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汽包锅炉给水加氧处理技术及应用条件分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘朝阳 《河北电力技术》2005,24(6):27-30,41
概述了锅炉给水加氧处理技术的发展过程及应用,重点介绍了给水加氧处理技术的原理及经济效益,对汽包锅炉应用给水加氧处理的条件进行了分析,并对国华定洲电厂应用该项技术的可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对热网疏水处理直接影响超临界供热机组安全稳定运行的现状,对热网疏水处理及除铁方式进行了介绍,对高温滤芯式过滤器除铁及高梯度电磁过滤器除铁两种方案进行了详细论述,并进行了技术经济比较,指出:前者处理精度高,出水稳定,但对滤芯要求高,运行成本高,维护复杂;而后者虽然处理精度不稳定,但适应性强,耐高温,运行成本低。  相似文献   

钟文锋 《广东电力》2008,21(7):47-49
对一起110kV电缆干式终端漏电收集环发生断裂的情况进行原因分析及处理,并通过红外线检测手段,对缺陷处理前后的效果进行对比,对比结果证明缺陷处理的措施是正确和有效的。  相似文献   

漳泽发电分公司4×210MW机组烟气脱硫工艺改造后,需对烟囱及砼烟道进行防腐处理。介绍了在防腐处理期间为确保机组安全运行而对设备采取的安全措施,以及在防腐处理期间对脱硫系统的运行调整及事故预想,并对处理后的防腐层保养提出了建议。  相似文献   

简要介绍新疆某电厂强夯及强夯置换地基处理试验方案的设计及试验过程,根据试验结果对地基处理方案进行了分析评价。  相似文献   

本文通过对印度SAGARDIGHI电厂凝结水精处理系统的阐述,分析了高速混床系统在运行中容易出现的典型问题及对问题进行深入的研究,进行了大量的试验,改进了工艺,最大限度的发挥了该套凝结水精处理系统设备的潜力,使水汽质量尽快合格,对电厂的凝结水精处理系统调试及运行有一定的  相似文献   

通过分析某火力发电厂循环冷却水加弱酸与水质稳定剂联合处理运行情况,提出了循环水水质稳定性的定量评价模型,在此基础上对循环水实施加硫酸与阻垢剂处理方法进行理论分析,并对该处理方法提高循环水浓缩倍率进行了技术论证,指出该处理方法的可行性及可能达到的经济效益。  相似文献   

对龙滩水电站4号机组顶盖组合面密封轻微渗油缺陷进行原因分析及处理.分析认为渗漏原因是顶盖组合面“0”密封条失效.更换该密封条必须将顶盖吊出机坑后才能进行,工作时间长且工作量较大.经对设备结构进行分析,2012年4月结合4号机组C级检修采用了简单、快速的方法对该缺陷进行了处理.缺陷处理后,经2年半时间的运行,处理部位无渗漏,说明该处理方法有效.该处理方法对类似缺陷的处理具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

介绍了含油污泥的来源及危害,针对含油污泥处理现状,分析了国内处理技术方法存在的问题,对这些方法进行了评价和比较,并对含油污泥处理技术今后发展方向进行了展望,同时建议国家尽快制定含油污泥处理标准规范来进一步完善含油污泥处理过程污染物控制要求。  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站不符合项管理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范立明 《中国电力》1997,30(12):52-55
阐述广东大亚湾核电站对机组运行、维修过程中产生的不符合项的处理原则、处理过程及处理情况,对不符合项管理的发展状况及特点进行探讨和分析,并对存在的问题提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

China's telecoms equipment makers are rapidly becoming innovators as well, finds Juan Pablo Conti.  相似文献   

Summary form only given. The idea that certain parts of the mammalian nervous system, such as the cerebellum, might be specialized for setting transmission parameters elsewhere is discussed. Experiences with the control of electrical stimulation in paretic patients, experiences which have shown that transducer systems are still far too primitive to allow this level of sophistication, even in laboratory-bound devices, are described. At best controllers rely on fixed-parameter feedback from one or two sensors to cycle through a simple finite-state control sequence. Kinematic variables are essentially driven open-loop. The author's approach to functional electrical stimulation (FES) control is constrained by transducer technology, and evolves virtually without reference to the features of the animal control systems described  相似文献   

This article traces the history of US engineering accreditation with regard to non-technical curriculum requirements from the founding of the Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD) in 1932 up to the adoption of Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC 2000) in 1999. The activities of the ECPD, which became the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, ABET, in 1980, took place in the larger context of the development of engineering as a profession and steps that industrial and academic leaders took during the 20th century to increase the quality and uniformity of engineering education. The story is not a simple, straightforward tale of how a homogeneous pro-business cadre of engineering educators designed a system of education for purely pragmatic ends. Buried in the volumes of old journals and annual reports is evidence that engineering educators and leaders indulged in a serious amount of organized introspection over the years.  相似文献   

汽轮机轴瓦温度偏高的分析与处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚军  扎永强 《中国电力》2003,36(10):82-84
分析红雁池第二发电有限责任公司l号汽轮机5号瓦瓦温偏高问题的原因,主要是运行过程轴瓦前后荷载不均.并提出了具体的处理方案,彻底消除了l号机组自投产以来严重威胁机组安全稳定运行的5号瓦瓦温高这一重大缺陷.  相似文献   

How much right should an inventor have to control the future? That was the question decided by the United States Supreme Court in the famous 1853 case of Samuel Morse and his telegraph, and the answer the Court gave then is still the law today. This rule of law, now more than 140 years old, says that no matter how great an invention may be, there comes a point where a court will step in and say that the public's right supersedes the inventor's right. Fortunately for Morse, he was able to stop O'Reilly's infringement based on his narrower claims. Similarly, inventors seeking broad patent protection today include narrower claims in their patents to protect against the possibility that a court may find that they, too, have claimed too much  相似文献   

《Potentials, IEEE》2007,26(4):11-12
One of the toughest parts of being a grad student is having a limited income. Paying for groceries can be a challenge, never mind finding the money to pay for even a limited education in finances. Grogan Advisory Services, which bills itself as an independent financial services firm, works with the IEEE to offer free advice to student members of the IEEE. A review of current assets and how those assets can be invested to possibly increase their return is among those free services. Larry Grogan, who is the company's head, said that a number of free services are available to all members of the IEEE. Those free services include a portfolio review and consultation and Webinars, which are Web-based seminars that focus on financial topics such as retirement. Individual financial plans can also address investment analysis, funding education, evaluating stock options, and charitable giving, among other topics.  相似文献   

The author discusses how to discuss and support the theory of evolution in our schools and communities.  相似文献   

陈志勇 《电工技术》2009,(12):27-27
分析一起220kV避雷器单相泄漏电流偏大的原因,确定泄漏电流偏大是由均压环倾斜导致。  相似文献   

分析了广州蓄能水电厂B厂由于高压气机及高压气系统效率降低导致调相压水周期过长,无法及时转入抽水调相(CP)工况运行的原因。通过处理压水管路漏气点、高压气机漏气、漏油点及将备用高压气机投入运行的技术改造,提高了高压气系统运行效率,满足及时启动CP工况的系统要求。该技术改造缩短单次CP启动高压气机运行时间,实现了高压气系统节能运行,具有一定工程有效性。  相似文献   

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