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A new type of machinable bioactive glass-ceramicsfor bone substitution has been developed in the glasssystem SiO_2-MgO-K_2O-F~--CaO-P_2O_5, which contains Mg-muscovite [K_2Mg_5 (Si_8O_(20)) F_4] and fluorapatite as thetwo main crystal phases. The phase separation andthe crystallization of the glass have been studied.A series of tests have showed that the material isgood at mechanical property and bioactivity. Espe-cially, by analysing the structure of the interfacelayer between the material and the bone of animalwith scanning electron microscope, electron probe,etc., it has been found that the new bone hydroxya-patite is formed on the surface of the material sothat the material is connected firmly with the bone.  相似文献   

The processing of ceramic-probe made bysuperpure alumina for electric-capacityliquidometer is reported in present paper.Theprobe which has higher mechanical strength,more chemical stability and better electricinsulating properties can ensure that theelectric-capacity liquidometer works well underthe violent vibrational shock.The mechanical andchemical properties and the microstructure ofthe materials used for the probe are studied.  相似文献   

The figure of shuttle distribution one side of the loom has been used to show the convel-sion of shuttle in picking process.The characteristics of the figure have been analysed andused to introduce a simple method for shuttle starting distribution.  相似文献   

Bulk silk is one of the natural materials which has special appearance and property.Thedevelopment of the fabrics which can fully reflect the speciality of the bulk silk is benefit tothe spread of this new silk. The properties of bulk silk fabric and the differences between the bulk and ordinary silkfabrics are disccused in this paper.It has been found that the bulk silk fabric is full. plumpyand resilicnt. Accoring to the results of experiement and analysis.the main points of designare put forwarnd for bulk woven fabrics.  相似文献   

In developing and popularizing the infrared heating techuigues, the development of new infrared radiation materials with low cost and high emittance is an important subject, Combining theory with practice in this paper, we approached the technical course of manufacturing and tentatively made the infrared materialCordierite matrix which emits as high as 0.946 and has a lower cost.  相似文献   

If assortment price parity of Clean coling coal and its quallty price difference is nonreasortable, it doesn‘t guide in improving the qualiry metaljurgical eoking coal and may be influence the economic benefit of metallurgical enterprises. This paper propose the principles and mathematic model for determination assortment parity of ciean cokingcoal and its quality difference of ash content in clean coking coa in order to urge wasberies into producing superior clean coking coal which is under condition of consideration both intorest waskcries and interest metallurgical industry. It canbe used as a method in theory to make price stra,iegics under condition of socialism maket economic for washeries of clean coking coal  相似文献   


The corrosion of a ZrO_2 containing alkali re-sistant silicate glass,float glass and silica glass caused by theaqueous solution of NaOH was studied by use of correlationmethod with spectrophotometry. Effects of the corroding tem-perature,time and solution concentration on the rate of reac-tion and the degree of corrosion were investigated;effects ofthe apparent activation energy and the experimental value offrequency factor on the rate constant were discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, from the view point of establishing the estimatingcriterion of gradation reliability of sample inspection of raw silk,the fundamental relational formula between gradation reliabilityand sample size,as well as the parameters of grade intervals hasbeen derived;in accordance with the principle of uniformity inreliability in each grade,the supposed method in grade limitvalue of the same grade of raw silk is given.Finally,the criterionfor different specification indexes of raw silk of the same gradeare proposed.The above-mentioned results provided systematic,fundamental theory for the establishment of gradation standards insample inspections.  相似文献   

Several damaged distributors of the shearer‘s main pump have been analyzed. Lubricated abrasive wear was found to be the cause of distributor failure. On the basis of selecting reasonably materials and surface strenthening methods of distributors, pump‘s function tests under the condition of contamination were performed with actual distributors. The results showed that wear resistance and contaminant wear lifetime of TIN coated high-speed steel W18Cr4V distributor is the best and TiN coating technology can be used in manufacturing of pump‘s distributor.  相似文献   

