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基于对深部软岩巷道变形和破裂特征的长期监测结果,提出了以"中空注浆锚索和高强注浆锚杆"为核心的新型深-浅耦合全断面锚注支护技术体系.借助渗流力学理论建立了深-浅耦合锚注浆液的渗流基本方程,并结合COMSOL软件模拟再现了浆液在围岩内的渗透扩散过程.结果表明:注浆锚索和注浆锚杆所注浆液使巷道浅部围岩形成完整的锚注加固圈,而注浆锚索同时使巷道深部围岩形成局部锚注加固体,两者协调耦合作用,形成互为支撑的承载体,完善了深-浅耦合全断面锚注支护的理论体系和加固作用机理.现场监测证明该支护体系有效地控制了巷道围岩的变形与破坏.  相似文献   

地下水对巷道围岩稳定性影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明地下水对巷道围岩稳定性的影响,结合工程实际情况分析地下水对巷道围岩的弱化作用;建立围岩强度与饱和率之间的关系,用FISH语言将该关系嵌入到FLAC流固耦合模块中,从而建立具有遇水弱化效应的巷道围岩稳定性数值计算模型.研究结果表明:在锚杆支护条件下,有水作用时巷道围岩变形明显增大,与实际淋水条件下巷道围岩变形破坏情况是一致的;在锚杆支护基础上进行全断面锚注支护可有效控制地下水影响下巷道围岩的变形.工程实践验证了数值模拟的准确性与锚注支护对于有地下水影响的巷道支护的适用性.  相似文献   

针对平顶山天安煤业股份有限公司一矿深井软岩回风上山巷道工程地质条件和围岩变形特征,采用数值计算方法,研究了底板卸压槽卸压前后巷道围岩应力场、塑性区的变化规律,分析了底板卸压槽卸压机理,提出了钢丝绳网锚注支护技术,并进行了工业性试验。研究结果表明:(1)巷道底板开掘卸压槽卸压后,底板围岩垂直应力和水平应力的高应力区及其峰值应力均向底板深部转移。卸压后底板同一深度的围岩应力均小于卸压前的围岩应力;卸压后巷道顶底板和两帮围岩的塑性区范围均增大,底板卸压效果明显。(2)深井巷道围岩的破碎区和部分塑性区是支护的重点。回风上山巷道采取开挖底板卸压槽、钢丝绳网锚杆支护和围岩注浆加固等支护措施后,在围岩中形成了锚注体支护圈,提高了围岩的强度和自身承载能力。巷道围岩经历加速变形阶段、减速变形阶段和稳定变形阶段后,一直处于稳定变形状态。卸压槽+钢丝绳网锚注支护在回风上山巷道的支护试验取得成功,可为深井软岩巷道支护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

古汉山矿东翼通风疏水大巷先后采用了多种支护方式均未取得成功.为了满足掘进巷道的技术要求,解决巷道的变形,通过对巷道支护与围岩相互作用及目前各类巷道支护形式及支护效果分析研究,决定采用锚注支护方案.其实质是采用注浆锚杆兼作注浆管使用,一方面通过注浆改变围岩的物理力学性能,另一方面又为锚杆提供了可靠的着力基础,提高了锚杆的支护效果.断面内注浆锚杆自下而上先注底脚,再注两帮,最后注拱顶锚杆.掘进巷道500 m,通过现场施工及施工后的监测,巷道能满足设计要求,取得了较好的支护效果.  相似文献   

古汉山矿东翼通风疏水大巷先后采用了多种支护方式均未取得成功.为了满足掘进巷道的技术要求,解决巷道的变形,通过对巷道支护与围岩相互作用及目前各类巷道支护形式及支护效果分析研究,决定采用锚注支护方案.其实质是采用注浆锚杆兼作注浆管使用,一方面通过注浆改变围岩的物理力学性能,另一方面又为锚杆提供了可靠的着力基础,提高了锚杆的支护效果.断面内注浆锚杆自下而上先注底脚,再注两帮,最后注拱顶锚杆、掘进巷道500m,通过现场施工及施工后的监测,巷道能满足设计要求,取得了较好的支护效果.  相似文献   

软岩巷道具有大地压、大变形、难支护特征,故而通过对围岩锚注改性增强的基本原理的研究,提出软岩巷道锚注和围岩强化新技术和控制对策,并对锚注支护技术、设计方案、技术参数、工艺配方等进行了分析.实践表明,改性材料锚注后控制了围岩强烈变形,保证了巷道的稳定,产生了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

采动巷道岩体变形与锚杆锚固力变化规律   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
阐述了采动巷道围岩的变形规律,探讨了低阻力端锚和高阻力全锚锚杆在巷道围岩变形损伤过程中锚固力的变化规律,揭示了锚杆支护与围岩的作用机理,为采动巷道锚杆支护的选型设计及扩大使用范围提供了科学依据  相似文献   

