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本文以有限元法为工具,系统地研究了影响感应电机转子刀形槽挤流效应的因素,进而将传统采用的计算转子在起动时的槽阻抗的修正系数曲线(曲线Ka)区分为有于交流电阻计算的Ka,曲线及用于起动时漏磁导计算的Kax曲线,并首次提出便地在电机设计中使用的Kar与Kax曲线族,传统的Ka曲线是本文曲线族中的一个特例。  相似文献   

本文采用一个新的计算模型,以有限元方法为工具,系统研究了影响感应电机饱和漏抗的因素,进而将在电机设计中采用的由Norman提出的漏磁导饱和系数(KZ)曲线,区分为谐波漏磁导饱和系数曲线与糟漏磁导饱和系数曲线,并首次提出便于在电机设计中使用的计算这些漏磁导饱和系数的曲线族。试算表明,在电机设计中采用本文的曲线族代替Norman曲线可明显提高设计精度。  相似文献   

本文采用一个新的计算模型,以有限元方法为工具,系统研究了影响感应电机饱和漏抗的因素,进而将在电机设计中采用的由Norman提出的漏磁导饱和系数(KZ)曲线,区分为谐波漏磁导饱和系数曲线与槽漏磁导饱和系数曲线,并首次提出便于在电机设计中使用的计算这些漏磁导饱和系数的曲线族。试算表明,在电机设计中采用本文的曲线族代替Norman曲线可明显提高设计精度。  相似文献   

采用基于于时间步长有限元计算的场路耦合法,分析了实心凸极同步电动机的直接起动过程。考虑了电机的实际绕组分布、磁极形状以及起动过程中转子运动因素的影响,计算了电机起动转矩,特别是脉动转矩以及起动时间,获得了电机动态特性的变化曲线。建立了实心磁极同步电动机直接起动时的二维电磁场动态仿真数学分析模型。对一台模型电机的起动特性进行了数值仿真计算,并通过试验验证了计算结果,验证了分析疗法的准确性。此法主要用于预测实心磁极同步电动机的起动特性。  相似文献   

针时单相永磁同步电机不能自行起动的问题,采用阶梯气隙结构,使电机静止时在定位转矩的作用下定转子磁场之间存在相位差角,从而实现自起动.利用二维有限元计算的方法,分析阶梯气隙结构对电机电枢磁场和永磁体磁场的影响.针对永磁磁场,利用虚位移法对电机转子在不同位置时的定位转矩进行计算,求得永磁电机的转子初始相位角.得到一系列有关定位转矩、初始相位角与阶梯气隙结构参数之间的关系曲线.利用时步有限元法对U型单相永磁同步电机的起动过程进行动态模拟仿真,通过转速曲线证明了合理的阶梯气隙结构有利于永磁电机实现自起动.  相似文献   

郑印钊  周理兵  王晋 《电工技术学报》2021,36(11):2355-2364
笼型实心转子感应电机实心体与导条感应电流相互耦合,尤其是两极电机起动时,实心体涡流对导条电流分布产生很大影响,使导条电流密度由槽口至槽底呈现先减小后增大的不对称U型分布.传统计算方法会导致转子参数计算误差较大,严重影响电机设计的准确性.该文建立考虑磁场饱和效应的二维多层电磁场解析模型,求解两极笼型实心转子感应电机起动工况下的磁场分布.在此基础上,计及转子铁心轭部感应电流影响,建立转子导条电流解析计算模型,并求解电机在起动运行时笼型导条电流密度的分布.最后,通过与有限元仿真结果对比,验证不同电压下起动时,所求解的导条电流密度分布规律的准确性.结果表明所提出的计算方法适用于包括两极电机在内的各种极数笼型实心转子感应电机,为该类电机起动参数及性能的准确计算提供了参考.  相似文献   

实心转子阻抗计算是一个三维涡流场问题,在磁阻电机中又由于直轴和交轴磁路不对称,使得问题更为复杂。本文通过必要的合理假设,得到了磁阻电机实心转子电磁场的一维模型,从而导出了转子阻抗的解析表达式。利用此式,可以方便地计算不同结构参数时实心转子的阻抗值,进而可以计算相应的电机起动特性,计算结果与样机实测结果吻合较好。本文结论可以用于计算实心转子磁阻电机的异步特性,在研究实心转子异步电机时也可参考应用。  相似文献   

