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Coal bumps have long been a safety hazard in coal mines, and even after decades of research, the exact mechanics that cause coal bumps are still not well understood. Therefore, coal bumps are still difficult to predict and control. The LaModel program has a long history of being used to effectively analyze displacements and stresses in coal mines, and with the recent addition of energy release and local mine stiffness calculations, the LaModel program now has greatly increased capabilities for evaluating coal bump potential. This paper presents three recent case histories where coal stress, pillar safety factor, energy release rate and local mine stiffness calculations in LaModel were used to evaluate the pillar plan and cut sequencing that were associated with a number of bumps. The first case history is a longwall mine where a simple stress analysis was used to help determine the limiting depth for safely mining in bump-prone ground. The second case history is a room-and-pillar retreat mine where the LaModel analysis is used to help optimize the pillar extraction sequencing in order to minimize the frequent pillar line bumps. The third case history is the Crandall Canyon mine where an initial bump and then a massive pillar collapse/bump which killed 6 miners is extensively back-analyzed. In these case histories, the calculation tools in LaModel are ultimately shown to be very effective for analyzing various aspects of the bump problem, and in the conclusions, a number of critical insights into the practical calculation of mine failure and stability developed as a result of this research are presented.  相似文献   

Irregular shape workface would result in the presence of coal pillar, which leads to high stress concentration and possibly induces coal bumps. In order to study the coal bump mechanism of pillars, static and dynamic stress overlapping(SDSO) method was proposed to explain the impacts of static stress concentration and tremors induced by mining activities. The stress and deformation in surrounding rock of mining face were analyzed based on the field case study at 1303 workface in Zhaolou Coal Mine in China.The results illustrate that the surrounding rock of a workface could be divided into four different zones,i.e., residual stress zone, stress decrease zone, stress increase zone and original stress zone. The stress increase zone is prone to failure under the SDSO impact loading conditions and will provide elastic energy for inducing coal bump. Based on the numerical modelling results, the evolution of static stress in coal pillar as the size of gob increasing was studied, and the impact of dynamic stress was investigated through analyzing the characteristics of tremor activities. The numerical results demonstrate the peak value of vertical stress in coal pillar rises from about 30 MPa with mining distance 10 m to 52.6 MPa with mining distance 120 m, and the location of peak stress transfers to the inner zone of coal pillars as the workface moves forward. For the daily tremor activities, tremors with high energy released indicate high dynamic stress disturbance on the surrounding rock, therefore, the impact of dynamic stressing is more serious during workface extension period because the tremor frequency and average energy after workface extension are higher than those before the workface extension.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH) conducted a comprehensive monitoring program in a room-and-pillar mine located in Southern Virginia. The deformation and the stress change in an instrumented pillar were monitored during the progress of pillar retreat mining at two sites of different geological conditions and depths of cover. The main objectives of the monitoring program were to better understand the stress transfer and load shedding on coal pillars and to quantify the rib deformation due to pillar retreat mining; and to examine the effect of rib geology and overburden depth on coal rib performance. The instrumentation at both sites included pull-out tests to measure the anchorage capacity of rib bolts, load cells mounted on rib bolts to monitor the induced loads in the bolts, borehole pressure cells(BPCs) installed at various depths in the study pillar to measure the change in vertical pressure within the pillar, and roof and rib extensometers installed to quantify the vertical displacement of the roof and the horizontal displacement of the rib that would occur during the retreat mining process.The outcome from the monitoring program provides insight into coal pillar rib support optimization at various depths and geological conditions. Also, this study contributes to the NIOSH rib support database in U.S coal mines and provides essential data for rib support design.  相似文献   

能量分析在冲击地压发生过程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诱发冲击地压的主要因素为自然因素和开采因素.运用能量原理研究了冲击地压的分类,并从力学角度解释了冲击地压能量释放机制,最后从降低煤岩体积聚能量的角度出发,提出了防治冲击地压发生的主要方法.研究成果对有冲击地压的矿井具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

