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针对母线区外故障CT严重饱和时母差容易动作和区外故障转区内故障时存在流出电流而使得差动电流偏小母差不易动作的问题,一般微机母线保护对这两种情况反应不够灵敏。对SG B750数字式母线保护装置中采用的抗CT饱和新原理———差电流轨迹扫描法进行了探讨。该原理抓住故障CT传变特性,快速有效判断出系统所发生的故障类型,判据准确可靠。  相似文献   

This paper presents a random forest (RF) classifier-based digital protection scheme which provides an effective discrimination between internal and external faults on a busbar. The measured current signals of all the bays (lines) connected to a busbar have been used as feature vectors. The system and fault parameters have been varied to generate a wide variety of simulation cases (33,600) consisting of both internal and external faults. By giving post-fault data of one cycle duration of all the bay currents as an input to the RF classifier, and taking only 30% of the total data (33,600) for training and remaining 70% of the total data for testing, an accuracy higher than 98% has been obtained. The PSCAD/EMTDC software package is used to model a prevailing 400-kV Indian busbar system for the purpose of authentication of the presented technique. The presented technique successfully differentiates between internal faults and external faults and remains unaffected against the change in system and fault parameters. In addition, the proposed scheme maintains stability under the Current Transformer saturation phenomena particularly during a heavy-through fault. A comparative analysis of the proposed scheme with the recently proposed scheme using support vector machine classifier clearly shows its superiority.  相似文献   

为避免电流互感器饱和对母线保护的影响,提出一种基于测量波阻抗的母线保护新方法:对母线区内、外故障的情况进行了理论分析,当发生母线区内故障时,所有线路的测量波阻抗的极性均为负,幅值近似相等;当母线发生区外线路故障时,故障线路的测量波阻抗的极性为正,且其幅值远小于非故障线路的测量波阻抗的幅值;通过对母线上各线路的测量波阻抗的极性和幅值进行比较即能判断母线故障类型。此外,还对该母线保护新方法的实现方案进行了探讨,得到了可行的保护实现方案。理论分析及EMTP仿真表明,基于测量波阻抗的母线保护方法基本不受故障类型、故障过渡电阻、故障距离和故障初始角的影响,且能体现行波的本质,保护方法可靠、有效。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new technique for the protection of power transmission systems by using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and fault generated transients. In the scheme, the relay contains a fault transient detection system together with a communication unit, which is connected to the power line through the high voltage coupling capacitors of the CVT. Relays are installed at each busbar in a transmission network. These detect the fault generated high frequency voltage transient signals and record the time instant corresponding to when the initial travelling wave generated by the fault arrives at that busbar. The communication unit is used to transmit and receive coded digital signals of the local information to and from the associated relay(s) in the system. At each substation, the relays determine the location of the fault by comparing the GPS time stamps measured locally with those received from the adjacent substations. Extensive simulation studies presented in the paper demonstrate the feasibility of the scheme  相似文献   

基于暂态电流谱能量的母线保护新原理   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于故障暂态电流的母线保护新原理。利用小波变换提取母线上各回路故障暂 态电流高频分量,通过比较各暂态高频电流在一定时窗内的谱能量实现母线内、外部故障的快速、 可靠判别,从根本上避免了电流互感器饱和问题的影响;结合一个半断路器母线接线方式,给出了 相应的母线保护方案;通过ATP-EMTP对实际电网的大量仿真计算,验证了所提出原理的正确性 和有效性。  相似文献   

输电线路加权数据融合故障测距算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高压输电线路故障测距具有多种不同的方法,如基于稳态量的单、双端测距和基于行波信号的单、双端测距等。由于电力系统存在许多不确定性因素及干扰,单一测距方法都有其固有的局限性。将多传感器数据融合技术引入电力系统故障测距,充分利用多测距源提供的冗余信息,提出自适应加权数据融合测距算法。该算法利用先验知识或仿真数据获取各单一测距算法在不同工况下的加权系数,然后对单一算法的测距结果进行加权融合,最终获得可靠精确的测距结果。应用PSCAD/EMTDC建立500 kV输电系统模型,通过模拟不同故障情况对算法进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明,融合测距算法基本不受过渡电阻、故障位置、故障类型、分布电容等因素的影响,具有良好的可靠性、精确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于故障分量综合阻抗的母线保护新原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于故障分量综合阻抗的母线保护新原理.利用故障时母线上故障分量电压相量与母线上各支路故障分量电流相量和的比值,来判断母线的内、外部故障.在外部发生故障时,该比值反映母线的容抗,其模值很大;内部故障时,该比值反映母线上各支路阻抗的并联,其模值相对较小,据此可以区分内部、外部故障.新原理判据灵敏度高,具有一定的抗电流互感器饱和能力,简单、易整定,而且对于3/2断路器接线的母线内部故障时有电流流出的情况也具有较高的灵敏性和可靠性.EMTP仿真验证了新原理的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

