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对灌浆锯齿形单节理在压剪情况下的变形特性及峰值抗剪强度进行了数值试验研究.首先对数值模拟中涉及的模型网格、材料力学特性及接触面模拟问题进行了分析;在此基础上,对数值试验的精度和正确性进行了检验;最后,对灌浆锯齿形单节理在圧剪情况下的变形破坏进行了数值试验,重点针对灌浆充填度、起伏角和法向压应力等因素对于灌浆节理峰值抗剪强度的影响进行了分析,提出考虑各因素综合影响的抗剪强度经验公式,成果对进一步研究实际灌浆节理的抗剪强度具有理论指导意义,对实际工程也具有参考价值.  相似文献   

岩石节理剪切强度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用断裂力学理论分析了纯剪切应力状态和双向压应力状态作用下节理模型的断裂机制。在已有的数值模拟和实验基础上,通过引入分形维数,推导了粗糙节理的摩尔-库仑剪切强度的改进公式。该公式的分析结果显示,节理尺度相对于岩体尺寸越大,节理的抗剪强度就越低,并且节理的抗剪切强度与分形维数的关系是一种非线性增长关系。  相似文献   

为了研究节理几何特征的变化对岩石力学特性的影响,设计了具有不同节理连通率和不同节理倾角的试件,通过常规三轴压缩试验,分析了围压、节理倾角和节理连通率对试件强度以及变形和破坏特征的影响。岩样破坏形态分为穿越节理面的压剪破坏、沿节理面剪切滑动和节理端点处拉裂的混合破坏、完全沿节理面的剪切破坏。结果表明:围压、节理几何参数对试样的力学特性产生了不同程度的影响。通过节理参数的敏感性分析可以得出,节理倾角对试件强度的影响较节理连通率更为显著,节理连通率与破坏形态之间联系更为密切,围压对于试件承载力和变形参数值波动的影响较为明显。研究成果对认识非贯通节理岩体的力学特性有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

通过对人工劈裂的节理试件进行水泥灌浆加固处理,并进行一系列室内压剪试验,总结了灌浆节理面压剪全过程剪应力-剪切位移的典型曲线形式,分析了充填度和法向应力对灌浆节理的变形、强度特点的影响规律,总结了由充填度决定的灌浆节理两种压剪破坏形式,揭示了其破坏机制.研究结果表明,低法向应力下灌浆节理面表现出脆性破坏特点,峰值剪切强度大于无灌浆节理面的,而在高法向应力条件下,灌浆节理面有一定的延性,峰值剪切强度小于紧密闭合且吻合系数较高的无灌浆节理面的;当充填度大于1.0时,各个充填度的灌浆节理面剪切强度差异较小.研究成果加深了对灌浆节理压剪破坏特性的认识,并具有一定的工程指导意义.  相似文献   

本文基于石膏模型试验的结论,借助断裂力学理论,着重讨论了含 X型断续节理岩体的压剪断裂强度特性及破坏机理。结合有限元数值模拟计算,分析研究了节理方位、围压大小对这类岩体强度的影响。  相似文献   

岩体内共线张开型节理受压剪荷载的弹塑性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将岩体内共线多节理受压剪荷地匠问题简化为有限宽岩体摧的单节理受压剪荷载的问题,运用弹塑性断裂力学的线场分析方法将描述岩体材料破坏性性的摩尔-库仑准则列入求解岩体内节理断裂问题的基本方程中对节理裂隙在压剪荷载下进行求解。  相似文献   

岩体断续节理受压剪荷载的弹塑性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
运用弹塑性断裂力学的裂纹线场分析方法,将描述岩体材料破坏特性的摩尔-库仑准则,列入求解岩体内节理断裂问题的基本方程中,对节理裂隙在压剪荷载下进行求解,利出了节理线附近的弹塑性区应务场。通过弹塑性场在其边界上的匹配条件,得出了节理线上塑性区长度与压剪荷载的关系,以及节理扩展破坏准则。  相似文献   

岩石节理压剪破坏的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于分形几何理论,采用Weiemtrass-Mandelbrot函数生成不同分维的分形曲线模拟岩石节理不同的粗糙度。运用ANSYS软件对分形节理在压剪荷栽作用下的应力场及位移场进行了数值模拟,分析了节理主应力及位移与分形维数的关系,在此基础上讨论了节理的分形维数对节理破坏失稳的影响。数值分析结果与已有的实验结果相吻合。  相似文献   

