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对夯锤底面的形状进行改进,在夯锤底面增加4个半球,形成了异形夯锤,开展1∶8黄土模型试验.从夯坑深度、加固深度、平均应变以及孔隙比四个方面研究了在异形夯锤作用之下强夯加固效果,并与普通平底夯锤强夯加固效果进行了对比.结果表明:在能级和夯击次数相同的情况下,平底夯锤重锤低落距的夯坑深度深于轻锤高落距的夯坑深度,异形夯锤轻锤高落距的夯坑深度深于重锤低落距的夯坑深度.在质量、高度和夯击次数相同的情况下,平底夯锤的加固深度深,加固效果均匀,异形夯锤的加固深度浅,加固效果不均匀,且集中在较浅的深度范围内.在加固深度范围内,异形夯锤作用下土体的平均应变大于平底夯锤作用下土体的平均应变.试验结果揭示了异形夯锤和平底夯锤在黄土地区加固时的特点,为黄土地区的工程设计和施工提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

根据强夯法的加固机理和施工工序要求,探讨了强夯法在各类地基处理中夯击能、夯点次数、夯点间距、夯击遍数、夯点布置、加固范围和间歇时间等施工参数的选择方法,提高了地基强夯施工水平。  相似文献   

高能级强夯的加固效果显著,应用范围越来越广泛,有效加固深度是评判加固效果和确定强夯方案的重要指标。以10000 kN·m高能级强夯加固某抛填路基工程为背景,采用FLAC 3D有限差分软件进行单点多次夯击的强夯数值模拟,以夯击后的应力为标准来计算有效加固深度。结果表明:随夯击次数的增加,有效加固深度先增大后稳定,6击后有效加固深度的增幅极小。经正交试验和极差分析得到土体参数对强夯有效加固深度的敏感性排序。落距和锤重与有效加固深度呈正相关关系,锤径则为负相关关系。锤重对有效加固深度的影响大于落距,在夯击能相同时,重锤低落所得到的累计夯沉量与有效加固深度均更大。提出强夯有效加固深度估算公式,并实现了量纲统一,该公式与模拟结果偏差较小,可供同类型强夯工程参考。  相似文献   

结合青临高速公路强夯加固废弃铁矿渣高填方路基工程,在实验段埋设48个土压力计,采用不同夯击能(2000、2250、2500、2800kN·m)对设计夯点进行多次夯击,通过采集仪得到的数据,分析强夯时动应力的扩散规律。实验结果表明:强夯加固废弃铁矿渣路基的效果比较明显,强夯引起的动应力也很明显;锤底动应力的消散速度极快,加上余波仅有05s左右的时间;不同夯击能引起的动应力不同,夯击能越大,动应力值也越大;动应力在竖向的影响距离远大于径向,锤底8m仍有10kPa以上的动应力;有效加固深度的临界动应力值为20kPa;动应力在径向的衰减速度快于竖向,有效加固宽度约3m;随着夯击次数的增加,在有效加固范围内动应力的增加比较明显,但在3击后基本保持稳定。实验结果可为今后相似条件下强夯加固工程施工参数的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

依托青岛某地基处理工程,对上覆杂填土的淤泥质土地基进行加固,现场检测其加固效果.通过对夯击过程中超静孔隙水压力随时间的变化规律及在不同性质土层中的增长及消散规律的分析,计算了超静孔压的消散,提出了确定强夯夯点间距、有效加固深度及两遍夯击间隔时间等施工参数的方法及优化.  相似文献   

夯扩桩作为一种新型地基加固方式在我国建筑地基加固中得到了越来越广泛的应用,结合具体工程项目的施工实践,对夯扩桩进行优化设计,并用以指导施工,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,对强夯主要参数加固深度、单位夯击能、孔隙水压力、夯点间距、夯点复夯等的确定原则进行了分析探讨.施工中遇到的最大难题是夯点的最后两击平均夯沉量80~90mm,大于规范允许值50mm,在确保工程质量的前提下为降低工程造价和缩短工期,适当的将夯点最后两击平均夯沉量进行调整,按其不大于100mm控制施工,并在施工中进行现场静载试验和孔隙水压力试验以监测效果.地基承载力标准值fk为202kPa,变形模量E0为13.06MPa,均满足设计要求;加固深度约6m,符合规范估计深度,证明按调整后的夯沉量指标控制施工切实可行。  相似文献   

