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The author suggests that the confidence which many biologists have in problem-solving methods is unwarranted and that there are very important limitations in almost all current methods for solving biological problems. The standard problem solving approach that computer scientists use is outlined. An example of an error in an evolutionary tree problem-the case of the African Eve-is discussed  相似文献   

A survey is provided of Japanese research on ceramic materials for substrates, microwave dielectric ceramics, piezoelectric ceramics, semiconducting ceramics, and superconducting ceramics. Novel processing technologies are described, covering the use of amorphous materials, superfine powders, lamination, multilayer thin films, porous ceramics, and superlattices  相似文献   

无色透明材料形成的单层薄膜,其颜色由干涉色决定。以白光照射其表面,随薄膜厚度的增加,将出现一系列色彩,这是由薄膜干涉所致。我们可以根据薄膜颜色,估计薄膜厚度。显然,当厚度增大到后界面的影响可以忽略不计的程度(相当于只有一个界面的半无限大情形,本文简称“厚膜”),则“厚膜”颜色恢复为无色透明。半透明材料在基底上形成的薄膜系统,以白光照射所呈现的颜色,由于基底及吸收的影响,则不能简单地以薄膜干涉来分析。对于半透明薄膜系统,首先测量它的光强反射率谱和透射率谱,运用传递矩阵[1]方法计算出薄膜的介质光学常数,再以光学常数计算单层薄膜与“厚膜”的光强透射率谱与反射率谱及它们的色坐标。以菲涅耳公式计算出的反射率谱为半无限大介质反射率谱,这时的色坐标可视为“厚膜”的色坐标。  相似文献   

Recent progress in inverse problems in electrocardiology   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The considerable progress achieved in the inverse problem of electrocardiography over the last decade has provided grounds for optimism about the possibility of approaching significant clinically relevant applications in the next decade. However, there are a number of basic questions that still remain. In addressing these questions, the authors feel it is important to seek solutions that emphasize physiological rather than mathematical significance. This approach leads to twin requirements for useful inverse solutions: accuracy, defined in a physiologically meaningful (and not just averaged and mathematical) sense, and reliability, not only to measurement noise but also to geometric modeling errors and other uncertainties that are inescapable in practical application. Studies using analytically tractable models may still be relevant, but it seems more important to find solutions to practical inverse problems, which will move the field toward wider acceptance and credibility  相似文献   

我国阀控式铅蓄电池生产技术的进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文为作者已发表的“国内阀控式铅蓄电池的生产技术经验”的续篇,主要叙述近四五年在这一方面的技术进展。  相似文献   

龚源发  张晖文 《电力建设》2000,21(6):55-56,59
湖南省电力建设监理公司从1994年3月组建以来,在经营决策、规范管理、技术服务等方面都摸索出了一定的经验,创出了一批优秀成果.从1999年5月开始,按现代企业制度进行改组,2000年1月正式改组为湖南电力建设监理咨询有限责任公司,要求做到产权关系明晰、权责明确,政企分开、自主经营、机制健全、行为合理,管理科学、注重效率.  相似文献   

提出了生产分时定向无功表和峰谷分时无功表的设想,以使现行的无功电能在与峰谷分时有功电能在相匹配,按峰、谷、平三个时段分别计算用户的功率因数数值,按三个时段分别计收功率因数调整电费,增加电网经济效益,改善电网电压质量。  相似文献   

输电线路工程现已成为我国冻土工程的重要组成部分。通过分析发现,在世界各冻土大国输电线路的建设中,俄罗斯在多年冻土区输电线路建设历史最长,累积长度约接近10万公里,电压等级主要为220 kV和500 kV;在环境变化条件下,各国工程建设中均发现冻胀融沉、冻拔问题、不良冻土现象等冻融灾害对对塔基稳定性造成的严重影响;鉴于输电线路点线工程特性,可充分结合冻土发育规律、合理选线和设置杆塔,有效减少冻融灾害发生;桩基础是多年冻土区较为通用的塔基形式,冬季施工是重要的选择原则;热管等工程措施的采用是减少冻融灾害和维护塔基稳定性的有效途径。  相似文献   

英国政府计划从2016年开始,所有新建住房都要达到碳零排放,并且制定了相关的标准。贝丁顿零能耗开发(Beddington zero energy development,简称BedZED)项目是一次有益的尝试,它是英国目前最大的低碳生态社区。社区坐落在伦敦的萨顿区,项目由英国政府开发商开发,包括可持续发展咨询公司、建筑师和工程师的设计团队联合设计了这个项目。  相似文献   

设计了一套基于超高频 (UHF)法的发电机定子局放检测系统 ,实验室研究结果表明该方法可检测到发电机定子各类局部放电 ,分析和比较了超高频信号在空气和金属导体中的传播规律。该系统与预先安装在某发电厂0 #机组上的方向传感器和中性点的电流传感器相结合 ,联合在线监测发电机的结果表明UHF法可准确检测到发电机中的局部放电信号 ,且信噪比极高  相似文献   

赵学锋 《华中电力》2000,13(2):33-34
针对应用软件帮助文件存在的不足,设计中文帮助文件。介绍帮助文件基本概念和设计方法,可提高使用效率,有利于软件的推广 。  相似文献   

分析了包头供电局对220 kV及以上变电站现行操作方式存在的问题,给出了变电站进行分组操作的方法,通过实例分析了进行分组操作的可行性及经济、社会效益.  相似文献   

Electroluminescence in insulating polymers in ac electric fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EL (electroluminescence) in several polymeric materials was investigated in the electric field range <90 kV/mm. We used polymeric films with semi-transparent gold electrodes: low density polyethylene, polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene and polyvinylchloride. The EL characteristics were very low EL inception fields (2 to 20 kV/mm) which strongly depend on the material and very low energy photon emission (mainly in the red region of 1.6 to 1.8 eV). These results reveal that EL emission occurs predominantly in the metal-polymer interface region rather than in the bulk of the polymer at the applied field. We present a model of EL emission in the metal-polymer interface region to explain our results qualitatively. In this model, the mechanism of EL emission is the radiative recombination of the electrons and holes trapped at the surface states of the polymer, which causes photon emission in the red region. The EL inception field and EL intensity depend on the density of the surface states of the polymers  相似文献   

非晶态合金材料应力阻抗效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应力阻抗效应(SI)是近年来在非晶态合金材料中发现的又一新的具有研究和应用价值的特殊物理效应,利用这种效应可以研制出高灵敏度的应力/应变传感器。简单介绍了应力阻抗效应的理论依据,分析了近几年来国内外在这方面的研究进展,主要有非晶丝、非晶带和薄膜应力阻抗效应的研究以及不同处理工艺对其应力阻抗效应的影响,适当的处理工艺引入的各向异性对应力阻抗效应的提高有很大的贡献。  相似文献   

陈在军 《陕西电力》2003,31(4):44-45
依据国内外的相关法规和有关技术资料,根据城市小区的建设特点,以陕西省某城市新区的市政发展规划及布局为基础,对该城市新建小区负荷进行科学、合理的预测,给出了该小区详细的分区负荷密度.  相似文献   

微晶玻璃具有电阻率高、介电特性好、硬度高、机械强度大以及铁电性等特点,因而在电子元件中得到了广泛的应用。综述了近几年来电子元器件用微晶玻璃的研究进展。  相似文献   

A paper describing advances in electronic PD site location devices through a system comprised of an added purpose-built analog-to-digital converter, which has been added to a previously developed, PC-based, digital PD detector  相似文献   

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