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建立了无线个人区域网(WPAN)网络模型,分析了影响网络数据传输性能的因素。推导了WPAN数据吞吐率和蓝牙跳频序列汉明互相关性能以及蓝牙微微网数量三者之间的关系,采用AES算法生成跳频选择序列代替原有蓝牙算法,改善了WPAN网络数据传输,并进行了计算机仿真。使用SOC平台和CSR公司的Bluecore4蓝牙模块两套方案对仿真结果进行验证,证明了理论分析的正确性。在此结果的基础上得出,采用汉明互相关性能更优秀的AES跳频序列选择算法可以提高WPAN网络的数据传输性能。  相似文献   

蓝牙是一种新型无线通信技术,它在物理层上采用跳频方式,能够使便携设备组成短距离无线自组织网络.但是节点地位不对等性制约着蓝牙技术在Ad Hoc网络中的应用.在研究现有网络形成协议基础上,提出基于轮换簇头思想,利用蓝牙规范中角色转换协议,分时轮换簇头,使每个节点地位完全对等,以克服蓝牙Ad Hoc网络的不对等性。同时,控制节点度数,引入一跳网桥,有效减少了数据转发跳数.详细描述了拓扑构建,微微网形成,微微网互连以及对等网络形成的规则.使用该规则可以不需所有蓝牙节点处于相互传输距离内而形成连通的多跳对等网络.通过对200个节点的仿真,结果表明该协议能够快速形成连通网络,且数据转发次数较少.  相似文献   

设计具有良好汉明相关性和随机性并且数量多的跳频码是跳频多址通信的关键。利用映射产生的混沌跳频序列有许多优点。介绍了几种混沌映射的定义、轨道点的概率密度、产生跳频序列的方法,并对序列的汉明相关性及平衡性进行了数值模拟和分析比较。  相似文献   

低碰撞区跳频序列平均部分汉明相关理论界研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
平均汉明相关是评价跳频序列性能的重要判据之一。通常在系统应用中,相关窗的长度小于所选择的跳频序列的周期,所以研究跳频序列部分汉明相关性能显得尤为重要。文章建立了低碰撞区跳频序列集平均部分汉明相关的理论界,并通过理论界给出了跳频序列集序列长度、序列个数、频隙个数、平均部分汉明自相关和平均部分汉明互相关所满足的理论约束关系,同时还证明了常规跳频序列的Peng-Peng-Tang-Niu界是本文结果的特殊情况。  相似文献   

一种改进的蓝牙分散网构成算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对蓝牙分散网构成算法组网节点数受限、拓扑可扩展性差等问题,建立分散网拓扑模型,分析BTCP算法的组网机制,提出了一种改进的蓝牙分散网的分布式拓扑构成算法.算法使用随机角色机制在较短的时间内构成多微微网的结构,最终通过各种形式的重组与融合建立一个连通的分散网,突破了经典算法中对微微网数目、节点通信范围以及节点数目的限制,增强了拓扑可扩展性.仿真结果表明:与BTCP算法相比,该算法网络创建时间较短,微微网数目与算法消息数目较少,节点总数不局限于36个,各节点无需均在通信范围内,更具灵活性.  相似文献   

本文推导了一般二次跳频序列的两种特殊形式的平均碰撞次数公式及多项式跳频序列的平均碰撞次数公式。在此基础上,分析比较多项式跳频序列集P的序列数目、汉明互相关特性和平均碰撞次数。结果表明,如果给定序列长度可通过增加多项式跳频序列的阶数来增加序列数目。  相似文献   

无碰撞区跳频序列集的汉明相关函数在相关区内为零,可以消除跳频多址扩频系统中跳频信号在无碰撞区的相互干扰.基于矩阵置换提出了一种最大汉明相关值可灵活设定的无碰撞区跳频序列集的一般构造方法,该方法构造得到的跳频序列集具有较低的最大汉明相关值和较长的无碰撞区长度.作为一般构造法的一个特例,介绍了移位构造法.  相似文献   

跳频通信中使用跳频序列来选择频点。跳频序列的理论界推导与序列设计是研究跳频序列的2方面。文章对跳频序列汉明相关函数和部分汉明相关函数在理论界和序列设计方面的国内外研究成果进行分析,指出低碰撞区跳频序列相关理论研究是未来研究的重点和难点内容之一,并预测具有最优部分汉明相关性能的低碰撞区跳频序列构造是未来发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

射频识别网络中基于Aloha的标签防碰撞算法,标签的碰撞大大降低系统的吞吐量.如果标签的数量已知,则可以大大提高系统的吞吐量.在最大似然估计的基础上结合二进制搜索防碰撞算法和基于Aloha的防碰撞算法提出标签数量联合估计方案.仿真结果表明,提出的方案比现有的算法具有更高的准确性.  相似文献   

最优单次重合跳频序列集设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
单次重合跳频序列可以最大限度地提高频率的使用率,降低频率相互之间的碰撞,被广泛用于多址通信中。文章基于中国剩余定理,构造了3类关于周期汉明相关理论界最优的单次重合跳频序列集, 并给出了单次重合跳频序列集汉明相关的性质。  相似文献   

In this paper, a modified access mechanism named Constrained-send DCF (CDCF) is proposed to improve the performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF protocol. It is found that, in DCF, the transmission probability is higher than the reasonable value when the node number is greater than 4 under basic access scheme or than 17 under RTS/CTS scheme, and it results in serious collision. To avoid collision of high access loading, a constrained-send probability is introduced at the end of each back off procedure for the station transmitting. The performance of this mechanism is analyzed based on a 2-Dimension Markov analytical model, after that the optimum constrained-send probability is derived. Numerical results show that the CDCF mechanism has much better performance than DCF with respect to both system throughput and average packet delay. And under RTS/CTS scheme, although CDCF slightly improve the throughput performance (due to the natural good throughput performance of RTS/CTS-scheme DCF), it leads to a much better average packet delay performance compared to DCF. The CDCF keeps all the features of the IEEE 802.11 DCF protocol and is quite easy to implement.  相似文献   

