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降雨,特别是强度大、历时长的暴雨,是引起边坡失稳破坏的主要因素。降雨期间,雨水的大量入渗使边坡土体的饱和度增加,非饱和区基质吸力降低,土体抗剪强度下降。当降雨的强度和持续时间超过一定程度时,便可能导致边坡失稳。在讨论非饱和土强度理论和渗流理论的基础上,探讨了近年来关于非饱和土边坡稳定性研究的进展。  相似文献   

研究降雨入渗对边坡稳定性的影响规律。采用有限元法进行非饱和土边坡的二维非稳态渗流计算,考虑基质吸作用利用极限平衡法进行非饱和土边坡稳定安全系数计算,进而通过算例计算,分析了降雨过程中及降雨之后,边坡内孔隙水压分布、潜在滑裂面位置以及边坡稳定安全系数的变化情况。着重分析了降雨强度和降雨持续时间的影响,并特别注意分析降雨结束后的边坡稳定性。算例表明某些情况下边坡安全系数最小值出现在降雨之后的数小时或数天,而非降雨的过程中或降雨刚刚结束之时。  相似文献   

膨胀土是一种特殊的非饱和土。随着降雨的入渗,膨胀土中的吸力和抗剪强度都将减小,因而研究膨胀土边坡在降雨入渗作用下的稳定性具有重要意义。文章以合肥轨道交通1号线膨胀土边坡为研究对象,采用Geo-Studio软件研究了降雨强度及历时、土体裂隙、时间推移对边坡稳定性的影响。在此基础上,运用正交试验设计方法对膨胀土的水力学参数(土水特征曲线拟合参数a、n、m及饱和渗透系数Ksat)进行了边坡稳定性的敏感性分析。结果表明:长时间的弱降雨对膨胀土边坡的稳定性有较大影响;裂隙的存在使降雨入渗作用下边坡的安全系数有较大降低;降雨对边坡稳定性的影响是持续性的;在影响膨胀土边坡稳定性的4个水力学参数中,饱和渗透系数Ksat为主要因素,土水特征曲线拟合参数a、n为不重要因素。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,运用非饱和渗流理论,研究了降雨条件下边坡土体内地下水位变化和孔隙水压力的分布规律,采用强度折减法对非饱和渗流影响下边坡的稳定性进行了分析。结果表明,随着降雨时间的持续,降雨强度越大,滑坡坡面的浸润线变化越明显。降雨入渗使地下水位抬高,从而孔隙水压力升高,在地下水位以上区域出现暂态饱和区,相应出现暂态孔隙水压力升高和非饱和区基质吸力下降的情况,使得边坡稳定性降低。不考虑基质吸力的影响时,降雨强度从94.7 mm/24 h升至94.7 mm/2 h,边坡的安全系数从1.100降到1.002;考虑基质吸力的影响时,降雨强度从94.7 mm/24 h升至94.7 mm/2 h,边坡的安全系数从1.205降到1.005。  相似文献   

根据极限平衡法的原理,采用简单条分法建立了非均质层状土中的土钉支护结构整体稳定性的分析模型,推导了安全系数的理论表达式;为了克服传统的遗传算法在迭代过程中出现的适应度值标定方式复杂、过早的收敛到局部最优解和在最优值附近收敛速度慢等缺点,提出了采用动态自适应技术和非标准的遗传操作算子改进遗传算法的新算法,并将其引入到土钉支护结构整体稳定性分析中去,建立了一种能同时确定土钉支护最危险滑动面和最小安全系数的动态自适应遗传算法(DAGA).工程实例分析表明,采用动态自适应遗传算法进行优化,其分析效率更高,收敛速度较传统算法更快,优化结果也更加合理.  相似文献   

在土坡稳定性分析的Bishop法的基础上,分析建立了复合土钉支护整体稳定性安全系数的计算公式,并采用遗传算法对最危险滑移面进行搜索.用该方法计算的工程实例安全系数与实际情况吻合较好,具有较高的工程应用价值.  相似文献   

