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可燃气体泄漏所引发的爆炸和火灾事故会对人们的人身、财产安全造成巨大损失,传统检测可燃气体浓度的方法,不利于预防和控制安全事故的发生。针对上述情况,设计了可远程实时监测可燃性气体浓度系统,采用网络模块W5100、气体传感器MQ-2,以Arduino Uno微处理器和虚拟仪器LabVIEW为平台设计出远程实时可燃气体监测系统。通过试验,系统2秒钟可给出现场实时监测数据、分辨力为200 ppb,适用于需要监测可燃体浓度的场合。  相似文献   

由单片机PIC16C71、可燃气体检测电路、风扇电机的运行监测和控制电路组成的智能化的换气控制器用于控制换气电机的运行。在软件的控制下,电路完成了可燃气体浓度采集、风扇电机运行监测、电机控制、报警、按键处理等功能。给出了电路图和主程序流程图,分析了系统软件结构。  相似文献   

针对天然气、煤矿、石油化工等企业环境的特殊性,需对其存在的易燃气体的进行实时监测和控制,如CH4、C4H10、H2等可燃气体。以此设计一种基于PTR2000的可燃气体浓度无线监测系统。该监测系统以PIC16F887单片机为控制核心,采用QM-N5气敏型传感器进行气体浓度的采集,利用电平中断设置手动和清除报警按键,借助无线通信报警对采集的气体浓度通过PTR2000传输到PC机中,及时的记录、保存数据,同时通过LED和LCD进行直观的指示和数据显示,从而减少和避免火灾的发生。  相似文献   

变压器油中气体色谱的微机在线监测   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
论述了对油浸式电力变压器油中溶解气体实现微机在线监测的技术、方法,对气体分离与传感,气体在线监测的硬、软件特性,系统的控制和故障诊断等进行了具体分析、探讨  相似文献   

基于对爆炸性气体环境下发生诱发爆炸阀值的分析,提出一种基于D-S证据理论和爆炸三角形原理为基础的风险识别和控制方法,利用多传感器数据融合技术对环境中的温度、可燃气体、氧气、换气流量等信息进行监测和控制。  相似文献   

设计了一种可燃气体报警器,介绍了报警器的工作原理及其软、硬件的设计。该报警器以性能、参数稳定的气体传感器为探测器,采用89C51单片机进行控制,能根据可燃气体检测浓度进行声光报警,并控制相应设备进行工作,实现安全保护。  相似文献   

基于BP网络的变压器油中溶解气体在线监测   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
研究了对变压器油中溶解气体及温度进行微机在线监测的方法,介绍了传感器与油气 分离装置,气体在线监测的硬、软件特性及系统的控制方式,重点阐述了如何利用人工神经 网络拟合混合气体之间的非线性关系,有效地防止气体传感器之间的“交叉敏感”,然后利 用训练好的神经网络对混合气体浓度进行在线监测,并给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

吴彦龙  刘扬波 《电气时代》2004,(11):104-105
对电力变压器加装可燃气体在线监测装置,分析溶解在油中的气体,对潜伏性故障进行在线监测,就能尽早发现设备内部存在的潜伏性故障并可随时掌握故障的发展情况,有效保证电力变压器的安全运行。  相似文献   

变压器油中溶解气体的在线监测研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文论述了由气体分离单元、气体检测单元、微机诊断单元和辅助设备构成的变压器油中溶解气体的在线监测及智能诊断装置,分析了影响输出状态的主要因素。  相似文献   

针对高压及超高压电网中的干式空心串联电抗器着火事故,分析其成因及危害。从干式空心串联电抗器运行时的温度与可燃气体两类非电气量变化状况入手,采用一次抽能电流互感器取电的无线温度传感器及无线可燃气体传感器,设计了一套以变电站综合自动化SCADA系统作为设备异常状态监测,以电容器组保护测控装置作为设备着火故障切除的非独立工控的非电量监测及保护装置,实现了干式空心串联电抗器运行状态可控与能控的最终目标。  相似文献   

介绍了在燃用劣质煤种时,为达到降低NOx排放浓度及飞灰可燃物的目的,对PM型燃烧器所进行的优化试验,同时提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

陈瑞 《电气防爆》2007,(2):12-15
文章对GB19854—2005标准中,关于爆炸性气体环境和可燃性粉尘环境用工业车辆的防爆技术措施和安全要求进行了介绍。  相似文献   

