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四氯化硅在西门子法多晶硅生产流程内部的循环利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者之一曾在1982年发表《SiCl4氢化反应的探索》的热力学分析的文章,结合近期国内多晶硅产业蓬勃发展的新形势和对西门子法工艺主要副产物SiCl4有效利用的迫切需要,本文试图探索四氯化硅在西门子法多晶硅生产流程中循环利用的可能途径。  相似文献   

<正>在多晶硅的生产工艺中,冶金法正在试图用自己的低耗能和低成本撼动改良西门子法"行业大佬"的地位。随着技术的不断进步和成熟,冶金法逐步替代改良西门子法成为光伏发电主要原料的日子,已经为时不远。在"2010冶金法太阳能多晶硅制备技术国际研讨会"  相似文献   

在多晶硅的生产工艺中,冶金法正在试图用自己的低耗能和低成本撼动改良西门子法“行业大佬”的地位。随着技术的不断进步和成熟,冶金法逐步替代改良西门子法成为光伏发电主要原料的日子,已经为时不远。  相似文献   

目前,国际上多晶硅的生产,工艺大多采用改良西门子法,其关键设备为还原炉:本文介绍了国内常用的12对多晶硅棒还原炉之国产主要电器设备,并根据多晶硅生产的流程和工艺,说明选择这些电器设备参数的原则和依据,着重介绍了生产电子级多晶硅用的高压启动方式,以及可控硅调功器“拼波”的原理.  相似文献   

基于改良西门子法多晶硅生产方式,设计了一套集启动装置和还原装置一体化的多晶硅还原炉电气系统,并实现远程集中控制,采用了基于电流和温度反馈两种控制变量设计控制算法,实现了在不同温度条件下电气控制系统实时自适应调节。  相似文献   

氢化炉是西门子法生产多晶硅企业的重要设备,它可将还原炉尾气中的有毒有害物四氯化硅转化为多晶硅生产的原料三氯氢硅。本文介绍了氢化炉的主要电器设备,并根据氢化生产的流程和工艺,说明选择这些电器设备参数的原则和依据。  相似文献   

多晶硅太阳电池由于晶向不一致,存在反射率较高的问题,因此,降低多晶硅太阳电池的反射率成为提高多晶硅太阳电池性能的最有效手段之一。利用硝酸银溶液作为腐蚀液,对多晶硅的表面进行处理,使得多晶硅片表面的反射率在可见光波段降低到5%左右,同时探索了利用氮化硅作为保护层,避免腐蚀液对多晶硅片背面造成损伤的方法。最后,对利用此方法制备多晶硅绒面存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了下一步的改进方案。  相似文献   

谭兵  罗阳 《电工技术》2021,(2):110-111
改良西门子法多晶硅还原生产是一个连续过程,接地已是导致还原生产过程中断的主要因素.针对各种因素的接地问题,提出一种新型计算控制方法,即借助还原炉自有电源作为检测驱动源,对还原炉的硅粉沉积、还原炉绝缘损坏接地、负载相间短路精准分辨,提高了每批次还原生产的成功率.  相似文献   

雷士携手GE破局奥运;正泰集团将投资西班牙建太阳能发电厂;家乐福携手施耐德电气共同打造节能超市;特变电工拟在新疆投资多晶硅材料项目;西门子为南非公司自动化装备进行现代化改造。  相似文献   

近日,全球首届冶金法多晶硅制备技术国际研讨会在宁夏银川举行。来自世界各地的专家与企业家共商冶金法太阳能多晶硅的发展大计。、随着近年来光伏产业的迅速发展,降低光伏系统的成本与缩短能量回收期成为了行业热点,降低多晶硅生产环节成本是研讨会的重中之重.冶金法凭借低成本和低能耗等优势脱颖而出。光伏市场成就了冶金法,冶金法多晶硅盛行于近一两年。上海普罗新能源有限公司总裁史珺介绍,  相似文献   

利用金属辅助化学刻蚀及碱修饰方法在多晶硅上制备了硅纳米孔结构,比较了硅纳米孔结构和酸制绒常规多晶硅硅片在反射、内量子效率、磷浓度分布以及电池性能等方面的情况。研究表明,硅纳米孔结构多晶硅太阳能电池开压为0.6261V,短路电流为8.683A,填充因子为79.06%,效率为17.66%,比酸制绒常规电池片高出0.23%。  相似文献   

