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The kinetics of reductive leaching of manganese from a low-grade manganese oxide ore were studied using cellulose as reductant in dilute sulfuric acid medium.It was found that when the stirring speed was higher than 200 r/min,the effect of gas film diffusion on manganese extraction efficiency could be neglected,and the kinetic behavior was investigated under the condition of elimination of external diffusion influence on the leaching process.Effects of leaching temperature,mass ratio of cellulose and ore,and the sulfuric acid concentration on manganese extraction efficiency were discussed.The kinetic data were analyzed based on the shrinking core model,which indicated that the leaching process was dominated by both ash layer diffusion and chemical reaction at the initial stage,with the progress of leaching reaction,the rate-controlling step switched to the ash layer diffusion.It was also concluded that the sulfuric acid concentration had the most significant influence on the leaching rate,the reaction orders with respect to the sulfuric acid concentration were 2.102 in the first 60 min,and 3.642 in the later 90 min,while the reaction orders for mass ratio of cellulose and ore were 0.660 and 0.724,respectively.An Arrhenius relationship was used to relate the temperature to the rate of leaching,from which apparent activation energies were calculated to be 46.487 kJ/mol and 62.290 kJ/mol at the two stages,respectively.Finally,the overall leaching rate equations for the manganese dissolution reaction with cellulose in sulphuric acid solution were developed.The morphological changes and mineralogical forms of the ore before and after the chemical treatment were discussed with the support of SEM and XRD analyses.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the chemical leaching of copper from low grade ore in ferric sulfate media was investigated using the constrained least square optimization technique.The experiments were carried out for different particle sizes in both the reactor and column at constant oxidation-reduction potential (Eh),pH values,and temperature.The main copper mineral was chalcopyrite.About 40% of Cu recovery is obtained after 7 d of reactor leaching at 85℃ using -0.5 mm size fraction,while the same recovery is obtained at 75℃ after 24 d.Also,about 23% of Cu recovery is obtained after 60 d of column leaching for +4-8 mm size fraction whereas the Cu recovery is as low as about 15% for +8-12.7 and +12.7-25 mm size fractions.A 4-stage model for chalcopyrite dissolution was used to explain the observed dissolution behaviors.The results show that thick over-layers of sulphur components cause the parabolic behavior of chalcopyrite dissolution and the precipitation of Fe3+ plays the main role in chalcopyrite passivation.In the case of coarse particles,transformation from one stage to another takes a longer time,thus only two stages including the initial reaction on fresh surfaces and S0 deposition are observed.  相似文献   

Sulfuric acid leaching process was applied to extract nickel from roasting-dissolving residue of a spent catalyst, the effect of different parameters on nickel extraction was investigated by leaching experiments, and the leaching kinetics of nickel was analyzed. The experimental results indicate that the effects of particle size and sulfuric acid concentration on the nickel extraction are remarkable; the effect of reaction temperature is mild; while the effect of stirring speed in the range of 400–1 200 r/min is negligible. Decreasing particle size or increasing sulfuric acid concentration and reaction temperature, the nickel extraction efficiency is improved. 93.5% of nickel in residue is extracted under suitable leaching conditions, including particle size (0.074–0.100) mm, sulfuric acid concentration 30% (mass fraction), temperature 80 °C, reaction time 180 min, mass ratio of liquid to solid 10 and stirring speed 800 r/min. The leaching kinetics analyses shows that the reaction rate of leaching process is controlled by diffusion through the product layer, and the calculated activation energy of 15.8 kJ/mol is characteristic for a diffusion controlled process. Foundation item: Project (50574101) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project (2003UDBEA00C020) supported by the Collaborative Project of School and Province of Yunnan Province, China  相似文献   

Zinc leaching from electric arc furnace dust in alkaline medium   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Physical and chemical properties of electric arc furnace (EAF) dust from Tianjin seamless Pipe Company were measured and analyzed. The zinc leaching tests in alkaline medium were carried out under variation of leaching agent concentration, leaching temperature, leaching cumulative time and solid-to-liquid ratio. The thermodynamics and kinetics of the zinc leaching process were also analyzed. The results show that the EAF dust contains 10% (mass fraction) zinc and the median particle size is 0.69 μm. The zinc recovery of 73.4% is obtained under the condition of 90 °C, 6 mol/L NaOH, and 60 min leaching time. With the increase of concentration of NaOH and the cumulative time, zinc leaching will be significantly increased. The kinetics study demonstrates that the leaching reaction is chemically controlled and the reaction activation energy is 15.73 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