红砂岩填石路基强夯处理的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对红砂岩填石路基质量较难控制,压实度不够的情况,采用强夯法进行处理.通过对红砂岩填石路基的强夯试验和地表变形、深层变形等的观测分析,提出了采用压实度确定强夯设计参数的方法,分析研究了强夯的加固效果、变形规律与夯击能量、夯击次数、夯击影响深度及夯击水平影响距离的关系,获得了强夯法加固各参数具体拟合计算公式,并提出了设计和施工建议.  相似文献   

地基土强夯加固模式及加固范围计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过一代表性强夯处理填土地基事例,在大量的测试资料及春他有关强夯文献资料广泛分析的基础上,作出了强夯加固模式图;并根据强夯地基土密实改变的特点、夯沉量与强夯加固深度的关系,建立了填土地基强夯有效加固深度及加固宽度的计算公式。该公式同样对其他较均质的非饱和土体适用,对估算地基加固范围,尤其是在试夯时估算地基加固范围,从而对强夯施工设计有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

在强夯法加固地基机理的分析中,夯锤底部与地基表面的动接触应力计算是关键技术问题。采用动力接触有限元法分析强夯中夯锤对地基土的冲击碰撞过程,建立动接触力与速度之间的接触关系式。对一具体算例进行了强夯动力接触分析,得到了夯沉量及动接触力在强夯作用时间内的变化规律,为精确模拟分析强夯加固机理提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

The green and sintered densities,and tensile strength of sintered P/M steels produced by cold compaction,warm compaction,warm compaction combined with die wall lubrication(DWL)were measured under various compaction pressures using polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)emulsion as the die wall lubricant.The effects of warm compaction on the mechanical properties were studied.The tensile fracture behaviors of cold compaction and warm compaction were studied using scanning electron microscope(SEM).The results show that the density of sintered P/M steel prepared by warm compaction or warm compaction with DWL is higher than that by cold compaction under all compaction pressures.Meanwhile,the highest tensile strength is obtained by combination of warm compaction and die wall lubrication under all compaction pressures.The SEM results show that the fracture modes of the sintered samples prepared by cold compaction and warm compaction at 700 MPa are the mixed mode of ductile fracture and brittle fracture,and obvious dimples can be found in some regions.The fracture of sample prepared by cold compaction is uneven and has irregular and big pores,but that by warm compaction is relatively even and the pores are round mostly,and the samples have many obvious dimples on the whole fracture surface.  相似文献   

为了从颗粒运动角度揭示级配碎石的压实机理,基于离散元数值模拟方法构建考虑骨料真实形状特征的多面体骨料试样. 通过虚拟旋转压实试验,研究级配碎石试样不同位置骨料在压实过程中的运动特征,从细观角度揭示级配碎石在旋转压实过程中的颗粒运动与压实特性的关联机制. 结果表明,压实试样各部分的颗粒运动响应均呈现相似的规律,中间位置的颗粒运动和压实特性可以评估试样的压实质量. 压实阶段可分成初始压实、过渡压实、锁固和压实4个阶段,颗粒运动的锁固点出现在锁固阶段结束时,锁固点的出现可以作为试样进入压密阶段的标志. 颗粒运动特征相较于试样内部孔隙率的变化,对评价压实质量更具优越性.  相似文献   

The quality of compaction is important to the performance of hot mixed asphalt(HMA) pavement. Most premature failures of asphalt pavement are concerned with poor compaction. Compaction characteristic of HMA mixtures were studied. Compaction tests were done with typical widely used HMA mixtures, including dense gradation asphalt mixtures with different nominal maximum aggregate size(AC13,AC20,AC25), and mixtures with different gradation(AC13, SMA13,Sup13 and OGFC13). HMA mixtures were sampled at different compaction temperature and Marshall blow numbers, varying between 60 and 175 ℃ and between 15 and 75 lows, respectively. The compaction characteristics of these mixtures were evaluated. The results showed that the Marshall stability and volumetric properties were significantly affected by the compaction temperature. Mixtures with the same NMAS but different type of gradation need different compaction energy to get the designed density.  相似文献   

改性沥青应力吸收层混合料旋转压实参数   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了确定改性沥青应力吸收层混合料合理的旋转压实次数,采用自主研制的应力吸收层特种改性沥青结合料,进行旋转压实试验,分析旋转压实次数、油石比对混合料密实度的影响,结果表明:旋转压实次数和油石比对混合料密实度均有显著性影响,但油石比是混合料密实度的最显著性影响因素;旋转压实次数在35~55之间时密实度存在一个"递变"区域,结合应力吸收层材料特性及性能要求,确定旋转压实次数为50次。  相似文献   

