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电力需求侧管理激励机制探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
针对以电力公司为主体的DSM实施过程中,费用同收益具有“不同一性”的现状.在分析借鉴国外实施电力需求侧管理经验的基础上.设计图1套以电力公司为实施电力需求侧管理计划主体的激励机制,包扦投资回报和售电损失补偿机制.建立必要的奖励制度.建立DSM推广和扶持专项资金.推行节电招标制等。通过推行上述激励机制可以提高电力公司实施电力需求侧管理的积极性.提高用电效率,减少环境污染和用电浪费。  相似文献   

朱成章 《供用电》2005,22(5):7-8
1电力需求侧管理的双重任务电力需求侧管理(DSM)有双重任务。一项任务是建立DSM的长效机制,即DSM措施中长期改变负荷特性和节约电力的行为和机制,如采用节能灯、节能家用电器代替白炽灯和耗能量大的家用电器等;采用蓄冰空调替代传统的电力空调器等。另一项任务是建立DSM的短期负荷响应行为和市场机制,即建立需求响应。需求响应的实施机制就是电力需求侧竞价(DSB,Demand Side Bidding),使用户能够通过自己的用电方式主动参与市场竞争,获得相应的经济利益,而不是单纯的价格接受者。鼓励用户积极改变用电方式,提高用电效率,科学实施DS…  相似文献   

“能源开发与节约并重,把节约放在首位”是中国能源发展的方针。电力需求侧管理(DSM)实际上是一项将能源开发与节约结合起来的工作,是指通过提高终端用电效率和优化用电方式,在完成同样用电功能的同时减少电量消耗和电力需求,达到节约能源和保护环境,实现低成本电力服务所进行的用电管理活动。电力需求侧管理在国际上已有30年的发展历史,上世纪70年代开始盛行,90年代初达到鼎盛期。据权威部门统计,2000年美国共有962个电力公司参与项目实施,涉及1300多项需求侧管理计划,参与用户达2000万以上,通过实施D…  相似文献   

探析电力需求侧管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡为亿 《供用电》2005,22(3):59-62
介绍需求侧管理的概念,分述了适宜于我国的DSM政策,并通过实例分析,提出要更新观念,树立以效率和效益为基础的用电管理新思维,向有利于DSM的实施环境方面发展,从而提高电力使用效率和负荷率,解决好高峰缺电的难题,保证电力有效供给和长期安全、经济运行。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理(DSM)引导电力客户改变和优化用电方式,合理配置和使用电力资源,提高客户的终端用电效率,达到节约能源和保护环境,促进电力供需平衡,提高电能使用效率。  相似文献   

加强电力需求侧管理促进青海地区经济持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施电力需求侧管理对用电、节约用电、缓解缺电局面具有重要意义。在对青海电力市场供需矛盾分析的基础上,提出了运用价格杠杆、改变用电方式、DSM项目开发推广等实施电力需求侧管理的途径和措施,列举了现实经济效果,提出了解决2003年下半年缺电问题的对策。  相似文献   

魏力军 《发电设备》2006,20(6):398-401
介绍了我国目前能源结构和电力生产形式的构成,分析并指出了中国潜在的电力危机的种种表现。阐述了实施电力可持续发展战略的重要性,并提出实施电力需求侧管理(DSM)是我国电力发展的主要途径;同时介绍了DSM的概念和国际经验,提出了实施DSM在经济、技术和管理方面的措施。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理(Demand Side Management.简称DSM)是指通过采取有效措施,引导电力用户优化用电方式,提高终端用电效率,优化资源配置.改善和保护环境,实现最小成本电力服务所进行的用电管理活动。  相似文献   

南昌地区电力需求侧管理的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾庆仪 《华东电力》2004,32(2):12-14
对南昌地区用电情况进行了调查与分析,在预测用电量及用电负荷的基础上对所实施的电力需求侧管理(PowerDemandSideMangement,DSM)方案进行了成本效益计算分析,计算结果表明DSM方案的实施不仅能达到节电削峰效果,而且使参与方均受益。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理(power demand-side management,DSM)具有优化电力资源配置、促进节能减排、移峰填谷、促进可再生能源发展等优点。但在当前电力市场环境下,DSM项目实施过程中项目成本与项目收益具有严重的“不同一性”,对电网企业和电力用户实施DSM项目和接受DSM服务存在一定的抑制作用。同时,电力需求侧管理体系中的政府、电网企业、电力用户三方主体利益出发点不同,必然会存在激烈的博弈。为了确切地分析电力需求侧管理体系各主体之间博弈行为,着眼于电力需求侧管理政策运行环境,采用动态演化博弈模型分析电力需求侧管理过程中政府−;电网企业、政府−;电力用户之间的博弈行为,优化设计电力需求侧管理政策激励措施,消除DSM对电网企业和电力用户投资的抑制作用,促进电力需求侧管理的深化发展。  相似文献   

在小词汇量孤立词语音识别的研究中,录入的语音指令语速过快(慢)或音量过大(小)都会影响语音识别系统对于这些指令的识别率.为此,需要对这些语音指令进行调整.本文提出一种基于线性预测分析技术的语音语速和音量调整方法,该方法由已知语音信号反解出声门激励信号,对反解出的声门激励信号进行语速和音量的调整,将调整后的声门激励信号再次激励声道系统输出语音信号,得到调整后的语音信号.仿真研究结果表明,该方法具有实际可行性并且可以显著改善语音识别系统对于语速过快(慢)、音量过大(小)指令的识别率.  相似文献   

