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不同断面形式深埋巷道围岩破坏数值模拟分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以Ⅲ级围岩为例,利用有限差分软件FLAC对不同埋深情况下不同断面形式的巷道进行数值模拟,分析矩形、直墙拱形和圆形断面巷道围岩应力应变、围岩塑性区随埋深的变化规律及特点。结果表明:拱形断面巷道的围岩变形、围岩塑性区最小,尤其是顶板下沉量较矩形和圆形断面巷道的要小得多;圆形断面巷道围岩水平向位移最小;矩形断面巷道围岩应力及变形随埋深增加幅度都要大于拱形和圆形断面巷道。  相似文献   

通过对岩石破坏特性和机理的分析,得出岩石破坏的剪切强度与参数的数学关系。在此基础上建立围岩巷道的数值模型,模拟围岩巷道在矩形和直墙拱等断面条件下的破坏过程,得出巷道在不同侧压系数条件下的围岩破坏特征。结果表明:同一断面形状,当侧压系数较小时,破坏裂纹首先出现在两帮,随着荷载的增大,破坏裂纹由底部向顶部转移;另外基于矩形和直墙拱形断面巷道的数值模拟,得出了围岩巷道的破坏是一个渐进的过程,并伴随应力场而不断转移,且在相同侧压系数和外荷载条件下,矩形巷道破坏较为严重。分析矩形巷道和直墙拱巷道变形破坏过程,为合理寻求巷道设计和支护方法提供依据。  相似文献   

高地应力巷道断面形状优化数值模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
选取矩形、直墙半圆拱形、马蹄形、三心拱形、圆形和椭圆形6种巷道断面形状开展优化研究.采用FLAC5.0数值模拟软件研究了几种典型断面在岩体中开挖后巷道围岩塑性区分布、围岩主应力差分布和围岩变形特征,分析了不同侧压系数λ对它们的影响,在此基础上提出了巷道支护"等效开挖"的理念和"无效加固区"的概念.断面形状对高地应力巷道围岩主应力差分布影响不大,但等效开挖半径决定围岩塑性区分布,无效加固区越大,在巷道周边产生变形就越大,反之亦然.高应力巷道应根据λ的大小和主应力方向选择合理断面形状是圆形或椭圆形.  相似文献   

为得出巷道围岩应力空间分布特征,以圆形断面巷道为例,采用复变函数方法得出其应力解,并把映射空间解转化为巷道所在空间解后对巷道周围岩体应力场进行仿真分析,得出了巷道周围岩体应力场分布直观图,可方便直观的了解巷道围岩任意位置应力分布情况。并考虑不同半径、不同侧压系数对围岩应力场的影响,得出了:圆形巷道围岩应力峰值及其出现方向与半径无关;侧压系数小于1/3时,顶底板开始产生拉应力,大于3时两帮围岩开始产生拉应力;以及环向、径向、剪切应力及最大、最小应力的变化规律。  相似文献   

以弹塑性力学中的圆孔应力解和塑性力学的偏应力理论为基础,利用莫尔-库仑强度准则,研究了围岩偏应力场和塑性区分布规律,得到了非均匀应力场下圆形巷道围岩偏应力的计算式和塑性区半径计算方法.结果表明:巷道埋深、极坐标r、极坐标θ和侧压系数与最大和最小主偏应力的大小曲线分别呈线性分布、"八"字型分布、"笔尖"型和"X"型分布;侧压系数小于、等于和大于1.0时,会出现不同形态的蝶形塑性区;随着侧压系数的增大,塑性区边界各位置的最大主偏应力会逐渐增大,而最小主偏应力却逐渐减小,两者之间的差值越来越大;内摩擦角、内聚力和圆形巷道半径的增加,都会导致塑性区半径的减小.  相似文献   

采用动态焦散线试验方法,探究爆炸荷载作用下不同形状巷道周边围岩的破坏规律。试验结果表明,爆破荷载对临近巷道的影响与其形状有显著关系。在爆炸应力波作用下,巷道迎爆侧破坏明显。巷道左侧形成一条起始于炮孔中心而终止于巷道左壁的贯穿裂纹,大致沿水平方向;直墙拱形巷道左下角和矩形巷道左上、左下角形成起始于炮孔且有向这些部位扩展趋势的新裂纹。绕射应力波作用下,仅有矩形巷道背爆侧右下角出现一条扩展裂纹。以上现象说明弧形断面对应力波的卸载作用明显大于平面的。系列焦散斑图像记录了裂纹扩展过程,焦散斑大小代表裂纹尖端能量大小,裂纹扩展的过程就是能量积聚和释放的过程。  相似文献   

