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考虑可再生能源配额制的中国电力市场均衡模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
考虑现行电力市场政策下可再生能源所占比重,分析了可再生能源固定电价制和配额制下各厂商经济决策及总效益,提出了一套基于固定电价制与配额制并行的电力市场均衡模型,既切合国情需要,又符合电力市场的运行规律。该模型满足可再生能源深化发展的同时,从经济学角度也实现了卡尔多—希克斯改进。该模型不仅能提升绿色电力强制配额上网环境下的总效益,而且能平衡利润和电价波动所带来的风险。最后,基于多智能体粒子群优化算法对两种制度在三种场景下的电力市场均衡模型进行仿真计算,实验结果验证了模型的有效性和时效性。  相似文献   

由于以风电、光伏为主的可再生能源出力的不确定性,高比例可再生能源的接入会给电力市场出清电价带来风险。基于此,以可再生能源保障性消纳作为电力市场出清模型边界,提出考虑可再生能源不确定性的市场电价风险评估方法。首先,利用基数约束子模块化场景缩减技术刻画可再生能源出力的不确定性,生成具有代表性的有限场景集合。其次,建立考虑可再生能源保障性消纳的电力市场出清模型并提出节点电价计算方法。然后,提出电价风险评估指标体系,从节点、区域和系统等多个层面评估可再生能源出力不确定性引发的电价风险。最后,通过改进的IEEE30节点算例系统验证所提方法的有效性。分析结果表明,所提方法能够有效评估可再生能源不确定性带来的系统电价风险以及节点电价风险,对可再生能源参与电力市场的相关研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

可再生能源消纳责任权重制与电力现货市场建设并行推进,实际消纳可再生能源电力将成为电力用户完成考核要求的主要完成方式,并且可再生能源电力也将逐步进入电力现货市场参与交易。基于以上框架建立了可再生能源消纳责任权重制下包含可再生能源日前市场、常规能源日前市场、实时市场的双层多主体优化决策模型,通过库恩-塔克(KKT)条件、强对偶定理、二进制拓展法等方法将其转化为混合整数线性规划模型来求解市场均衡点。算例分析探究了考核权重指标、绿色电力证书价格、可再生能源功率渗透率对市场均衡点的影响。分析结果表明,在市场均衡点日前市场中,可再生能源电力出清电价等于常规能源出清电价加上绿色电力证书价格,且随着可再生能源功率渗透率提高,电力现货市场出清电价呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

正发展清洁能源在国际社会已形成广泛共识。中国作为全球第一大能源生产和消费大国,积极顺应能源转型大势,明确提出了"推动能源生产和消费革命""促进绿色发展"等指导思想,相继出台了可再生能源中长期发展规划、固定电价、可再生能源全额保障性收购管  相似文献   

介绍了基于市场化条件的英国可再生能源发展的政策机制,以英国电力市场为例,重点分析了配额制(非化石燃料公约)与竞价制(可再生能源义务令)两种体制下影响风力发电电价的因素.结合英国风电市场,讨论了中国风力发电的发展障碍,提出中国发展可再生能源发电应注意的问题及存在的机遇,并提出建议.  相似文献   

可再生能源发电的快速持续发展,有赖于一个有效的可再生能源激励政策体系的形成。但由于可再生能源利用的高成本,以及可再生能源的环境价值无法用货币体现,天然的可再生能源电力市场并不存在。文章介绍了基于市场化条件的英国可再生能源发展的政策机制,以英国可再生能源激励机制为例,重点分析了配额制、竞价制和上网电价补贴三种体制。最后,结合英国可再生能源电力市场经验,提出了完善我国可再生能源激励政策的启示。  相似文献   

3月16日,国家发展改革委发布了《关于请报送2006年可再生能源发电及电价附加征收等有关材料的通知》,正式启动2006年可再生能源电价附加收入调配工作。《通知》要求各省(区、市)价格主管部门统计可再生能源发电企业、省级电网公司和公共可再生能源独立电力系统经营企业2006年可再生能源上网电量、上网电价和电费结算情况,向省级电网公司统计可再生能源电价附加征收情况,并对上述情况进行核实、汇总后统一报送国家发展改革委。可再生能源电价附加收入调配工作将根据《可再生能源电价附加收  相似文献   