In the context of bioterrorism, active countermeasures are those measures designed to deny an enemy the opportunity to launch or strike, and passive countermeasures are those measures designed to mitigate, soften, or divert the strike's force. Active includes denying entry of a person or substance or delivery system to the continent or states and our island territories, or access to sources of water, clean air, and crops; to large buildings, airports; and population-gathering centers. Passive includes rapid warning and evacuation, quarantining, mitigating through vaccines, health, and fire and police intervention.  相似文献   

灰色系统在蓄电池健康管理中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展蓄电池的健康管理,必须加强蓄电池充放电过程控制,尤其防止过充电过放电发生。根据蓄电池的充放电过程影响因素复杂的特点,本文采用灰色模型预测蓄电池的充放电电压,并根据预测的电压控制蓄电池的充放电时间。实例表明,应用灰色系统对蓄电池健康管理能有效防止过充电和过放电现象发生,对延长蓄电池的使用寿命具有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据蓄电池的充放电过程影响因素复杂的特点,采用灰色模型预测蓄电池的充放电电压,并根据预测的电压控制蓄电池的充放电时间。实例表明,应用灰色系统对蓄电池健康管理能有效防止过充电和过放电现象发生,对延长蓄电池的使用寿命具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sengupta  S. 《Potentials, IEEE》2009,28(3):22-24
Patent law is the body of law governing the protection of rights to an invention made by an inventor and/or patent owner (such as a company or other organization which has obtained rights to a patent). Such an invention stems from an idea and may or may not result in a tangible product. Patent law protects the idea, and the owner of such an idea can prevent others from making, using, and selling a product that uses that idea by means of one or more associated patents. In the current global economic scenario, protection of intellectual property means protection from theft of potential profits that an individual or an organization can possibly make by commercialization of a patent and/or a family of patents related to a particular technology.  相似文献   

合成绝缘子"不明原因”工频闪络的试验探索与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
章通过试验探索了合成绝缘子“不明原因”闪络的原因。认为多因素的共同作用可能导致合成绝缘子在工频电压下发生闪络,如异物粘附或缠绕等。由于合成绝缘子的闪络机理与瓷或玻璃绝缘子的污湿放电机理不同,闪络后异物被烧毁,因而闪络往往难以查明,一发生不明原因闪络就认定产品有质量的问题是不够慎重的。  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed to make the mode-field expander and reducer using dispersive fibers which are fabricated from optical glasses with different transformation temperatures and index reductions caused by rapid cooling. The dispersive fibers are heated locally at low or high temperatures, and the index difference is decreased or increased at the heated part. The mode-field is confined weakly or strongly in the core owing to the reduced or raised index difference, and is expanded or reduced partially  相似文献   

Electrical safety is important in industrial work. This article provides considerable detail on how current can pass through different parts of the body and each parameter that can impede or limit the flow of current. Electric currents flowing through a human body can have varying effects, ranging from little or no perceptible effect, to shocking sensation, to possibility of electrocution, depending primarily on the magnitude and the duration of the current flow. The effect of current flow is a function of the applied voltage level, the duration of the exposure, and the resistances or impedances of the body and the other available current paths. A key consideration with energized objects is that, in order for the electric current to flow through the body, one body part must make contact with an energized object or conductor and another body part must make contact with the earth or an object or conductor that provides a path for the current to return to its source. This article supplies considerable detail on how currents can pass though different parts of the body and each parameter that can impede or limit that flow of current. The information presented indicates that the most likely scenarios for a dangerous condition would be that when a person comes in contact with an energized metallic object energized at 120 V and the person is barefoot and the ground is moist or wet as are the persons' hands or feet. Nearly, any other condition such as dry ground, rubber, or leather soled shoes; dry hands and so on have a lower probability of creating current flows that would be considered damaging or disruptive.  相似文献   

High-density polyethylene films 50 μm thick were exposed to the downstream plasma flow of RF glow discharges in argon, hydrogen, or oxygen. It was found that many transvinylene and unreacted radicals remain after the argon or hydrogen plasma treatment, and that carbonyl groups are formed in the oxygen plasma treatment. The conduction current was smaller in the hydrogen-plasma treated samples and the samples exposed to oxygen or ozone after hydrogen-plasma treatment than in the untreated samples. Thermal pulse current measurements indicate that the treated surface layer traps electrons or holes and reduces the field strength at the electrode surface, thus suppressing further injection of electrons or holes.  相似文献   

Gradually, but surely, our lives are being entrusted to computers and embedded microprocessors. As these systems become more “intelligent” and complex, the possibility for failure either at the hardware or software level increases. Technology from the large scale mainframe computers to small embedded processors that control the timing of a microwave oven or the deployment of automobile airbags affect us directly and indirectly. The testing, verification and validation of these new technologies has become an important issue. This is essential when a software or hardware related failure could result in injury or even death. What is a safety critical system? This is any system that either directly or indirectly ensures the safety of the individuals entrusted to its use or operation; or, a system that, when a failure of the system occurs, could result in personal injury or loss of life. The systems need not be complex or microprocessor controlled. The brakes in an automobile are certainly safety critical, since their failure can result in lives lost. However, we focus on microprocessor controlled systems of medium to high complexity  相似文献   

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