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The capacity of energy absorption by fault bands after rock burst was calculated quantitatively according to shear stressshear deformation curves considering the interactions and interplaying among microstructures due to the heterogeneity of strain softening rock materials. The post~peak stiffness of rock specimens subjected to direct shear was derived strictly based on gradientdependent plasticity, which can not be obtained from the classical elastoplastic theory. Analytical solutions for the dissipated energy of rock burst were proposed whether the slope of the post-peak shear stress-shear deformation curve is positive or not. The analytical solutions show that shear stress level, confining pressure, shear strength, brittleness, strain rate and heterogeneity of rock materials have important influence on the dissipated energy. The larger value of the dissipated energy means that the capacity of energy dissipation in the form of shear bands is superior and a lower magnitude of rock burst is expected under the condition of the same work done by external shear force. The possibility of rock burst is reduced for a lower softening modulus or a larger thickness of shear bands.  相似文献   

A mechanical model is proposed for the system of elastic beam and strain-softening pillar where strain localization is initiated at peak shear stress. To obtain the plastic deformation of the pillar due to the shear slips of multiple shear bands, the pillar is divided into several narrow slices where compressive deformation is treated as uniformity. In the light of the compatibility condition of deformation, the total compressive displacement of the pillar is equal to the displacement of the beam in the middle span. An instability criterion is derived analytically based on the energy principle using a known size of localization band according to gradientdependent plasticity. The main advantage of the present model is that the effects of the constitutive parameters of rock and the geometrical size of structure are reflected in the criterion. The condition that the derivative of distributed load with respect to the deflection of the beam in the middle span is less than zero is not only equivalent to, but also even more concise in form than the instability criterion. To study the influences of constitutive parameters and geometrical size on stability, some examples are presented.  相似文献   

A mechanical model for strain softening pillar is proposed considering the characteristics of progressive shear failure and strain localization. The pillar undergoes elastic, strain softening and slabbing stages. In the elastic stage, vertical compressive stress and deformation at upper end of pillar are uniform, while in the strain softening stage there appears nonuniform due to occurrence of shear bands, leading to the decrease of load-carrying capacity.In addition, the size of failure zone increases in the strain softening stage and reaches its maximum value when slabbing begins. In the latter two stages, the size of elastic core always decreases. In the slabbing stage, the size of failure zone remains a constant and the pillar becomes thinner. Total deformation of the pillar is derived by linearly elastic Hooke‘s law and gradient-dependent plasticity where thickness of localization band is determined according to the characteristic length. Post-peak stiffness is proposed according to analytical solution of averaged compressive stressaverage deformation curve. Instability criterion of the pillar and roof strata system is proposed analytically using instability condition given by Salamon. It is found that the constitutive parameters of material of pillar, the geometrical size of pillar and the number of shear bands influence the stability of the system; stress gradient controls the starting time of slabbing, however it has no influence on the post-peak stiffness of the pillar.  相似文献   

Gradient-dependent plasticity is introduced into the phenomenological Johnson-Cook model to study the effects of strainhardening, strain rate sensitivity, thermal-softening, and microstructure. The microstructural effect (interactions and interplay among microstructures) due to heterogeneity of texture plays an important role in the process of development or evolution of an adiabatic shear band with a certain thickness depending on the grain diameter. The distributed plastic shear strain and deformation in the shear band are derived and depend on the critical plastic shear strain corresponding to the peak flow shear stress, the coordinate or position, the internal length parameter, and the average plastic shear strain or the flow shear stress. The critical plastic shear strain, the distributed plastic shear strain, and deformation in the shear band are numerically predicted for a kind of steel deformed at a constant shear strain rate. Beyond the peak shear stress, the local plastic shear strain in the shear band is highly nonuniform and the local plastic shear deformation in the band is highly nonlinear. Shear localization is more apparent with the increase of the average plastic shear strain. The calculated distributions of the local plastic shear strain and deformation agree with the previous numerical and experimental results.  相似文献   

To study the stiffness distribution of girder and the method to identify modal parameters of cable-stayed bridge, a simplified dynamical finite element method model named three beams model was established for the girder with double ribs. Based on the simplified model four stiffness formulae were deduced according to Hamilton principle. These formulae reflect well the contribution of the flexural, shearing, free torsion and restricted torsion deformation, respectively. An identification method about modal parameters was put forward by combining method of peak value and power spectral density according to modal test under ambient excitation. The dynamic finite element method analysis and modal test were carried out in a long-span concrete cable-stayed bridge. The results show that the errors of frequencies between theoretical analysis and test results are less than 10% mostly, and the most important modal parameters for cable-stayed bridge are determined to be the longitudinal floating mode, the first vertical flexural mode and the first torsional mode, which demonstrate that the method of stiffness distribution for three beams model is accurate and method to identify modal parameters is effective under ambient excitation modal test.  相似文献   

