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为适合快速称重的要求,采用一种简单的跟踪参考序列的模型参考适应方案,设计了一种新型的称重传感器自适应动态补偿器。仿真结果表明,该补偿器有效的提高了称重传感器的动态响应速度。  相似文献   

基于沃尔什函数的传感器动态建模方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沃尔什函数是一种系统综合的新方法。本文有效地解决了动态响应时间归一化这一关键问题,使这新方法实用于传感器的动态建模。通过对仿真数据和机器人腕力传感器的动态建模,充分证明其有效性和特色。  相似文献   

刘伊 《电工技术》2021,(15):38-41
对实验室自制58#量程为100000g压阻式加速度传感器进行动态建模,分析其性能。由于准确的原始数据是建模的前提,因此采用自动化程度较高的高冲击台进行动态校准。实验将B&K公司8309压电式加速度传感器作为标准传感器,将标准传感器信号看作输入信号,利用一种特殊白化滤波器的广义最小二乘法(简记GLS(SF))对高g值加速度传感器进行系统辨识。运用MATLAB中Simulink工具箱对模型验证,结果吻合较好,为之后高g值加速度传感器动态建模提供了依据。  相似文献   

与传统的磁阻传感器相比,巨磁阻传感器具有灵敏度高、可靠性好、测量范围宽、抗恶劣环境、体积小等优点。电力系统中交流大电流测量新方法的研究始终是热点问题。由于电流信号是由工频与高次谐波构成,对其监测需选择频域范围宽的传感器,具有良好动态特性的巨磁阻传感器符合这一要求。但目前没有可以准确评估其在高次谐波情况下动态特性的方法。提出一种测试方法,采用亥姆霍兹线圈产生标准高频磁场,用数据采集板卡收发信号,上位机编写程序实现传感器输出信号的自动采集与处理,首先对巨磁阻传感器进行了静态特性测试,在此基础上利用所设计的测试方法对不同频率的磁场进行了测试。在一定程度上实现了巨磁阻传感器动态特性的测量,为巨磁阻传感器动态特性的分析提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

介绍一种电容应变式流体压力传感器的基本原理和检测电路,该传感器具有精度高、线性度小、灵敏度高等优点,适用于微压力和大动态力的测量。  相似文献   

由于温度传感器的测量滞后,导致温度控制系统中的实际被控温度存在较大超调。该文提出了一种通过建立温度传感器的动态逆模型,来展宽其工作频带,以此来减小传感器测量滞后误差的方法。用该方法设计的动态补偿器具有不依赖传感器动态模型的特点,可根据传感器以及参考模型对输入激励响应的实测数据,通过微粒群(PSO)算法的优化学习得到补偿器的参数。检测信号经补偿计算后输出,能够克服传感器的测量滞后.实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

EMP磁场传感器的理论与实验研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
提出了采用微分环与自积分环两种传感器的磁场测量方案,对传感器设计参数的选择进行了理论分析,并在TEM小室中对这两种传感器的动态响应特性进行了实验研究。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络易遭受内部节点攻击的问题,本文提出了一种基于演化博弈的无线传感器网络入侵检测方法。将传感器网络的攻防对抗映射到博弈过程中,建立恶意节点和簇头节点之间的攻防博弈模型,改进传统复制动态方程,使得簇头节点在演化博弈过程中考虑到其他节点的历史策略,预测恶意节点的攻击策略;同时将改进复制动态方程应用于入侵检测算法,提高算法响应时间。实验表明,与传统方法的复制动态方程相比,采用该算法使得演化博弈能够快速达到均衡,收敛速度相比传统方法提高了80%,保障了网络安全性的同时避免了传感器网络检测能量的消耗。  相似文献   

