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1 INTRODUCTIONCobalt basedcatalystsarehighlyattractiveduetotheirhighselectivityforheavyhydrocarbons[1 3 ]andlowCO2 selectivity[4 ] inFischer Tropschsynthesis (FTS ) .Variousstudieshavebeenperformedontheinfluenceofthesupportmaterial,suchassilica[5,6] ,titania[1 ] ,alumina[7,8] .Conventionally ,SiO2 isusuallyusedforthesupportofcobalt basedcatalysts ,andAl2 O3 supportedcobaltcatalystisalsoemployedinoilrefinery .AluminasupportisinfavorofdispersingmetalCo[8] oncobaltaluminacatalysts ,wh…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionMetallic Titanium and alloy are necessary to theaerospace materials because they have excellent propertiesof low density, high strength, and resistance to high tem perature and erosion. And alumina has fine properties ofcalorifics, m…  相似文献   

Pd/Al2O3催化合成2,3,5—三甲基氢醌的连续工艺   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用Pd/Al2O3催化剂,采用固定床的连续工艺将2,3,5-三甲基苯醌催化加氢得到高纯度的2,3,5-三甲基氢醌。考察了溶剂对加氢反应的影响,并通过实验确定了加氢工艺条件:2,3,5-三甲基苯醌的空速为0.27g·(g·h)^-1,氢分压为0.1MPa,加氢反应温度为50℃,同时将Pd/Al2O3与Pt/Al2O3的催化性能进行了比较,发现Pd/Al2O3催化剂在使用过程中选择性上升。  相似文献   

自蔓延高温反应合成Ti/Al2O3梯度功能材料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用无压SHS和爆炸固结+SHS2种工艺分别制备了Ti/Al2O3梯度功能材料,得到的材料组织成分和性能均呈明显梯度变化,且爆炸固结+SHS工艺制得的FGM性能明显优于无压SHS法制得的FGM。  相似文献   

针对汽车尾气中的NO污染物制得Co/Al2O3催化剂,考查了不同因素对Co/Al2O3催化剂还原NO的影响.用不同方法对该催化剂的活性进行了表征,结果显示该催化剂纯度高,其中Co负载量为2%的催化剂催化活性最好.  相似文献   

Al2O3/Ti-Al复合材料的抗高温氧化性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用氧对金属Ti、Al粉的部分氧化,原位合成了Ti—Al金属间化合物和氧化铝,从而制备出了Al2O3/Ti—Al复合材料,通过氧化增重实验研究了材料的抗高温氧化性能,发现随着原始配比中Al含量和烧成温度的增加,复合材料的抗高温氧化性能逐渐提高,并借助X衍射和SEM手段对复合材料的组成和显微结构进行了分析,讨论了工艺因素对材料氧化性能产生影响的机理。  相似文献   

以Fe2O3为活性组分,γ—Al2O3为载体,采用浸渍法制备了Fe2O3/Al2O3催化剂,并将其用于催化降解模拟聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)废水考察了催化剂制备条件对催化活性的影响,得出最佳制备工艺条件为:以Fe(NO3)3水溶液为浸渍液、活性组分负载量20%、焙烧时间3h、焙烧温度500℃在温度为60℃、pH=7.0、催化剂加入量为2g/L,H2O2的质量浓度为0.6g/L的条件下对质量浓度为400mg/L聚丙烯酰胺废水进行降解,反应90min后废水中聚丙烯酰胺相对分子质量降解率最高可达90%以上,CODcr去除率达86%,显示出了较高的催化活性.Fe2O3/Al2O3催化剂经过多次重复使用,催化活性基本没有降低,使用寿命长.  相似文献   

Decoloration and mineralization of yeast wastewater were investigated by using Ce-Fe/Al2O3 as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst in fluidized bed reactor in order to solve the problem of yeast wastewater discharge. The experimental results were assessed in terms of total organic carbon(TOC) reduction. The operational and reaction conditions affecting the efficiencies of TOC removal such as initial pH value, H2O2 concentration, catalyst loading and UV power were studied. The results show that TOC is reduced from 347.6 mg/L to 10.8 mg/L, color is changed from 500 units to 0 under the conditions as follows: initial pH value 6. 0, H2O2 concentration of 1. 000 g/L, catalyst loading of 5 g/L, reaction duration of 120 rain and reaction temperature of 30 ℃. The irradiated Ce-Fe/Al2O3 catalyst was complexed with 1,10-phenanthroline and then it was subjected to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to confirm the formation of Fe(Ⅱ) in the solid state. Heterogeneous photo-Fenton reaction proves to be effective for the treatment of yeast wastewater.  相似文献   