Bumps and other types of dynamic failure have been a persistent, worldwide problem in the underground coal mining industry, spanning decades.For example, in just five states in the U.S.from 1983 to 2014,there were 388 reportable bumps.Despite significant advances in mine design tools and mining practices,these events continue to occur.Many conditions have been associated with bump potential, such as the presence of stiff units in the local geology.The effect of a stiff sandstone unit on the potential for coal bumps depends on the location of the stiff unit in the stratigraphic column, the relative stiffness and strength of other structural members, and stress concentrations caused by mining.This study describes the results of a robust design to consider the impact of different lithologic risk factors impacting dynamic failure risk.Because the inherent variability of stratigraphic characteristics in sedimentary formations,such as thickness, engineering material properties, and location, is significant and the number of influential parameters in determining a parametric study is large, it is impractical to consider every simulation case by varying each parameter individually.Therefore, to save time and honor the statistical distributions of the parameters, it is necessary to develop a robust design to collect sufficient sample data and develop a statistical analysis method to draw accurate conclusions from the collected data.In this study,orthogonal arrays, which were developed using the robust design, are used to define the combination of the(a) thickness of a stiff sandstone inserted on the top and bottom of a coal seam in a massive shale mine roof and floor,(b) location of the stiff sandstone inserted on the top and bottom of the coal seam,and(c) material properties of the stiff sandstone and contacts as interfaces using the 3-dimensional numerical model, FLAC3D.After completion of the numerical experiments, statistical and multivariate analysis are performed using the calculated results from the orthogonal arrays to analyze the effect of these variables.As a consequence, the impact of each of the parameters on the potential for bumps is quantitatively classified in terms of a normalized intensity of plastic dissipated energy.By multiple regression, the intensity of plastic dissipated energy and migration of the risk from the roof to the floor via the pillars is predicted based on the value of the variables.The results demonstrate and suggest a possible capability to predict the bump potential in a given rock mass adjacent to the underground excavations and pillars.Assessing the risk of bumps is important to preventing fatalities and injuries resulting from bumps.  相似文献   

Why do some room and pillar retreat panels encounter abnormal conditions? What factors deserve the most consideration during the planning and execution phases of mining and what can be done to mitigate those abnormal conditions when they are encountered? To help answer these questions, and to determine some of the relevant factors influencing the conditions of room and pillar (R &; P) retreat mining entries, four consecutive R &; P retreat panels were evaluated. This evaluation was intended to reinforce the influence of topographic changes, depth of cover, multiple-seam interactions, geological conditions, and mining geometry. This paper details observations were made in four consecutive R &; P retreat panels and the data were collected from an instrumentation site during retreat mining. The primary focus was on the differences observed among the four panels and within the panels themselves. The instrumentation study was initially planned to evaluate the interactions between primary and secondary support, but produced rather interesting results relating to the loading encountered under the current mining conditions. In addition to the observation and instrumentation, numerical modeling was performed to evaluate the stress conditions. Both the LaModel 3.0 and Rocscience Phase 2 programs were used to evaluate these four panels. The results of both models indicated a drastic reduction in the vertical stresses experienced in these panels due to the full extraction mining in overlying seams when compared to the full overburden load. Both models showed a higher level of stress associated with the outside entries of the panels. These results agree quite well with the observations and instrumentation studies performed at the mine. These efforts provided two overarching conclusions concerning R &; P retreat mine planning and execution. The first was that there are four areas that should not be overlooked during R &; P retreat mining: topographic relief, multiple-seam stress relief, stress concentrations near the gob edge, and geologic changes in the immediate roof. The second is that in order to successfully retreat an R &; P panel, a three-phased approach to the design and analysis of the panel should be conducted: the planning phase, evaluation phase, and monitoring phase.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to enhance the understanding that the horizontal stresses build up and release during coal pillar loading and unloading(post-failure) drawing upon three decades of observations, geomechanical monitoring and numerical modeling in bump-prone U.S. mines. The focus is on induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata as highly stressed pillars punch into the roof and floor, causing shear failure and buckling of strata; under stiff stratigraphic units of some western US mines, these events could be accompanied by violent failure of pillar cores. Pillar punching eventually results in tensile stresses at the base of the pillar, facilitating transition into the post-failure regime; this transition will be nonviolent if certain conditions are met, notably the presence of interbedded mudstones with low shear strength properties and proper mine designs for controlling seismicity and dynamic loads. The study clearly shows high confining stress build-up in coal pillars resulting in up to twice higher peak vertical stress and high strain energy accumulations in some western US mines in comparison with peak stresses predicted using common empirical pillar design methods. It is the unstable release of this strain energy that can cause significant damage resulting from pillar dilation and ground movements. These forces are much greater than the capacity of most common internal support systems, resulting in horizontal stressinduced roof falls locally, in mines under unremarkable far-field horizontal stress. Attention should be placed on pillar designs as increasing support density may prove to be ineffective. This mechanism is analyzed using field measurements and generic finite-difference stress analyses. The study confirms the higher load carrying capacity of confinement-controlled coal seams in comparison with structurally controlled coal seams. Such significant differences in confining stresses are not taken into account when estimating peak pillar strength using most common empirical techniques such as those proposed by Bieniawski and Salamon. While using lower pillar strength estimates may be considered conservative,it underestimates the actual capacity of pillars in accumulating much higher stress and strain energies,misleading the designer and inadvertently diminishing mine safety. The role of induced horizontal stress in mine pillars and surrounding strata is emphasized in coal pillar mechanics of violent failure. The triggering mechanism for the violent events is sudden loss of pillar confinement due to dynamic loading resulting from failure of overlying stiff and strong strata. Evidence of such mechanism is noted in the field by observed red-dust at the coal-rock interfaces at the location of coal bumps and irregular, periodic caving in room-and-pillar mines quantified through direct pressure measurements in the gob.  相似文献   