发改委电监会发布可再生能源电价补贴方案2月15日,国家发展改革委、国家电监会发布关于2010年1~9月可再生能源电价补贴和配额交易方案的通知(以下简称"通知"),对电价附加补贴的项目和金额做出具体说明。通知规定,可再生能源电价附加资金补贴范围为2010年1~9月可再生能源发电项目上网电价高于当地脱硫燃煤机组标杆上网电价的部分、公共可再生能源  相似文献   

国家发改委近日宣布,决定在保持现有销售电价总水平不变的情况下,主要利用电煤价格下降腾出的电价空间,适当提高可再生能源电价附加、脱硝电价标准.新增除尘电价,以支持可再生能源发展,鼓励燃煤发电企业进行脱硝、除尘改造,改善大气质量。  相似文献   

1国家拟对可再生能源发电实行分类上网电价制度根据我国电价改革的实际情况和促进可再生能源开发利用的要求,并借鉴国际经验,首次提请全国人大常委会审议的可再生能源法草案规定,对可再生能源发电实行分类上网电价制度,即按照风力发电、太阳能发电、小水电、生物质能发电等不同的技术类型和成本水平,确定不同的上网电价。草案规定,国家鼓励和支持可再生能源并网发电,电网企业应当全额收购其电网覆盖范围内经核准或者备案的可再生能源并网发电项目的上网电量。合理的价格机制是引导可再生能源开发利用的关键。草案规定,国家对可再生能源发电…  相似文献   

A feed-in tariff model has been enacted in most countries and is well accepted by the European Commission. In principle, the model offers long-term contracts to eligible renewable energy producers, typically based on guaranteed prices for fixed periods of time for electricity produced from renewable energy. This paper presents a methodology that has been developed for the feed-in tariff market approach, which should gradually help eligible producers become better prepared for market competition after long-term contracts expire. The central part of this methodology is the correction of the current guaranteed prices, based on the calculation of the cost-effectiveness ratio of the market model to the current feed-in tariff or non-market model. The common features of the designed market models are the market component, a combination of the guaranteed price with and without market indexing, and the sum of the reduced guaranteed price and the spot electricity price. The methodology has been applied to the current non-market model implemented under Croatian jurisdiction. In this case, seven different market models were designed, which are compared to the existing non-market model. The results of the cost-effectiveness ratio according to different types of renewable energy and market models for a certain period of time are given, described and used for the correction of the current guaranteed price. The first market model has been selected as the most appropriate to replace the existing non-market model in Croatia.  相似文献   

新能源发电并网利用必须依靠火电、抽蓄等调节性、支撑性电源以及电网的支持,必然增加常规电源、电网等主体的投资运行成本,即新能源的系统成本.针对目前常用的新能源经济性评价指标并没有考虑系统成本,不利于有效疏导各主体付出的成本和提升各主体促进新能源消纳的内在积极性的问题,提出了新能源等效上网电价概念以及基于对比差额法的系统成...  相似文献   

The current fixed tariff remuneration for wind energy is not compatible with the deregulation of the electric power industry. The time-varying and location-dependent value of renewable energy is not acknowledged. The newly announced switchable tariff for wind energy in the Spanish electricity market provides a promising solution to compensating renewable energy within the deregulated electric power industry. The new switchable tariff provides wind generators more flexibility in operating wind generation assets. Such flexibilities provide option value in coordinating the seasonality of wind energy, demand on electric power and electricity prices movement. This paper models and valuates the flexibility on switching tariff as real compound options for wind generators. Numerical examples valuate wind generation assets under fixed tariff, spot market price taking, and yearly and monthly switchable tariffs. The optimal switching strategies are identified. The impacts of the switchable tariff on sitting criteria and values of wind generation assets are investigated. An improvement on the yearly switchable tariff is suggested to further reduce the operation risk of wind generators and fully explore the efficiency provided by competitive electricity markets.  相似文献   

