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基于DSP控制的400Hz中频在线式不间断电源的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了基于嵌入式重复控制和比例控制的复合控制方案在400Hz中频电源中的应用。系统的核心控制芯片采用TMS320F240,并给出试验波形,表明系统具有良好的输出特性。  相似文献   

基于重复-模糊控制的逆变电源控制系统研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
提出了一种重复-模糊复合控制方案.通过改进的重复控制器逐周期地修正输出电压,以改善逆变器的稳态特性,利用模糊控制器提高逆变器的动态性能和鲁棒性,实现优势互补,使系统获得良好的稳、动态性能.该复合控制方案通过DSP实现,可以更好地满足逆变电源的控制要求,具有良好的工程应川前景.  相似文献   

主要介绍了一种基于d-q旋转坐标系下PI控制和重复控制结合的复合控制。PI控制不适用于具有周期性外激励信号的系统,及跟踪效果较差的系统;重复控制对周期性外激励信号的跟踪和抑制具有优异的控制性能。复合控制结合了PI控制和重复控制的优点,能够有效地消除系统的稳态误差、改善系统的鲁棒性并具有良好的动态电流响应。基于三相并联有源滤波器系统,着重研究了复合控制的设计方法,并进行了仿真验证,仿真结果表明了此方法的有效性和优异性。  相似文献   

设计了一种新型的基于PI双闭环控制和重复控制的复合控制方案,并成功应用到300kVA UPS逆变系统之中.该复合控制方案克服了带有负载电流前馈的PI双闭环控制方案中整流性负载时输出电压质量不高的缺点,也解决了嵌入式重复控制方案应用在UPS逆变系统中对逆变器谐振峰值不可控的问题.实验结果表明、所设计的复合控制方案提高了UPS带整流性负载时的输出电压质量,可以将谐波畸变率(THD)控制在3%以内.  相似文献   

分析了组合式三相逆变电源在三相abc坐标系和同步旋转dq坐标系下的数学模型,根据三相输出电压在dq坐标系下的特点,提出将瞬时PI控制和重复控制相结合的复合控制方案,利用重复控制器抑制稳态谐波畸变,利用PI控制器提高系统的动态响应速度,抑制基波扰动。该复合控制方案通过一台450kVA三相大功率逆变电源试验验证,相关试验结果表明该方案可以得到优良的稳态和动态控制性能。  相似文献   

基于复合控制的中频逆变电源研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对中频逆变电源的特殊应用领域和对其较高的性能要求,提出了一种基于重复控制和PI控制的复合控制策略,并建立了中频逆变电源的数学模型,详细分析了重复控制系统的原理和结构,重点阐述了重复控制系统中的重复控制发生器和补偿器的设计方法,最后建立了该复合控制的系统框图。该方案利用重复控制来提高系统的稳态性能和谐波抑制能力,而PI控制则用于改善系统的动态特性。基于该复合控制策略,采用仿真软件Matlab7.0建立了中频逆变电源的仿真模型,仿真实验结果表明,该方案能够使中频逆变电源在额定阻性负载、突加和突减阻性负载时均能获得良好的稳态和动态性能,即使在带非线性负载时也能获得比较理想的输出波形。  相似文献   

单相不间断电源输出电压的重复+PD复合控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高不问断电源(UPS)输出电压的波形质量,根据PID摔制的快速响应性和重复控制的无静态误差跟踪特性,提出了一种单相UPS输出电压的重复+PD复合控制方案,并给出了控制系统的稳定性条件.改进型重复控制器只需检测UPS输出电压,结构简单,易于编程实现.试制了 10 kVA单相UPS样机,试验结果表明:存线性或非线性负载情况下,系统都具有良好的稳念和动态特性,输出电压总谐波畸变较小.  相似文献   

设计了一种改进型重复控制器结合PI双闭环的复合控制方案,并成功应用到80kVA三相EPS逆变系统中。对传统重复内模作了改进,改进后的重复控制器简化了补偿器的设计,并提高了系统谐波抑制能力。在此基础上加入双闭环控制器以改善逆变器的高谐振峰值,提高动态响应速度。实验结果表明,所设计的复合控制方案有效降低了EPS带整流性负载时输出电压的谐波畸变率(THD),同时具有良好的动态特性。  相似文献   

基于PID和重复控制的UPS逆变器的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据重复控制的无静态误差跟踪性和PID控制的快速响应特性,提出了UPS逆变器输出电压的重复与PID复合控制策略.重复控制可以减小周期性扰动产生的畸变,提高了系统的稳态性能;PID控制可以减小当系统受到较大的扰动时出现的超调和振荡,改善了系统的动态性能.实验结果表明,这种复合控制使系统得到了良好的动态和稳态特性,提高了逆...  相似文献   

针对电动钻机动力系统非线性负载产生的谐波.分析了谐波对钻机井场电网的影响及其危害,提出了混合型有源电力滤波器(HAPF)方案,介绍了该系统的滤波原理、控制方法及对HAPF采用的复合控制策略.试验结果表明:HAPF对井场电网的谐波和无功具有较好的补偿效果,可有效提高井场电网功率因数,减少谐波电流,改善输出电流波形,且系统...  相似文献   