针对采矿进路易产生片帮、冒顶等破坏现象,采用FLAC3D深入揭示了三心拱形、切圆拱形与直墙拱形等3种断面形状采矿进路开挖后围岩塑性区和位移的变化规律,确定了合理断面为切圆拱形。并且针对切圆拱形断面拱高为0.5~3.0 m等6种尺寸进行优化设计,拱高的变化对顶板和底板的塑性范围影响较大,对帮部的塑性范围影响较小,且对顶板下沉影响较大。拱高为2.0 m时更有利于施工及采矿进路的长期稳定。  相似文献   

巷道断面形状力学效应三维数值模拟分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对开拓巷道设计中最常用的三种断面形状,即直墙拱、直墙仰拱、曲墙仰拱,运用FLAC^3D程序模拟了三种断面形状在不同围岩条件下的力学效应。研究表明:在同一种围岩条件下,三种断面形状中受力状况最好的是曲墙仰拱,最差的是直墙拱;同一形状断面在不同围岩条件下,其力学效应差异较大。  相似文献   

利用FLAC3D软件建立埋深1 000 m的矩形巷道模型,分析了巷道围岩应力状态及位移量受不同侧压系数影响的变化.结合岩爆判据,得出岩爆等级及最安全侧压条件,并判断可能发生岩爆的危险部位.结果表明:矩形巷道围岩边界最大主应力集中在角点处,且随着侧压系数的增大而增大;巷道两帮最大位移量与侧压系数正相关;顶底板最大位移量与侧压系数负相关;侧压系数对巷道围岩应力影响从大到小为顶板、两帮、底板,对巷道围岩最大位移量影响从大到小为两帮、顶板、底板;巷道顶板、底板及四角点的岩爆等级均随侧压系数的增加而增加,侧压系数为1和1.5时,顶板及顶角有可能发生岩爆活动.通过比较得出,侧压系数0.5为最安全状态条件.  相似文献   

深井巷道围岩应力及变形规律的数值分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用非线性有限元法,对深井巷道围岩应力及变形状态进行了数值计算.分析了巷道埋深、围岩性质和断面形状对围岩变形的影响.结果表明:当巷道埋探小于某一临界深度时,巷道周边围岩移近量随巷道埋深增加呈线性增加;当超过临界深度时,巷道围岩移近量呈现指数规律增加趋势.围岩变形破坏的临界深度取决于围岩的力学性质及巷道断面形状等因素.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the dynamic process of hard-thick roof inducing rock burst, one of the most common and strongest dynamic disasters in coal mine, the numerical simulation is conducted to study the dynamic loading effect of roof vibration on roadway surrounding rocks as well as the impact on stability. The results show that, on one hand, hard-thick roof will result in high stress concentration on mining surrounding rocks; on the other hand, the breaking of hard-thick roof will lead to mining seismicity, causing dynamic loading effect on coal and rock mass. High stress concentration and dynamic loading combination reaches to the mechanical conditions for the occurrence of rock burst, which will induce rock burst. The mining induced seismic events occurring in the roof breaking act on the mining surrounding rocks in the form of stress wave. The stress wave then has a reflection on the free surface of roadway and the tensile stress will be generated around the free surface. Horizontal vibration of roadway surrounding particles will cause instant changes of horizontal stress of roadway surrounding rocks; the horizontal displacement is directly related to the horizontal stress but is not significantly correlated with the vertical stress; the increase of horizontal stress of roadway near surface surrounding rocks and the release of elastic deformation energy of deep surrounding coal and rock mass are immanent causes that lead to the impact instability of roadway surrounding rocks. The most significant measures for rock burst prevention are controlling of horizontal stress and vibration strength.  相似文献   

In order to study the rules of distribution in a plastic zone of rocks, surrounding a roadway, affected by tectonic stress, we first analyzed the mechanics of a roadway affected by tectonic stress and derived a theoretical formula for the plastic zone of rocks surrounding a roadway. We also analyzed the distribution characteristics of the plastic zone under different levels of tectonic stress, vertical pressure, cohesion and friction angle of the surrounding rock. Secondly, we used numerical simulation to analyze the range and shape features of the plastic zone of rocks surrounding the roadway, given different tectonic stress levels. Finally we used a rock drilling detector to carry out field measurements on the broken state of rock surrounding the roadway at the -700 substation and channels in the Xinzhuang mine of the Shenhuo mining area. Given the measured ground stress, we analyzed the relationship between tectonic stress and the distribution of this plastic zone. Our results show that the range of the plastic zone at the top and bottom of the roadway increases with an increase in tectonic stress and this increase is especially obvious at the roadway comer.  相似文献   

