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温度梯度效应对油纸绝缘材料空间电荷分布特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对换流变压器及直流套管中油纸绝缘系统存在的内外温度不同的温度梯度效应对油纸绝缘中空间电荷分布的影响,利用电声脉冲法(PEA)研究了不同温度差下(△θ=0~40c),在场强分别为10~40 kV/mm时单层油纸中空间电荷特性及场强分布.实验结果表明:在各个电压及温度梯度下异极性电荷始终存在,这表明油纸绝缘中的杂质电离在...  相似文献   

极性反转电压下换流变压器内部电场分布复杂,而空间电荷是引起电场畸变的重要因素。为研究极性反转电压下油纸绝缘空间电荷与电场分布特性,为此利用电声脉冲法开展了不同温度下单层油浸纸板与油-纸双层绝缘空间电荷试验研究。研究发现:不同温度下单层油浸纸板空间电荷在极性反转过程中变化很少,极性反转后电极附近电荷密度与电场畸变严重;温度通过改变反转前空间电荷分布影响极性反转过程中电场分布。双层绝缘中,温度升高导致油-纸界面电荷和纸中空间电荷密度降低;电压极性反转过程中,不同温度下纸内部空间电荷变化较少,常温时双层暂态电场符合容性电场分布;而60℃时油-纸界面电荷密度与极性快速变化,导致双层暂态电场分布不符合容性电场分布。  相似文献   

作为换流变压器等直流高压输电设备中的主要绝缘材料,油纸绝缘在直流电压下的绝缘特性受其内部空间电荷的影响。同时,油纸绝缘在工作运行中往往承受较大的内外温度差异的作用,而温度差异对油纸绝缘中空间电荷特性的影响尚不明确。为此在实验研究基础上,建立了一种基于双极性载流子输运和陷阱势垒理论的油纸绝缘介质电荷迁移模型,经数值计算得到单层与双层油纸中温度梯度效应,即油纸低温侧积聚异极性电荷从而畸变低温侧电场,并通过仿真结果与实验结果的比对,验证了仿真模型的可靠性;利用仿真模型,进一步研究了载流子迁移率、油纸厚度、低温电极温度对温度梯度效应的影响,研究表明:油纸材料迁移率及电极注入电荷速率均随温度升高而增大是油纸中温度梯度效应的主要原因;载流子迁移率越大,油纸厚度越小,低温电极温度越低,油纸绝缘中的温度梯度效应越严重。  相似文献   

油纸绝缘内部合成电场数值模拟方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油纸绝缘作为换流变压器的主绝缘介质,其内部电场的分布受外加电压以及空间电荷的影响,而传统的数值方法无法准确计算空间电荷的影响。提出一种基于电极肖特基发射理论和瞬态上流元法(TUFEM)求解载流子输运方程的方法,计算了考虑注入势垒、载流子迁移率、陷阱捕获系数以及载流子复合系数等参数影响下的单层油纸绝缘介质内部空间电荷运动分布特性。与试验结果对比表明瞬态上流元法的有效性。研究典型油纸绝缘介质结构内部合成电场强度畸变程度随温度梯度变化的特性。同时,计算得到极性反转电压下不同时刻的电荷运动和电场分布规律。该方法可推广在(特)高压直流换流变压器内绝缘电场计算和优化设计。  相似文献   

棒-板油纸复合绝缘的电场数值计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
换流变压器阀侧绕组端部属极不均匀场,承受交流电压、直流电压及极性反转等电压的作用。为此采用有限元仿真软件对棒-板油纸复合绝缘极不均匀场模型在不同参数情况时的直流场强分布、交流场强分布及极性反转场强分布进行了计算,绘制了绝缘油及绝缘纸板中最大场强与绝缘纸板厚度、纸板长度、棒直径等参数的关系曲线。棒-板油纸复合绝缘模型在交流电压及极性反转电压作用下的场强分布较为接近,但与直流电压下的场强分布有很大的不同。通过提高换流变压器阀侧绕组端部等效棒直径及油的电阻率,选择合理的油与纸空间相对位置及几何尺寸,可比较明显地提高换流变压器阀侧绕组绝缘特性。  相似文献   

空间电荷对油纸复合绝缘结构电气性能的影响由于测量上的困难而至今尚未明了,多层复合绝缘结构使得空间电荷特性更加复杂。为此,应用电声脉冲(PEA)方法研究了电压极性对纸-纸和纸-油这2种双层绝缘结构中以及界面处空间电荷特性的影响。研究发现在2种结构的界面处积聚的空间电荷极性与施加电压的极性一致。对2种结构中空间电荷特性进行了比较,结果表明纸-油结构中空间电荷的运动速率比纸-纸结构中慢,并且具有更深的陷阱能级。通过分析认为双层介质界面处存在的势垒导致了界面电荷的积聚,其极性由电极的电荷注入、界面的陷阱、电场和介质的电导等因素协同决定;绝缘材料陷阱能级的不同是造成2种绝缘结构空间电荷运动速率不同的因素之一。  相似文献   