A uniform cloud of particles is generated electrostatically between parallel plates of a capacitor. The particulate cloud is then triggered for spark breakdown by a high-speed injected needle electrode. The relevant characteristic times of the spark (first and second spark pulse times and time to ignition) are compared with event times associated with needle penetration and residence times and particle collision time to infer cloud disturbance effects caused by the needle. Both open (with particle diffusion) and closed systems of cloud confinement are discussed. The advantages of this electrostatically controlled sparking system include the uniformity of the clouds produced and the ease of measurement of the particle number density. Applications of this method are spark breakdown and ignition testing of inert or combustible particle and gas mixtures.  相似文献   

Gasification of wooden biomass makes it possible to utilize forestry wastes and agricultural residues for generation of heat and power in isolated small-scale power systems. In spite of the availability of a huge amount of cheap biomass, the implementation of the gasification process is impeded by formation of tar products and poor thermal stability of the process. These factors reduce the competitiveness of gasification as compared with alternative technologies. The use of staged technologies enables certain disadvantages of conventional processes to be avoided. One of the previously proposed staged processes is investigated in this paper. For this purpose, mathematical models were developed for individual stages of the process, such as pyrolysis, pyrolysis gas combustion, and semicoke gasification. The effect of controlling parameters on the efficiency of fuel conversion into combustible gases is studied numerically using these models. For the controlling parameter are selected heat inputted into a pyrolysis reactor, the excess of oxidizer during gas combustion, and the wood moisture content. The process efficiency criterion is the gasification chemical efficiency accounting for the input of external heat (used for fuel drying and pyrolysis). The generated regime diagrams represent the gasification efficiency as a function of controlling parameters. Modeling results demonstrate that an increase in the fraction of heat supplied from an external source can result in an adequate efficiency of the wood gasification through the use of steam generated during drying. There are regions where it is feasible to perform incomplete combustion of the pyrolysis gas prior to the gasification. The calculated chemical efficiency of the staged gasification is as high as 80–85%, which is 10–20% higher that in conventional single-stage processes.  相似文献   

针对筒仓在电厂运行中存在的种种事故隐患,介绍了对筒仓内的物料温度、可燃气体的质量浓度及烟雾进行监测的系统,同时还说明在筒仓内必须设置防爆安全装置及通风、注水系统,根据监测数据由运行人员采取相应的措施以确保筒仓的安全运行。  相似文献   

随着科技的深入发展,爆炸性气体及爆炸性粉尘并存场所中的防爆问题日益凸现出来。文章以并存场所防爆电梯的定货为例,对所提定货要求不全面现象及技术参数存在的问题等进行了讨论。着重强调了并存场所的防爆要求;得出了并存场所设备必须为同时满足气体及粉尘防爆要求并获得防爆合格证的复合型产品,才能确保防爆安全的结论。  相似文献   

浅谈飞灰可燃物含量控制的必要性及方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庄群  刘兴国 《华中电力》2002,15(1):28-29,32
锅炉效率是发电厂的一个重要经济指标,而飞灰可燃物含量是影响锅炉效率的重要因素,通过试验研究,认识到飞灰可燃物含量控制的必要性,并找到了一些控制方法。  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of severe accident management at a nuclear power plant is to protect the integrity of the containment, for which the most serious threat is possible ignition of the generated hydrogen. There should be a monitoring system providing information support of NPP personnel, ensuring data on the current state of a containment gaseous environment and trends in its composition changes. Monitoring systems’ requisite characteristics definition issues are considered by the example of a particular power unit. Major characteristics important for proper information support are discussed. Some features of progression of severe accident scenarios at considered power unit are described and a possible influence of the hydrogen concentration monitoring system performance on the information support reliability in a severe accident is analyzed. The analysis results show that the following technical characteristics of the combustible gas monitoring systems are important for the proper information support of NPP personnel in the event of a severe accident at a nuclear power plant: measured parameters, measuring ranges and errors, update rate, minimum detectable concentration of combustible gas, monitoring reference points, environmental qualification parameters of the system components. For NPP power units with WWER-440/270 (230) type reactors, which have a relatively small containment volume, the update period for measurement results is a critical characteristic of the containment combustible gas monitoring system, and the choice of monitoring reference points should be focused not so much on the definition of places of possible hydrogen pockets but rather on the definition of places of a possible combustible mixture formation. It may be necessary for the above-mentioned power units to include in the emergency operating procedures measures aimed at a timely heat removal reduction from the containment environment if there are signs of a severe accident phase approaching to prevent a combustible mixture formation in the containment.  相似文献   

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