为解决LTE系统中非实时业务调度算法比例公平PF(proportional fair)算法在分组数据业务模型下性能一般的问题,结合分组数据业务特点,在有限缓存队列模型下,提出一种兼顾系统吞吐量和用户公平性的非实时业务调度算法-基于缓存信息的调度BIBS(buffer information based scheduling)算法.该算法综合考虑了用户信道条件和缓存区内待传送的数据包信息.仿真结果表明,在不同平均速率的业务下,与PF算法相比,本文提出的算法在有效地提升系统吞吐量的同时,用户间公平性和通信中断性能也得到了极大的改善.  相似文献   

多速率无线Mesh网络中节点吞吐量分析模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了多速率无线Mesh网络中节点吞吐量分析模型,在公平性保证条件下用以分析基于IEEE 802.11协议构建的无线Mesh网络节点吞吐量.该模型计算出不同速率无线链路发送数据包的时间,寻找网络中单位时间内完成数据包发送时间最大的瓶颈冲突域,根据瓶颈冲突域内负载流量速率得到节点吞吐量最大值.仿真结果表明,该方法计算出的节点最大吞吐量与网络仿真结果一致,可以准确分析多速率无线Mesh网络节点吞吐量.  相似文献   

UWB技术及其应用探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了超宽带的历史、定义及其实现技术;讨论了超宽带在WPAN、无线传感网、成像系统、射频识别和军事方面的应用可能;给出了部分应用模型。  相似文献   

通过对IEEE 802.11 DCF模式下的马尔可夫链模型的研究发现,目前普遍采用的二进制退避算法存在着由于选择时隙得不到均匀分布而造成竞争节点数量过多时碰撞概率增大、系统吞吐量下降的问题.针对这些问题,提出了一种对部分节点采取延缓其重置进程的方法,其本质就是要通过降低节点对初始窗口的选择概率,来达到退避记数器选择退避数分布均匀的目的.仿真结果表明,该方法能有效地提高系统的吞吐量.  相似文献   

A novel distributed cognitive radio multichannel medium access protocol without common control channel was proposed. The protocol divided a transmission interval into two parts for exchanging control information and data, respectively. In addition to evaluating system saturation throughput of the proposed protocol, a three-dimensional multi channel Markov chain model to describe the sate of the cognitive users (CUs) in dynamic spectrum access was presented. The proposed analysis was applied to the packet transmission schemes employed by the basic, RTS/CTS access mechanism adopted in the normal IEEE 802.11. Analyzing the advantage of the two methods, a hybrid access mechanism was proposed to improve the system throughput. The simulation results show that the experiment results are close to the value computed by the model (less than 5%), and the proposed protocol significantly improves the performance of the system throughput by borrowing the licensed spectrum. By analyzing the dependence of throughput on system parameters, hybrid mechanism dynamically selecting access mechanism can maintain high throughput.  相似文献   

针对无线中继网络多址接入的碰撞问题,提出了一种由固定中继节点支持的多址随机接入协议.中继网络中的节点采用非坚持监听方式随机接入,保证一定比率的通过量,中继节点存储剩余碰撞的分组数据包.在若干个连续时隙内,根据信道衰落系数的非相关性,中继节点将建立恢复原始数据的线性方程组,求解并恢复原始数据包.仿真结果表明,与同类算法相比,采用了非坚持监听方式,系统的吞吐量有较明显的提高;该方法不需要增加重传机制,节省了系统频谱资源;由于有中继存在,采用了不同路径传输,使信道参数不相关;接收端不需要增加天线等硬件设备,以便获得较高的分集增益.  相似文献   

The error correction algorithms of Bluetooth are analyzed and improved for the defect of anti-interference ability. To enhance the data transmission throughput and anti-interference ability efficiently, an error correction enhancing mechanism (EECM) combining the forward error correction with interleaving is adopted for Bluetooth, a method of adding the DM packet with an interleaving code to the Bluetooth 2.1+EDR specification is proposed. The mathematical models of the data transmission throughput are set up over the Gillbert-Elliott channel; A numerical simulation of the throughput of different packets in different burst errors are carried out using the model. Simulation results show that adding DM packets and DMI packets to Bluetooth 2.1+EDR specification can improve the anti-interference ability and enhance data transmission throughput significantly in the burst errors channel. Finally, the realized results of the enhanced IP and enhanced Bluetooth baseband IP are obtained by using VLSI design techniques. The performance of the enhanced the Bluetooth baseband is analyzed in comparison with the standard Bluetooth baseband.  相似文献   

Vehicle collision avoidance system is a kind of auxiliary driving system based on vehicle active safety,which can assist the driver to take the initiative to avoid obstacles under certain conditions,so as to effectively improve the driving safety of vehicle.This paper presents a collision avoidance system for an autonomous vehicle based on an active front steering,which mainly consists of a path planner and a robust tracking controller.A path planner is designed based on polynomial parameterization optimized by simulated annealing algorithm,which plans an evasive trajectory to bypass the obstacle and avoid crashes.The dynamic models of the AFS system,vehicle as well as the driver model are established,and based on these,a robust tracking controller is proposed,which controls the system to resist external disturbances and work in accordance with the planning trajectory.The proposed collision avoidance system is testified through CarSim and Simulink combined simulation platform.The simulation results show that it can effectively track the planning trajectory,and improve the steering stability and anti-interference performance of the vehicle.  相似文献   

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