T区充电时母差保护后备段误跳正常母线的应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当220 kV双母线的其中一段发生故障后,需要对故障母线所挂线路间隔或者主变压器间隔T区充电以排除故障点,将相应间隔复电于正常母线。T区充电时,如存在故障,母差保护后备段存在误跳正常母线的风险,为此,需退出相应的母差保护,如两套母差保护同时退出,将导致站内母线无主保护运行。通过对广东电网目前各类型母差保护进行分析,提出两种事故处理应对措施来规避事故情况下母差保护全退的风险,大大提高了电力系统安全稳定性,说明该事故处理措施可行、可靠。  相似文献   

一种特高压3/2接线纵差保护抗电流互感器饱和措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
特高压长线路3/2接线侧母线附近区外故障时2个分电流互感器都有可能饱和,使引入2个电流互感器和电流的相量差动保护遇到了较大困难.提出了一种实用抗电流互感器饱和措施,采用低电压启动判据筛选出可能引起电流互感器饱和的3/2接线侧母线附近的区内和区外故障,然后根据短数据窗电流不饱和的特点,采用适当的定值区分3/2接线侧母线附近区内故障差流和区外故障分布电容电流,从而通过闭锁防止区外故障因饱和误动.该方法已在实验样机中得到应用,并成功地通过保护动模试验.  相似文献   

电流互感器(CT)饱和时,母线差动保护装置的可靠、安全、稳定运行是衡量母线保护的一项重要指标。文中分析了各种情况下的CT饱和及短路时的差流波形,提出了基于差流谐波波形特点的判别CT饱和的方案。该方法保证了母线差动保护在区外故障CT饱和时可靠闭锁、发生短路故障时快速地开放差动保护。  相似文献   

微机母线保护的母线运行方式自适应方案   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
分析了隔离刀闸辅助接点出错对母差保护动作行为的影响,提出在微机母线保护平台上,以 刀闸辅助接点为主,引入电流判据校验刀闸辅助接点状态,并自动纠正其错误,以实现母线 运行方式自适应的新方案,从而提高母差保护动作的正确率。  相似文献   

分布式电源多点接入配电系统的集成保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对分布式电源多点接入的配电系统,提出了一种基于暂态极性保护原理的集成保护新方案。暂态极性比较保护是运用小波变换提取故障暂态高频信号的某一频段信息作为故障判断的依据,通过比较暂态高频信号的极性,迅速准确判断出故障位置。将暂态极性比较保护原理应用于配电网集成保护方案中,以母线作为载体构建集成保护单元,利用本地故障信息和相邻保护单元故障信息对母线各出线以及线路两端信号的极性进行比较,从而对母线故障和线路故障进行判断。与此同时,集成网络保护单元提取多点信息,对整体区域暂态信号极性进行综合比较,实现对故障的快速定位与隔离,为本地保护提供后备保护。最后,利用MATLAB软件对其进行了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了此保护方案的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

中压配电网母线处施加扰动信号与故障指示器相配合实现故障区段定位的技术,得到越来越多的广泛应用。母线处扰动信号源能够产生行波信号,这为故障测距提供了可能。文中提出了一种基于母线扰动信号的单端故障行波测距技术。在发生永久性单相接地故障后,将非故障相母线经电阻接地,依据行波传输原理选取某个有效的线模分量,通过测量该线模分量反射行波到达时刻与扰动信号产生时刻的时间差计算故障距离。分析研究了多分支架空线—电缆混合线路的故障测距解决方案,并应用最小二乘估计对多次测距的结果进行有效融合,得到更为准确的测距结果。仿真与现场试验结果证实了测距技术的准确性。  相似文献   

中阻抗母线保护原理、整定及运行的探讨   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
母线保护是电力系统中最重要的保护,其正确动作直接影响到电力系统安全、稳定运行。作以母线保护输入阻抗为线索,阐述了低阻抗、中阻抗及高阻抗母线保护的特点及使用范围,分析了中国电力系统广泛采用的中阻抗线线保护匠原理,结合电力系统的实际情况对母线各种运行状态,如正常运行、区外故障CT未饱和、区外故障CT饱和、区内故障以及区内故障CT饱和等情况对保护的性能进行了定性、定量分析,根据中阻抗电流差动继电器动作  相似文献   