The composition, microstructures and properties of SiC/Al2O3/Al-Si composites formed by reactive penetration of the molten aluminum into the preforms of SiO2 and SiC were investigated. The composition of the composites was measured by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ). The microstructures of the composites were also measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. In addition, the factors affecting the properties of the composites were discussed. The experiments show that the mechanical properties of the composites depend on their relative densities and the sizes of the fillers“ SiC gains“. The denser the SiC/Al2O3/Al-Si composites, the higher their bending strength. As the filler “SiC gains“ become fine, the bending strength of the composites increases.  相似文献   

Al2O3含量对Cu-ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2催化剂性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了Al2O3含量对Cu-ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2催化剂在CO2加氢合成二甲醚中催化性能的影响,并用XRD,H2-TPR,XPS,NH3-TPD和CO2-TPD等手段进行了表征.研究结果表明,Al2O3延缓了CuO和ZnO晶粒的长大,同时使催化剂变得难以还原.加入的Al2O3富集于催化剂表面,改变了催化剂表面Cu2+和Zn2+的摩尔分数.Al2O3还与SiO2产生无定形SiO2-Al2O3混合相,提供二甲醚合成所必需的酸碱中心.反应结果表明,Al2O3在催化剂中的质量分数低于1.4%时,对转化率的提高有促进作用;当Al2O3在催化剂中的质量分数为4.0%时,甲醇合成以及甲醇脱水的活性中心呈现出较好的"协同催化效应",目标产物二甲醚的收率最高.研究认为,Al2O3通过影响CuO与Al2O3之间的相互作用以及催化剂的表面酸性,从而使催化剂对CO2加氢合成二甲醚表现出不同的催化性能.  相似文献   

针对金催化剂制备过程的复杂性和氯离子残留问题,介绍一种负载型金催化剂Au/Al2O3的制备方法和考察该催化剂在环己烷氧化中的催化性能.采用浸渍-氨洗法制备Au/Al2O3催化剂,并应用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)、X射线衍射(XRD)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)对其进行表征.以氧气氧化环己烷制备环己酮和环己醇为研究对象,考察金质量分数、反应温度、压力、时间等因素对催化活性的影响.结果表明,随着金质量分数增加,金颗粒增大,催化剂的活性降低,在150℃、1.5MPa条件下反应3h,Au实际质量分数为0.58%的Au/Al2O3催化剂上环己烷转化率为8.96%,环己酮、环己醇和环己基过氧化氢三者的总选择性为93.52%.此外,循环实验表明Au/Al2O3催化剂具有一定的稳定性.  相似文献   

针对表面工程领域对耐磨材料的迫切需要及制备耐磨材料的复杂性,发明了钢水余热衬瓷技术,并利用该技术对耐磨衬瓷层进行了研究.通过将不同比例的Al2O3和金属粉料混合、合成,制备出陶瓷复合粉,并将其涂覆在沾有高温胶的砂型型腔工作面上,通过正常的钢水浇铸工艺,利用钢水凝固时释放出的热量将陶瓷复合粉烧结到钢的表面,达到耐磨效果.利用扫描电镜观察分析了衬瓷层的组织、表面形貌、是否有脱落现象以及衬瓷层与基体的结合情况,利用能谱分析了衬瓷层的成分,利用磨损试验机检测了衬瓷铸件的耐磨程度.结果表明:Al2O3的质量分数在35%~45%之间的衬瓷效果最好,其耐磨性是淬火45号钢的80倍.  相似文献   

为了增进对Al2O3抗热震陶瓷发展动态的了解,为Al2O3抗热震陶瓷的制备提供设计依据,针对Al2O3抗热震陶瓷的常用抗热震性测试方法,Al2O3陶瓷微观结构、表面条件、尺寸对抗热震性的影响,利用第二相法提高Al2O3陶瓷抗热震性的可行性,以及多孔Al2O3抗热震陶瓷的研究进展等方面进行了评述.在Al2O3陶瓷中添加ZrO2、稀土化合物、低热膨胀系数组元或高热导率组元等可以改善Al2O3陶瓷的抗弯强度、断裂韧性、弹性模量等力学性能和(或)热膨胀系数、热导率等热学性能,从而起到提高Al2O3陶瓷抗热震性能的作用.叠层Al2O3复合抗热震陶瓷将成为今后的一个研究方向.  相似文献   

