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用以活动为中心的过程模型进行软件开发时,良好的设计和规划活动是过程能否被有效的管理和控制的基础.首先按生命周期进行阶段划分,明确活动集合总目标;然后把各阶段分解成若干具有单个交付物属性的活动,从而限定活动大小和范围;最后利用ECA规则确定活动间顺序关系的方法,给出了一个活动粒度适宜、易于理解、实施的改进过程模型.同时还进一步讨论了该过程模型进化的策略和步骤.结果表明,这一模型将复杂的开发过程明确化、简易化、顺序化,能够明显的节约开发时间,满足小型单位对开发过程控制的需要.  相似文献   

产品开发过程建模中ProA方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析产品开发过程建模中活动和过程的密切关系的基础上,提出ProA(活动及其实现过程)及基于ProA的产品开发过程建模方法。对ProA进行了定义及详细说明。介绍了ProA建模方法的思想及基于ProA的产品开发过程建模的特点。  相似文献   

有效的产品开发项目管理可以对产品开发进行全生命周期的控制,从而缩短产品开发周期、提高产品质量、增强产品市场竞争力.本文分析了产品设计过程的特点,总结了产品开发项目的管理需求,在此基础上建立了支持产品设计的项目管理系统框架和功能模型.  相似文献   

产品开发过程综合优化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品开发过程综合优化是从时间、质量、成本、服务、环保的角度来提高产品开发的综合能力.本文首先论述了产品开发过程优化的研究现状,分析了产品开发过程优化中存在的问题,从而提出了产品开发过程综合优化的基本原则,并试图从产品开发管理的角度探讨综合优化模型.  相似文献   

在软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)的基础上,针对国内软件企业的实际情况,对CMM进行合理裁剪和改进,在此基础上提出一种CMM改进框架,从而用该框架指导软件过程的各个活动.之后给出企业实施CMM的操作模型,对CMM在国内软件过程能力评估和改进的应用有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

针对产品开发项目管理与产品数据管理脱节的问题,提出面向产品开发过程的项目管理POPM模型,分析POPM模型中相关对象及其关联,建立支持POPM的人员组织模型,实现产品开发过程管理与数据管理的集成,以提高研发效率.  相似文献   

为了解决中小型软件企业在实施软件过程改进活动中遇到的重型软件过程改进方法难于实施、轻型软件过程改进方法规范化不足等问题,对集成能力成熟度模型CMMI、敏捷开发方法以及知识管理进行了分析,提出了基于知识管理的轻型过程改进框架,探讨了柔性团队的行为特征、适度规范集的确定过程以及知识转移模型.实践证明,该框架能够满足国内中小企业软件过程改进的要求.  相似文献   

并行工程环境下的产品开发过程管理系统的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在并行工程环境下,产品开发过程的有效管理是成功进行产品开发的保证,产品开发过程管理系统不仅可以有效地管理产品开发过程中的各种信息,还能帮助企业决策者实时掌握开发动态,从而做出及时,正确的决策,本文在产品开发过程进行需求分析的基础上,研究开发了一套产品开发过程管理系统,包括过程建模,过程执行和监控,活动树视图的操作三大功能模块,并对该系统的结构和功能进行了介绍。  相似文献   

为了更真实地描述软件失效过程,针对软件故障一旦检测出就立即排除掉这一不符合真实情况的假设条件,考虑到检错过程和排错过程的异步性,提出了计入重复故障的可靠性增长模型框架(RFM)和不计重复故障的可靠性增长模型框架(NRFM),并指出了每个框架的适用范围.最后以NRFM为例,给出一个新的可靠性增长模型.通过公开发表的一组数据集上的拟合实验和预测实验表明,与其他模型相比,该模型具有很好的拟合能力和预测能力.  相似文献   

从资源模型的角度分析了传统的产品开发过程,给出了保证并行设计有效实施的并行工程模型;对多功能小组的协调工作进行了研究,给出了每个人权力与责任清晰而明确的定义.  相似文献   

Machining process data is the core of computer aided process planning application systems.It is also provides essen- tial content for product life cycle engineering.The character of CAPP that supports product LCE and virtual manufacturing is an- alyzed.The structure and content of machining process data concerning green manufacturing is also examined.A logic model of Machining Process Data has been built based on an object oriented approach,using UML technology and a physical model of machin- ing process data that utilizes XML technology.To realize the integration of design and process,an approach based on graph-based volume decomposition was apposed.Instead,to solve the problem of generation in the machining process,case-based reasoning and rule-based reasoning have been applied synthetically.Finally,the integration framework and interface that deal with the CAPP integration with CAD,CAM,PDM,and ERP are discussed.  相似文献   