刘吉臻  刘涛  崔超 《中国电力》2015,48(7):89-94
当前实行的风电分区域固定电价制度没有动态反映风电成本变化,造成财政资金浪费;更重要的是,没有给出发电成本和合理利润的具体核算过程,固定电价的合理性存在不足。提出了一种基于风电成本和火电利润的风电定价机制,并以某火电厂和某风电场为例介绍了所提电价机制的实施过程,验证了该电价机制的合理性。  相似文献   

Nigeria’s aspiration towards universal access to electricity has been hindered by a centralized and closed grid system. The country took steps in the right direction by recently unbundling and privatizing the state-owned electric power utility and introducing a renewable energy feed-in tariff and mini-grid regulations. The author advocates a full-scale democratization of the electricity sector to empower local communities and small, stand-alone producers to participate in solving the electricity crisis.  相似文献   

以可再生能源制氢为特征的能源系统将是今后能源互联网建设的重要方向之一。该文针对风-光-氢多主体能源系统的合作运行展开研究。首先,考虑主体间的电能交易建立各主体的优化运行模型,然后基于纳什谈判理论建立风-光-氢多主体合作运行模型,接着将其等效为联盟效益最大化和电能交易支付谈判两个子问题。为保护各主体隐私,运用交替方向乘子法提出上述两个子问题的分布式求解方法。最后通过算例验证所提合作运行模型以及分布式算法的有效性。仿真结果表明通过风-光-氢多主体的合作运行,可以较大幅度提高各主体的运行效益以及合作联盟的整体效益。此外,风光发电上网电价的降低,将促进风-光-氢多主体展开合作,以提升各自运行效益。  相似文献   

分析了我国制定氮氧化物价格政策的必要性,并应用污染物边际处理费用函数对电力行业氮氧化物减排进行成本核算。结果显示,平均单位脱硝总成本为1.19分/kWh,现行1.0分/kWh的脱硝补贴电价难以弥补脱硝运营成本和投资,建议将现行脱硝电价补贴额度至少提高至1.20分/kWh。  相似文献   

In order to guarantee the rapid sustainable development of the social economy, the power grid will make large investments in the construction of smart grids, the renewable energy network, the construction of long-distance transmission grid channels as well as the technology and service innovation of the power grid. According to the electricity transmission and distribution tariff accounting mechanism of costs and benefits, the power grid investment needs to be recycled by the transmission and distribution tariff. However, at present, the low electricity transmission and distribution tariff in China, which is based on the difference between the electricity sales price and the average purchase price, cannot guarantee the return of investment and the sustainable development of the power grid. Based on the current situation of China’s power grid construction and electricity transmission and distribution tariff, this paper proposes that the new investments in the power grid can be divided into technical innovation investments, environmentally friendly investments, service promotion investments and other kinds of investments, according to their functions. Then, four electricity transmission and distribution tariff and power grid investment linkage models are built and example analysis undertaken, respectively, which are the timely linkage model, static linkage model, ladder linkage model, in which the electricity tariff space changes by a fixed absolute value annually and ladder linkage model in which the electricity tariff space changes by a fixed proportion value annually. The results reveal that the ladder linkage model in which the electricity tariff space changes by a fixed absolute value annually can guarantee relatively smooth changes in the electricity tariff, and is suitable for the actual situation of China’s power market. The transmission and distribution electricity tariff and power grid investment linkage models based on sustainable development built in this paper are beneficial for promoting the reforms of the electricity transmission and distribution tariff in China and guiding the establishment of a scientific electricity tariff mechanism.  相似文献   

分布式能源系统的发展及其带动的新能源产业发展已经成为各国经济发展的重要组成部分。详细分析了德国在分布式能源系统方面的最新进展,在政府的政策框架条件下,德国可再生能源法案中规定的税收补贴政策给其新能源市场带来积极信号,促进了德国风电、太阳能等产业的迅猛发展。同时讨论了德国新能源行业发展的优势与劣势,通过分析指出,新能源产业的发展还有待市场经济的考验,高渗透率的可再生能源发展还需要更加完善的法规制度。  相似文献   

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