“5·12”汶川特大地震形成了上百处堰塞体高度大于10 m,蓄水量大于1.0×105 m3,集雨面积大于20 km2的堰塞湖。根据各类堰塞湖因对下游威胁程度、地质、地貌、水文条件、堰塞体规模和颗粒组成制定相应的排险方案。极高危和高危堰塞湖具有潜在的溃坝风险,必须及时排险。相对稳定的堰塞湖及其所在河道则应治理保护。结合北川唐家山、都江堰枷担湾等堰塞湖排险实例,提出了地震堰塞湖排险技术,包括险情勘查、险情评估、排险方案、施工技术。同时,对灾后堰塞湖观测、治理与保护利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

为研究中深层地埋管换热器的取热稳定性及其热影响半径,建立了非稳态数值传热模型,基于有限差分法将控制方程离散求解,通过示范工程现场实测数据验证数值求解结果的正确性。在此基础上,研究长期运行下中深层套管式地埋管换热器的出水温度以及岩土的温度变化,并对影响中深层套管式地埋管换热器热扰的参数进行了敏感性分析。结果表明:经过15 a运行,中深层套管式地埋管换热器的出水温度较为稳定,从第11 a开始出水温度基本处于准稳态阶段,其周围核心取热区域的岩土最大温降比例仅为6.5%;随岩土热扩散率的增加,中深层地埋管换热器的热影响半径在前期增加速率较快,而后期较慢,当热扩散率a由1.43×10-6 m2/s增加到2.01×10-6 m2/s时,热影响半径r由82.69 m增加到99.23 m,增加率为20%,两者之间的关系呈指数规律变化,并且满足关系式r=-151.99×exp[-a/(5.14×10-7)]+98.14,其中R2=0.97。本研究对中深层地埋管换热器的设计具...  相似文献   

In order to study the permeability and water-resisting ability of the strata on the top of the Ordovician in Longgu Coal Mine, this paper tested the permeability and porosity of the strata, investigated the fracture and pore structure features of the strata, and identified the main channels which govern the permeability and water-resisting ability of the strata. The permeability of the upper, central and lower strata shows as 2.0504 × 10−3–2.782762 × 10−3, 4.1092 × 10−3–7.3387 × 10−3 and 2.0891 × 10−3–3.2705 × 10−3 μm2, respectively, and porosity of that is 0.6786–0.9197%, 0.3109–0.3951% and 0.9829–1.8655%, respectively. The results indicate that: (1) the main channels of the relative water-resisting layer are the pore throats with a diameter more than 6 μm; (2) the major proportion of pore throats in the vertical flow channel and the permeability first increases and then sharply decreases; (3) the fractures occurring from the top to 20 m in depth of the strata were filled and there occurred almost no fracture under the depth of 40 m; and (4) the ratio of turning point of the main flow channel in the strata on top of Ordovician can be used to confirm the thickness of filled water-resisting layers.  相似文献   

Somestudiesweredoneonpoolboilingheattransferofadditiveaqueoussolution ,butlittleonflowboiling[1 3] .Theusedadditivesaresurfactantadditivesandpolymeradditives[1 4] .Investigationsonthedragreductionofadditivesareusuallycon centratedonsinglephaseflow[5 ] ,orrather,…  相似文献   

历史大型堵江滑坡研究不仅是认识区域构造背景和河流演变规律的重要工作,而且对山区河流工程安全亦有十分重要的意义。以金沙江上游河段的王大龙古滑坡为研究对象,基于野外调查与资料分析,对其成因与演变过程进行了分析。主要结论如下:(1)王大龙滑坡位于金沙江缝合带,源区基岩主要为三叠系中心绒群下段板岩 (T1-2zh1),其次为二叠系嘎金雪山群下段石英砂岩 (Pgj1),滑坡总体上为王大龙断裂与中心绒群板理面切割形成的楔形体,前缘受雄松-苏洼龙活动断裂切割,方量约4.0×108m3;(2)诱发滑坡的内动力为地震,外动力为河流凹岸侵蚀,滑坡时间应为晚更新世大理冰期;(3)堰塞坝长约1700m,宽约3000m,高度超过450m,形态右高左低,右岸高程约2770m,左岸垭口高程约2735m;(4)堰塞湖规模约266×108m3,干流库尾到达叶巴滩水电站坝址的降曲河口,长度约176 km;(5)堰塞坝发生过3次溃决,溃口底面高程分别为2460m、2400m和2358m(现河面高程);(6)第一次溃决极有可能雄松-苏洼龙断裂错动导致的,时间早于1900 a BP,估算溃口流量21.0~39.8×104m3/s,远远大于长江历史洪水记录。  相似文献   