采用基于时间步长有限元计算的场路耦合法,分析了实心凸极同步电动机的直接起动过程。考虑了电机的实际绕组分布、磁极形状以及起动过程中转子运动因素的影响,计算了电机起动转矩,特别是脉动转矩以及起动时间,获得了电机动态特性的变化曲线。建立了实心磁极同步电动机直接起动时的二维电磁场动态仿真数学分析模型。对一台模型电机的起动特性进行了数值仿真计算,并通过试验验证了计算结果,验证了分析方法的准确性。此法主要用于预测实心磁极同步电动机的起动特性。  相似文献   

高速开关磁阻电机电磁解析分析方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
磁化曲线计算是SRM解析计算的关键,现有的磁化曲线计算公式大多针对多极数低速SRM,不适用于高速运行的低极数SRM.本文在传统8/6极低速SRM磁化曲线的基础上,推导了4/2极高速SRM三个重要位置的磁化曲线计算公式,并与有限元结果做了对比.对额定工况下的4/2极SRM样机进行了转矩校验,指出了传统校验法的不足,提出了新的校验方法.最后,考虑电机自起动能力,优化了电机转子结构.  相似文献   

在分析笼式电动机起动时转子温升的基础上,对大容量电机起动过程转子产生的应力进行了分析计算,对起动次数与应力关系作了概括分析。  相似文献   

The scope of this research is a problem of parameters identification of a linear time-invariant plant, which (1) input signal is not frequency-rich, (2) is subjected to initial conditions and external disturbances. The memory regressor extension (MRE) scheme, in which a specially derived differential equation is used as a filter, is applied to solve the above-stated problem. Such a filter allows us to obtain a bounded regressor value, for which a condition of the initial excitation (IE) is met. Using the MRE scheme, the recursive least-squares method with the forgetting factor is used to derive an adaptation law. The following properties have been proved for the proposed approach. If the IE condition is met, then: (1) the parameter error of identification is bounded and converges to zero exponentially (if there are no external disturbances) or to a set (in the case of them) with an adjustable rate, (2) the parameters adaptation rate is a finite value. The above-mentioned properties are mathematically proved and demonstrated via simulation experiments.  相似文献   

提出一种结合莱维飞行和概率路线图法(Lévy-probabilistic roadmap, LPRM)的路径规划算法。将莱维飞行方法应用于窄道采样,障碍物中的随机点通过莱维飞行走至自由空间,并延长碰撞测试来确保采样点位于窄道内,提升狭窄区域的采样质量与效率;为避免大量无效点的生成,在采样前先对地图进行预处理,膨胀障碍并对其进行边界提取,根据边界信息计算狭窄区域采样点数量,保证了全图采样的合理分布;进一步考虑移动机器人的实际工作情况,采用分段贝塞尔曲线对路径轨迹进行优化使其符合运动学约束,提高移动机器人的机动性。仿真实验在不同环境地图下对比了LPRM、传统概率路线图(PRM)和桥测试3种算法,结果表明LPRM算法相较两者在单一窄道环境下规划效率分别提升35.1%和32.2%,在复杂环境下其规划效率分别提升32.9%和15.5%,且提前400和100个采样点达到收敛,规划效率和成功率显著提高,总体耗时更短、路径更优,能减少移动机器人本身的能耗,提高整体工作效率。  相似文献   

煤粉燃烧排放特性数值模拟   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:13  
研究燃烧污染物排放具有重要意义,数值模拟是一种有效的研究方法,该文利用数学模型,采用后处理方法,在燃烧模拟的基础上,计算了NOx在电厂锅炉炉内的分布情况,对SOx生成采用了常用的反应模型,并根据反应动力学原理,提出了SOx生成模型。在国内首次对800MW锅炉进行了计算和现场测试。其计算所得结果比较符合实际,说明所提出的模型是合理的,该研究对锅炉的设计和清洁运行具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

As a type of process plant, a refinery is characterized by the interaction of discrete events and continuous processes. To schedule crude oil operations in a refinery, it is necessary to define and schedule the jobs simultaneously such that heuristics and meta‐heuristics cannot be directly applied. It is very challenging to schedule crude oil operations. To solve this problem, it is decomposed into two subproblems hierarchically. At the upper level, a refining schedule is found, while at the lower level a detailed schedule is obtained to realize the refining schedule. Given a refining schedule at the upper level, this paper studies the detailed scheduling problem at the lower level. Based on a control‐theoretic perspective, the problem is innovatively transformed to a problem of assigning charging tanks to distillers such that meta‐heuristic methods can be applied. Then, a genetic algorithm (GA) approach is developed to solve the problem. In realizing the proposed GA, based on a set of existence conditions of a feasible schedule, methods are presented to guarantee that each chromosome corresponds to a feasible schedule. An industrial case study is used to show the application of the proposed method. It shows that the method works well and is applicable to real‐life problems. © 2016 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