本文就楼兰古酒挥发性风味进行了分析研究,初步鉴定出其特征香型的化合物,认为楼兰古酒特有的灼香味主要是由2-羟基-2-甲基呋喃、4-甲基-5-丁基-呋喃酮-2、(1-乙氧基)乙基戊基酸等化合物产生的.  相似文献   

以零膨胀Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2透明微晶玻璃为研究对象,采用示差扫描量热法(DSC)研究了无磷和含磷玻璃的析晶动力学和玻璃转变动力学行为.结果发现,引入少量的磷化物使得玻璃的析晶峰温度和玻璃转变温度降低,玻璃的析晶活化能和玻璃转变活化能增大,晶体生长指数n减小,使玻璃网络结构重排困难.  相似文献   

黑豆皮红色素的微波提取工艺及特性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对黑豆皮红色素的微波提取及理化特性进行了研究.结果表明:该色素为水溶性多酚类花色素,在不同的pH环境下显示不同的颜色;其耐热性、耐光性、耐酸、耐糖、耐还原性较好,但耐氧化性、耐碱性较差;Fe3 对色素有破坏性;该色素的提取宜在酸性介质中进行,酸性条件下其综合稳定性较优,有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   

红曲霉液态发酵法生产红色素研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对红曲霉红色素的基本性状、用途、红曲霉育种、发酵条件、提取与检测方法以及毒性物质进行综述。  相似文献   

分析了填料(无机粒子、纳米粒子和成核剂)及加工处理条件对聚合物结晶行为的影响,并概述了溶剂和蒸汽诱导结晶的相关理论.  相似文献   

核桃红枣发酵乳的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以核桃、红枣为原料,将核桃、红枣分别制成核桃浆和红枣浆后按一定比例混合,接种经驯化的乳酸混合菌进行发酵.由正交试验确定最佳工艺条件为:白砂糖用量12%、发酵温度42℃、发酵时间5 h、核桃浆与红枣浆质量比为3∶2.  相似文献   

影响食品冷冻干燥过程的因素分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
以苹果的冷冻干燥实验为例,对影响食品冷冻干燥过程的因素进行了分析;降温速率越快,干燥时间越长,冷干品质量越好;保持冻干室高的真空度不仅能缩短冻干时间,而且能提高冻干品的质量;加热板温度高能缩短干燥时间,但过高的加热温度又会影响冻干品的质量,因此应选择合适的加热温度;降低冷阱温度能缩短冻干时间和提高冻干品质量,但当冷阱温度低时上述效果并不明显。  相似文献   

本文对引力场中的引力红移现象从量子、波动两方向进行解释。以加深对引力红移现象的理解,进而验证光的波粒二象性及爱因斯坦引力场论中“等效原理”的正确性。  相似文献   

采用正交设计,探讨了预煮液pH值、板栗品种、护色剂种类和浓度、预煮方式及酸化剂种类对红心的影响.结果表明红心主要是由酶褐变所引起,铁离子作用于多酚类物质和一部分氨基酸与还原糖发生了Maillard反应,引起红心现象更为严重;5个因素对红心影响程度为预煮液pH值>护色剂种类>板栗品种>护色剂浓度;预煮液pH值>预煮方式>酸化剂种类;对板栗采取的护色措施是采用油光栗、分段预煮方式(75~85℃,15min;85~95℃,25min;95~100℃,10min),护色液组成为0.15%EDTA-2Na+0.05%Vc+0.15%半胱氨酸,用磷酸调整护色液pH值为2.9~3.1.  相似文献   

研究了用钼蓝比色法测定羟基磷灰石中的磷含量时影响测定结果的8大因素,结果表明主要影响因素有温度、酸度、(NH4)2Mo4和SnCl2的用量、介质中的NO3^-的浓度等,其中温度、酸度和介质中的NO3^-的浓度影响最大。测定磷较理想的条件为:样品取样0.1~0.2g,用浓HCl溶解试样,测定温度为40℃,酸度为0.5~0.7N,每50mL显色液中(NH4)2Mo4和SnCl2的用量分别为2.5mL和1.0mL,显色时间为10~15min。  相似文献   

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