A new technology was developed to recover multiple valuable elements from the spent Al2O3-based catalyst by X-ray phase analysis and exploratory experiments. The experimental results show that in the condition of roasting temperature of 750 ℃ and roasting time of 30 min, molar ratio of Na2O to Al2O3 of 1.2, the leaching rates of alumina, vanadium and molybdenum in the spent catalyst are 97.2%, 95.8% and 98.9%, respectively. Vanadium and molybdenum in sodium aluminate solution can be recovered by precipitators A and B, and the precipitation rates of vanadium and molybdenum are 94. 8% and 92. 6%. Al(OH)3 was prepared from sodium aluminate solution in the carbonation decomposition process, and the purity of Al2O3 is 99. 9% after calcination, the recovery of alumina reaches 90. 6% in the whole process; the Ni-Co concentrate was leached by sulfuric acid, a nickel recovery of 98. 2% and cobalt recovery over 98.5% can be obtained under the experimental condition of 30% H2SO4, 80 ℃, reaction time 4 h, mass ratio of liquid to solid 8, stirring rate 800 r/min.  相似文献   

A novel technology of in-situ coating Al2O3 on the surface of H4TiO4 was developed to prevent the aggregation of nano-TiO2 powders and improve the dispersibility and thermal stability in the way of forming a uniform coating layer. The heterogeneous nucleation was conducted to prepare the precursor of nano-TiO2 and then Al2O3 was coated on the surface of precursor. The effects of Al2O3 in-situ coating on the properties of nano-TiO2 were investigated. The results show that H4TiO4 can be dispersed well under alkaline condition (pH 8.5) and the heterogeneous nucleation can be controlled easily. The optimized uniform coating layer is obtained by adding 5% (mass fraction) and 10% of Al2O3 and the aggregation of nano-TiO2 powders is effectively inhibited and the dispersibility is obviously improved. The crystal sizes of TiO2 powders are 12.3, 11.4 and 8.7 nm after coating 0,5% and 10% of Al2O3 respectively. Al2O3 on the surface of particulates in amorphous phase could increase the thermal stability of nano-particles after calcined at 550 °C. Foundation item: Project(04GK2007) supported by Hunan Industrial Key Project of Science and Technology  相似文献   

The preparation technique and properties of Ag-type inorganic antibiotic material carried by Al2O3 were studied. The results show that the material has good antibiotic and safety properties, the acute toxicity taken by stomata is LD 50>8 000 mg/kg (little and big white rats), and the normal quantity in subacute toxicity test is 80 mg/(kg · d). The better mass fraction of doping Ag2O in antibiotic material carried by Al2O3 is 4%–8%, and the optimal sintering temperature is from 1 000 °C to 1 100 °C. Foundation item: Project (2002AA327090) supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China  相似文献   

Bi_2O_3-ZnO-B_2O_3 system glass is a kind of lead-free low melting sealing glasses. The structure of Bi_2O_3-ZnO-B_2O_3 system low-melting sealing glass was investigated by DSC, FT-IR, XRD and SEM. The results show that with the increase of B_2O_3 content, the transition temperature Tg and softening temperature T_f of Bi_2O_3-ZnO-B_2O_3 system low-melting sealing glasses increase, which leads to the liquid phase precipitation temperature increasing and promotes the structure stability in the glass. With increasing the heat treatment temperature, a large number of liquid phases appear in samples and the sinter efficiency of the samples increases. The FT-IR spectra of the glasses show the presence of some bands that are assigned to vibrations of Bi-O bond from [BO_3] pyramidal and [BiO_6] octahedral units and B-O from [BO_3] and [BO_4] units. With the decrease of B_2O_3 content, the crystallization tendency of the glass increases. In glass samples B_1 and B_2, crystallization starts at 460 ℃ and 540 ℃, respectively. Both of them precipitate Bi-(24)B_2O_(39) phases.  相似文献   

本文首先以SnCl2·2H2O为主要原料,无水乙醇为溶剂,利用溶剂热法于180℃反应24h得到了SnO2微球;再以所制备的SnO2微球为前驱体,FeCl3·6H2O为主要原料,通过水热法得到SnO2/Fe2O3复合材料.利用X射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对所得产物进行了表征.结果表明:所得的SnO2为四方锡石型,形貌为微球,平均直径约为2.0μm;复合后得到的SnO2/Fe2O3微球平均直径约为2.5μm.其中,Fe2O3为六方赤铁矿型,在复合物的表面以小颗粒的形式存在,尺寸约为200nm.另外,也对SnO3与SnO2/Fe2O3微球的形成过程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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