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针对铂金通道电加热控制系统,选用带VSC调节功能的调功器,通过PROFIBUS-DP通信卡件建立现场级工业通讯网络,由西门子PCS7上位系统对铂金通道进行加热控制设定和温度的PID整定。通过合理的计算选型和控制模式的选择,提高铂金通道温度控制的精度和系统可靠性。  相似文献   

热电偶测量困难,易引起较大测量误差。分析了热电偶测温的关键因素,通过查表插值法解决非线性问题,提出了一种基于Δ-Σ型A/D转换器的热电偶温度测量模件软硬件设计方案,并结合试验数据进行了分析。采用简化设计方法,对提高模件测量精度、降低模件成本具有一定作用。  相似文献   

利用Visual C#编写E型热电偶温度转换程序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王亮 《电子测量技术》2007,30(3):100-102
本文介绍了持久、蠕变实验自动温度测量系统的基本结构组成和工作原理,并对利用Visual C#编写E型热电偶温度转换程序,及对程序的设计过程、实验内容和程序测试结果进行了详细的分析.同时对在程序编写过程中所遇到问题的解决进行了详尽的阐述.分析认为E热电偶在中、低温的情况下,其测量精度要高于K型和S型热电偶.故在持久、蠕变试验自动温度测量软件中增加了对E型热电偶温度转换的功能,经过对软件的测试,达到了满意的使用效果,并使原程序功能得到了完善.  相似文献   

作为磁性材料生产工艺流程中的关键参数,烧结温度测量的准确与否直接影响产品的质量控制。针对磁性材料生产中的热电偶测温,首先简要介绍了热电偶的测温误差,然后重点介绍了参考端温度补偿及修正方法及其他影响温度测量准确度的因素。热电偶在线测温存在的一些问题看似简单却一直难以解决,成了磁材产品质量稳定与提升的瓶颈。期望本文为磁性材料生产厂家提高烧结测温精度,从而提升产品质量控制提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

针对工业自动化程度不断提高,对温度的在线监测需求也越来越广泛,且传统的基于查表以及硬件补偿等方法的热电偶温度监测系统,难以适应较高的精度要求的问题,文中提出一种基于梯度提升决策树(Gradient Boosted Decision Tree,GBDT)算法的热电偶在线温度监测方法,以实现对热电偶在线温度监测中的冷端补偿以及非线性问题进行改进。从实验测试结果中可以看出,文中将梯度提升决策树算法应用于热电偶的在线温度监测中,能够有效地提高在线测量精度,并为温度监测工业自动化提供新的解决方案。  相似文献   

基于模糊控制方法的智能温度控制仪的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍一种基于模糊控制算法的智能湿度控制仪,以K型热电偶为感温元件,用Pt100铂电阻测量环境温度,并用作热电偶参比端补偿。硬件上增加校零通道消除放大电路零漂和温漂的影响,软件上用正交函数最小二乘法对热电偶和铂电阻分段线性化,并结合数字滤波等提高测量精度的方法,使测温精度在全温度范围内达到0.1℃。提出分段模糊积分控制算法,用统计法得到模糊控制参数。该控制仪表应用于浸焊炉的温度控制中,不仅节省了操作时间和能源,也使浸焊产品的质量大为提高。  相似文献   

一类高精度温度测量技术研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
提出了一类大范围、高精度温度测量方法,对S型热电偶测温特性分段线性化,由单片机完成线性运算,参考结合点温度采用集成温度传感器感测并进行补偿,按此方法设计的测温仪表在热电偶的整个测温范围内达到了较高的测量精度,该方法很好地解决了这类大范围高精度温度测量问题.  相似文献   

基于CS5522的高精度温度测量系统设计   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
设计了一种高精度温度测量系统,该系统以STC89C516RD+单片机为核心,配合高精度A/D转换器CS5522,用来检测热电阻、热电偶及温度变送器的输出信号。软硬件结合实现信号智能测量、系统校准等功能。对于传感器非线性误差,使用最小二乘法曲线拟合算法应用MATLAB软件进行误差修正和补偿,保证了系统精度。最后对该系统的性能进行了测试,结果表明:测量精度达到了±0.02%FS,系统的设计比较合理。  相似文献   