Many states rely upon the Pennsylvania 1957 Gas Well Pillar Study to evaluate the coal barrier surrounding gas wells. The study included 77 gas well failure cases that occurred in the Pittsburgh and Freeport coal seams over a 25-year span. At the time, coal was mined using the room-and-pillar mining method with full or partial pillar recovery, and square or rectangle pillars surrounding the gas wells were left to protect the wells. The study provided guidelines for pillar sizes under different overburden depths up to213 m(700 ft). The 1957 study has also been used to determine gas well pillar sizes in longwall mines since longwall mining began in the 1970 s. The original study was developed for room-and-pillar mining and could be applied to gas wells in longwall chain pillars under shallow cover. However, under deep cover, severe deformations in gas wells have occurred in longwall chain pillars. Presently, with a better understanding of coal pillar mechanics, new insight into subsidence movements induced by retreat mining, and advances in numerical modeling, it has become both critically important and feasible to evaluate the adequacy of the 1957 study for longwall gas well pillars. In this paper, the data from the 1957 study is analyzed from a new perspective by considering various factors, including overburden depth, failure location, failure time, pillar safety factor(SF), and floor pressure. The pillar SF and floor pressure are calculated by considering abutment pressure induced by full pillar recovery. A statistical analysis is performed to find correlations between various factors and helps identify the most significant factors for the stability of gas wells influenced by retreat mining. Through analyzing the data from the 1957 study, the guidelines for gas well pillars in the 1957 study are evaluated for their adequacy for roomand-pillar mining and their applicability to longwall mining. Numerical modeling is used to model the stability of gas wells by quantifying the mining-induced stresses in gas well casings. Results of this study indicate that the guidelines in the 1957 study may be appropriate for pillars protecting conventional gas wells in both room-and-pillar mining and longwall mining under overburden depths up to 213 m(700 ft),but may not be sufficient for protective pillars under deep cover. The current evaluation of the 1957 study provides not only insights about potential gas well failures caused by retreat mining but also implications for what critical considerations should be taken into account to protect gas wells in longwall mining.  相似文献   

为了进一步研究和评价矿井冲击地压特征,结合平煤四矿丁5,6煤层阐述了煤岩冲击倾向性测试方法、测试过程及测试结果,根据测试结果在丁5,6煤层中选取了一些特征点,结合开采条件对这些特征点进行赋值,最后运用科学绘图软件绘制了丁5,6冲击动力灾害危险区域划分图,从图中可看出大部分区域为弱冲击倾向,在西翼19160和19180间的窄煤柱区域由于受到两侧采空影响,应力集中很高,具有强冲击倾向,在煤层合并线及煤柱拐角处以及上山煤柱边缘具有中等冲击倾向,为矿井制定有针对性的防治措施提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