通过剪切试验和剪切蠕变试验,研究了灌注水泥浆的硬性节理面的剪切特性和剪切蠕变特性.首先,利用大理岩制作了张拉型节理面,灌注水泥浆液,形成灌浆节理面;然后,利用三轴室进行直剪破坏试验,得到了灌浆节理面的变形特性和剪切破坏特性;第三,进行了灌浆节理的剪切蠕变破坏试验,得到了灌浆节理面剪切蠕变破坏特性和蠕变变形特性;最后,对直剪试验和剪切蠕变破坏试验结果进行了分析.所得结果加深了对灌浆节理面剪切破坏及变形特性的认识,为进一步研究灌浆节理面的抗剪强度与蠕变模型,提供了前提基础.  相似文献   

本文针对含断续节理脆性岩体的结构特征及力学性状,讨论了用有限单元法分析该类岩体断裂强度所遇到的若干问题,并介绍了相应的处理方法和有限元程序。文中还介绍了应用该程序对含一组断续节理石膏模型试验进行模拟计算的成果,以数值分析方法论证了该类岩体的压剪断裂强度特性。  相似文献   

Direct shear tests were conducted on the rock joints under constant normal load(CNL), while the acoustic emission(AE) signals generated during shear tests were monitored with PAC Micro-II system. Before and after shearing, the surfaces of rock joints were measured by the Talysurf CLI 2000. By correlating the AE events with the shear stress-shear displacement curve, one can observe four periods of the whole course of shearing of rock joints. By the contrast of AE location and actual damage zone, it is elucidated that the AE event is related to the morphology of the joint. With the increase of shearing times, the shear behavior of rock joints gradually presents from the response of brittle behavior to that of ductile behavior. By combining the results of topography measurement, four morphological parameters of joint surface, S p(the maximum height of joint surface), N(number of islands), A(projection area) and V(volume of joint) were introduced, which decrease with shearing. Both the joint roughness coefficient(JRC) and joint matching coefficient(JMC) drop with shearing, and the shear strength of rock joints can be predicted by the JRC-JMC model. It establishes the relationship between micro-topography and macroscopic strength, which have the same change rule with shearing.  相似文献   

Rock joints exhibit hysteresis shearing behavior and produce energy dissipation under shear cyclic loads, which however cannot be accurately depicted by existing constitutive models. This paper establishes a constitutive model for hysteresis shearing and associated energy dissipation of rock joints. Analytical expressions of the model during cyclic shearing processes are derived. Derivation of the model indicates no energy dissipation in the elastic stage. When the shear load exceeds elastic boundary, nonlinear energy dissipation takes place. Validations with experiments show that the proposed model provides good conformities with direct shear curves and hysteresis loops, and can predict the energy dissipation characteristics of rock joints under different working conditions. Compared to the constitutive models using Weibull’s distribution, the proposed one is smooth at the elastic boundary and can accurately capture the maximum shear stress. Unlike the existing incremental-type models, the proposed one provides clear and direct analytical expressions for both shear stress and energy dissipation during the whole displacement domain, which is more convenient in application.  相似文献   

为了研究节理细观形态对其宏观力学性状的影响,据岩石节理分形特点,将节理面分解为不同层次细观结构面,节理破坏拟为粗糙度分层渐进破坏的过程,基于Plesha本构建立了岩石节理多层结构模型.模型将粗糙度定义为等效起伏角,力学响应发生在最底层(基本面),结构面受力性状由下层结构面平均化得到,基本面破坏后,其上层结构面转化为基本面.模型考虑了弹性变形、滑动变形、磨损、剪断、压碎、分离等作用机理,能模拟剪胀、应变软化等现象,能考虑单调及循环剪切效应.采用ABAQUS的用户子程序UEL进行了模型验证与参数分析.计算表明:峰值剪切应力随着结构层次的增加而增大;在结构层次不变时,等效峰值摩擦系数随法向应力的增大而减小;剪切应力终值由基本摩擦角控制;剪应力 位移曲线形态取决于粗糙度结构特性;模型中刚度系数对剪切性状影响很小.  相似文献   