高坝泄洪会导致水中的总溶解气体(TDG)过饱和,其不利影响会持续较长范围,可能导致下游鱼类患气泡病甚至死亡。随着大量高坝的建成运行,这一生态环境问题更受关注。基于对大渡河水电站A三年的过饱和TDG原型观测数据,分析过饱和TDG生成释放的影响因素及其作用规律,并开展泄水方式优化的分析讨论。结果表明,不同的泄洪建筑物泄洪生成的过饱和TDG差异较为显著,深孔泄洪生成的饱和度水平高于泄洪洞泄洪生成水平;TDG饱和度生成值与泄洪流量成较好的正相关关系,而与下游水位的关系并不显著;初始饱和度的高低影响单位距离TDG饱和度降低值的大小;水深是影响过饱和TDG释放的重要因素,水深越小的河段释放系数越大。基于三年原型观测数据的分析结果,进一步提出水电站A过饱和TDG生成预测模型,并对汛期的大坝泄洪调度提出减缓过饱和TDG影响的优化建议:当流量小于泄洪洞泄洪能力(1384 m3﹒s-1)时,采用泄洪洞泄洪;当流量大于泄洪洞泄洪能力且小于2600 m3﹒s-1时,采用单深孔与泄洪洞联合泄洪,可将生成的TDG饱和度控制在129%以下。多年期的原型观测研究丰富了高坝泄洪过饱和TDG的原型观测成果,为进一步探究过饱和TDG机制和TDG减缓措施提供重要基础数据和技术支撑,对水电开发河流的水生态保护具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The permeability and sorptivity properties of the two prestressed concrete containment buildings(PCCBs) of a nuclear power plant in South China,which had been under operation for 5 years,were measured by using the autoclam permeability system.The air permeability,sorptivity and water permeability indexes of No.1 PCCB are smaller than or equal to 0.11 ln(102 Pa)/min,0.98×10-7 m3/min1/2 and 1.93×10-7 m3/min1/2,respectively,and the air permeability,sorptivity and water permeability indexes of No.2 PCCB are sma...  相似文献   

为克服现有大坝风险分析方法多针对单库大坝、且不能有效考虑不确定性因素对风险评估结果的影响这一研究局限,本文选取能有效处理不确定性问题的贝叶斯网络理论对梯级水库群展开大坝失效风险研究。基于统计资料,结合专家经验调查法,将超标洪水、上游溃坝洪水和强地震确定为水库漫坝的关键风险因素,建立了三种因素单独、组合作用下的单库、梯级系统漫坝贝叶斯网络风险分析模型,并将其应用到大渡河流域上下相连的猴子岩-长河坝两座干流梯级上。结果表明风险源单独、组合作用下的梯级水库群的漫坝风险的量级都较小,其中猴子岩的上游溃坝洪水所致的漫坝风险量级最小,这与其上游双江口水库为干流控制性梯级的特性有关。两库均被识别为薄弱梯级,对其漫坝风险起主导作用的风险因素分别为超标洪水和强地震,这将作为系统风险防控措施制定的重要考量。通过实例应用,验证了文中所提模型在梯级水库群风险分析中的有效性。求解过程快速、有效,对风险因子间的相关性、系统薄弱梯级的识别直观、清晰,根据结果能及时掌握风险源单独或组合作用下的梯级水库群风险变化并制定相应的风险决策,有利于后续风险管理环节的迅速开展,为水利水电工程风险分析领域的研究提供了新的研究手段。  相似文献   

The titled high performance foamed concrete was developed from Portland cement, ultra fine granulated blast-furnace slag, pulverized fly ash and condensed silica fume by means of pre-foaming process. The resultant foamed concrete presents its thermal conductivity of about 0.16-0.75 W/(m·℃) and 28 d compressive strength of about 1.1-23.7 MPa when its mix proportion varies in the range of cement content 280 kg-650 kg/m^3, fly ash 42-97 kg/m^3, slag 64-146 kg/m^3, silica fume 34-78 kg/m^3, and sand 0-920 kg/m^3. The compressive strength of the foamed concrete with oven dried bulk density of 1500 kg/m^3 in appropriate mix proportion and with small amount of superplasticizer reached as high as 44.1 MPa. Meanwhile, the flesh foamed concrete behaves like an excellent flow-ability, therefore, is especially suitable for the application in case of massive foamed concrete casting in situ and in the case of filling casting into large volume underground irregular voids, except for pre-casting of building components like blocks, bricks, and wall panels.  相似文献   

根据三原西郊水库的工程地质和水文地质特点,划分了坝区的降水区域,设计了排水井结构、井深、井间距和成井工艺,制订了抽水时间和抽水制度,对降水方案进行了计算分析,并对降水效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

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