Coal bursts are typically associated with highly stressed coal.Most bursts occur during retreat mining(longwall mining or pillar recovery) in highly stressed locations like the tailgate corner of the longwall panel.Others are associated with multiple seam interactions.However, a small but significant percentage of coal bursts have occurred during development or in outby locations unaffected by active mining.Most development bursts have been relatively small, but some have been highly destructive.No theory of coal bursts can be complete if it does not account for this type of event.This paper focusses on the development mining coal burst experience in the US, putting it into the context of the entire US coal burst database.The first documented development coal burst occurred almost exactly 100 years ago during slope drivage at the Sunnyside Mine in Utah.Sunnyside subsequently had a long history of bursts, mainly during retreat mining but also during development.Several Colorado mines have also experienced multiple development bursts.Many, but by no means all, of the development bursts in these western US coalfields have been associated with known faults.In the Central Appalachian coalfields, most development bursts have occurred in multiple seam situations.In some of these cases, however, there was no retreat mining in either seam.The paper closes with some lessons from this history, with implications for preventing such events in the future.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago, the analysis of longwall pillar stability(ALPS) inaugurated a new era in coal pillar design.ALPS was the first empirical pillar design technique to consider the abutment loads that arise from full extraction, and the first to be calibrated using an extensive database of longwall mining case histories.ALPS was followed by the analysis of retreat mining stability(ARMPS) and the analysis of multiple seam stability(AMSS). These methods incorporated other innovations, including the coal mine roof rating(CMRR), the Mark-Bieniawski pillar strength formula, and the pressure arch loading model. They also built upon ever larger case history databases and employed more sophisticated statistical methods.Today, these empirical methods are used in nearly every underground coal mine in the US. However,the piecemeal manner in which these methods have evolved resulted in some weaknesses. For example,in certain situations, it may not be obvious which program is the best to use. Other times the results from the different programs are not entirely consistent with each other. The programs have also not been updated for several years, and some changes were necessary to keep pace with new developments in mining practice. The analysis of coal pillar stability(ACPS) now integrates all three of the older software packages into a single pillar design framework. ACPS also incorporates the latest research findings in the field of pillar design, including an expanded multiple seam case history data base and a new method to evaluate room and pillar panels containing multiple rows of pillars left in place during pillar recovery.ACPS also includes updated guidance and warnings for users and features upgraded help files and graphics.  相似文献   

In order to ensure safe mining and reduce surface damage in shallow multi-seam mining, the failure characteristics of interburden strata with different coal pillars offset distances between pillars in the upper and lower seams, the distribution characteristics of stress concentration in coal pillars, and the development characteristics of stratum cracks and subsidence were investigated by physical and UDEC2 D simulation. Meanwhile, the effect of different coal pillar offset distances on stress concentration of coal pillar and development of stratum cracks were studied. Based on those results, a formula for safe mining and reducing surface damage was established, which provided a theoretical basis for safe and environmentally friendly mining in shallow multi-seam. According to the results, the optimal coal pillar offset distance(the side to side horizontal distance of the upper and lower coal pillars) between the upper and lower coal seams was developed to reduce the stress concentration of coal pillars and surface damage.The results of this study have been applied in Ningtiaota coal mine and have achieved good results in safe and environmentally friendly mining.  相似文献   

Gas outbursts in underground mining occur under conditions of high gas desorption rate and gas content, combined with high stress regime, low coal strength and high Young’s modulus. This combination of gas and stress factors occurs more often in deep mining. Hence, as the depth of mining increases, the potential for outburst increases. This study proposes a conceptual model to evaluate outburst potential in terms of an outburst indicator. The model was used to evaluate the potential for gas outburst in two mines, by comparing numerical simulations of gas flow behavior under typical stress regimes in an Australian gassy mine extracting a medium-volatile bituminous coal, and a Chinese gassy coal mine in Qinshui Basin (Shanxi province) extracting anthracite coal. We coupled the stress simulation program (FLAC3D) with the gas simulation program (SIMED II) to compute the stress and gas pressure and gas content distribution following development of a roadway into the targeted coal seams. The data from gas content and stress distribution were then used to quantify the intensity of energy release in the event of an outburst.  相似文献   