骑跨采动压巷道围岩稳定性数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对巷道围岩遇水膨胀软化、岩石流变特性显著及长期受采动支撑压力作用的特点,应用FLAC数值软件分析骑跨采动压巷道在不同垂距及水平距离下巷道围岩的稳定性,并研究巷道围岩应力场、变形场及塑性区的变化特征.研究结果表明:巷道围岩变形表现为以底鼓变形最大,两帮变形次之,顶板变形量相对较小的特点;受支撑压力的影响,巷道围岩的应力、变形及塑性区分布呈现明显的不对称性;随着垂距及水平距离的增加,巷道围岩应力及变形呈现出不同程度的减小趋势.  相似文献   

超长"孤岛"综放面大煤柱护巷的数值模拟   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
基于兖矿集团兴隆庄4324超长“孤岛”综放工作面开采条件,采用离散元数值计算程序UDEC3.0,模拟研究了不同宽度煤柱护巷条件下巷道围岩的应力分布和变形特征,分析了不同宽度煤柱的承载状况和应力峰值区的位置.研究表明,采用20m大煤柱维护巷道,可以改善巷道围岩应力环境;煤柱的承载能力适应超长“孤岛”综放工作面顶板的活动规律;围岩变形量小;能够保障巷道的整体稳定性和有效断面.通过现场实测,讨论了大煤柱维护巷道的矿压显现规律和对巷道的良好维护效果.  相似文献   

Given the difficulties encountered in roadway support under coal pillars, we studied the characteristics of stress distribution and their effect on roadway stability, using theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The results show that, under a coal pillar, vertical stress in a floor stratum increases while horizontal stress decreases. We conclude that the increased difference between vertical and horizontal stress is an important reason for deformation of the surrounding rock and failures of roadways under coal pillars. Based on this, we propose control technologies of the surrounding rock of a roadway under a coal pillar, such as high strength and high pre-stressed bolt support, cable reinforcement support,single hydraulic prop with beam support and reinforcement by grouting of the surrounding rock, which have been successfully applied in a stability control project of a roadway under a coal pillar.  相似文献   

In order to understand the change rules of stress-displacement in surrounding rocks of dynamic pressure roadways in deep mines and to obtain a theoretical basis for analyses of roadway stability and designs of support,we established a coupling equation of adjacent rock strength,mining stress and supporting resistance on the basis of an elastic-plastic theory of mechanics.We obtained an analytical solution for stress and displacement distribution of elastic and plastic regions in surrounding rock of dynamic pressure roadway..Based on this theory,we have analyzed the changes in stress-displacement in elastic and plastic regions of surrounding rocks of dynamic pressure roadways in the Haizi Coal Mine.The results show that:1) radial and tangential stress change violently within the first 4 m from the inner surface of a roadway after excavation;radial stress increases while tangential stress decreases within a range of about 6 m from the inner surface of the roadway as a function of q3;2) radial and tangential stress increase with an increase in the mining pressure coefficient k;the increase in the rate of tangential stress is greater than that of radial stress;3) the radial displacement of the inner surface of roadways decreases with an increase in q3,provided that k remains unchanged.  相似文献   

The importance of the pre-tensioned force of rock bolts has been recognized by more and more researchers. To investigate the effect of pre-tensioned rock bolts on stress redistribution around roadways, a numerical analysis was carded out using FLAC3D and a special post-process methodology, using surfer, is proposed to process the numerical simulation results. The results indicate that pre-tensioned rock bolts have a significant effect on stress redistribution around a roadway. In the roof, pre-tensioned rock bolts greatly increase vertical stress; as a result, the strength of the rock mass increased significantly which results in a greater capacity of bearing a large horizontal stress. The horizontal stress decreases in the upper section of the roof, indicating that pre-tensioned rock bolts significantly reduce the coefficient and the size of the region concentration of horizontal stress. At the lateral side, pre-tensioned rock bolts greatly increase the horizontal stress; therefore, the rock mass strength significantly increases which results also in a greater capacity of bearing a large vertical stress. The greater the size of pre-tensioned force, the larger the region of stress redistribution around a roadway is affected and the higher the size of the stress on the roadway surface the more the rock mass strength increases.  相似文献   

According to the distribution of abutment stress in a stope, this research established the mechanical model of mining abutment pressure transmission in floor base on the theory of semi-infinite plate body in elasticity. This study takes the 762 working face of Haizi Coal Mine as a case in point, and analyzed the dynamic evolution law of seam floor stress during the mining process. With an organic combination of the mining floor stress and surrounding rock stress, the study obtained the change laws of the maximum principle stress and the minimum one for the floor roadway surrounding rock when mining the upper working face. Considering the non-constant pressure force state and the cracks revolution mechanisms of floor roadway surrounding rock, the research built the mechanical model of roadway stress. Simulation results verify the reliability of the above conclusions. Moreover, this model could provide the theoretical basis and technical support for controlling floor roadway surrounding rock.  相似文献   

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