高砷烟尘中砷的浸出动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用水为浸出剂,浸出铅冶炼过程中产生的高砷烟尘.通过pH、液固比、浸出时间和浸出温度等浸出条件变化对砷浸出率的影响,用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)及能谱分析仪(EDS)表征原料及浸出渣的结构和形貌,揭示烟尘中砷的浸出规律和动力学行为.结果表明:液固比和浸出温度对砷的浸出率影响最大,浸出过程符合Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA)模型,浸出过程受扩散控制,其动力学方程为-ln(1-α)=9.4×106 exp[-503 80/(RT)]t0.310.6,浸出过程的频率因子A =9.4 ×106,表观活化能Ea=50.38 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

The kinetic behavior of leaching copper from low grade copper oxide ore was investigated. The effects of leaching temperature, H2SO4 concentration, particle size of crude ore and agitation rate on the leaching efficiency of copper were also evaluated. And the kinetic equations of the leaching process were obtained. The results show that the leaching process can be described with a reaction model of shrinking core. The reaction can be divided into three stages. The first stage is the dissolution of free copper oxide and copper oxide wrapped by hematite-limonite ore. At this stage, the leaching efficiency is very fast (leaching efficiency is larger than 60%). The second stage is the leaching of diffluent copper oxides, whose apparent activation energy is 43.26 kJ/mol. During this process, the chemical reaction is the control step, and the reaction order of H2SO4 is 0.433 84. The third stage is the leaching of copper oxide wrapped by hematite-limonite and silicate ore with apparent activation energy of 16.08 kJ/mol, which belongs to the mixed control.  相似文献   

Nickel and cobalt were extracted from low-grade nickeliferous laterite ore using a reduction roasting-ammonia leaching method. The reduction roasting-ammonia leaching experimental tests were chiefly introduced, by which fine coal was used as a reductant. The results show that the optimum process conditions are confirmed as follows: in reduction roasting process, the mass fraction of reductant in the ore is 10%, roasting time is 120 min, roasting temperature is 1 023–1 073 K; in ammonia leaching process, the liquid-to-solid ratio is 4:1(mL/g), leaching temperature is 313 K, leaching time is 120 min, and concentration ratio of NH3 to CO2 is 90 g/L:60 g/L. Under the optimum conditions, leaching efficiencies of nickel and cobalt are 86.25% and 60.84%, respectively. Therefore, nickel and cobalt can be effectively reclaimed, and the leaching agent can be also recycled at room temperature and normal pressure.  相似文献   

Metal leaching from a low-grade nickel ore was investigated using an ammonium sulfate roasting-water leaching process.The nickel ore was mixed with ammonium sulfate,followed by roasting and finally leaching with water.During the process the effects of the amount of ammonium sulfate,roasting temperature,and roasting time on the leaching recovery of metal elements were analyzed.The optimum technological parameters were determined as follows:ammonium sulfate/ore ratio,0.8 g/g;roasting temperature,400°C;and roasting time,2 h.Under the optimum condition the leaching recoveries of Ni,Cu,Fe,and Mg were 83.48%,76.24%,56.43%,and 62.15%,respectively.Furthermore,the dissolution kinetics of Ni and Mg from the nickel ore was studied.The apparent activation energies for the leaching reaction of Ni and Mg were 18.782 and 10.038 kJ·mol-1,which were consistent with the values of diffusion control reactions.Therefore,the results demonstrated that the leaching recoveries of Ni and Mg were controlled by diffusion.  相似文献   