针对特定含水砂岩巷道非稳定蠕变、大变形问题,采用实验室试验、细观分析、理论研究和现场实测的方法,对巷道围岩软化动态响应、变形特征与失稳细观机理进行了深入研究.结果表明:巷道围岩细观颗粒崩解的根本原因为浸水-失水干湿循环与裂隙发育的动态响应;富含水、断层、原支护不当以及软化作用向深部蔓延的反馈效应等是引起含水砂岩巷道失稳的内在机理.在此基础上提出了破坏区锚注强化原理,制定了以注浆强化为基础、高预紧力锚杆支护为核心的锚注强化支护方法,并在王庄煤矿得到了成功应用.工程应用结果显示巷道修复仅13 d即进入变形稳定阶段,且最终变形量小于100 mm,有效地解决了巷道长期流变、大变形难题.  相似文献   

破碎围岩锚注加固浆液扩散规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于连续介质力学和渗流力学理论,运用渗透张量法得出浆液在破碎围岩中扩散的基本方程;并通过对实际锚注支护工程进行假设与简化,建立锚注加固系统浆液在包含正交裂隙组的围岩中渗透扩散的数学模型.在此基础上,运用COMSOL软件对锚注支护工程进行实时模拟,研究了不同注浆压力和不同注浆锚杆布置方式对浆液流动扩散规律的影响.结果表明:对于巷道锚注支护工程,合理的注浆压力约为1.0~4.0MPa,合理的钻孔间距约为浆液扩散半径的1.3倍左右.将研究成果用于祁南煤矿新掘大巷锚注支护设计,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

针对矿特厚煤层中扩修巷道围岩变形量大、破坏严重及支护效果差等情况,根据巷道围岩松动范围测试结果,通过理论计算得出巷道锚杆支护参数.利用有限差分软件FLAC对其无支护、锚杆支护及锚喷支护进行数值模拟,对巷道围岩的应力特征、位移特征及破坏进行了研究.结果表明,采用锚网喷联合支护方式比较合理,并据此确定了巷道扩修支护参数.  相似文献   

For the engineering geology conditions of bad mine roadway roof and floor lithology in extremely weak cemented strata, the best section shape of the roadway is determined from the study of tunnel surrounding rock displacement, plastic zone and stress distribution in rectangular, circle arch and arch wall sections, respectively. Based on the mining depth and thickness of the coal seam, roadway support technology solutions with different buried depth and thickness of coal seam are proposed. Support schemes are amended and optimized in time through monitoring data of the deformation of roadway, roof separation, I-beam bracket, bolt and anchor cable force to ensure the long-term stability and security of the roadway surrounding rock and support structure. The monitoring results show that mine roadway support schemes for different buried depth and section can be adapted to the characteristics of ground pressure and deformation of the surrounding rock in different depth well, effectively control the roadway surrounding rock deformation and the floor heave and guarantee the safety of construction and basic stability of surrounding rock and support structure.  相似文献   

结合陈四楼煤矿 2 4 0 1工作面机巷的具体地质条件 ,对煤巷锚杆支护机理进行了研究 .指出在顶板岩石强度较低的情况下 ,采用高强锚杆支护系统 ,并选择合理的锚固方式 ,可以有效地控制围岩变形 ,保持围岩稳定 .主要介绍了回采巷道锚杆支护的设计思路 ,采用数值模拟方法确定锚杆支护参数并在实施过程中对围岩变形进行监测 .工程实践表明 :应用锚杆支护与棚式支护相比 ,能有效改善围岩的稳定性 ,取得了良好的支护效果 .  相似文献   

软岩巷道破裂特征与分阶段分区域控制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
解决软岩巷道维护问题的关键在于准确把握该类巷道围岩内部裂隙发展演化规律和破裂特征.以某矿典型的软岩巷道为研究对象,实验研究了巷道围岩组份及微结构的特征;现场测试了巷道围岩内部破裂发展过程和规律,得到了典型软岩巷道围岩内部裂隙扩展贯通具有阶段性和非均匀性的破裂特征;根据巷道破裂发展的时间效应和区域特征,提出了分阶段、分区域控制的关键技术,包括:分阶段喷射混凝土、锚杆(索)强力支护、围岩注浆加固的过程控制和重点部位的加强支护技术.现场工程实践表明,针对软岩巷道破裂特征的分阶段控制技术可以有效控制软岩巷道的围岩变形破裂的发展,实现该类巷道的围岩稳定.  相似文献   

Based on the safety coefficient method,which assigns rock failure criteria to calculate the rock mass unit,the safety coefficient contour of surrounding rock is plotted to judge the distribution form of the fractured zone in the roadway.This will provide the basis numerical simulation to calculate the surrounding rock fractured zone in a roadway.Using the single factor and multi-factor orthogonal test method,the evolution law of roadway surrounding rock displacements,plastic zone and stress distribution under different conditions is studied.It reveals the roadway surrounding rock burst evolution process,and obtains five kinds of failure modes in deep soft rock roadway.Using the fuzzy mathematics clustering analysis method,the deep soft surrounding rock failure model in Zhujixi mine can be classified and patterns recognized.Compared to the identification results and the results detected by geological radar of surrounding rock loose circle,the reliability of the results of the pattern recognition is verified and lays the foundations for the support design of deep soft rock roadways.  相似文献   