This study presents a dynamic modeling and analysis methodology for the 3-■RS parallel mechanism.First,an improved reduced dynamic model of component substructures is proposed using the dynamic condensation technique and the rigid multipoint constraints at the joint/interface level,leading to a minimum set of generalized coordinates for external nodes.Next,the mapping between interface constraint stiffness and global stiffness is illustrated,resulting in an analytical stiffness model of joint su...  相似文献   

This paper tried to analyse and verify the fuzzy adaptive control strategy of electronic control air suspension system for heavy truck. Created the seven-freedoms vehicle suspension model, and the road input model; with Matlab/Simulink toolboxes and modules, built dynamical system simulation model for heavy truck with air suspension, fuzzy adaptive control model, height control model for air spring, and intelligent control and analyse on root mean square value of acceleration of gravity center of the vehicle under excitation of road. Results show that the fuzzy control had less help to the body vibration on the better pavement, but had the better benefit on the bad road, and the vehicle' s root mean square value of acceleration of gravity center is less than passive suspension' s obviously.  相似文献   

With the development of national highroad and theincreasing of transportation of passenger and cargo,au-tomobile’s handing stability,ride comfort and securityare demanded highly,and vehicle with air suspensionis used widely.By EC technical development,au…  相似文献   

基于Mises准则并采用正交流动法则和塑性位势理论求得塑性应变增量。在计算塑性功增量时不考虑s2作用,用能量原理导出Tresca准则,另外还用代数方法导出了s16),从而加r=2r与Lode角之间的关系:s16cos(θδ π深了对Tresca准则的认识。其研究成果对解释现有屈服准则或提出新的屈服准则有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

基于能量原理的岩爆机理及应力状态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了岩石破坏与能量耗散、能量释放的内在联系.基于能量原理,指出了岩爆发生的机制与特点,证明岩爆是发生在储存有高弹性应变能的硬脆性岩体中的地质灾害.结合圆形洞室围岩应力分布,分析了发生岩爆的地下洞室围岩的应力状态及相应的灾变位置.  相似文献   

为深入认识断层错动型冲击地压复杂的致灾机制、降低采矿过程中冲击事故的发生率,通过梳理国内外文献,系统总结和分析了国内外在断层错动型冲击地压方面的研究进展及成果.介绍了国内外一些矿山发生断层错动型冲击地压的严峻形势,并汇总了国内部分煤矿该类型冲击地压实例;从断层活化机制及其判别准则、断层错动型冲击地压理论、发生条件及其孕育过程等4个方面着重分析了断层错动型冲击地压的致灾机制;总结了断层错动型冲击地压的监测预警方法,并介绍了一些具有代表性的可用于断层错动型冲击地压预测预报的监测预警技术及其工程应用情况,包括断层错动型冲击地压监测预警与防治体系、BMS-II型微地震监测系统、多参量实时联合监测预警系统和深部钻孔应变观测技术;论述了断层错动型冲击地压防控技术,包括区域性防御措施和局部解危措施等;在分析以上问题的同时,又提出了一些新的理论观点、见解和建议.最后,指出了当前断层错动型冲击地压研究存在的一些不足,并对该类型冲击地压未来研究的发展趋势进行了多方面展望.  相似文献   

为研究岩石材料局部化渐进剪切破坏过程和机制,利用RMT-150C岩石力学多功能试验机,对典型岩样进行三轴压缩试验,分析了岩石全应力应变过程,重点探讨应力软化、残余应力稳定2个峰后阶段,研究了岩石的破坏形式及机理.结果表明,应力在峰后阶段呈现渐进式跌落,并逐渐趋于稳定而达到残余强度.同时,基于局部化剪切带的形成过程,依据岩石应变软化机制,构建能模拟岩石渐进剪切破坏的力学模型.最后,对所建立的模型进行试验验证,模型计算与试验结果吻合较好,证明了该模型的合理性.  相似文献   

基于断裂力学的能量释放率理论 ,研究了平面应变条件下梯度功能材料的Ⅰ ,Ⅱ型复合裂纹问题 .讨论了裂纹尖端附近的应力场和应力强度因子 ,建立了具有一般性的梯度功能材料的断裂准则即能量释放率判据 .  相似文献   

The effect of strain hardening and strain softening behavior of flow stress changing with temperature on welding residual stress,plastic strain and welding distortion of A7N01-T4 aluminum alloy was studied by finite simulation method.The simulation results show that the weld seam undergoes strain hardening in the temperature range of 180-250 ℃,however,it exhibits strain softening at temperature above 250 ℃ during welding heating and cooling process.As a result,the strain hardening and strain softening effec...  相似文献   

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