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简述智能巡检机器人功能构造及工作原理,分析了基于无轨化运行类巡检机器人在表计读取、红外测温、路径安全、自主充电等方面的现状,以实际运行情况及采集的数据作为依托,发现了诸多影响安全运行、可靠工作的典型问题,总结归纳这些问题,以期对智能巡检机器人的后续改进优化和开发提供具有可行性的参考,让变电站巡检机器人能够更好地为运行维护工作提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

设计变电站巡视系统,基于图像分析技术实现机器人和视频摄像机的联合巡视;巡视系统通过与变电站主/ 辅设备监控系统、一键顺控系统、主站巡视集中监控系统的互联交互,实现与主/辅设备监控系统间的正向联动、反 向联动、视频双确认等智能联动.利用机器人机动灵活、视频摄像机巡视效率高的特点,合理规划视频摄像机位置和 机器人巡视路径完成巡视布点,最大程度覆盖变电站的巡视范围,提升巡视效率,节省项目投资,有效支撑设备智能 巡检、日常运行监控、现场巡检作业、异常故障处置等典型变电运维应用场景,替代人工巡检为远程智能巡检,替代 原靠运维人员经验判断的故障分析等手段为主动预警、综合研判、智能诊断与智能决策.  相似文献   

正10月10日,华南国际智能制造、先进电子及激光技术博览会(简称LEAP Expo)在深圳会展中心盛大开幕。新松携新一代机器人产品、技术盛装参展。据悉,本次博览会定位于服务华南及东南亚地区日益增长的电子制造及相关产业的转型升级需求,设有智能制造技术、机器人与自动化等五大模块前沿技术及智能解决方案的展示。新松作为中国机器人领军者和智时代先行者,携轻型化、精准化、智能化新  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来利用机器人代替人工作业的理念已经在全世界范围内得到了广泛认可,机器人技术的发展水平已成为一个国家高新技术产业的代表,而智能安防机器人作为众多机器人中的一员更是受到了广泛的关注。针对智能安防机器人设计了一套功能强大、性能稳定的控制系统,首先采用模块化的设计思路,对智能安防机器人控制系统的总体架构进行了设计;其次对机器人控制系统主控器进行了设计研发,并对机器人运动控制子系统、传感器子系统以及摄像头控制子系统进行了研究设计;最后利用机器人平台对控制系统进行了实验测试,并对实验结果进行了分析总结。可以预见,安防机器人在降低人工操作危险性、减少企业成本等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正在2016年第三届世界互联网大会上,作为中国政府与国企共同打造的智能汽车与智能交通类的示范项目,子夜路旁的全球首家智能停车场让我们的目光聚焦于乌镇。此智能停车场使用国内企业海康机器人的智能泊车系统.可以同时调度500辆汽车。热火朝天的双十一让我们唏嘘不已,除了电商行业的持续升温,销售额的巨幅上涨外,也让我们移动目光到物流这个欣欣向荣的行业,聚焦于涉及物流较多的移动机器人行业。2015年,机器人全球市场估值为270亿美元,物流机器人占其中的份额不大,但却是媒体最为关注的焦点之一。自动导航技术、装卸车、监控机器人、无人机等等已成  相似文献   

近年来,随着无人值守智能变电站的快速发展,变电站智能巡检机器人得到了广泛应用。文章选取典型机型的变电站巡检机器人进行了试验,总结分析了主要性能指标现状,针对电网巡检应用需求,提出了在巡检能力、运动功能、抗电磁干扰性、环境适应性等方面需进一步改进的方向,指出小型化、工具化和集中使用型变电站机器人是未来应用的主流,提出应建立变电站巡检机器人技术标准体系,进一步加强试验能力建设,以确保变电站巡检机器人的质量。  相似文献   

电力智能巡检机器人搭载高清可见光相机,红外热成像仪、拾音设备等智能化检测装置以及智能分析算法软件,完成全天候数据快速采集、实时信息传输、智能分析预警到快速决策反馈的管控闭环,从而代替人工巡检实现电力设备状态的自动检测和智能分析,提高了电网和电力设备运行的可靠性。使用电力智能巡检机器人是电网智能化得以实现的重要手段,是智能电网未来发展的重要方向。文中针对目前国内外研究现状和不足,分别从电力智能巡检机器人的主要技术、前沿科技、功能定位及标准体系等方面展开讨论,对电力智能巡检机器人研究现状进行了综述性探讨,并在此基础上对未来的研究和发展方向提出了展望。该文章对电力智能巡检机器人研究具有指导作用和参考价值。  相似文献   

正1智能扫地机器人行业发展迅猛智能扫地机器人,又称自动打扫机等,是智能小家电里的一种,它凭借一定的人工智能,能够在房间内完成地板清理工作。由于体型较小,智能扫地机器人可以任意穿梭在沙发、床底下,甚至是放在冰箱上工作。智能扫地机器人一般采用刷扫和真空扫方式,将地面杂物先吸纳进入自身的垃圾收纳盒,从而完成地面清扫工作。一般来说,将完成清扫、吸尘、擦地工作的机器人,也统一归为扫地机器人。人们之所以喜欢智能扫地机  相似文献   