柔性直流配电网保护方案及设备研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对典型柔性直流配电网开展了保护分区及保护配置策略研究;根据直流线路的故障特性,分析了直流极间短路故障、单极接地故障以及断线故障的保护方案。对于直流电网快速故障定位和隔离的要求,提出一种基于差动保护和多点方向信息的综合故障定位方法。基于所提出的保护和故障定位方案,研制了高采样率且具备多类型模拟量接口的直流配电网保护设备。经实时数字仿真(RTDS)系统仿真和动模试验,验证了保护方案的可行性和故障定位方法的正确性,所研制的保护设备动作行为、性能指标满足直流配电网安全运行需求。  相似文献   

提出一种基于能量守恒原理的纵联差动保护,对线路两端或母线各端的有功功率进行比较,若各端功率的和超出整定值,则判定为区内故障。在典型400 kV输电系统模型上,运用MATLAB仿真软件对所提出的原理进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明,该方法比传统电流比率差动保护更加可靠且计算量小,因而可缩短动作时间。该方法能检测所有故障类型,适应于超高压远距离输电线路。  相似文献   

A low cost, fast and reliable microcontroller based protection scheme using wavelet transform and artificial neural network has been proposed and its effectiveness evaluated in real time. The proposed scheme, based on the hardware co-simulation approach performs all the functions of transmission line protection i.e. fault detection/classification, fault zone/section identification and location estimation. The fault detection/classification and zone identification algorithms use fundamental frequency current component to estimate a fault index. The fault location estimation module uses wavelet transform coefficients in hybridization with a parallel artificial neural network structure. For hardware implementation, a 8-bit ATmega microcontroller is used and interfaced with the simulated power system model using Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The scheme is tested on a power system model of 400 kV, 50 Hz three phase double circuit line with source at both the ends. Laboratory tests have been performed in real time for 20,000 fault cases including evolving faults with varying fault resistance, fault inception angle, fault distance, direction of power flow angle and its magnitude. The tests confirm the suitability and reliability of proposed scheme even with Current Transformer (CT) saturation. The implementation of the proposed approach on a low cost microcontroller with the lesser execution time, makes the prototype ideal for implementation on a digital platform (digital relay), thus leading to financial viability and sustainability of the protection scheme.  相似文献   

基于突变量阻抗原理的差动保护的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于网络的智能变电站母线保护若采用瞬时值数据作为差动原始数据,则在网络性能下降时,其保护性能将显著降低甚至出错。对相位比较型差动保护的原理进行深入的分析,得出其在区内故障存在流出电流情况下误动的根本原因,并据此提出基于突变量阻抗原理的差动保护。该差动保护方案同步性要求低、传输的数据量小、抗CT饱和能力强,且可用于母线保护、短引线保护、站域后备保护等场合。  相似文献   

This paper presents a protection scheme that is capable of very fast isolation of faults in high voltage transmission systems. Proposed scheme comprises set of relays connected through a telecommunication network, located at different nodes of the system. Relays use wavelet coefficients of current signals to identify the fault directions relative to their location. Fault directions identified at different locations in the system can be combined to determine the faulted line (or busbar) and isolate it. A robust single ended traveling wave based fault distance estimation approach is proposed as a backup in case of communication failure. Investigations were carried out using time domain simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC for a high voltage transmission system.  相似文献   

The transient monitoring (TM) function occupies a very important place in digital protection devices. Its role is to detect as quickly and precisely as possible any significant change in the behavior of incoming voltage and current measurements (i.e., a change in the signal model). It is indeed believed that fault inceptions and switching events occurring in the vicinity of the protective relay can be detected by the monitoring of the voltages and currents. The precise time of jump detection allows, for example, the relay to place data windows at a correct position and to trigger accurate protection calculations. Accurate signal change detection could also be implemented in digital fault recorders (as a starting condition) or even in offline event analysis for phasor synchronization or fault location. By nature, ADAMO is an adaptive transient monitor: the filter coefficients and filter length keep changing to adapt to the incoming signals. The method is based on a least square minimization of the residual signal given by a short Fourier filter with two adapted coefficients. At a very low computation cost, the algorithm gets rid of all the disadvantages of the classical methods and allows a greater sensitivity.  相似文献   

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