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在以前的刊物中,我们曾经不止一次的介绍过海尔品牌的台式电脑产品,也曾经不厌其烦的提到其在设计中融汇了诸多自家家电品牌产品的特点。事实上,这也恰是厂商比较聪明的一面,因为这样做的好处在于既避免了和传统IT厂商的正面竞争,又放大了自身的品牌优势,可谓一举双得。下文将要为读者介绍的这款海尔新极光E5就是这样一款为家庭用户量身打造的台式电脑,无论从  相似文献   

在接地网的分层模型基础上,分析了已有文献提出的完全基于规则的接地网支路可测性判断方法的局限性,指出仅仅采用规则不能确保各种情况下支路的可测性都得到正确判断.建议了一种数值方法,克服了已有规则的局限性,在此基础上,建立了一种规则和数值方法相结合的可测性分析迭代流程.以一个60支路的实验接地网为例进行了验证,结果表明提出的方法是正确的和可行的.  相似文献   

郭振岩 《变压器》2005,42(8):3-4
2005年夏天,花繁叶茂,STI迎来了45华诞. 45年,弹指一挥间,STI已由一株幼苗长成为一棵参天大树.为了STI的今天,我国德高望重的著名变压器专家汤明奇、周茂培、王文铮、周仲民、史习禁、朱英浩、于海年、贺以燕、陈道辉、张文相、李文海等白发染鬓的老一辈奉献了他们的一生心血,任重道远的中年人奉献了他们的青春年华,意气风发年轻人正在将他们的满腔热血奉献给一代又一代STI人开创的变压器事业.  相似文献   

随着我国核电建设高潮的到来,越来越多的核级设备制造将实现国产化,目前,2个主要的核电技术标准RCCM和ASME也正得到或将得到广泛的应用.通过对这2个标准在核2、3级承压设备制造过程中的要求和成型工艺评定方面的比较,列出了2个标准要求的侧重点和按2个标准实施成型工艺评定的不同之处,以期给读者有益的启迪及参考.  相似文献   

中国近代的图书馆是在西方图书馆的思想基础上和中国古代藏书楼保留藏书的物质基础上萌生和发展起来的.现在的图书馆,既是对古代藏书楼和近代图书馆的肯定和继承,也是对古代藏书楼与近代图书馆的否定和发展.记忆并回顾图书馆的发展史,就是要正确地认识图书馆在人类历史上的作用,并了解不同时期的图书馆发展的内涵实质和图书馆各个时期的对外所彰显的职能,以及功能的异同.  相似文献   

酷流 《家用电器》2007,(9):38-39
一直以来,等离子电视与液晶电视的纷争几乎从未停息过,从最初的分辨率高低对比,响应时间和屏幕拖影问题到现在的色彩画质效果、健康护眼等方面的新说法,两大平板主流极尽所能地宣传各自的优势特点。但是,随着今年以来液晶面板产能的增加,大屏幕特别是40英寸以上的高清液晶电视的价格如雪崩般降下了很多,不少品牌的产品纷纷降到了万元以内,对消费者产生了极大吸引力;而相比之下,几乎能够兼容高清信号的等离子都在万元以上,等离子电视在大屏幕领域的优势越发被削弱了。日立P42E101C等离子电视的推出无疑为现在的等离子阵营注入了一针强心剂,它一方面继承了等离子电视优异的画质显示性能,更可贵的是不到9000元人民币的价格,令这款产品成为了众多平板电视中的高性价比之选。  相似文献   

纵观现在的手机市场,目前流行的总是一些大屏幕、全键盘而且都略偏向商务人士的机型,可对那些手掌纤细,爱好时尚的女性朋友来说,尺寸适中加之靓丽的配色才是她们的最爱。本期我们要向读者介绍一款一  相似文献   

简要概述了当代我国配电网电能质量监控的总体情况.从电能质量的监测谈起,把注意力集中到电能的五大指标上面.引入目前国内外比较常用的分析方法,分析通过监测环节采集到的各项指标的相关数据,评估电能质量的好坏.最后对可能影响电能质量的因素提出限制措施,研究改善和提高电能质量的方法.  相似文献   

