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Today fossil fuels(coal,petroleum and natural gas) meet about 80 percent of our worldwide energy requirements.The demand for energy is growing with time for two reasons:(1) the growing population,and(2) the increasing demand for energy by the developing countries(especially China and India with very large populations).  相似文献   

A sensitivity analysis indicates that the variables that most influence the payback period on purchases of battery electric vehicles are gasoline prices and financial incentives granted in the form of an exemption from the annual tax payment. Currently, the arithmetic mean value of the payback period for the purchase of BEVs is 24.23 years in 27 analyzed state capitals, suggesting broad-based adoption remains years away.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new robust FIR equalizer for discrete time systems subject to parameter uncertainties in the matrices of the system state-space model from an H perspective. The uncertain parameters are supposed to belong to a given convex bounded polyhedral domain. The discrete algebraic Riccati inequality (DARI) and linear matrix inequality (LMI) provide an extremely superior methodology in the H control fields. By the H and robust methods in conjunction with the bounded real lemma, the robust FIR equalizer design is transformed into a standard LMI optimization problem. An example is given to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for electrical energy, the depletion of fossil fuel based resources and environmental constraints have made it mandatory for the efficient use of electrical energy, energy saving applications and implementing an energy management program. In this paper, a user-friendly tool for tracking and analyzing the electric bills, suggesting the best electricity tariff, controlling the active and reactive power rates, increasing energy efficiency, allowing the consumer to compare the alternatives and avoiding any penalties is presented step by step. The proposed energy saving tool will also help the electrical and more particularly power engineers and consumers in industrial sector to reduce electricity consumption while maintaining the quality of service. The developed tool is applied and tested to determine the optimal design of electrical power system in a university hospital. Test results reveal the performance of the developed tool for an optimization of commercial and industrial plants under different scenarios of power consumption and load demand. The program is written in the Delphi programming environment XE3 to provide enhanced flexibility and runs on Windows.  相似文献   

Discussions about the future decentralized electricity market include concepts such as transactive energy, energy hub, transmission & distribution coordination, and distributional market pricing. As the advent of the smart grid approaches, the design of a realizable market paradigm that can integrate the wholesale market with the retail market and individualized customers calls for solution. This article provides a summary of the insights achieved to date into the transmission/distribution/customer hierarchy, with a focus on the relation between transactive energy and distribution marginal pricing; it also addresses the ongoing challenges and provides suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

More and more renewable energy generations are being connected to power system, such as wind power, solar power, together with the load forecasting deviation, so there is a growing need to study impacts of multiple different uncertainties on system. It is important that operators understand how these stochastic characteristics of uncertainties affect the stable operation of power system. In this paper, the combinations of uncertainties that are power fluctuation due to forecasting deviation of wind speed, solar radiation and load. Framework is established including joint probabilistic models of several uncertainties and the risk models of load shed under two different scenarios. An economic dispatch model considering unit commitment is proposed to minimize the generation cost and operational cost and starting-up cost of conventional power units, combined heat and power (CHP) units and heat-only units. However, high/low risk of load shed does not represent large/small of load loss in fact, thus the load loss is defined as multiplying of load shed risk and load loss amount, which is described by methodology of α-superquantile. Effectiveness of proposed model is examined by case studies and the numerical results are presented.  相似文献   

On June 19 this year, the regulatory information release on the construction cost of power projects in the 10th Five-Year Plan period, sponsored by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission of China (SERC) and co-sponsored by China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation and China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group Corporation, was held in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province.According to the report on construction cost of the power projects having been put into operation during implementation of the 10th Five-Year Plan, the specific  相似文献   

Current electricity distribution systems allow prosumers to sell their surplus electricity back to the Distributed Network Operator (DNO). The export tariffs at which these sell-backs take place are considerably lower than the feed-in tariffs, offering little incentive to prosumers to sell their surplus energy. A peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity market where consumers and prosumers can interact by selling and buying energy between them at a premium rate that is lower than the standard feed-in tariffs but higher than the export tariffs is proposed. Such a system was modelled to process transactions every 20 s, and a simulation tool was created to obtain the total daily money flows between a consumer-prosumer pair. The inclusion of a Distributed Storage System (DSS) is also considered in the modelled system and simulation. The simulation results showed that the inclusion of a DSS is always beneficial for all parties in economic terms: consumers could save up to 6.4 % on the cost of their electricity while prosumers could save up to 49.1 %. A DSS could generate an income flow for the DNO of up to 6.9p/day per each consumer-prosumer pair.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel method to quantifying the affordability of electricity from the perspective of commercial and industrial establishments. While there is a prolific amount of literature on the quantification of electricity affordability from a household’s perspective, there has been no known attempt to quantify affordability from the perspective of the firm. This paper addresses this gap in the literature by proposing a methodology for quantifying electricity affordability that is aligned with the definition of affordability as laid out in the grid modernization literature and is also derived from the principles of profit maximization of a firm. A demonstration of the effectiveness of this methodology was carried out by its application to publicly available data sets covering different sectors and to firms within those sectors. This simple, yet effective tool will allow policy makers to identify disadvantaged sectors (by city and state) and design policy more effectively so as to benefit them.  相似文献   

Puerto Rico’s electric system transformation depends on the execution of the current energy policy. However, key documents, such as the PREPA Fiscal Plan, do not detail how these transformations are going to be financed, and no analysis is provided for expected economic impacts that should arise from increasing electricity tariff rates to electricity consumers. This paper analyzes the three main documents developed as part of the planning for the Puerto Rico electric system transformation and reconstruction, including potential flaws and its effect on the electric utility. It also links to further studies and analyses developed toward the effect of such plans on Puerto Rico’s economy and on the electric utility.  相似文献   

