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微波遥感的发展与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微波遥感作为遥感技术的一个分支,是20世纪70年代发展起来的一门年轻的学科.着重以我国微波遥感发展的历程为例,回顾了三十多年来微波遥感领域学术与技术的迅速发展,比较分析了微波遥感对于可见光和红外遥感有着不可比拟的优越性,因而在海洋、冰雪、大气、测绘、农业、灾害监测等方面都有着广泛的应用.同时提出了目前我国在微波遥感领域存在的若干不足并指出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Research advances of un-symmetric constitutive equation of anisotropic fluid,influence of un-symmetric stress tensor on material functions,vibrational shear flow of the fluid with small amplitudes and rheology of anisotropic suspension were reported.A new concept of simple anisotropic fluid was introduced.On the basis of anisotropic principle,the simple fluid stress behaviour was described by velocity gradient tensor F and spin tensor W instead of velocity gradient tensor D in the classic Leslie-Ericksen continuum theory.Two relaxation times analyzing rheological nature of the fluid and using tensor analysis a general form of the constitutive equation of co-rotational type was introduced.More general model LCP-H for the fluid was developed.The unsymmetry of the shear stress was predicted by the present continuum theory for anisotropic viscoelastic fluid-LC polymer liquids.The influence of the relaxation times on material functions was specially studied.It is important to study the unsteady vibrational rotating flow with small amplitudes,as it is a best way to obtain knowledge of elasticity of the LC polymer,i.e.dynamic viscoelasticity.For the shear-unsymmetric stresses,two shear stresses were obtained thus two complex viscosities and two complex shear modulus(i.e.first and second one) were introduced by the constitutive equation which was defined by rotating shear rate introduced by author.For the two stability problems of fluid,such as stability of hydrodynamic flow and orientational motion,were discussed.The results show that the polymer suspension systems exhibit anisotropic character.The PNC systems can exhibit significant shear-thinning effects.For more concentrated polymer nano-suspensions,the first normal stress difference change from positive to negative,which is similar to LC polymer behavior.  相似文献   

Against the background of the sand-flow foundation treatment engineering of Guangzhou Zhoutouzui variable cross-section immersed tunnel, a kind of sand deposit-detecting method was devised on the basis of full-scale model test of sand-flow method. The real-time data of sand-deposit height and radius were obtained by the self-developed sand-deposit detectors. The test results show that the detecting method is simple and has high precision. In the use of sand-flow method, the sand-carrying capability of fluid is limited, and sand particles are all transported to the sand-deposit periphery through crater, gap and chutes after the sand deposit formed. The diffusion range of the particles outside the sand-deposit does not exceed 2.0 m. Severe sorting of sand particles is not observed because of the unique oblique-layered depositing process. The temporal and spatial distributions of gap and chutes directly affect the sand-deposit expansion, and the expansion trend of the average sand-deposit radius accords with quadratic time-history curve.  相似文献   

A series of dynamic behavior tests on Nanjing flake-shaped fine sand were performed by using the WFI cyclic triaxial apparatus made in England. The dynamic behaviors of Nanjing flake-shaped fine sand under different static deviator stress levels and cyclic stress ratios were studied. Through comparing the effective stress path under cyclic loading with static loading, the processes of liquefaction of saturated Nanjing flake-shaped fine sand with development of dynamic pore-water pressure, including the initial compact state, compression state and dilative state, were investigated. The variation of the shear stiffness with the number of cycles and cyclic strain was investigated by analyzing the secant shear modulus in each unload-reload loop of dynamic stress-strain relationship. And by means of the exponential function, the empirical equations of the relationship between secant shear modulus Gsec, shear modulus ratio Gsec/Gmax and cyclic strain ε were established based on series of test results. The results show that according to different combinations of static deviator stress and cyclic stress, two kinds of failure patterns with deviator stress reversal or no deviator stress reversal are observed in the samples tested in this series, including cyclic mobility and the failure of accumulation residual strain. In addition, the degradation of dynamic shear modulus is due to the development of vibration pore-water pressure and it is observed that the shear modulus reduces with the progressive number of cycles.  相似文献   

针对民办高校所需办学经费无国家财政拨款,全部为自筹资金的现状,分析了形成当前民办高校融资难的原因,既有信贷政策、银行方面的因素,也有民办高校自身的因素.提出民办高校要生存,要发展,光靠举办者投入或捐赠以及每年的学费收入是不够的,还需要积极拓展更多融资渠道解决办校融资难的问题.  相似文献   

The compositions, technical principles and construction equipments of a new piling method used for ground improvement plastic tube cast-in-place concrete pile were introduced. The results from static load tests on single piles with different forms of pile shoes and on their composite foundations were analyzed. The distribution patterns of axial force, shaft friction and toe resistance were studied based on the measurements taken from buried strain gauges. From the point of engineering application, the pile has merits in convenient quality control, high bearing capacity and reliable quality, showing higher reasonability, advancement and suitability than other ground improvement methods. The pile can be adopted properly to take place of ordinary ground improvement method, achieving greater economical and social benefits.  相似文献   