在直流电压下,油、纸界面空间电荷的积聚会导致空间电场畸变,对直流输电设备的绝缘设计和运行有重要影响。为研究该问题,利用纸板覆盖上、下电极的油纸复合绝缘模型,研究了在不同极性直流电压下,油、纸界面空间电荷的积聚过程。试验中,搭建了基于Kerr效应法的油纸绝缘光学空间电场的测量平台,以实现变压器油中电场的在线非接触式测量。试验结果表明:不同极性的直流电压下,油中电场的暂态过程差异显著,具有明显的极性效应;油、纸界面积聚空间电荷的极性与外施电压的极性和油、纸板的空间位置直接关联:纸板覆盖上电极时油纸界面电荷极性与外施电压极性相反,纸板覆盖下电极时油、纸界面电荷极性与外施电压极性相同;与传统的电阻率-介电常数模型下界面电荷的积聚现象不同,油纸界面电荷积聚的速度具有明显的极性效应:油、纸界面负电荷的积聚速度远大于正电荷的积聚速度,导致不同极性电压下油中电场从暂态容性电场到稳态阻性电场的过渡过程差异显著。  相似文献   

绝缘材料在交流电压下的空间电荷特性和直流电压下的空间电荷特性同等重要。输电系统中交流变压器的数量巨大,变压器内绝缘用油纸绝缘材料在交流电压下的空间电荷特性如何,尚未见研究报道。首先采用直流电声脉冲测试系统研究了油浸绝缘纸在正/负极性直流场强下的空间电荷特性,然后采用改进的基于电声脉冲法的空间电荷测试系统研究了油浸绝缘纸在工频电压下的空间电荷特性。结果表明:电场极性对油浸绝缘纸内部的空间电荷分布有决定性影响,在正极性直流场强下,积聚在靠近铝板电极侧绝缘纸-绝缘纸界面处的电荷极性是正极性,而在负极性直流场强下,其是负极性;在工频加压的正半周,铝板电极处的电荷极性为负,而在工频加压的负半周,铝板电极处的电荷极性为正,90和270相位下油浸绝缘纸内部界面处积聚的电荷极性相反;与直流电压下相比,工频电压下油浸绝缘纸内部积聚的电荷显著减少。  相似文献   

实验结果显示温度梯度会加剧交联聚乙烯(XLPE)低温侧的异极性电荷积聚,而在高温侧仅形成少量的同极性电荷。针对这一问题,分别基于杂质电离和注入载流子抽出受限这2种理论,探讨了温度梯度影响XLPE中空间电荷分布的机理,并指出介质内部存在的温度梯度可以通过影响载流子的迁移率来影响空间电荷分布,而两侧电极上的温度差会通过影响两侧载流子的注入和抽出来影响整体空间电荷的分布。为了验证以上推论,测量了不同厚度的试样在不同温度条件下的空间电荷分布,结果显示:在相同温度差和不同温度梯度下,薄试样中会积聚更多的异极性电荷,由此验证了介质内部的温度梯度可以促进低温侧异极性电荷的积聚;在相同温度梯度和不同温度差下,厚试样中会积聚更多的异极性电荷,由此验证了两电极间的温度差可以促进低温侧异极性电荷的积聚。  相似文献   

换流变压器作为连接高压直流输电系统交流侧和直流侧的关键设备,其阀侧出线装置可靠性直接关系到电力系统的安全稳定运行。油纸绝缘作为阀侧出线装置的主绝缘,长期受到交/直流复合电场以及极性反转等复杂工况的影响,在受到电场、热场以及机械应力等多场耦合作用下易发生绝缘劣化积累空间电荷,而油纸绝缘介电参数和电导参数的不匹配也将使得界面电荷积累严重,导致沿面闪络或绝缘击穿,这也是目前换流变压器阀侧出线装置油纸绝缘结构发展面临的严峻问题。本文综合国内外研究现状论述了换流变压器阀侧出线装置油纸绝缘研究进展,分析了油纸绝缘在不同环境工况下电荷行为、局部放电和击穿特性,探讨了电场、温度、水分、老化等因素对其的影响,并对绝缘纸改性进行论述,展望了未来换流变压器阀侧出线装置油纸绝缘结构改性的发展趋势。这些研究成果的总结能为油纸绝缘材料的发展、改善提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