俞阿龙 《电气自动化》2009,31(5):14-17,20
提出一种基于改进遗传算法进化小波神经网络用于机器人腕力传感器动态补偿的新方法,介绍算法原理。该方法利用腕力传感器的动态标定数据,用改进的遗传算法来优化小波神经网络结构和参数,建立腕力传感器的动态补偿模型。结果表明,采用遗传小波神经网络进行腕力传感器动态补偿,能克服BP算法存在易陷入局部极小点的缺点,网络的复杂度、收敛性和泛化能力得到了好的综合,补偿模型建立的速度和精度得到提高。  相似文献   

提出了一种异步电机无速度传感器矢量控制转速估算方法,转速估算和磁链观测基于异步电机按转子磁场定向的动态数学模型。在MATLAB中建立异步电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统的仿真模型,仿真结果证明了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a mono-structure touch sensor that has three kinds of sensing functions for discriminating materials. The sensor consists of two spiral metallic lines on a thin insulating substrate and has four terminals. When the two lines are used as two coils, the sensor has the property of inductance. When the two lines are used as two parallel electrodes, the sensor has the property of capacitance. When one spiral metallic line is used as a heater and another is used as a resistor, the sensor has the property of a temperature sensor. The proposed sensor is used to discriminate typical materials such as iron, aluminum, copper, bronze, gum, wood, acrylic resin, styrene foam, etc. The experiments show that the sensor has considerably high potential in discriminating materials, indicating that the sensor would be a promising candidate for developing an artificial skin tactile sensing system in the future.  相似文献   

We have proposed a voltage‐current sensor of resin molded type for measurement of the power factor and harmonics. To understand the characteristics of the conventional prototype sensor and the problems of its practical use, we conducted a finite element analysis. Problems involving the cost and practical usage of the sensor were identified. Therefore, we have redesigned the prototype sensor, incorporating the current sensor designed on the basis of the FEM and a ready‐made voltage sensor. In this paper, we describe feasibility field experiments with the present sensor in a practical 6.6‐kV distribution system and show that the sensor can measure the power factor and harmonics of horizontal and vertical power line systems successfully. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 178(3): 1–10, 2012; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21213  相似文献   

为解决电压传感器在测量时抗干扰能力弱、精确度低、实时性差的问题,文章设计了一种圆盘形结构的非接触式电压传感器。通过调整球型传感器极板面积,呈现出圆盘形结构,使该传感器可完整测量竖直方向上的电场信号,加强矢量采集与分析能力,增加自解耦能力,有效利用电极的空间。通过建立有限元模型,以三相架空线为激励源,传感器为观测对象,验证圆盘形传感器测量电压的可行性。在实验平台对圆盘形传感器进行暂态、稳态和抗角度偏差测试,结果表明,该传感器能够充分感应各方向维度上的电场分量,实现矢量电场的采集与合成,拥有较好的解耦效果,有效的抗干扰能力,满足了测量的实时性和准确性。  相似文献   

李剑  潘仲明  张卓航 《电测与仪表》2020,57(12):137-141
设计了一种新颖的组合式地面传感器智能监视网络节点,该节点由新型热释电红外传感器、微波感应位移模块和微型串口摄像机组成。其中,红外传感器和微波传感器分别用于检测横向和纵向移动目标,二者输出的脉冲信号用于触发串口摄像机抓拍目标图像,以避免耗电量较大的摄像机连续工作。此外,微波传感器采用脉冲供电,进一步降低节点功耗。实验结果表明:本红外传感器和微波传感器的目标探测距离均达到40 m,与带有红外补光和图像压缩的大焦距镜头串口摄像机的作用距离相匹配,从而实现了体积小、功耗低、高集成度、适用于野外或室内无人值守的地面传感器节点的设计目标。  相似文献   

速度传感器是感应电机矢量控制系统的重要组成部分,当其出现故障时会严重影响系统的性能。设计感应电机矢量控制系统,并在此基础上实现了基于状态观测器的感应电机速度传感器故障诊断及速度传感器发生故障后的容错控制。在速度传感器正常时,状态观测器工作在故障诊断方式下;速度传感器发生故障后,该状态观测器工作在速度估计方式下,系统由原带速度传感器矢量控制方式平滑切换到无速度传感器矢量控制,从而实现速度传感器的容错控制。该设计的有效性在dSPACE实验平台上得到了验证。  相似文献   