“Riding mining” is a form of mining where the working face is located above the roadway and advances parallel to it. Riding mining in deep soft rock creates a particular set of problems in the roadway that include high stresses, large deformations, and support difficulties. Herein we describe a study of the rock deformation mechanism of a roadway as observed during riding mining in deep soft rock. Theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and on site monitoring were used to examine this problem. The stress in the rock and the visco-elastic behavior of the rock are considered. Real time data, recorded over a period of 240 days, were taken from a 750 transportation roadway. Stress distributions in the rock surrounding the roadway were studied by comparing simulations to observations from the mine. The rock stress shows dynamic behavior as the working face advances. The pressure increases and then drops after peaking as the face advances. Both elastic and plastic deformation of the surrounding rock occurs. Plastic deformation provides a mechanism by which stress in the rock relaxes due to material flow. A way to rehabilitate the roadway is suggested that will help ensure mine safety.  相似文献   

In order to control asymmetric floor heave in deep rock roadways and deformation around the surrounding rock mass after excavation, in this paper we discuss the failure mechanism and coupling control countermeasures using the finite difference method (FLAC3D) combined with comparative analysis and typical engineering application at Xingcun coal mine. It is indicated by the analysis that the simple symmetric support systems used in the past led to destruction of the deep rock roadway from the key zone and resulted in the deformation of asymmetric floor heave in the roadway. Suitable reinforced support countermeasures are proposed to reduce the deformation of the floor heave and the potential risk during mining. The application shows that the present support technology can be used to better environmental conditions. The countermeasures of asymmetric coupling support can not only effectively reduce the discrepancy deformation at the key area of the surrounding rock mass, but also effectively control floor heave, which helps realize the integration of support and maintain the stability of the deep rock roadways at Xingcun coal mine.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the stress evolution, displacement field, local deformation and its overall distribution, and failure characteristics of the anchorage structure of surrounding rock with different rockbolt spacing through the model experiments. The influences of the pre-tightening force and spacing of rockbolt on the support strength of the anchorage structure of surrounding rock were analyzed by the simulation using FLAC3D numerical software. The support scheme of the excavated roadway was then designed, and the effectiveness of this support scheme was further verified by the displacement measurement of the roadway. The results showed that the maximum displacement between the roof and floor of the west wing track roadway in Kouzidong coal mine, China is about 42 mm, and the maximum displacement between its both sides is about 72 mm, indicating that the support scheme proposed in this study can ensure the stability and safety of the excavated roadway.  相似文献   

水平构造应力对巷道围岩稳定有重要的影响,针对鹤壁九矿东总回风巷在锚网索喷+u型钢支护难以保证巷道稳定的情况,通过相似材料模拟试验研究不同水平应力作用下锚注支护巷道围岩变形破坏和位移变化特征.试验表明,随着水平应力的增大,底板加强后,水平应力对顶板的作用明显,当水平载荷达到49MPa时有少量浆皮脱落,左肩部出现块状冒落,底板比较稳定,没有发生明显臌起,只出现少量横向裂隙,锚注支护结构能控制围岩变形.将试验结果在现场应用后,通过矿压观测,两帮的最大移近量为144mm,顶底板最大移近量为105mm,锚注支护提高了围岩的自承能力,能够维持巷道稳定,为类似地质条件下的巷道支护提供借鉴.  相似文献   

淮南矿业集团西部泊江海子煤矿3—1煤层顶板砂-泥岩层遇水易发生泥化,其巷道支护受到地下水渗流的影响,易造成巷道支护的失效,给矿井安全生产带来严重隐患。论文利用矿井瞬变电磁探测技术,对矿井+803.5m水平辅助运输石门掘进巷道的围岩含水情况进行探测,并分析了围岩断面的电性特征。动态测试结果表明,该巷道围岩的电阻率呈逐渐变大趋势,围岩持续失水使得巷道条件得到改善。同时该探测方法也可为类似问题解决提供参考。  相似文献   

以平煤六矿新建斜井巷道穿越采空区为工程背景,采用数值计算分析、现场监测等方法研究了采空区覆岩破断及其矿压显现特征。针对斜井穿越采空区段围岩破碎的特点,提出了金属网+全断面U型钢+反底拱连锁梁+浇筑混凝土+壁后注浆的支护方案,其通过"双壳支护"形成的内外承载结构能在很大程度上提高采空区破碎岩体的整体性。现场监测表明:斜井穿越采空区段巷道两帮的移近量为26 mm,顶底板移近量为47 mm,达到了有效控制巷道围岩变形的目的。  相似文献   

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