目前国内外关于油纸绝缘介质空间电荷特性的研究全部基于油浸绝缘纸,且已有的电声脉冲测试系统无法实现对油隙与油浸纸组合而成的混合体系的空间电荷特性的测试。通过采用改进的电声脉冲测试系统首次对油隙与油浸纸板组合而成的混合体系的空间电荷动态行为特性进行研究,分析空间电荷积聚对油纸混合体系内部电场分布的影响。研究发现油纸绝缘界面处及油浸绝缘纸内部积聚的空间电荷和电场畸变程度与绝缘油和油浸纸板的电导率关系很大。由绝缘油劣化导致油纸绝缘系统的电导率提升更易引起油浸纸内部场强严重畸变,油浸纸内部最大场强约达到平均场强的2.5倍。而由油浸纸电导率增大引起的油纸绝缘系统的电导率提升减轻了油浸纸内部的电场畸变程度,但电荷快速迁移会导致介质热效应显著也易诱发击穿。消除绝缘结构界面引起的空间电荷积聚效应、限制空间电荷在绝缘介质内部的快速迁移或使电荷在介质内部分布更加均匀,从三方面出发将有助于抑制空间电荷的危害。  相似文献   

The formation of space charge in polyethylene/ethylene vinylacetate copolymer (PE/EVA) laminates was investigated using a pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) method. The formation of heterocharge was observed in PE while positive charge (holes) was distributed over the EVA specimen. In the laminates, however, a large amount of charge accumulates at the interface between PE and EVA, resulting in an increase of the electric field in the PE layer. When the thickness of the EVA layer is smaller than that of the PE layer, negative charge dominates in the PE layer due to enhanced charge injection caused by the increased electric field in the PE layers. When these polymers are blended, the amount of heterocharge in the PE/EVA blends varies inversely with the vinylacetate content by the enhancement of homocharge trapping at PE/EVA interfaces and/or by the enhancement of charge injection via an increased electric field in the PE component  相似文献   

The effects of cross-linking by-products (residues) quantity and thermal treatment on space charge accumulation and decay in manufacturer modified XLPEs for DC power cable application have been investigated using the pulsed electro-acoustic technique. The threshold stress for space charge generation among the modified and reference XLPEs during voltage-ramping was found to show considerable variation and to depend upon the material and the amount of residue present. However, the modified XLPE material was found to exhibit a higher threshold for space charge accumulation than the reference XLPE whatever the conditions. De-gassed samples were found to exhibit the highest threshold stress, with that of the modified de-gassed XLPE accumulating no space charge at all even after 24 h stressing at 70 kV. In general heterocharge regions were formed when the residues were present and homocharge or no charge was formed when the residues were removed by degassing. Differences were also found in the space charge decay following short-circuit (volts-off), with the decay of heterocharge being rapid, whereas that of homocharge being slow. The charge accumulations have been tentatively explained by the mechanisms of ion-pair separation when residues are present, and interfacial injection when residues are absent. Decay of the heterocharge is governed by ion-pair displacement just as the generation and will have a similar time scale. In contrast homocharge decay will be governed by charge de-trapping and extend to time scales well beyond that of injection for charge in the deepest traps  相似文献   

The accumulation of space charge in planar crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) samples under dc electric fields at room temperature was investigated using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) method. Three different organic semiconductor (semicon) materials containing carbon black at concentrations ~30 %wt, and vacuum-evaporated gold, were used as electrodes. Three different conditioning procedures were investigated. Unconditioned samples developed heterocharge with density increasing from zero at the electrodes, to a maximum at roughly one-third of the thickness, and then falling to zero around the center. They also developed homocharge close to the electrodes. The choice of electrode material had little effect on the heterocharge profile in unconditioned samples. Conditioning by holding at 80°C for four days, at rotary pump pressure or at atmospheric pressure, suppressed the accumulation of heterocharge. Homocharge accumulation close to the electrodes in samples with semicon electrodes was affected little by this conditioning, but was reduced considerably in samples with gold electrodes. Conditioning by holding at room temperature for seven days at rotary pump pressure had little effect. The heterocharge originates in inhomogeneous polarization due to a spatially inhomogeneous distribution of permanent dipole molecules, probably acetophenone. The dipole concentration decreases in going from the electrodes towards the center of the samples, as a result of diffusion of the molecules in the opposite direction. The homocharge originates in electronic charge injection/extraction across the electrode/XLPE interfaces  相似文献   

The formation of space charge in oil/paper insulation system can lead to material degradation in the region of high electric field. Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that affect space charge formation in oil/paper insulation system. In this paper, the effect of oil aging on space charge dynamics in oil/paper insulation system is investigated using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) technique under a DC electric field at room temperature. The ultraviolet/visible (UV/vis) spectrum of the oil shifts to longer wavelengths, and the oil acidity increases as the aging time increases. It has been found that the oil property has a significant effect on the space charge distribution in the oil/paper insulation sample. The more the deterioration of the oil, the larger amount of negative and positive charges accumulated in the bulk of the oil/paper insulation sample. The total amount of slow moving charges, the surface trap energy density, and the electric field distortion of the oil/paper insulation sample increased with the degree of deterioration due to oil aging. © 2014 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