采煤工作面开采过程中"两带"高度值是指导矿井防水煤柱留设、保证矿井安全生产的重要参数,试验以内蒙古某矿3-1煤层首采面为地质模型,通过模拟其开采过程,运用并行电法系统,确定"两带"高度值及其变化特征。同时在给定边界条件和初始条件下,运用数值模拟方法,获得顶板应力变化分布图。综合分析模拟试验结果,判定该工作面回采过程中垮落带高度为40m,导水裂缝带最大高度为80m。根据不同时间电阻率分布图和垂向应力分布云图,可清晰分辨出煤层顶板覆岩破坏的过程和规律,可为煤矿安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

短壁机械化开采方法与煤柱稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开发适合我国现代化矿区“三下”开采及边角煤开采的短壁机械化开采成套技术具有十分重要的现实意义.根据国产短壁机械化开采设备情况,结舍“三下”开采需留设煤柱保护地表的实际,提出了3种短壁机械化开采的巷道布置方式,研究了短壁机械化开采工艺及设备配套.采用岩石破裂过程分析软件RFPA2D系统,对短壁机械化开采的煤柱稳定性进行数值计算与分析.研究结果应用于五阳煤矿村庄下采煤实践,实现了安全、高效开采,并有效控制了地表沉陷.  相似文献   

Underground coal mining is inherently hazardous, with uncontrolled ground failure regarded as one of only several critical risks for multiple fatality events. Development, implementation and management of overarching systems and procedures for maintaining strata control is an important step to mitigating the impact of ground failure hazards at a mine site operational level. This paper summarised the typical pro-active ground control management system(PGCMS) implemented in various Australian underground coal mines. Australia produces approximately 100 million tonnes a year of metallurgical and thermal coal from approximately 30 of the world's safest longwall mines operating in New South Wales and Queensland. The increased longwall productivity required to achieve both high levels of safety and profitability, places significant emphasis on the reliability of pro-active ground control management for longwall mining operations. Increased depths, adverse geological conditions, elevated variable stress regimes and weaker ground conditions, coupled with an industry wide need for increased development rates continue to make ground control management challenging. Ground control management is not only about ground support and pillar design though but also a structured process that requires a coordinated effort from all levels of the workforce to both minimise the occurrence of adverse geotechnical events and mitigate the potential risks when they do occur. The PGCMS presented in this paper is proven to provide both a safer and more productive mine environment through minimisation of unplanned delays. The critical elements of the method are presented in detail and demonstrate the utility and value of a ground control management system that has potential for implementation in underground coal mining globally.  相似文献   

It is believed that the microseismicity induced by mining effect and gas gradient disturbance stress is a precursor to the essential characteristics of roadway unstability. In order to effectively identify and evaluate the stability of coal roadways in the process of mine development and extraction, a microseismic monitoring system was deployed for the study of the stress evolution process, damage degree and distribution characteristics in the tailgate and headgate. The mine under study is the 62113 outburst working face of Xin Zhuangzi coalmine in Huainan mining area. The whole process of microfractures initiation,extension, interaction and coalescence mechanisms during the progressive failure processes of the coal rock within the delineated and typical event clusters were investigated by means of a two dimensional realistic failure process analysis code(RFPA2D-Flow). The results show that the microseismic events gradually create different-sized event clusters. The microseismicity of the tailgate is significantly higher than that of the headgate. The study indicates that the greater anomalous stress region matches the area where microfractures continuously develop and finally connect to each other and form a fissure zone.Due to the mine layout and stress concentration, the ruptured area is mainly located on the left shoulder of the tailgate roof. The potential anomalous stress region of the coal roadway obtained by numerical simulation is relatively in good agreement with the trend of spatial macro evolution of coal rock microfractures captured by the microseismic monitoring system. The research results can provide important basis for understanding instability failure mechanism of deep roadway and microseismic activity law in complex geologic conditions, and it ultimately can be used to guide the selection and optimization of reinforcement and protection scheme.  相似文献   