电压型逆变电源输出电压IMC-PID控制技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种带PD输出电压瞬时值反馈内环的内模控制(internal model control, IMC)-PID电压型逆变电源控制方案:PD瞬时值反馈内环提高系统的动态性能,IMC-PID外环保证系统的稳态性能。给出了详细的基于极点配置的内环PD控制器和外环IMC-PID控制器设计步骤和方法。该方案只需检测输出电压,控制器结构简单,分析设计容易。仿真和实验结果表明该控制系统不仅具有优良的动、稳态性能,而且有很强的鲁棒性。相对电压、电流双环控制方案而言,该文提出的方案控制器结构和分析更加简单,成本更低,鲁棒性更强。  相似文献   

A coupled-reactor-commutating sinusoidal-wave current-source inverter is described. The inverter consists of two coupled-reactor-commutating inverters. By superposing the output currents of these two inverters, output currents of a 180° conducting angle are formed, and are controlled in order to achieve a sinusoidal waveform. The operation and the control scheme of the inverter are described, and experimental results are presented. Compared with the usual PWM voltage-source inverters, the on-off frequency of each chopper may be decreased almost to one tenth of that of the PWM inverter.  相似文献   

400Hz中频单相电压源逆变器的输出控制及其并联运行控制   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
中频电源由于其较高的输出频率,要想得到较好的输出电压波形和较大的输出功率,则比工频逆变器的控制更加困难。针对400Hz中频逆变器的特点,给出了一种带幅值环的双闭环单相逆变器控制策略,得到了很好输出波形。并提出了一种介于有线和无线并联控制方法之间的共享同步信号的外特性下垂控制方法,以及用于消除直流环流的直流偏置电压下垂方法,将上述方法应用于中频逆变电源的并联运行控制,取得了很好的均流效果。介绍了该方案的理论依据,并搭建了两台1.5kW的实验样机,实验结果证明了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

A voltage-source inverter without dc-link components is an ac-to-ac converter having dual bridges of a pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) rectifier and a PWM inverter that can be controlled independently. While conventional matrix converters have disadvantages, such as a complicated commutation scheme and necessity of a large-sized clamp circuit, commutation, and protection of our inverter can be implemented easily. In order to control the PWM rectifier and the PWM inverter independently, snubber circuits for the PWM rectifier are required to assure the path of load current during dead time. In this paper, analytical method of a snubber circuit and operating characteristics of a snubber circuit are described when a 0.75-kW induction motor is driven by our inverter.  相似文献   

针对单相电压型逆变器固有的输出电压幅值和相位落后于给定的问题,采用了一种多环反馈加前向通道前馈补偿的控制方案,该方案使逆变器在空载和负载下,其输出电压的幅值和相位均能完全跟踪正弦给定,同时使系统具有优异的稳压特性、动态特性和对非线性负载的适应性.介绍了该方案的理论依据,并搭建了一台2kVA的实验样机.实验结果证明了该方案的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a synchronous frame current control scheme for micro-stepping a two-phase linear stepping motor drive using a three-phase voltage-source inverter. Because of the wide operating frequency, the frequency-dependent voltages are decoupled from the controller to reduce the current-following errors and preserve the dynamic characteristics as the frequency varies. A motor cogging force compensation scheme performed in the synchronous frame is proposed to reduce the positioning error and velocity ripple caused by the cogging force. A space-vector pulse width modulation scheme is used for motor voltage modulation. This scheme is based on the harmonic injection principle originally derived for three-phase motor drives. Good static and dynamic performance is obtained in the experimental verifications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a prototype hardware implementation of a continually online trained artificial neural network (ANN) to adaptively identify the electrical dynamics of an induction machine and control its stator currents from a pulsewidth modulated voltage-source inverter. A single-transputer-based hardware platform is described, and the effects of computational speed limitations on the controller bandwidth are discussed. Captured results are compared with simulation results to practically verify the success of the adaptive neural network identification and control scheme  相似文献   

研究了一种用于直驱式风力发电系统的并网控制策略,建立了三相电压型PWM逆变器在三相静止坐标系和两相旋转坐标系下的数学模型,研究了其前馈解耦控制策略。在此基础上结合空间矢量调制(SVPWM)的算法,设计了三相电压型PWM逆变器控制系统,并在Matlab的Simulink中进行了系统仿真。仿真结果表明,设计方法可行,仿真模型正确。  相似文献   

A high-performance reactive-power compensator is presented and analyzed. The VAR compensator consists of a three-phase current-regulated pulse width modulated voltage-source inverter connected to a self-controlled DC bus. Reactive-power compensation is achieved by forcing the inverter output current to follow a reactive sinusoidal reference waveform at a constant switching frequency. The main advantages of this scheme are that it reduces the stresses on the switching devices (as compared with other current regulated techniques), and it has a fast response time, which allows almost instantaneous reactive current control, and low harmonic distortion in the line currents. In particular, the authors discuss the proposed scheme in terms of principles of operation, power and control system design, and the analysis under transient operating conditions. Simulated results obtained with the Spice simulating package for steady-state and transient operating conditions are presented and validated on an experimental unit  相似文献   

This paper presents the control and performance of a pulse-density-modulated (PDM) series-resonant voltage-source inverter developed for corona discharge processes. The PDM inverter produces either a square-wave AC-voltage state or a zero-voltage state at its AC terminals to control the average output voltage under constant DC voltage and operating frequency. This results in a wide range of power control from 0.5% to 100%, even in the corona discharge load with a strong nonlinear characteristic. A 30 kHz 6 kW surface treatment system consisting of a voltage-source PDM inverter, a step-up transformer, and a corona discharge treater shows the establishment of a stable corona discharge in an extremely wide range of power control and, therefore, succeeds in performing both strong and weak surface treatment processes for film  相似文献   

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