对破碎体强度破坏的判别准则进行了系统分析、筛选,认为Hoek-Brown、Mohr-Coulumb、Grifith-Meclintock、最大张应力、最大张应变、三参数八面体剪应力、含弱面结构岩体的三维(二维)等强度准则适合于破碎体的破坏判别。应根据具体情况(岩性、岩体的破碎程度、应力状态等)选择相应的强度准则。  相似文献   

在伺服控制剪切加载系统下对不共面类岩石断续节理试件进行正向、反向直剪试验,研究直剪下不共面断续节理的岩桥破断机理和剪切规律,试验研究发现,直剪作用下不共面断续节理岩桥破坏过程具有明显的阶段性,经历线弹性阶段、裂纹起裂扩展阶段、岩桥断裂贯通阶段、剪切面爬坡咬合阶段和残余摩擦阶段5个阶段,正向剪切下岩桥呈齿形破断面,反向剪切作用下岩桥产生沿直剪方向贯通的带形破断面,与正向剪切相比,反向剪切下节理的初裂抗剪强度和峰值抗剪强度较大,裂纹倾角、法向应力和相邻节理搭接比例是影响试件初裂抗剪强度和峰值抗剪强度的主要因素。采用FLAC3D对正向、反向直剪作用下不共面断续节理的岩桥破断、剪切破断面的形成过程进行数值试验,数值试验结果和类岩石直剪试件的试验结果基本吻合,数值试验揭示了直剪作用下不共面断续节理岩桥的拉裂破坏和破断面的剪切屈服机理。  相似文献   

模拟岩性的相似试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用水泥石膏相似材料制作模型,工艺简单、材料来源广、价格低廉,其材料与岩石的结构及破坏方式均类似,是一种较好的相似材料。本文着重研究了骨料含量、水泥含量、石膏含量和用水量对水泥石膏模拟材料强度及弹性模量的影响,得到了其相应的变化曲线及变化规律,并研究证明了用该相似材料来模拟岩石性能的可行性,提出了用该相似材料模拟部分沉积岩的配合比,为进一步研究分形节理岩体的力学性能打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

本文对低周反复荷载作用下钢筋煤矸石混凝土框架中柱节点的剪切抗力和变形能力进行了试验研究,对节点核心区的破坏机理、剪切抗力以及变形能力提出了初步结论.  相似文献   

A Double Shear Model(DSM)was used in a numerical simulation on bolted rock joint shearing performance.An entire bolt deformed as the letter"U"under a shear load between two joints.Near the bolt-joint intersection,the bolt partly deformed as the letter"Z".There were two critical points along the bolt: one was at the bolt-joint intersection with zero bending moment and the other at the maximum bending moment(plastic hinge)with zero shear stress.The blocks on two sides slid along the bolt as it deformed.A separation area was found between the two joint contact surfaces of the middle rock block and sided block.This area of separation was related to bolt diameter and external forces.We assume that this area is related to the work of external forces.Further research is needed.  相似文献   

For coal mines, rock, coal, and rock bolt are the critical constituent materials for surrounding rock in the underground engineering. The stability of the “rock-coal-bolt” (RCB) composite system is affected by the structure and fracture of the coal-rock mass. More rock bolts installed on the rock, more complex condition of the engineering stress environment will be (tensile-shear composite stress is principal). In this paper, experimental analysis and theoretical verification were performed on the RCB composite system with different angles. The results revealed that the failure of the rock-coal (RC) composite specimen was caused by tensile and shear cracks. After anchoring, the reinforcement body formed inside the composite system limits the area where the crack could occur in the specimen. Specifically, shearing damage occurred only around the bolt, and the stress-strain curve presented a better post-peak mechanical property. The mechanical mechanism of the bolt under the combined action of tension and shear stress was analyzed. Additionally, a rock-coal-bolt tensile-shear mechanical (RCBTSM) model was established. The relationship (similar to the exponential function) between the bolt tensile-shear stress and the angle was obtained. Moreover, the influences of the dilatancy angle and bolt diameter of the RCB composite system were also considered and analyzed. Most of the bolts are subjected to the tensile-shearing action in the post-peak stage. The implications of these results for engineering practice indicated that the bolts of the RCB composite system should be prevented from entering the limit shearing state early.  相似文献   

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