The silicon chip has been the mainstay of the electronics industry for the last 40 years and has revolutionized the way the world operates. Today, a silicon chip the size of a fingernail contains nearly 1 billion transistors and has the computing power that only a decade ago would take up an entire room of servers. As the relentless pursuit of Moore's law continues, and Internet-based communication continues to grow, the bandwidth demands needed to feed these devices will continue to increase and push the limits of copper-based signaling technologies. These signaling limitations will necessitate optical-based solutions. However, any optical solution must be based on low-cost technologies if it is to be applied to the mass market. Silicon photonics, mainly based on SOI technology, has recently attracted a great deal of attention. Recent advances and breakthroughs in silicon photonic device performance have shown that silicon can be considered a material onto which one can build optical devices. While significant efforts are needed to improve device performance and commercialize these technologies, progress is moving at a rapid rate. More research in the area of integration, both photonic and electronic, is needed. The future is looking bright. Silicon photonics could provide low-cost opto-electronic solutions for applications ranging from telecommunications down to chip-to-chip interconnects, as well as emerging areas such as optical sensing technology and biomedical applications. The ability to utilize existing CMOS infrastructure and manufacture these silicon photonic devices in the same facilities that today produce electronics could enable low-cost optical devices, and in the future, revolutionize optical communications.  相似文献   

The silicon evanescent device platform provides electrically pumped active device functionality on a low-loss silicon-on-insulator waveguide platform. We present here recent research in the area of single-wavelength silicon evanescent lasers that utilize distributed feedback, distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), and sampled grating (SG) DBR laser topographies.   相似文献   

张玉明  张义门 《电源学报》2003,1(1):257-261
碳化硅材料具有优越的电性能,如高的击穿电场,高的电子饱和速度,大的热导率使其在功率器件方面具有很大的潜力,近年来引起人们的高度关注。 本文将从材料特性,器件工艺和特性,以及国内发展情况几个方面介绍碳化硅功率器件的现状。  相似文献   

对硅钢材料进行对比分析,可知低牌号冷轧硅钢带可以取代中牌号热轧硅钢片。通过制造样机和进行型式试验验证其电机性能,该取代是可行的,它不仅能保证电机性能而且为自动化生产提供了条件。  相似文献   

任芳萍 《机电元件》2004,24(2):22-23
文章通过实验过程的阐述,将用比色法测定硅钢中的硅时所用每种试剂的用量、酸度、温度控制。分别予以分析,最后确定出测定合金钢中硅含量的详细工艺过程。  相似文献   

The behavior of ten types of silicon rectifiers under transient voltages was studied experimentally. The steady-state peak reverse voltage (PRV) ratings of these rectifiers were from 300-1200 V, and the half-cycle average current ratings were from 25-300 A. The study shows that, at least for the samples tested, the transient-voltage withstand capability of a silicon rectifier does not have any correlation with its PRV rating. A silicon rectifier may be damaged by a transient voltage lower than its PRV rating while it is carrying current in the forward direction. The transient-voltage withstand capability can also be widely divergent for different types of rectifiers of the same PRV rating. It is proposed that the transient-voltage withstand capability of each type of silicon rectifier should be specified along with its steady-state PRV rating.  相似文献   

The polycrystalline -SiC fiber of diameter 14 m (without a carbon core) is piezoresistive under tension, with gage factor 5. The resistivity increases linearly and reversibly with strain in the elastic regime. The fiber of diameter 140 m (with a carbon core) is not piezoresistive, due to the carbon core controlling the electrical resistance.  相似文献   

如果2008年国内硅钢片出厂价再提高或人民币继续升值等各种原因。2008年“进口增加,出口减少”还会加剧。当达到某一数量点将会对国内硅钢供求关系产生影响力,有可能对国内硅钢市场产生“冲击”。  相似文献   

本文就采用国产原材料制造硅橡胶自粘带进行了深入研究,文中讨论了硅橡胶分子量、增粘剂和硫化条件诸因素对带材性能的影响.具有硅氧硼键的低分子增粘剂为硅橡胶提供了表层粘流性,使界面真实接触面积增加,利于界面间分子链的扩散和相互缠结;同时硅氧硼键中硼键断裂形成不对称孤对电子提供了极性,从而为硅橡胶提供了自粘性.  相似文献   

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