旧路改建高速公路会遇到诸如地基不均匀沉降及老路堤压实度低等问题,这些问题限制了这项技术的应用.依托威乳高速公路,研究了强夯在旧路改建高速公路中的应用技术.通过试夯及现场对超静孔隙水压力、动土应力测试及压实度检测,确定了地基与路堤强夯工艺参数.夯后对路堤进行弯沉、回弹测试及路堤沉降观测分析发现强夯方案完全能满足规范要求.最后对威乳路试夯结果进行一般性推广,得到了不同高度路堤对应的止夯标准.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this paper was to study the mechanical properties and durability of the cement stabilized gravel by different compact method. The influence of rubber particle content on mechanical properties of samples was studied by compaction tests and freezing thawing recycle tests. Pore structure and fractal characteristic of mixture were analyzed quantitatively using mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). X-ray diffraction (XRD) was adopted to identify the composition phases. The morphology analysis in micro scale and elemental analysis of samples were carried out by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The optimum compressive strengths of rubber cement stabilized gravel (RCSG) with static compaction method and with vibratory compaction method were obtained by controlling compaction degree and vibration time, respectively. From the compaction tests, the vibratory compaction method is preferred compared with the static compaction method as better compressive strength can be improved by about 340%-360%. Besides, test results also reveal that compressive strength of samples with vibratory compaction method or static compaction method will decrease with the rubber particle bulk content increasing. The freezing thawing recycle tests indicate that freezing thawing resistance has been improved (frozen stability coefficient K has been increased from 0.89 to 0.97) by the addition of rubber particles. MIP tests show that the mean pore diameter and porosity of mixture have been increased from 70 to 250 nm and 9% to 24% respectively, with the rubber particles content increasing. Component analysis shows that the calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) is the predominant hydrate product with or without the addition of rubber particles.  相似文献   

通过马歇尔击实试验对橡胶沥青混合料的胶粉参量、集料特性、击实方法等方面展开研究,分析其最大蜡封干密度、油石比和空隙率,得出影响橡胶沥青混合料密实度的因素及变化规律。试验结果表明:胶粉掺量对混合料密实度影响很小;对于龙嫩公路用混合料级配,通过优化级配来提高密实度的提升空间不大;集料吸水率对空隙率影响明显,吸水率增加1%时,混合料空隙率增大约2%;相同的马歇尔试件100次击实比75次击实空隙率减小了31%,改变击实方法空隙率仅改变了1.6%。  相似文献   

Since Mollema and Antonellini observed compaction bands in the field in 1996,different patterns of compaction bands have been found in laboratory experiments.There are some discrepancies between the laboratory experiments and the field observations:compared to the field observation,the stress levels required to induce compaction bands in laboratory experiments are usually higher than the inferred in the field,and the grain crushing are more intense in the laboratory experiments.In this paper,compaction bands were observed at the maximal principal stresses below 8 MPa,which is lower than the stress level inferred in the field,and there was no severe comminution inside the compaction bands.Experimental results indicate that the porosity and confining pressure have great impacts on the types of localization bands.Lower porosity and confining pressure can promote the growth of shear bands and high-angle shear bands.Higher porosity and confining pressure can promote the growth of discrete compaction bands.Intermediate porosity and confining pressure are favorable for the growth of hybrid modes involving two of the three,i.e.,discrete compaction band,diffuse compaction band and high-angle shear band.The formation of discrete compaction bands is more unstable compared to diffuse compaction bands.The two types of compaction bands can appear in the same type rocks,and diffuse compaction bands are formed under lower confining pressure compared to discrete compaction bands.The reduction of permeability was within 2 orders of magnitude in this study,and it is 2 3 orders of magnitude lower than those obtained by other researchers.  相似文献   

探讨了不同土类的加固机理,结合珠海市某港口填海工程高能量强夯的工程实践,对抛石填海地区地基处理进行了强夯试验研究,提供了高能量强夯设计的施工参数及施工方法,根据监测结果可知,该场地在现有的设计参数作用下达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

珞珈山粘土压缩性的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对武汉大学珞珈山粘土完成了15组不同含水量和压实度的室内压缩试验,分析了压实度、压实含水量及压实土体的饱和状态三因素对粘性填土压缩性能的影响,并通过压实土体结构方面的理论对其影响机理进行了阐释:这三方面因素主要是通过对土体结构及土中的基质吸力产生影响从而影响到土体的压缩变形性。试验表明,压实度和压实含水量均是在一定的应力范围内对粘性填土的压缩变形性能产生影响,在最优含水量附近粘性填土的压缩变形随着压实度的减小、压实含水量的增大而增大;压实土体浸水饱和后的压缩变形远大于饱和前的变形,压实含水量大的土体在其它条件相同的条件下因饱和引起的压缩变形小于压实含水量小的土体。  相似文献   

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