以含水量作为土体抗剪强度的主要控制参量,分析了边坡含水量和抗剪强度随降雨时间的变化特性,建立了持续小强度降雨入渗条件下非饱和边坡土的总凝聚力和内摩擦角与时间的关系。随着降雨持续进行,边坡降雨影响区域扩大。通过FLAC3D进行强度折减,得到了持续降雨过程不同时间段的边坡动态安全系数和边坡失稳前的持续时间。工程计算结果表明,持续小强度降雨条件下边坡临界滑动面仍处在非饱和状态。  相似文献   

降雨条件下非饱和土边坡流固耦合数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在传统的应力平衡方程基础上,结合岩土介质饱和-非饱和渗流理论,考虑边坡岩土体的非饱和性及渗透系数的非线性特征,建立了渗流场-应力场耦合方程,并将其时间、空间离散后得到增量形式的有限元方程组.结合数值算例,对降雨条件下非饱和土质边坡进行了流固耦合分析.研究结果可为降雨条件下边坡稳定性分析和滑坡预测提供技术支持.  相似文献   

针对极限平衡理论分析土钉支护的边坡整体稳定性的缺点,采用对数螺旋曲线很好地模拟了实际滑裂面,建立了求解土钉支护结构整体稳定安全系数的模型,利用极限分析中的上限理论推导了土钉支护结构整体稳定安全系数的表达式.用遗传算法作为计算工具,并用Visual C++编制了程序,实现了土钉支护结构整体稳定最小安全系数的自动寻优.解决了对数螺旋曲线滑裂面模拟土钉支护结构内部整体失稳时的真实滑裂面计算上的困难,从而使计算量很大、很繁琐的寻优过程得以实现.通过工程实例计算,表明该方法是行之有效的.  相似文献   

考虑降雨入渗影响的边坡稳定分析方法探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析了残积土、膨胀土等边坡在降雨入渗情况下土体抗剪强度降低的主要原因 ,探讨了现有的考虑雨水入渗影响的边坡稳定分析方法 .运用非饱和土强度理论 ,提出非饱和土等效凝聚力新概念 ,从而可方便地使用常用的Bishop法等极限平衡法进行考虑雨水入渗影响的边坡稳定分析计算  相似文献   

昔格达地层分布于中国西南,其工程性质极差。为分析上覆第四纪残坡积物的昔格达组粉砂土边坡在强降雨作用下的渗流特性及稳定性,结合石棉县莫家岗滑坡,用数值模拟方法研究坡体渗流规律;用Morgenstern-Price方法计算各时刻坡体稳定性系数,并分析其变化规律。结果表明:雨水在坡体中逐层入渗,雨停后渗流过程将继续发展,由于存在土层分界面,坡体渗流特性不同于均质坡体;降雨过程中,孔隙水压力发生增长的范围在界面附近加速拓展,雨停后,土层分界面附近第四纪残坡积物仍处于近饱和状态;降雨入渗导致坡体边坡稳定性系数下降,且稳定性系数变化对降雨的响应存在滞后性。  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration depth and mode can severely influence slope stability.With the sustained rainfall,the influenced region of slope gradually expands.By using the Green-Ampt model to the soil slope,infiltration regulation was discussed under sustained and small intensity rainfall.And the infiltration rate of unsaturated soil was proposed according to the saturated infiltration theory.Because of the changing of initial moisture content in depth of slope,the saturated or unsaturated infiltration rate and depth could also be changeable with the sustained rainfall infiltration.Based on the principle of strength reduction,the calculation model of slope safety factor was established under different initial moisture contents and infiltration modes.Then,the slope stability was quantitatively analyzed through software FLAC3D.The calculation results of soil slope engineering show that there is a shorter period for slope stability under different initial moisture contents and unsaturated infiltration ways at the slope wetting front.The stability period of slope is 33.3% according to different initial moisture contents of wetting front less than that of the same initial moisture content of wetting front.And the slope is easier to fail under the unsaturated infiltration.The results agree well with the actual situation under sustained and small intensity rainfall.  相似文献   

