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Object  To determine whether glycine can be measured at 7 T in human brain with 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Materials and methods  The glycine singlet is overlapped by the larger signal of myo-inositol. Density matrix simulations were performed to determine the TE at which the myo-inositol signal was reduced the most, following a single spin-echo excitation. 1H MRS was performed on an actively shielded 7 T scanner, in five healthy volunteers. Results  At the TE of 30 ms, the myo-inositol signal intensity was substantially reduced. Quantification using LCModel yielded a glycine-to-creatine ratio of 0.14 ± 0.01, with a Cramér–Rao lower bound (CRLB) of 7 ± 1%. Furthermore, quantification of metabolites other than glycine was possible as well, with a CRLB mostly below 10%. Conclusion  It is possible to detect glycine at 7 T in human brain, at the short TE of 30 ms with a single spin-echo excitation scheme.  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasibility of in vivo measurement of the fatty acid (FA) composition of breast adipose tissue by MRS on a clinical platform.

Material and methods

MRS experiments were performed at 3 T, using a STEAM sequence, on 25 patients diagnosed with breast cancer. MR spectra, acquired on healthy breast tissue, were analysed with the LCModel.


The measured values of the saturated fatty acid (SFA), mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) fractions were 23.8 ± 7.1 %, 55.4 ± 6.8 % and 20.8 ± 4.4 %, respectively.The values of SFA, MUFA and PUFA observed in the current study are in the same range as those found in two previous studies performed at 7 T.


The results of the current study show that it is possible to quantify the fatty acid composition of breast tissue in vivo in a clinical setting (3 T).

~~Electric Power Production Monthly Report(October,2006)~~  相似文献   

Beijing 1,714 34 1,680 0 - 1.3 - 34.6 - 0.2 0 Tianjin 2,960 0 2,960 0 5.9 0 5.9 0 Hebei 12,718 37 12,582 0 6.5 - 14.0 6.5 0 Shanxi 14,615 206 14,409 0 16.4 96.2 15.7 0 Inner Mongolia 15,300 127 14,924 0 25.4 3.3 25.0 0 Liaoning 9,198 191 8,969 0 18.8 32.6 18.6 0 Jilin 4,270 553 3,637 0 10.9 107.9 2.4 0 Heilongjiang 5,781 58 5,681 0 8.4 - 36.3 8.8 0 Shanghai 5,408 0 5,395 0 - 6.9 0 - 6.9 0 Jiangsu 21,733 27 20,237 1,457 13.2 17.4 5.5 0 Zhejiang 16,203 825 13,609 1,766 18.1 32.9 14.9 40.7 An…  相似文献   

Beijing 18,954 410 18,544 0 10.1 36.2 9.7 0 Tianjin 31,965 0 31,965 0 9.6 0 9.6 0 Hebei 130,496 316 128,653 0 10.2 1.6 9.8 0 Shanxi 142,142 2,053 140,089 0 17.1 2.1 17.3 0 Inner Mongolia 145,766 949 141,887 0 29.4 - 3.4 28.2 0 Liaoning 89,371 2,981 85,918 0 10.5 1.5 10.7 0 Jilin 40,358 5,066 34,481 0 10.4 8.8 9.0 0 Heilongjiang 56,086 831 54,930 0 11.0 - 22.8 11.6 0 Shanghai 61,361 0 61,230 0 2.2 0 2.2 0 Jiangsu 221,068 230 213,440 7,282 14.9 5.5 11.1 0 Zhejiang 164,992 7,943 138,143 18,877…  相似文献   

~~National Accumulated Electricity Generation by Province in 2006(as of October)~~  相似文献   