CMM(软件能力成熟度模型)是软件企业开展软件工程管理的一套规范而严格的系统化管理模型,是一种国际公认的用于评价软件企业能力、帮助改善软件质量的方法.本文首先论述了在现有软件开发情况下引入CMM的必要性;接着系统地介绍了CMM的概念、总体框架、内部层次、应用领域,并在与ISO9001相比较的基础上阐述了CMM较强的可操作性;然后根据工作实践,论述了如何实现CMM定义的第二级--可重复级中的“软件需求管理”关键过程域;最后概述了CMM在我国的发展情况.关键过程域;关键实践;软件能力成熟度模型;软件需求管理  相似文献   

Software process is a framework for effective and timely delivery of software system. The framework plays a crucial role for software success. However, the development of large-scale software still faces the crisis of high risks, low quality, high costs and long cycle time. This paper proposed a three-phase parallel-pipelining software process model for improving speed and productivity, and reducing software costs and risks without sacrificing software quality. In this model, two strategies were presented. One strategy, based on subsystem-cost priority, was used to prevent software development cost wasting and to reduce software complexity as well; the other strategy, used for balancing subsystem complexity, was designed to reduce the software complexity in the later development stages. Moreover, the proposed function-detailed and workload-simplified subsystem pipelining software process model presents much higher parallelity than the concurrent incremental model. Finally, the component-based product line technology not only ensures software quality and further reduces cycle time, software costs, and software risks but also sufficiently and rationally utilizes previous software product resources and enhances the competition ability of software development organizations.  相似文献   

Digital factory technology is a research focus in academe and industry,which is an advanced manufacturing tech- nology that is proposed to bridge product development and manufacturing.For applying digital factory technology in machining domain,a concept of digital process planning and its framework are suggested,its components including machining domain knowledge model,machining knowledge base,machining resource base and process planning system are studied.The framework of digital process planning is of value for implementing digital factory technology in machining industry.  相似文献   

Digital factory technology is a research focus in academe and industry, which is an advanced manufacturing technology that is proposed to bridge product development and manufacturing. For applying digital factory technology in machining domain, a concept of digital process planning and its framework are suggested, its components including machining domain knowledge model, machining knowledge base, machining resource base and process planning system are studied. The framework of digital process planning is of value for implementing digital factory technology in machining industry.  相似文献   

为了在工程设计中提高产品多学科设计知识的集成能力,通过研究产品多学科设计优化(MDO)的设计过程,提出一种支持多学科设计优化的产品集成设计知识模型.利用对产品设计知识应用特征的分析,研究产品集成设计知识的融合方法,阐述了产品设计知识的表达以及具体设计规则的匹配机制,分析了多学科设计知识获取和目标满意度评价的过程及方法.应用产品集成设计知识模型作为指导框架,采用GeneXus开发工具,搭建了一个支持多学科设计优化的原型系统平台,并以具体产品的设计过程为例,在平台中验证了该设计知识模型的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning) has already become the bottleneck of CAD/CAM system.Present two- dimensional CAPP system which is used in the enterprise needs to be input information and data again,because it can not draw data from CAD(Computer Aided Design) model automatically after building CAD model and drawing.This has influenced extensive use of CAPP system because of its low efficiency.In this paper,three-dimensional model is built by using the parametric method, the process file cart be produced directly through drawing corresponding characteristic and parameter from the model with the aid of process database.This improves the efficiency of product development.Visual C 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 are used to devel- op WTJDCAPP prototype system based on component model and SolidWorks three-dimensional CAD platform.Engine valve-seat is taken as concrete object to validate of the technology.  相似文献   

在产品建模中,为解决应用面向对象技术必须首先建立和设计与对象相关的许多对象类,然后再构造对象实例这一问题,提出了对象动态模型和对象视图的概念。建立了对象类、对象动态模型和对象视图三者之间的关系。拓展了传统对象定义的内涵,强化了对象的表达能力。并以企业产品资源和产品对象模型为例,定义了企业产品资源面向对象模型。结合产品对象,定义了产品对象动态模型和对象视图,并通过这个实例验证了对象定义拓展的必要性和意义。  相似文献   

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