The shear strength parameters property of rock-soil aggregates in embankment slope of reservoir, that is, the relationship between cohesion and gravel content, between friction angle and gravel content, and the relationship between cohesion and water content, between friction angle and water content, is studied based on the direct shear test results, the shear strength change law of the rock-soil aggregates is given, and the unsaturated shear strength formulation of rock-soil aggregates that could consider suction and saturation degree influence is put forward in this paper, through which the sliding or failure physical mechanism of this type of slope under the condition of rainfall infiltration is studied. Also the 3D unsteady saturated-unsaturated seepage field and its FEM resolving mode are established based on the analysis of the slope rainfall infiltration process. Case study with this method indicates that the minimum safety factor of the accumulated rock-soil aggregates dose not arrive at the moment of rainfall cessation, but appears several hours after the rainfall cessation, this phenomenon is in accordance with the practical slope engineering’s failure process and could explain appropriately the slope failure caused by rainfall infiltration. Research results in this paper have an important reference value for the research on stability of the accumulated rock-soil aggregates in embankment slope of reservoir, and can enrich the stability analysis method and relevant theory of reservoir embankment slope. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50539010, 50539110, 50809025, 50539030-1-3), National Science and Technology Support Plan of China (Grant Nos. 2006BAC14B03, 2008BAB29B06, 2008BAB29B03), Opening Fund of Geotechnical Mechanic and Engineering Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Water Recourses of China (Grant No. G07-03), Science and Technology Support Project of China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Co. (Grant No. CHC-KJ-2007-02), Special Scientific Research Fund of Doctor Subjects of Colleges and Universities: Research on Diagnosis Method of Concrete Dam Crack Transferring  相似文献   

In order to improve the understanding of the fundamental mechanism of rainfall infiltration induced landslides in accumulation slope and to clarify some important characteristics of slope performance, artificial rainfall simulation tests and field synthetic monitoring were carried out on a typical accumulation slope of Shangrui Freeway in Guizhou Province, China. The monitoring results show that the most accumulation landslides caused by rainfall infiltration are shallow relaxation failure, whose deformation zone lies within the top 0–4 m soil layer. The deformation of slope gradually reduces from the surface, where the greatest deformation lies in, to the deep part of slope. The average percentage of infiltration during the first 2 h is 86%, and then it reduces gradually with time because of the increase of the surface runoff. The average percentage of infiltration drop to a relatively stable value (50%) after 6 h. Rainfall infiltration causes obvious increase of pore-water pressure, which may result in a reduction of shear strength due to a decrease in effective stress and wetting-induced softening. The double-effect of rainfall infiltration is the main reason of rainfall infiltration induced landslides in accumulation slope. Foundation item: Project(50678175) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

双层结构土质边坡降雨入渗过程及稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对天然土质边坡由于地质和人为因素的作用,通常呈现一定层状结构这一问题,基于Moore水质量分数模型,结合降雨强度,将双层土边坡的降雨入渗过程划分为不同阶段.以一基岩型土质边坡为例,利用渗流有限元程序SEEP/W分析双层土边坡降雨入渗全过程.分析结果验证了双层土边坡降雨入渗过程的不同阶段:当降雨强度<表层土体的渗透系数时,初始降雨入渗率=降雨强度;当表面发生积水后降雨入渗率急剧下降,最终等于基岩的渗透率;降雨强度越大,表面发生积水的时间越短;当考虑平行边坡的渗流时,边坡的稳定安全系数在湿润锋到达基岩接触面时发生突变,湿润锋到达接触面时引起接触面的孔隙水压力上升是滑坡破坏的主要原因.得到降雨强度、降雨持续时间与湿润锋深度的相关曲线.研究成果揭示了降雨入渗对双层土边坡的破坏机制.  相似文献   

降雨条件下不同土质非饱和路基边坡响应特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国西部2种典型非饱和路基边坡实施现场人工降雨的监测结果表明,随着各次降雨的依次进行,非饱和路基边坡初始含水量逐渐增大,入渗率逐渐减小;非饱和黄土路基边坡的初始含水量状态对应着一个临界降雨量,只有降雨量超过该临界值,边坡才有可能产生径流。降雨强度越大,从降雨开始到径流产生所需的间隔时间越短;非饱和黄土路基边坡的吸力值远大于非饱和土石混合土路基边坡。在试验条件下,压实黄土路基边坡的降雨入渗影响深度在0.3~0.6 m之间,而土石混合土路基边坡降雨入渗影响深度在2.4 m以上。  相似文献   

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