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最近,我们结合贯彻水利部《关于清查“四无”水电站确保安全度汛的紧急通知》精神,先后赴陇南、甘南、定西、金昌、张掖等地,就农村水电、水电农村电气化建设、农村水电安全生产及工程质量进行了检查和调研。我省分属长江、黄河、内陆河三大流域,年总径流量584.77亿立方  相似文献   

本文结合公司开展农村电工培训工作的实际情况,根据上级公司的统一标准,介绍农村电工培训的培训内容及教学方法,分析了培训的重要性和先培训后上岗制度对安全生产的影响,探讨了以班级上课形式与技能训练形式各占一半时间来培训这一方法,同时为能更好地实现农村电工培训目标提出了一点建议。  相似文献   

新时期农村电工队伍要打造成为一支工作职业化、管理专业化、考核动态化、人才市场化的“四化”队伍。  相似文献   

于来福 《大众用电》2007,23(8):11-11
0引言农村电工队伍是供电企业职工大军中一支不可或缺的重要队伍,尤其是在"新农村、新电力、新服务"建设中发挥着举足轻重的作用。但是在深化电力体制改革,特别是农村电力体制改革的新形势下,农村电工队伍建设的薄弱环节日趋突出地暴露出来。如何解决这些问题,已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

对太阳能热水器的防雷现状进行了社会调查,并对调查情况进行了分析。对太阳能热水器的雷击原因进行了总结,阐述了河南省雷暴日数变化趋势及分布情况,提出了太阳能热水器防雷对策,并对安全利用太阳能提出了几点建议,供广大用户和防雷工作者参考。  相似文献   

"农村电工入党啦!"这件事成了近日柳城供电公司员工的美谈和热议的话题。冯伯良何许人也,他入党为何会引起那么大的反响?请听我一一道来。农村电工走村串户,奔走于田间地头,  相似文献   

目前,农村中学英语教学已从普及进入提高阶段,在较好的发展势头中存在着学生基础、教学重点、教材、教学方法和教学设施等制约问题。为了解决这些问题,应提高教师的素质、要明确英语学科的性质和目的、制定适用教材、充分发挥学生的主体作用、加大教学投入,改善教学实施等,以促进英语教学水平的快速发展。  相似文献   

目前,农村中学英语教学已从普及进入提高阶段,在较好的发展势头中存在着学生基础、教学重点,教材、教学方法和教学设施等制约问题.为了解决这些问题,应提高教师的素质、要明确英语学科的性质和目的、制定适用教材、充分发挥学生的主体作用,加大教学投入,改善教学实施等,以促进英语教学水平的快速发展.  相似文献   

农村电气化建设及农村用电发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国外农村电气化发展情况,总结了我国农村电气化的发展历程,结合我国社会主义新农村电气化建设目标,分析了我国农村用电的发展趋势和特点,提出了加快新农村电气化建设的有关建议。  相似文献   

Rural electrification is a crucial process of enhancing the modern energy access of rural communities which is an important global development goal. Electric cooperatives have played an important role as drivers of rural electrification worldwide, both historically and contemporaneously. The emerging role of cooperatives in rural electrification is yet to be examined in the context of East Africa, a region that experiences serious infrastructure deficits alongside widespread rural poverty. This study adopts a political economy perspective to explore the roles and challenges of cooperatives in rural electrification in Uganda. Through a high-level case study of two electric cooperatives, we show that while the cooperatives can deliver rural electrification, they face a series of political and economic challenges in fulfilling their mission. To enhance rural electrification through cooperatives, the challenges should be addressed by policy solutions: (1) providing more support to rural households that cannot afford electricity; (2) providing further support to cooperatives to avoid overburdening the community; (3) enhancing investment to upgrade the grid and extend its geographical coverage; and (4) exploring new financial and technological options for rural electrification. We expect the findings of this study to be useful to policymakers, implementers, cooperatives, and international donors currently working in rural electrification in Africa and beyond.  相似文献   

This paper presents the past and current practices for rural electrification and the current trend in using off-grid microgrids to provide energy to the customers with no access to the central electricity network. The challenges correspond to the capacity expansion of off-grid microgrids including the financial and business models for establishing these technologies, the economic and reliability considerations, the environmental issues, the expansion and feasibility studies, and the uncertainties in the operation horizon were presented.  相似文献   

浅析大型变压器油流带电现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李智 《广东电力》2004,17(5):12-15
从油流带电产生的机理、影响油流带电的主要因素、油流带电的测试方法和广东省大型变压器油流带电的测试实例等方面探讨了油流带电现象,提出如何抑制油流带电现象的产生是当前急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

Rural electrification is an integral component of poverty alleviation and rural growth of a nation. In India, electricity has not played effective role in the socio-economic growth of village. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is increasing with 8% where as contribution of agriculture sector is 1.9%. Government of India has ambitious target of providing electricity to all villages by 2008 and all rural households by 2012. Steps are already initiated with Rural Electric Corporation, Rural Electricity Supply Technology mission, State Electricity Boards, Reforms in Power sector. An attempt has been made in this paper to assess the features of rural electrification in India and the feasibility of Photovoltaic Solar Home Systems (PV SHS).  相似文献   

Flow electrification characteristics of transformer oil were investigated by applying dc and dc/ac composite fields to both bare and covered coaxial cylinder electrode systems. For the bare electrode system, flow electrification characteristics were almost the same between positive and negative dc voltage applications and negative charges were generated for both dc and dc/ac composite voltage applications at high dc fields. For the covered electrode system, the apparent flow electrification characteristics differed between positive and negative dc voltage applications. For the former, negative charges were generated at high dc fields for both dc and dc/ac composite voltage applications, and for the latter, positive charges were always generated for both voltage applications. However, negative charge generation for the positive voltage application was attributed to the influence of negative charge generation at the bare part of the covered electrode end; the fundamental charge generation characteristics of the covered electrode showed an increase of positive charge generation by dc voltage application, and positive charge generation was accelerated by a composite ac field. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 130(2): 10‐17  相似文献   

根据农网的现状以及新农村建设对农网电力负荷的影响,以河南某地区县级电网的现有网架结构和负荷数据为基础,对中长期电网规划的电压等级选择进行分析。结合该地区具体的网架和负荷发展情况,所确定的两种规划方案均满足供电可靠性要求,以远期最终的经济性为主要考察指标,其中包括建设费用、原有设备的折旧、资金的时间价值、主变损耗以及线路损耗的资金折算、运行维护费用等,对农网配电网电压等级的确定以及电网建设的过渡网架进行了经济性评价。通过对两种方案最终的经济性比较得出的结论表明,电网建设应结合远期规划目标确定新建站的电压等级  相似文献   

通过对北京市市属市管55所高校教室、图书馆、食堂和宿舍照明产品使用情况的调查和典型教室照度的测试,得出北京市高校照明现状的基本情况,为照明节能提供基础数据。  相似文献   

变电设备检修管理现状分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁柏林 《安徽电力》2007,24(2):60-63
针对电力系统变电设备发展现状,分析了变电设备的检修管理及存在的问题,提出了改变变电设备周期性计划检修管理模式为计划检修和状态检修相结合,最终实行状态检修管理模式的必要性及其对策。  相似文献   

劳动关系作为电网企业管理工作的重要组成部分,将贯穿电网系统“十二五”发展的全过程,并向着多元化,规范化,市场化,法制化与契约化的方向转变。这种转变表现为企业与员工之间各自利益倾向的突出化、明显化,进而使双方在维护自身利益时产生一系列矛盾,而那些未能及时得到调解的劳资矛盾最终将形成劳动争议。  相似文献   

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