The resources of refractory gold ores are abundant, and their effective treatment can bring good economic benefits. This paper in-vestigated the kinetics of leaching gold from refractory gold ores by ultrasonic-assisted electro-chlorination. The effects of ultrasound time ratio, initial hydrochloric acid concentration and leaching temperature on the kinetic parameters were discussed. It is found that the leaching ratio goes up with all the factors increasing. The reaction kinetics is controlled by diffusion. When ultrasound improves the diffusion by re-ducing the diffusion resistance, the activation energy increases to 37.1 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

为了对硫酸制备过程中产生的焙烧炉渣和污泥等固体废物进行类别鉴定,用硫酸硝酸-浸出毒性试验方法对某4个公司样品中的砷元素做了浸出特性研究.结果表明:以硫精砂为原料或部分含硫精砂为原料制酸工艺所造成的砷污染远大于以硫铁矿为原料的制酸工艺;污泥浸出液中,炉渣残渣粒径小于0.075 mm时砷含量最高可达36 mg/L;粒径在0.075~0.2 mm时砷含量最高达30 mg/L;粒径越小,砷浸出量相对越多.污泥浸出液中砷含量均远高于砷的浸出毒性限值浓度(5 mg/L)和污水综合排放标准中砷的限值浓度(0.5 mg/L),表明厂家未能严格执行“第一类污染物必须车间处理达标后外排措施”的要求,建议监管部门加强第一类污染物监控力度,切实落实相关法律法规.  相似文献   

A novel method was developed for extracting alumina (Al2O3) from fly ash using an ammonium hydrogen sulfate (NH4HSO4) roasting process, and the thermodynamics and kinetics of this method were investigated. The thermodynamic results were verified experi-mentally. Thermodynamic calculations show that mullite present in the fly ash can react with NH4HSO4 in the 298-723 K range. Process op-timization reveals that the extraction rate can reach up to 90.95% when the fly ash reacts with NH4HSO4 at a 1:8 mole ratio of Al2O3/NH4HSO4 at 673 K for 60 min. Kinetic analysis indicates that the NH4HSO4 roasting process follows the shrinking unreacted core model, and inner diffusion through the product layer is the rate-controlling step. The activation energy is calculated to be 16.627 kJ/mol;and the kinetic equation can be expressed as 1-(2/3)α-(1-α)2/3=0.0374t exp[-16627/(RT)], whereαis the extraction rate and t is the roasting temperature.  相似文献   

电弧炉粉尘等温还原的动力学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为使还原条件与实际电弧炉生产相接近,在等温条件下对电弧炉粉尘球团的还原过程动力学进行了研究。电弧炉粉尘与还原剂碳和粘接剂石灰均匀混合后制粒,经干燥后将球闭置于恒定温度的加热炉中,利用电子称定时对球团重量进行检测。金属还原率的计算中,考虑了球团的失重、铅和锌在高温下挥发。经研究,电弧炉粉尘的还原分为二个阶段,还原初期由化学反应控制而还原后期由扩散控制,并建立了每一阶段的还原动力学方程,确定了有关的动力学参数表观活化能和频率因子。  相似文献   

Ti-bearing blast furnace slag is a valuable secondary resource containing about 24 percent of TiO2. In this paper a process of leaching Ti-bearing blast furnace slag with sulfuric acid to recover TiO2, and the kinetics of that reaction, are described. Under laboratory conditions the rate is controlled by a chemical reaction. The leaching reaction is in accord with a shrinking un-reacted-core model. The apparent reaction order of the leaching reaction was 1.222 and the apparent activation energy was 87.01 kJ/mol. The model fits the observed data well until 90% of the TiO2 has be leached from the particles. The model disagrees with observations during later periods of the reaction because the solution becomes supersaturated with Ti ions, which precipitate as H2TiO4. The assumptions of constant reactant concentration and that there is no effect from the product layer on diffusion, also cause the model to deviate from the actual values.  相似文献   

The extraction process of gold and silver from the gold clay ore containing arsenic and manganese was investigated.With the conventional technique,the leaching rates of gold and silver are 78.23%and 49.02%,respectively.To eliminate the negative effects of arsenic and manganese on cyanidation and increase the gold and silver leaching rates,a novel catalyst was added.The content of the catalyst used in the process was 8 g per 500 g org sample,the sample size was 60μm and the pH value was kept between 10 an...  相似文献   