克里斯蒂娜一生孤独迷离,她弃绝人间的舒适享乐全心追求永恒的精神快乐.诗歌是她生活的真实写照:从初恋失败,父亲病逝,到中年全方位的社交活动,再到孤独的晚年隐退.她的诗歌也呈现出统一协调的三部曲:从温婉细腻的抒情诗,到内涵丰富的叙事诗,再到热烈苍凉的祈祷文.爱是诗人背后最隐秘的缘由.为寻求心灵的平静,她试图在爱中找到永恒,却一次次被爱推着向前走:从人世爱恋到社会爱心,再回归上帝.  相似文献   

长于论辩,是《孟子》散文的突出特征.《孟子》一书通过对孟子言行的记录,不仅表现了孟子的思想和理论,亦成功地为后人展示了一个鲜活的辩者形象.孟子与时人的论辩涉及政治、经济、伦理道德、哲学等诸多领域;通过对旁征博引、因势利导、诱敌入彀、归谬反驳、执经行权等论辩方法的娴熟驾驭,表现出鲜明的个性特点.  相似文献   

Through unconfined compressive strength test,influencing factors on compressive strength of solidified inshore saline soil with SH lime-ash,ratio of lime-ash(1-K),quantity of lime-ash,age,degree of compression and salt content were studied.The results show that because inshore saline soil has special engineering characteristic,more influencing factors must be considered compared with ordinary soil for the perfect effect of solidifying.  相似文献   

一种风幕式抽油烟机的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对厨房油烟扩散机理的分析和模型实验,研究了影响油烟控制的各种因素,采用实验与计算流体力学仿真技术相结合的方法,对不同情况下油烟罩的油烟控制性能进行了比较、分析,设计出了一种新型节能型抽油烟机。  相似文献   

多层建筑造价控制,应合理确定方案,加强施工管理,控制工程设计变更及现场签证,严把材料价格,加强工程监理。  相似文献   

在国际贸易中 ,使用信用证对于买方来说存在一定风险。我国是信用证欺诈的主要受害国之一 ,入世以后这一现象将更加严重。文中就这一问题提出了司法建议。  相似文献   

在产品形态设计过程中 ,采用标准组合这种简单、快捷的方案构思方法 ,可以产生出大量有效的产品形态供厂商选择 ,来满足市场对产品多样性的需求。就此论述了标准组合方法的合理性及标准的设定方法 ,以帮助设计师形成自己的应用标准 ,从而提高其设计能力。  相似文献   

本文论述了光栅单色仪连续光谱杂光的产生、测试原理和测试方法,以及杂光对分光测量的影响.给出了WDY-2500型近红外光栅单色仪连续光谱杂光分布状态的测量结果.  相似文献   

针对我国证券市场存在的股票全流通问题,根据“同股同权”的原则,利用关联度分析的方法,通过对影响全流通主要因素的分析,设计出解决股票全流通的最佳模型,并就全流通的实施方法及实施过程中各阶段的配股定价、流通股定价等问题提出了自己的方案.  相似文献   

首先从社会和个人两个主体分析了人力资源配置中机会成本的构成,并且首次提出人力资源价值增加是人力资源配置机会成本中重要的组成部分的观点。最后,分析了机会成本原理在人才配置中的体现。  相似文献   

本文拟以城市的职能特征作为城市美的基础,说明依据城市的职能特征创造内容与形式统一的城市特征是塑造城市特色美的主要方法。本文对城市特色和特色美做了概念性阐述;举例说明城市特色的多样性:于“普通”中发现和挖掘特色的可能性;还列举了经常忽视和破坏城市特色的现象;本文还总结了城市特色美的主要标志,为评价和创造城市特色美提供了有章可循的依据。  相似文献   

农会组织在我国存在已历百余年,这期间农会组织在名称及功能等方面经历了多次演变,呈现出组织形态的多样性、组织宗旨的稳定性及组织功能的适应性等特点。这些特点分别适应不同时代要求,肩负了重要的历史使命,但是始终着眼于"三农"问题的根本解决。农会组织的特点及其适应性为当前我国农村社会管理创新提供重要启示。  相似文献   

构成是一门新兴的学科。它从视觉艺术的要素 ,诸如线条、色彩、形式出发 ,研究诸要素自身的表现力 ,并探求这些视觉要素和人类情感之间的直接的和有规律的联系 ,从而为设计者提供了一种崭新的思维方法 ,大大地增强了设计者对美的创造力和表现力。构成观念的形成促进了现代美术的发展 ,也推动了设计的革命  相似文献   

我国物流人才需求及岗位能力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物流人才已被列为我国12类紧缺人才之一,文章从物流人才需求类型、需求数量、需求岗位、职业能力要求等几个方面分析了我国物流人才需求的现状。  相似文献   

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