热电偶是工业中广泛使用的测温元件,运用广叉回归神经网络对热电偶的热电势-温度分度表进行教据处理,并利用Matlab工具进行了具体分析.结果证明,该补偿方法对K型热电偶,其误差达到0.02%,训练速度为0.60 s,取得了理想的效果.该方法与已有的补偿方法相比具有更好的非线性校正精度.  相似文献   

防爆电机的t_E时间测试是电机试验中十分棘手的问题。在这里,提供一种可靠的测试方法:用热电偶自动测温,计算机进行处理,热电偶冷端不必放在冰水混合物中,可直接置于室温中,使用相当方便、安全。精度可达到±1%。基本原理框图如图1。把热电偶埋到电机转子中,然后通过补偿导线将信号(热电偶输出热电势)引入补偿器及毫伏放大器中。补偿器是用作热电偶冷端温度补偿。毫伏放大器将毫伏信号放大到0~5伏,以便计算机处理。计算机通过查温度θ与电压u关系表即可求得  相似文献   

Statistical and spectral analyses of longitudinal distribution of tubular billet heating temperature caused by rolling process have been carried out. The transfer functions of the electric heating channel (EHC) of an induction pusher-type furnace (IPF) are revealed. A mathematical model is developed in Simulink environment. The processes of tubular billets heated in an IPF are analyzed for the case where the output temperature is distributed stochastically in a longitudinal direction.  相似文献   

在发展新型电力系统的背景下,间歇性新能源占比不断增加,对电热联合系统的灵活性提出更高要求。提出了一种考虑温控负荷需求响应的电热联合系统多阶段鲁棒调度方法。首先建立考虑电热转换设备、温控负荷等多种灵活性资源的电热联合系统模型,并提出虚拟储能的概念对温控负荷进行建模。然后,将风电出力预测误差建模为盒式不确定集,以燃料成本、弃风惩罚、需求侧补偿综合成本最低为目标函数,提出了电热联合系统的多阶段鲁棒调度模型,在每一调度时段,均可根据风电的观测值,以最小化当前及后续时刻的总成本最大值为目标,调整后续调度计划,并通过鲁棒对偶动态规划算法求解该模型。最后,通过算例验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A contact system is a nonredundant technical structure of electric railways that should provide uninterrupted power supply for railway vehicles. The failure of one part can lead to failure of the contact system. About 20% of damage to contact systems is due to inadmissibly high temperature at part of an overheated catenary. In this paper, normative indices are analyzed to determine the state of the terminal under operating conditions. The existing methods of thermal control are unable to determine the current heat state of an electric bolted connection with required accuracy. Heating control of electrical connections is suggested. To determine the state of the electrical connection, the factor of defectiveness due to heating is selected. As a result, criteria for determining the state of an electrical connection are obtained, which allows a methodology to be developed for monitoring the quality of an electrical connection.  相似文献   

The fundamental electrical power generation experiment of a pulsed‐laser‐driven magnet hydrodynamics generator with a divergent channel and segmented electrodes has been conducted with a rough estimate of gas heating efficiency of laser energy. The output energy is increased with the decrease in the initial filling gas pressure because of the increase in the gas velocity and the electrical conductivity with the gas temperature. The output power is surely improved in comparison with the previously examined generator with constant height channel and continuous electrode. About 70% of the incident laser energy is absorbed and less than 20% is transferred to the blast wave energy at low initial filling gas pressure in the present experimental setup.  相似文献   

工业用电加热炉作为一类大惯性、大时滞和参数时变的强非线性系统,其温度控制问题一直工业过程控制中的难题。提出一种新型的基于TSK模糊理论的模糊神经网络PID控制器,采用实数编码混沌量子遗传算法优化模糊神经网络的隶属函数参数和模糊TSK增益,具有较快的收敛速度和更强的优化能力。分析加热炉温度控制系统的原理和结构,阐述基于TSK模糊理论的模糊神经网络PID控制器的设计过程以及实数编码量子遗传算法的实现流程。通过工业用电加热炉的温度控制仿真和试验,验证了所提出的算法具有更好的动态性能、更高的稳态精度和更强的抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