智能楼宇中无线传感网混合接入设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对智能楼宇环境,设计并实现无线传感网络、电力线载波网络和以太网接入的混合网络。文中的混合网络中,无线传感网络在频域和空域上分割子网,并在每个子网的接入节点进行了分布式判决。电力线载波网络将各个无线传感网进行连接,并通过以太网接入节点将信息采集并发送至Internet。本设计在保留了无线传感网优点的前提下,利用了现有电力网络布线设施,并且满足远程监控要求,同时解决了无线传感网随着节点数目增多而信号连通性急剧下降的问题。使得智能楼宇环境中组建大型无线传感网络成为可能。  相似文献   

自愈光学电压传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决光学电压传感器测量精度的温漂问题,提出采用增加基准测量源的方法,根据对基准源的测量结果来调整实际测试结果,从而实现了对传感参数的实时自动补偿。应用该方法设计了自愈光学电压传感器,并进行了精度检测。检测结果表明:在常温下,自愈光学电压传感器的线性度可达0.2级;当环境温度引起工作光强波动或传感参数漂移时,自愈光学电压传感器的测量精度比补偿前有大幅提高。该方法原理简洁,容易实现,为高性能光学电压传感器的设计提供了新的解决思路。  相似文献   

A couple of features that are rather unique in space power system operational environments in comparison with their terrestrial counterparts make automated operations of the space power distribution systems particularly essential. A technique that can facilitate the automated operations of space power distribution systems is presented in this paper. The proposed technique utilizes the logical sensor relationships existing among the sensor values and a graph formulated from them, called the causal relations and the sensor redundancy graph respectively. The graph formulation enables one to systematically explore the embedded sensor redundancies in space power distribution systems and to maximize their utilizations in validating sensor values and fault diagnosis. Furthermore, fault locations can be identified with the physical ranges associated with the causal relations called the causal ranges. The robustness or the capability of a given sensor installation configuration whether it can still provide sufficient data under various sensor failure and system fault contingencies can also be checked. The effect of an addition or a deletion of a sensor on the overall sensor failure and fault detection capability can also be assessed, which can be helpful even from the space power system design stages. The proposed technique is currently being applied to the space power system test facilities installed at NASA  相似文献   

A novel wearable sensor system was developed for monitoring respiration and pulse using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric films as sensor materials. Due to the different signal intensity between respiration and pulse, a “double-sided arch” structure and a “thin-shell” structure were designed and fabricated as substrates for the respiratory sensor and pulse sensor, respectively. These sensors installed on belts can be easily tied on the chest, abdomen, or wrist for comfortable fit. In order to obtain clear respiratory and pulse signals from the sensor patch, some high-quality signal processing modules were designed. The digital signals were transmitted to a computer via Bluetooth and displayed by LabVIEW software. The fundamental principle and functional verification of the developed sensor system were described in this study. By comparing the sensor signals from the proposed structure with those of flat structure, it can be concluded that the proposed sensor is more sensitive and stable than its flat counterpart. In addition, the whole sensor system has the features of ease of use and comfortable to wear. All these make the proposed sensor system a promising sensing device for respiration and pulse real time monitoring.  相似文献   

湿度控制是混凝土早龄期控制开裂的重要措施,由于混凝土是有损多相复合材料,文中首先具体分析了电磁波在混凝土中的损耗,确定了标签可正常工作的基本条件,然后介绍了一种用于混凝土湿度监测的无源射频识别(RFID)传感器标签,该RFID传感器标签是基于超高频(UHF)的EPC-2通信协议,且工作于无源模式下,并具体介绍了传感器结构、接口电路和整流模块。后期实验对所设计的湿度传感器进行了性能测试,结果显示该湿度传感器具有良好的线性度和稳定性。与传统湿度测量的结构相比,所设计的无源RFID湿度传感标签具有低成本以及低功耗的特点。  相似文献   

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