Mr.Chairman,LadiesandGentlemen,LetmestartbysayingIamdelightedtohavebeeninvitedtoopenthisConferencefortwomaInreasons.ThefirstonemakesreferencetothefactthatthisisthefirstoccasionjoiningtheChinesesocietiesforelectricalengineeringtotheCIRED,thatIhavethehonortochair.ThesecondreasonreferstothefactthatIhavetheopportunitytopresentacontribution,aimedatascertaininghowmoderntechnologiesallowtomeetthenewrequirementsintheworldofelectricitydistribution.A.WhatAreTheseNewRequirements?Inmyopinion,theyc…  相似文献   

In view of the challenging problems electrical engineers are facing theEighth Five-year Plan of the People's Republic of China and the interestshown by scientists and scholars attending the PSTC-89 meeting (seespecial report in this issue),the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering(CSEE) in negotiating to organize an international conference on powersystem technology.The provisional main topics and dates are statedbelow:  相似文献   

永磁体(permanentmagnet)是常用的一种磁性材料,也可简称磁体(magnet),其用途是提供磁场,在资料中还有“磁铁”、“磁钢”,甚至“磁石”等名称,这些都是永磁体发展史上不同时期出现的名词。现在已统称为“磁体”。早在春秋战国时代,我们的...  相似文献   

创新无处不在,创新却又难觅踪影。无论是大公司、小公司、热公司、慢公司,创新都是一剂差异化发展的良药。但良药苦口,真正遵循并坚持创新理念的企业并不多,大部分选择将其作为一种口号、作为一种企业文化的符号,用隽美的文字进行粉饰。在创新面前,我们并不是要求企业像爱迪生一样发明出可以帮助人类赶走黑暗的划时代性产品,但至少可以将自己说服:我相信,这不仅仅是一个  相似文献   

提起科隆,不同人应该能有不同的感受,至少会想起一样东西。如果你是热衷旅游、建筑的人,相信你应该知道科隆大教堂,这是令科隆乃至整个德国的骄傲。高达157米的双塔,既是科隆的象片,又是哥特式建筑的完美代表,令人神往。如果你是时尚潮流的追赶者,那么你一定知道古龙香水。古龙香水的原文是这样拼写的:Eau de Cologne,意思就是“科隆之水”,翻译的曼妙些就叫做古龙香水了。如果你是家电业的人,或者是众多使用家电的人中的一个,想到的就应该是科隆家电展了。这是全球瞩目的家电业盛会,是北京家电展欲比肩看齐的家电业盛会。  相似文献   

从事材料研究离不开材料配方,配方即是各组分元素(例如Nd2Fe14B合金中的Nd、Fe和B)或化合物(例如MnZn铁氧体中的MnO、ZnO和Fe2O3)在整个材料中所占比例。而这比例通常是按各元素或化合物的质量(以前称为重量)、体积、物质的量或原子数...  相似文献   

Topics of current interestIn the last issue of this journal“ELECTRICITY,CSEE”a report was presented on the International Conference on Power System Tech-nology '91 where specialists from 15 countries were gathered together to discuss topics of common interest.Several outstanding problemsdeserve special report.For instance,the greenhouse problem was reported in this issue under the column of power and environment.Theoperator's training simulator is reported in a special article in this issue.Since a series of large scale blackouts occurred in several countries,particularly the 1977 New York City blackout,people realized that operators in the modem fully computerized and automated control centerneed constant practice on a simulator,so that they can be fully prepared to handle sudden attacks of severe disturbances.The current prob-lems and views from several countries taking part in the panel discussion were reported in this issue.Some new techniques attracting much attention from researchers in the field of power system technology,such as fuzzy systems,Expert Systems,Artificial Neural Networks and Petri Nets were discussed to quite some extent in this conference.They are also reported in thisissue.More special subjects will be reported in later issues.(Ed.)  相似文献   

铁粉芯,磁介质,粉芯,粘结软磁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

开滦矿物局以开展“质量、品种、效益年”活动促进节能工作的进行,事实证明,只要办实事,就能见实效,节能工作才能深入持久地发展并能取得显著的效果。  相似文献   

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