带串联补偿故障限流器的仿真和实验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用短路电流限制器(FCL)快速限制短路电流是提高系统稳定性和断路器开断能力的有效方法之一。文中研究了一种具有串联补偿作用的FCL模型——由补偿电容和旁路电感并联后与限流电感串联而成。正常情况下,由电容和限流电感对线路进行串联补偿;发生故障时,根据短路电流的大小控制门极可关断晶闸管的导通角,改变投入的限流电抗,达到限流目的。用MATLAB对馈线短路的仿真及采用单片机控制方案的单相实验结果表明,该限流器限流效果良好。  相似文献   

变压器倍频感应加压的电压测量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大型电力变压器局部放电和感应耐压试验采用倍频方式加压,当其激磁电抗不能补偿绕组杂散电容时,试品转为容性负载,试验回路存在容升现象,超高压、大容量变压器的容升问题尤为突出.本文引入容升因子分析容升的严重程度.试验时通常在变压器低压侧并联电抗器以降低试验系统容量,调节并联电抗器补偿度可在一定范围内调节容升因子.若在低压回路使用外接分压器校核回路变比,拆除分压器将导致回路容升因子的变化,一定条件下会产生很大的测量误差.研究表明,通过在高压套管末屏串联标准电容而构成分压器是解决这一问题简便有效的方法.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a contactless method to measure a surge voltage waveform on an overhead transmission line and on a cable sheath enclosed in a corrosion‐proof layer. To measure surge voltage and current waveforms on the overhead line, the method is based on electromagnetic coupling between the overhead line and a surge sensor, composed of a closed loop which is a distributed parameter line. The surge waveform is estimated from the induced voltage to the closed loop and from a Z‐parameter theory. To measure the cable sheath voltage waveform, the method is based on electrostatic coupling between the sheath and a detecting electrode, which is portable and detachable, and is composed of quite simple components, and its potential dividing ratio is adjustable using a lumped capacitor. The proposed method is inexpensive, is easy to measure surge waveforms with reasonable accuracy, and also is applicable to surge measurement on a live line because of its contactless nature. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 136(1): 9–15, 2001  相似文献   

In this work, a novel adaptive control scheme that allows driving a stand‐alone variable‐speed wind turbine system to its maximum power point is presented. The scheme is based on the regulation of the optimal rotor speed point of the wind turbine. In order to compute the rotor speed reference, a model‐based extremum‐seeking algorithm is derived. The wind speed signal is necessary to calculate this reference, and a novel artificial neural network is derived to approximate this signal. The neural network does not need off‐line learning stage, because a nonlinear dynamics for the weight vector is proposed. A block‐backstepping controller is derived to stabilize and to drive the system to the optimal power point; to avoid singularities, the gradient dynamics technique is applied to this controller. Numerical simulations are carried out to show the performance of the controller and the estimator. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

火电单元机组负荷模糊内模控制及其仿真研究   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
内模控制是近十几年来发展起来的一种新型控制方法,实现内模控制的关键是模型求逆,该文提出一种基于系统T-S模糊模型的模糊内模控制方法。该方法首先利用快速辨识算法获取系统的T-S模糊模型。然后通过适当变形,把模糊模型求逆问题简单的转化为求解线性方程组,并将遗传算法应用于涉及的多个滤波器参数的寻优。该方法被用于火电单元机组负荷控制系统,仿真结果表明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

Optimal switching pattern planning is the main subject of distribution network reconfiguration to recover from a blackout or to avoid a blackout due to maintenance and construction. This is a combinatorial optimization problem, and an enumerative check of every pattern is necessary to obtain the optimal solution. In practice, successive heuristic search methods are adopted to obtain the quasi-optimal solution within a limited computation time. However, a very long computing time is still required when the problem size becomes slightly larger. The step-by-step nature of the methods results in many iterations, although it ensures satisfaction of the constraints. Reduction of the iterations is considered to be necessary to enhance processing speed. In this paper, “supply adequacy” is introduced as a new criteria index to guess the solution, which is obtained by fuzzy inference for each possible pair of source and load zone. The reconfiguration pattern is obtained at once or in a few processing steps by assigning to each zone the source with the highest adequacy. Numerical examples show that the proposed method can obtain the solution faster than the ordinary method, more remarkably with the increase of problem size.  相似文献   

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