Electric utilities in the United States often charge industrial users not only for energy, but also for peak power demand, in the form of demand charges that vary substantially across utilities. Cost analyses focused on benchmarking rarely consider the effects of demand charges on overall costs. This analysis uses an illustrative case study to demonstrate the relevance of demand charges for industrial sector cost estimates, in the context of ongoing decarbonization.  相似文献   

With the enactment in 2013 of a renewable energy scheme by contracting qualified power generation facilities working on renewable energy sources (RES), the process of construction and connection of such facilities to the Federal Grid Company has intensified in Russia. In 2013–2015, 93 projects of solar, wind, and small hydropower energy were selected on the basis of competitive bidding in the country with the purpose of subsequent support. Despite some technical and organizational problems and a time delay of some RES projects, in 2014–2015 five solar generating facilities with total capacity of 50 MW were commissioned, including 30 MW in Orenburg oblast. However, the proportion of successful projects is low and amounts to approximately 30% of the total number of announced projects. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the experience of implementation of renewable energy projects that passed through a competitive selection and gained the right to get a partial compensation for the construction and commissioning costs of RES generating facilities in the electric power wholesale market zone. The informational background for the study is corporate reports of project promoters, analytical and information materials of the Association NP Market Council, and legal documents for the development of renewable energy. The methodological base of the study is a theory of learning curves that assumes that cost savings in the production of high-tech products depends on the production growth rate (economy of scale) and gaining manufacturing experience (learning by doing). The study has identified factors that have a positive and a negative impact on the implementation of RES projects. Improvement of promotion measures in the renewable energy development in Russia corresponding to the current socio-economic situation is proposed.  相似文献   

On June 16,2005, the board of directors of the World Bank (WB) authorized a loan of US$87.00 million so as to assist China in developing renewable energy projects. At the same time, the Global Environment Foundation is also planning to  相似文献   

This paper proposes a practical formulation for the non-convex economic dispatch problem to consider multi-fuel options, ramp rate limits, valve loading effect, prohibited operating zones and spinning reserve. A new optimization algorithm based on the θ-bat algorithm (θ-BA) is suggested to solve the problem. The θ-BA converts the Cartesian search space into the polar coordinates such that more search ability would be achieved. According to the complex, nonlinear, and constrained nature of the problem, a new self-adaptive modification method is proposed. The proposed modified θ-BA (θ-MBA) is constructed based on the roulette wheel mechanism to effectively increase the convergence of the algorithm. The high ability and satisfying performance of the proposed optimization method is examined on IEEE 15-unit, 40-unit and 100-unit test systems.  相似文献   

Non-renewable fuel sources have been the predominant energy sources and a significant source of foreign exchange income for Nigeria, while at the same time there is a severe problem of electricity inconsistency and persistent power blackouts in Nigeria. The research aims to end the concern for deficient energy use, and to encourage energy efficiency and sustainability. Nigeria has not maximized the advantages of renewable energy after the denationalisation of its electricity industry despite the current transformation in the power industry and the rising demand for renewable energy supply. The research adopts a doctrinal legal approach with a library-based legal research technique with a comparative legal method. It reveals that the absence of a comprehensible legal regime with encouragement for the use of renewable energy is the fundamental element causing the slow utilization of renewable energy as a substitute source of energy in Nigeria. It is suggested that, among other reforms, there is a need for a comprehensible legal regime on renewable energy and the encouragement of strict implementation of energy regulatory strategies and policies with incentives for the application of renewable energy sources in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Although there were influencing factors, for example, gradual dropping of power coal quality, the power industry still got good results in energy conservation and consumption reduction in 2005. Net coal consumption of nationwide 6-MW and above generating units averaged 374 g/kWh, 2g/kWh decreased as compared with that of 2004. It was equal to more than 3 million tons of standard coal saved. Five large generation groups' net coal consumption were also under the average level of the whole country.  相似文献   

In this study, a dynamic interval-parameter optimization model (DIP-REM) has been developed for supporting long-term energy systems planning in association with GHG mitigation in the region of Liaoning province. The model can describe Liaoning province energy planning systems as networks of a series of energy flows, transferring extracted/imported energy resources to end users through a variety of conversion and transmission technologies over a number of periods and address the problem of GHG-emission reduction within a general energy planning systems framework under uncertainty. Two scenarios (including a reference case) are considered corresponding to different GHG-emission mitigation levels for in-depth analysis of interactions existing among energy, socio-economy and environment in the Liaoning province. Useful solutions for Liaoning province energy planning systems have been generated, reflecting trade-offs among energy-related, environmental and economic considerations. The results can not only provide optimal energy resource/service allocation and capacity-expansion plans, but also help decision-makers identify desired policies for GHG mitigation with a cost-effective manner in the region of Liaoning province. Thus, it can be used by decision makers as an effective technique in examining and visualizing impacts of energy and environmental policies, regional development strategies and emission reduction measures within an integrated and dynamic framework.  相似文献   

IntroductionBeing of great value to railway transport and hence to nationaleconomy,electrification of railways has been carried out very rapidlyin China in the past 30 years.By the end of 1990,some 6941 km ofelectrified railways have been opened to traffic and about 16,000 kmor one fourth of the total railway length are expected to be electrified,accounting for 45% of the total railway freight volume.At present,Shaanxi Province ranks first with respect to total  相似文献   

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