对交联聚乙烯(cross linked polyethylene, XLPE)材料与质量分数为05%的 MgO/XLPE纳米复合材料分别进行了直流接地电树枝实验与基于电声脉冲法的空间电荷测量。电树枝实验表明,正极性下MgO/XLPE纳米复合材料表现出更高的50%电树枝引发电压;空间电荷测量结果表明XLPE中有更多同极性电荷注入,说明纳米颗粒的添加阻碍了针尖处同极性电荷的注入与抽出,进而阻碍了电树枝引发。正极性下MgO/XLPE纳米复合材料表现出更小的平均电树枝长度与宽度,这是由于高场强区产生的载流子与纳米颗粒发生碰撞,导致电树枝生长较慢。此外,正极性下MgO/XLPE纳米复合材料中平均电树枝长宽比随电压升高下降更快,这是由于电树枝无法穿透纳米颗粒,只能从其表面绕过,导致了电树枝通道方向的改变与细小分枝的产生。  相似文献   

Space charge is formed in cables insulated with crosslinked polyethylene. It has not been clear whether the crosslinking byproducts or the crosslinked polymer morphology is responsible for the space charge formation. In order to clarify this point additive-free noncrosslinked low-density polyethylene, additive-free crosslinked polyethylene, and degassed crosslinked polyethylene were soaked in the crosslinking byproducts and the space charge distribution was measured after DC voltage application. Samples tested are divided into two categories. The first category is a soaked single-layered sheet and the second category is a two-layered specimen consisting of a soaked sheet and a nonsoaked sheet. As a result, the following conclusions were obtained. (1) Cumyl alcohol is responsible for homocharge layers in front of the electrodes in both low-density and crosslinked polyethylene sheets. (2) Acetophenone is responsible for heterocharge formation in crosslinked polyethylene, presumably as a synergistic effect with water. (3) alpha -methylstyrene has no effect on space charge formation in low-density polyethylene, while it assists charge trapping in crosslinked polyethylene. (4) Charge trapping occurs easier in degassed crosslinked polyethylene than in low-density polyethylene, probably because of carbonyl groups induced by crosslinking  相似文献   

The effects of such constituents as the crosslinked part, non-crosslinked LDPE part, antioxidant, and residual byproducts on the formation of space charge in XLPE have been investigated. It has been found that homocharge is developed in the pure crosslinked part of XLPE. The non-crosslinked LDPE part encourages the formation of heterocharge, although its influence is not strong. Residual byproducts generated during the crosslinking reaction encourage the formation of heterocharge, whereas antioxidant was found to prohibit the formation of heterocharge. Of these, residual byproducts have been found to impose the most pronounced influence on the formation of heterocharge in XLPE, so that only heterocharge is found in an as-pressed XLPE with semiconductive electrodes  相似文献   

油纸绝缘是直流输电设备的主要绝缘材料,其空间电荷特性变化会引起局部电场发生畸变,从而影响材料的介电强度,降低直流输电设备的运行可靠性和稳定性.使用电声脉冲法( PEA)测量装置,分析油纸绝缘中空间电荷的注入、迁移、消散规律,搭建试验平台,通过升压试验获得试品空间电荷注入的参考电压,然后对试品加3 kV的直流电压,分别在15℃、30℃、50℃温度下对油纸介质的空间电荷的特性进行分析.试验结果证明:在不同条件下发生空间电荷的注入,温度会对去压时空间电荷的消散产生很大的影响;温度会影响油纸绝缘介质内电场的大小和分布,使空间电荷严重畸变电场,引起绝缘的进一步破坏.  相似文献   

为明晰空间电荷对油纸绝缘纸板中电场强度的畸变效应、纸板老化状态与空间电荷的作用机制,采用双极性载流子输运模型,对不同老化状态的绝缘纸板中的空间电荷特性进行数值模拟。对于同一老化状态下的绝缘纸板施加直流电压时,纸板中会出现同极性电荷积聚现象,且正极性电荷的分布范围较负极性显著变窄;随着加压时间的增加,纸板中的电场畸变率呈增大趋势。当绝缘纸板老化程度加深时,其陷阱密度和深度均会增加,致使空间电荷在纸板的近电极侧大量积聚,进而削弱纸板和电极边界处的电场强度,加剧纸板内部的场强畸变;且绝缘纸板老化愈严重,空间电荷对电场的畸变作用愈突出,使得绝缘纸板加速老化,容易诱发绝缘击穿故障。研究结果可为变压器油纸绝缘设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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