在信息化日益发展的今天,人们正在利用先进的自动化科技把工人、农民改造成为知识分子,把人类从繁重的体力与部分脑力劳动中解放出来。物质生产绝大部分转交给自动装置来完成,人类自身主要从事知识生产、科技创造。中国正成为全球经济一个重要的增长引擎,特别是制造业为全球提供了大量的物质财富。但与发达国家相比,我国生产效率不高,能源和信息的利用水平需要进行实质性的改进,利用先进的信息技术改造和提升传统产业。今天自动化产业充分发挥了信息技术与工业技术之间的桥梁作用,成为联结工业化与信息化的纽带。党的十六大提出“以信息化带…  相似文献   

明明是好的天气,却突然刮起了《东南西北风》,下起了《三月里的小雨》。《窗外》,《风》不停地吹,《小雨》一直下,我的心也随《风》飘摇!《蒙蒙细雨忆当年》,方知这是多么残忍的《梦醒时分》……看着这段用歌名串起的文字,耳边渐渐回响起卓依婷唱过的那些熟悉的旋律,对于70-80年代生人,她依旧是大家青春记忆的一部分。卓依婷自幼聪明好学,3岁拜师学歌,5岁登台即红遍东南亚,拥有无数歌迷。对于她的歌,大家还是那么熟悉,而对于她的人,似乎却多了一种神秘。近期,秘密练兵多年的卓依婷为我们带来了她的2011全新原创同名专辑《卓依婷》,本次专辑的所有歌曲均属于原创作品,而且卓依婷亲自操刀参与了整张专辑的创作,颠覆了之前以欢庆、小调为主的风格。  相似文献   

新型制冷剂研究及应用冰箱压缩机的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决R12的主流替代工质R134a作为冰箱制冷剂时存在的问题,提出给R134a系统加入R600a组成混合工质R134a/R600a的方案,提供物性和热力性能比较结果,证明R134a/R600a作为冰箱制冷剂比R134a和R600a更具有优势,并提出了采用新型制冷剂的冰箱压缩机的改进方案.R134a/R600a的性能试验结果证明其与矿物油的互溶性良好,成功的解决了R134a系统由于更换润滑油而产生的一系列问题.  相似文献   

Charging up a dielectric surface through corona discharge from a thin wire has been a common practice in electrophotographic processes. One of the widely used corona charging devices is called a corotron, which consists of a coronating wire enclosed in a rectangular shield with one constituent side being the surface to be charged. Uniform surface charge can be deposited on a dielectric substrate, such as a photoreceptor in the absence of light, by moving the substrate at a constant velocity through a stationary corotron that consistently emits corona current. To design an efficient corotron for charging dielectric substrates, a fundamental understanding of the electrostatic nature of the device is desired. In this paper, the steady-state behavior of corona charging with a corotron over a moving dielectric substrate is analyzed by computationally solving the nonlinearly coupled equation system with Galerkin finite-element method and Newton iterations. The predictions based on a first-principle model are shown to agree well with experimental measurements  相似文献   

Hilgers  M.G. 《Potentials, IEEE》2000,19(5):8-10
The author discusses his involvement in developing computational finance software. These computational finance models attempt to model the randomness of a stock's price. At a fixed future time, a stock's price is modeled as a random variable with a normal distribution centered about the current price adjusted with a simple growth multiplier. The standard deviation of this normal distribution depends on the length of time into the future one peers and the volatility of the market. As the market becomes more volatile and we look further ahead, the less likely the stock will have a price near the adjusted current price. Implementing these ideas requires a tool borrowed from physics called the Brownian motion. In a sense, a stock's price is modeled as a point fluctuating about in "dollar space". Hence a financial modeler can no more predict what price a stock will have at a given instance in time than a physicist can predict where a particular air molecule might be.  相似文献   