分散式电采暖负荷协同优化运行策略   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
分散式的电采暖负荷是一种典型的热储能设备,功率较大,电能产出的热量具有滞后性和存储性,现有运行方式单一且仅针对单个设备,无法实现区域范围内电采暖负荷的协同优化。针对上述问题,文中首先提出了智能电暖网络的概念、架构以及衡量该网络运行效果的优化指标。其次,提出了智能电暖网络的确定性优化运行模型,该模型首先在保证最大功率限制的约束下,求解可达到的最大舒适度;再将最大的舒适度作为约束,寻求使运行电费最小化的运行策略。进而,在等效热参数模型的基础上引入温度波动不确定量,构建了确定性模型对应的鲁棒优化模型。算例分析表明,相比现有的实时温控策略,确定性优化策略可有效控制尖峰负荷,明显提高温度效用,降低运行电费;鲁棒优化策略比确定性优化策略更好地保证了用户舒适度,但运行电费略有升高。所提优化策略充分响应峰谷电价,在实现经济运行的同时,可以间接响应电网削峰填谷。  相似文献   

The recent significant expansion of electric space heating calls for proper load management strategies for a northern climate. In this paper, a multimode system including heat pump technology with storage is developed. The variations of the room temperature setpoint are studied in relation to heating power and the setback pattern. A discrete-time solution to the problem of determining the optimal amount of energy required from an electrical source in order to minimize consumption and temperature droop has been obtained. The present solution is suboptimal in the sense that it is a linear approximation of a non-linear plant. The recursive Kalman filter was employed for the linear regulator solution. Pontryagin's minimum principle was used to express the singular algorithm. The implementation problems of the above feedback controllers are discussed. Numerical results from computer simulations are compared with the bang-bang regulator performances. A real-time adaptive control application using hourly predictions of climatic conditions is foreseen.  相似文献   

The efficiency of electric energy use in the thermal technological processes of agricultural production can be significantly increased by using it during a period of reduced rate. The design features of an energy-efficient electric storage unit for steam and hot water supply of the agricultural facilities are considered. The electric plant includes a storage water heater, steam generator, section of steam superheating to a temperature of 140°C, control cabinet, and stop and safety valves. When heating the heat medium in all units of the plant, an indirect electric heating method was applied. A method of calculation of the electrical, thermal energy, and structural parameters is proposed. The results of physical modeling of the processes of heat transfer between the electric heater and heat medium are presented, and they are described mathematically. The dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the specific surface power of the heaters when water boils in a large volume for the installed structure of the electric steam generator is obtained. The dynamics of the convective heat transfer between the electric heater and steal flow is studied. The economic efficiency of use of the storage electric plant is demonstrated, and it is shown in practical use.  相似文献   

面黑体辐射源温控系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对用于红外成像系统校正的黑体辐射源,需要在较大的面积区域里具有稳定、均匀的温度场,采用热管技术,PIC16F876微处理器和模糊PID开关切换控制算法,对这种面黑体标准辐射源的温控系统进行了设计。给出了铂电阻测温电路、PWM控制输出电路设计和利用Matlab模糊逻辑工具箱进行模糊控制器设计的过程,完成了CCSC编译器下的程序设计。仿真和实验结果表明,此温控系统在较大的温度范围内具有响应快、精确度高、鲁棒性好的特点,解决了由于辐射源的热惯性大,工作在近室温易受干扰所带来的问题。  相似文献   

介绍基于Intel 80C196KC单片机为控制核心的电力用高频直流控制器。在充分发挥16位单片机的性能前提下,控制器采用12位A/D通道对电力直流系统的电流、电压、温度等模拟量进行采集处理,利用PID调节算法产生调节量,由高速输出口(HSO)产生可变频的脉冲,由F/V转换电路控制高频整流模块的输出电压、电流,实现闭环控制。设计的实现为电力系统用直流电源提供了一种可靠、稳定、先进的控制器。  相似文献   

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