有色冶炼废水处理污泥中含有7.70 g/t的金和90.30 g/t的银,从污泥中提取金、银等有价金属,不仅可以减小污泥对环境的危害,还能较好地避免资源浪费.以硫氰酸铵为浸出剂对除砷后的二次污泥进行了浸金研究,并采用未反应核收缩模型对浸金过程的表观动力学进行了探讨,通过尝试法确定了浸出过程的控制步骤.结果表明,搅拌强度为250 r/min时,该浸出过程受固体产物层扩散控制,其动力学方程为1-2η/3-(1-η)2/3=kDt,反应扩散系数为D’=10.807 exp(-9 855/RT),cm5.359 4mol-1.119 8s-1,表观活化能为9.855kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Leaching kinetics of acid-soluble Cr(VI) in chromite ore processing residue (COPR) using hydrofluoric (HF) acid solution as a leaching agent was investigated for potential remediation of COPR with industrial waste water containing HF. The results show that HF can effectively destabilize the Cr(VI)-bearing minerals, resulting in the mobilization of Cr(VI) from COPR into the leachate. Particle size significantly influences the leaching of acid-soluble Cr(VI) from COPR, followed by leaching time, whereas the effects of HF concentration and leaching temperature are slight and the influence of stirring rate is negligible. The leaching process of acid-soluble Cr(VI) from COPR is controlled by the diffusion through the product layer. The apparent activation energy is 8.696 kJ/mol and the reaction orders with respect to HF concentration and particle size is 0.493 8 and −2.013 3, respectively.  相似文献   

The leaching kinetics of low-grade copper ore with high-alkality gangues was studied in ammonia-ammonium sulphate solution. The main parameters, such as ammonia and ammonium sulphate concentrations, particle size, solid-to-liquid ratio and reaction temperature, were chosen in the experiments. The results show that the increase of temperature, concentrations of ammonia and ammonium sulphate is propitious to the leaching rate of copper ore. The leaching rate increases with the decrease of particle size and solid-to-liquid ratio. The leaching rate is controlled by the diffusion through the ash layer and the activation energy is determined to be 25.54 kJ/mol. A semi-empirical equation was proposed to describe the leaching kinetics.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional images of the granular ore media with different grain sizes were obtained from the X-ray computed tomography.Combined with the digital image processing and finite element techniques,the original grayscale images were transformed into the finite element models directly.By using these models,the simulations of pore scale fluid flow among particles were conducted with the COMSOL Multiphysics,and the distribution characteristics of fluid flow velocity and pressure were analyzed.The simulation re...  相似文献   

The influence of reduction temperature, size of coal powder and the carbon content on the evaporation rates of Zn and Pb in pellets made of ZnO-PbO-FeO bearing dust has been investigated between 1100-1300℃. The evaporation rate of Zn and Pb obtained from the experiments has been analyzed with kinetic models. The results show that the control step for evaporation of Zn is reduction reaction of ZnO by CO at the interface,and that the evaporation rate of Pb is controlled by the volatilization of reduction products, i.e. liquid lead. The overall apparent activation energies of Zn and Pb evaporation from the pellet are 79.42kJ/mol and 88.74kJ/mol respectively.  相似文献   

Leaching kinetics of low grade zinc oxide ore in NH3-NH4Cl-H2O system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The leaching kinetics of low grade zinc oxide ore in NH3-NH4Cl-H2O system was studied. The effects of ore particle size,reaction temperature and the sum concentration of ammonium ion and ammonia on the leaching efficiency of zinc were examined.The leaching kinetics of low-grade zinc oxide ore in NH3-NH4Cl-H2O system follows the kinetic law of shrinking-core model. The results show that diffusion through the inert particle pores is the leaching kinetics rate controlling step. The calculated apparent activation energy of the process is about 7.057kJ/mol. The leaching efficiency of zinc is 92.1% under the conditions of ore particle size of 69μm, holding at 80℃ for 60min, sum ammonia concentration of 7.5mol/L, the molar ratio of ammonium to ammonia being 2:1, and the ratio (g/mL) of solid to liquid being 1:10.  相似文献   

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