As a contributing factor in the dynamic failure (bumping) of coal pillars, a bump-prone coal seam has been described as one that is “uncleated or poorly cleated, strong…that sustains high stresses.” Despite extensive research regarding engineering controls to help reduce the risk for coal bumps, there is a paucity of research related to the properties of coal itself and how those properties might contribute to the mechanics of failures. Geographic distribution of reportable dynamic failure events reveals a highly localized clustering of incidents despite widespread mining activities. This suggests that unique, contributing geologic characteristics exist within these regions that are less prevalent elsewhere. To investigate a new approach for identifying coal characteristics that might lead to bumping, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on 306 coal records from the Pennsylvania State Coal Sample database to determine which characteristics were most closely linked with a positive history of reportable bumping. Selected material properties from the data records for coal samples were chosen as variables for the PCA and included petrographic, elemental, and molecular properties. Results of the PCA suggest a clear correlation between low organic sulfur content and the occurrence of dynamic failure, and a secondary correlation between volatile matter and dynamic failure phenomena. The ratio of volatile matter to sulfur in the samples shows strong correlation with bump-prone regions, with a minimum threshold value of approximately 20, while correlations determined for other petrographic and elemental variables were more ambiguous. Results suggest that the composition of the coal itself is directly linked to how likely a coal is to have experienced a reportable dynamic failure event. These compositional controls are distinct from other previously established engineering and geologic criteria and represent a missing piece to the bump prediction puzzle.  相似文献   

Room-and-pillar mining with pillar recovery has historically been associated with more than 25% of all ground fall fatalities in underground coal mines in the United States.The risk of ground falls during pillar recovery increases in multiple-seam mining conditions.The hazards associated with pillar recovery in multiple-seam mining include roof cutters, roof falls, rib rolls, coal outbursts, and floor heave.When pillar recovery is planned in multiple seams, it is critical to properly design the mining sequence and panel layout to minimize potential seam interaction.This paper addresses geotechnical considerations for concurrent pillar recovery in two coal seams with 21 m of interburden under about 305 m of depth of cover.The study finds that, for interburden thickness of 21 m, the multiple-seam mining influence zone in the lower seam is directly under the barrier pillar within about 30 m from the gob edge of the upper seam.The peak stress in the interburden transfers down at an angle of approximately 20°away from the gob, and the entries and crosscuts in the influence zone are subjected to elevated stress during development and retreat.The study also suggests that, for full pillar recovery in close-distance multiple-seam scenarios,it is optimal to superimpose the gobs in both seams, but it is not necessary to superimpose the pillars.If the entries and/or crosscuts in the lower seam are developed outside the gob line of the upper seam,additional roof and rib support needs to be considered to account for the elevated stress in the multiple-seam influence zone.  相似文献   

‘‘Web ground control"(web GC) provides users with instantaneous access to mine design applications anywhere, at any time, through a web browser.Utilizing a web-based multiple-tier architecture, users are able to easily access ground control designs, perform on-demand calculations in the field, as well as facilitate project collaborations across multiple users, devices, and operating systems.Currently, the web GC platform contains five ground control related design applications previously developed and distributed by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH), that is, analysis of roof bolt stability(ARBS), analysis of longwall pillar stability(ALPS), analysis of retreat mining stability(ARMPS), analysis of retreat mining stability–highwall mining(ARMPS-HWM), and analysis of horizontal stress in mining(AHSM).With respect to design decisions made by the web GC development team, the web GC platform will be able to further integrate future mine design applications providing the mining industry with one of a kind umbrella suite of ground control related software available at ones fingertips.The following paper provides a detailed overview on the current state of the web GC platform with discussions ranging from back-end database development and design to the front-end user-platform interface.Based on current progress in platform development as well as beta testing results, the web GC platform is scheduled for release in the fall of 2018.  相似文献   

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