In a teleoperation system, providing force information to a human operator can improve task performance. When a communication block between a master and a slave has a transmission delay, the system is easily destabilized. Anderson and Spong guaranteed passivity in the communication block by using scattering transformation and overcame this instability caused by the time delay. But this method can be applied to the communication block with a constant time delay. In a traditional teleoperation system, its communication block has a constant time delay. But time delay irregularly changes in a computer network because many users share telecommunication lines. This paper shows that the variable time delay destabilizes bilateral master-slave manipulator with scattering transformation and a new compensation method which keeps the time delay constant. This new compensation method has been implemented in a single-axis master-slave manipulator.  相似文献   

Faulty Analysis     
A way to encourage a student to examine critically what he is reading is to give him a system analysis which contains some fault which leads to a false conclusion. The fault should be rather subtle and can be either a logical error or a bad assumption. Three examples are presented: (1) The magnetic rectifier, a coil which produces a dc component in the current when an ac voltage is applied. (2) The signal-to-noise ratio amplifier, a circuit for a communication receiver which improves the signal-to-noise ratio by 3 db. (3) A single-phase-to-three-phase converter, a device which produces a three-phase output with a single-phase input voltage.  相似文献   

A lay person may listen puzzled as a specialist in a public hearing discusses a technical point. Similarly, a challenging question from a technically knowledgeable member of the audience may be difficult to fathom. Failure to understand what a speaker discusses-despite one's interest in a topic-can cause frustration, anger and despair. It makes a listener wonder why they are there trying to engage, and why technical specialists persist in such a style of presentation. Breakdowns in communication between technical and nontechnical people are linked to the concept of “expert”. This link involves the process of the “negotiation of expert status”; this refers to the social construction of the role of the “expert” by the participants in a conversation. The term “negotiation” refers to the sometimes subtle and sometimes overtly contentious nature of a debate about who deserves to be listened to as a voice of authority on a particular topic  相似文献   

The increase in electric stress due to a surface protrusion at the interface between a semiconductive shield and a polymer insulation layer in power cables can lead to localized electron injection into the polymer insulation and result in undesired material degradation. This paper reports the analyses of electric stress enhancement of surface protrusions in several commonly encountered medium- and high-voltage power cable configurations. First, a brief review of the electric stress enhancement theories is presented. Then evaluations using these theories for various power cable configurations are made, and it is shown that theories considering a hyperboloidal protrusion will exhibit more realistic stress enhancement results than the cases based on a spheroidal protrusion. Further examination reveals that, besides the sharpness of a protrusion, thickness of the insulation medium also plays a governing role in the stress enhancement at the interfaces between different dielectric media. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, it is a surprise to observe that a thicker insulation can actually cause higher stress enhancement at a protrusion tip, under a given applied voltage. Because of this, a flatter surface protrusion at a higher voltage setting, which usually has thicker insulation, can result in earlier degradation than a sharper protrusion at a lower voltage, even though sharper extrusions are expected to have higher stress enhancement. As a result, thicker insulation may not always be advantageous in the power cable design for higher voltage applications.  相似文献   

This paper reports a microendoscopic confocal imaging probe based on a large-vertical-displacement (LVD) microlens scanner. Photoresist reflow technique is used to form a microlens on a lens holder that is integrated with a LVD microactuator. With a footprint of 3 mmtimes2 mm, the LVD microlens scanner can vertically displace the integrated polymer microlens by 0.7 mm at a dc voltage of 23 V. The LVD microlens chip is directly packaged into a 5-mm-diameter imaging probe. The architecture of the imaging probe is very simple and is just composed of this microlens, a GRIN rod lens (Oslash1.8 mm), a metal mold, and a cover  相似文献   

Terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have been used together with a monolithic planar Schottky diode receiver to study the heterodyne mixing between dual internal modes of a QCL and between a single mode of a QCL and a known molecular line from a molecular gas laser. Dual-mode mixing shows that the intrinsic linewidth of a free-running QCL is les30 kHz . Mixing against a molecular laser line gives a high precision measurement of a QCL's absolute frequency and can show transient turn-on behavior in a pulsed QCL.  相似文献   

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