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针对泥石流斜墙式V型排导槽的水力最佳断面和槽底的内力计算问题,基于水力学理论和链杆法,分别推导其计算公式。结果表明:该类槽型的水力最佳断面与深度无关,用链杆法计算槽底内力更为简便。最后,以平川泥石流为例,进行了排导槽槽底的内力计算。  相似文献   

云龙县城运用“复式V型排导槽”,实现了沟床缓坡区泥石流的排导,排导最小纵坡降为10‰,采用鱼咀工程结构解决主河流的顶托、倒灌作用,泥石流槽尾伸入下游大河最高洪水位禁区,实现了泥石泥的顺畅排导,其工程实践和科技创新,为类似条件下泥石流的治理提供了借鉴意义.  相似文献   

泥石流固相在浆体中沉降规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于大量试验观察及数据分析研究,揭示了泥石流固相在浆体中的沉降规律。研究影响固相在泥石流浆体中沉降的三个主要因素,分析了各个因素影响泥石流固相沉降的根本原因。泥石流固相在浆体中沉降过程中可分为三个阶段,首先为初始阶段,继而为快速沉降阶段,最后呈减速沉积阶段,并对各个阶段的沉降过程作了详细的分析。其中浆体粘度、固相质量和附加孔隙压力对固相在泥石流浆体中的沉降规律存在着至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

Stream blockage by the debris flow from tributary valleys is a common phenomenon in mountainous area,which takes place when large quantities of sediment transported by debris flow reaches a river channel causing its complete or partial blockage.The dam formed by debris flow may causes upstream and downstream flooding,and presents great threat to people and property.Because of the catastrophic influence on people and property,debris-flow dam has attracted many attentions from the researchers and local administration.But,lit- tle attention has been given to the quantitative interrelationships of the potential influential factors.In this pa- per,the interrelationships of important influential factors caused the stream blockage by debris flow were ana- lyzed through flume experiment,and a model to predict the blockage was presented.  相似文献   

泥石流冲击力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流冲击力是许多工程结构破坏的主要因素,但泥石流冲击力的计算还未有适当的方式。本文通过对泥石流冲击力实测资料的分析和处理,得到了泥石流冲击力频谱特性曲线,并利用此曲线阐明了泥石流工程结构设计中如何计算冲击力的问题。  相似文献   

为优化泥石流排导沟弯曲段的设计,建立了最大或然弯道的平面几何形状、边墙超高、床面横比降的计算公式,分析了最大或然弯道和传统的定半径弯道的优劣。文中提出的计算方法可为排导沟的优化设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以研究震后强震区泥石流起动的临界水力条件为目的,在实验室内模拟了洪水起动沟床物质形成泥石流的条件,对比前人研究的颗粒起动的临界水流速度条件后得出:泥石流形成时的颗粒起动条件介于少量起动和大量起动之间,临界起动概率为0.05,约为少量起动的2倍,大量起动的1/3;泥石流形成的临界流速随起动颗粒中值粒径的增加而增加,随沟床坡度的增加而减小;颗粒的不均匀系数越大,起动所需要的临界流速也越大;修正的泥沙起动和泥石流起动公式适用于较大的泥沙颗粒粒径和泥沙不均匀系数的泥沙起动条件.  相似文献   

泥石流具有强烈的破坏作用,泥石流与沟岸耦合作用导致岸坡破坏是山区沿河公路发生泥石流毁损的根本原因.在天山公路泥石流K630模型试验的基础上,基于流固耦合基本理论,采用三维数值仿真的方法,利用k-ε模型对泥石流沟岸耦合机理进行了仿真,得到了流体域与固体域的耦合云图与矢量场.通过对流体压力梯度场和应力场、速度场的分析,得到了泥石流沟岸耦合三维链式冲击作用规律.通过实体模型试验分析显示,三维数值仿真与试验实测规律吻合较好.  相似文献   

泥石流是山区典型的具有严重危害的地质灾害现象,若能实现对其提前预测预报将是十分有意义的.然而影响泥石流的因素错综复杂,本文综合考虑沟道纵比降、前期降水量、固体物质贮量三个必备因素对泥石流产生的影响,基于Bayes判别分析理论,利用泥石流资料作为训练样本,建立了泥石流预测的Bayes判别分析模型.预测结果表明,该模型结果与实际情况吻合良好,说明该模型在泥石流预测中具有良好的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

天然河道中植物高低不等,为了研究在淹没条件下含刚性双层植物河道的水流流速垂向分布规律,试验在矩形平底水槽中,采用PVC圆柱棒对刚性植物进行模拟,用三维多普勒超声测速仪(ADV)对流速进行测量,分析在两种不同高度植物存在的情况下流速的变化规律。试验结果表明:(1)高棒之后区域的流速分布曲线存在4个拐点,分布曲线分为5个部分,各部分水流特性各不相同。(2)短棒之后的区域的流速分布曲线存在3个拐点,分布曲线分为4个部分。这两个区域的流速分布曲线的形状在短棒之上、高棒之下的部分有所不同,其他部分大体相似。(3)短棒之下的水流速度大小不尽相同,但在高棒之上的水流流速分布逐渐收敛于一条对数曲线上,高棒之上的水流流速分布符合无植物水流水面附近的流速分布情况。  相似文献   

Because of the high momentum of debris flow,when it confluences with the Main River,the water level in the upstream of the conjunction point will increase and a portion of sediment will deposit in the con- junction area.The discharge of downstream will be less then the summation discharge of main river and side channel,and the density of downstream will be difference from both the density of the fluid of main river and tributary.Based on momentum theory,and with the transport coefficient and deposit coefficient,the water ris- ing and sediment depositition characteristic within the conjunction area are studied.An equation that expressed by Froude number is deduced,which can reflect the hydraulic relation and confluence characteristic in the confluence area after the confluence of main river and side channel.The equation is verified with experiment data.The result shows that,if the parameters are used correctly,the calculation value is coincide with the one get from experiment.  相似文献   

In order to improve and enhance the numerical modeling methods and its application on debris flow problems,a preliminary study has been proposed in accordance with the corrected water-sediment numerical model on the premise of revised resistance and sediment capacity equations.Firstly,an overview the recent re- search achievements on numerical simulation of debris flow has been conducted,the results shown that a gener- al numerical model for debris flow can not be existed at all because the complex rheological behavior and main evolution processes from initiation,movement to deposition with different physical mechanism.Secondly,as- suming the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equation for the approximation of water debris flow movement in the gully based on the Manning's equation for the friction slope of water debris flow,the conservation equations of mass and momentum have been solved by means of centre-difference in distance longitudinal axis of the gully and weighted coefficient in time field,the distribution of depth,velocity and scoured or deposition in each sec- tion have been obtained using a suitable sediment transport rate.The aim in this work is focus on improvement of water-sediment model to adapt debris flow numerical simulation although this result need further to analyze and discuss as far as the reliability and precision were concerned because this model proposed must have e- nough the field observational or experimental data to verify related model parameter.  相似文献   

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