介绍了变电站智能巡检机器人的优势,对变电站智能巡检机器人应用存在的续航能力不足、定位频繁失败造成死机等问题进行了分析,并提出了解决方法,为智能巡检机器人在变电站运维的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

变电站智能巡检机器人在各电压等级变电站中已得到应用,可代替人工完成一次设备巡检、红外测温、表计抄录等运维工作,实现传统运维工作的减负增效。通过对变电站智能巡检机器人现场实际应用情况的分析与总结,结合机器人领域相关技术的发展,提出了变电站智能巡检机器人应用技术的优化和改进措施,为变电站智能巡视机器人的进一步推广应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The future of electronic power processing and conversion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
At a workshop held on the Aeolian Islands in Sicily during May 2004 a group of academic and industry engineers from all over the world discussed the medium- and long-term future of power electronics and its applications in specific areas. The following main issues were identified and discussed: The demand is not for power electronic solutions but for system integration of electronic power processing. A more multidisciplinary approach is needed. We will witness a proliferation of energy storage in systems. The technology is in place and the improvement in system performance makes it worth while. A large penetration of power electronics into power systems will happen within the next 25-30 years. The main transmission grid will not be affected. The power electronics development will be in distributed generation and in the loads. The success of the integrated starter/generator (ISG), hybrid, or electric cars depends on political decisions more than on technological advances. However, the success of a recent Japanese hybrid car and the cost of oil could trigger the critical momentum for large-scale use of power electronics in automotive applications. We are moving toward standardized power supply building blocks for computers and other applications. The main push is for lower cost, and production technology becomes the important issue. Demands for improved performance in a diversity of applications will stimulate R&D in power electronics in the future. Intelligent control and energy management will come easily. Thermal and passive component integration is equally important and will require attention.  相似文献   

《计算机组成原理》课程实践教学目标设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张连华 《电力学报》2008,23(2):174-176
阐述知识、智力与能力结构关系,论述实践教学的重要性,明确地指出实践教学目标设计的定位是培养能力,发展智力,为《计算机组成原理》实践教学目标设计提出了理论依据。研讨如何在实践教学中培养具有创新与设计基本能力的高素质人才以及在实验教学中开发学生智力的方法。摸索出一套新型的《计算机组成原理》实验课程教学方法与管理模式。课程教学改革实施后的效果良好,有参考价值。  相似文献   

A small robot arm with nonlinear dynamics is an extremely useful laboratory experiment for illustrating to electrical engineering students the role that linear control theory plays in the design of electronics for industrial applications in control engineering. The robot arm is small and low power so it can be operated safely in manual mode to demonstrate clearly the complexity of its control problem. It is easy to model in its stable region of operation and elementary theory provides a model in the unstable region. Then a series of simple linear designs can be carried out to yield a linear compensator for the robot arm. This can be converted to a stabilizing electronic feedback controller that readily holds the robot arm in any position, much to the amazement of young students. In addition the experiment introduces the student to the importance of engineering procedures in dealing with difficult problems  相似文献   

Ongoing technological progress in electronic instrumentation triggered the development of an innovative, hands-on teaching program to help students toward a fuller understanding of recent changes in the field. This paper describes the different stages of a design project to teach electronic instrumentation to computer engineering students at the University of Oviedo, GijÓn, Spain. The project involves designing a weather station to measure the main meteorological variables and then displaying this information on a computer screen. Although this course is intended for nonspecialist students of electronics, it could easily be adapted to other syllabuses with minimum modification of the specifications. The course provides not only enhanced academic training but also increased student motivation, as students participate actively in all course activities and work in a team within which each student has specific responsibilities.  相似文献   

碳纳米管场效应晶体管设计与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
碳纳米管具有一些独特的电学性质,在纳米电子学有很好的应用前景。随着纳米技术的发展,新的工艺技术也随之产生。纳米器件的"由下至上"制作工艺,是在纳米技术和纳米材料的基础之上发展起来的,在新工艺基础之上,可以利用纳米管、纳米线的性质制作成各种新的电子器件。由于碳纳米管可以和硅在电子电路中扮演同样的角色,随着基于碳纳米管的纳米电路研究的深入发展,电子学将在真正意义上从微电子时代进入纳电子时代。从分析碳纳米管分立场效应晶体管典型结构特点入手,分析阐述了碳纳米管构建的典型纳米逻辑电路结构特征及碳纳米管在柔性纳米集成电路方面的应用。  相似文献   

可变电抗器是电力系统中调压调功控制、谐波治理和无功补偿的关键设备。电力电子电抗器是一种新型的可变电抗器,它采用电磁技术、电力电子技术、控制技术、计算机技术等实现阻抗值的连续可调。这里介绍了电力电子电抗器的拓扑结构,分析了其阻抗变换原理,对其阻抗变换进行了仿真,并将其应用在电机软起动中,给出了实验结果。仿真及实验结果表明,基于电力电子电抗器阻抗可连续变化的特性,可将其应用在电机软起动、无功补偿、谐波抑制等方面,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

以电力电子学教学为研究对象,利用计算机交互和多媒体技术开发出电力电子学CAI课件.介绍了课件的开发过程及应用效果,说明了课件具有课堂演示、实验仿真、系统分析计算、科研和设计等功能.教学实践表明:该课件界面友好、互动性强,利用此课件可改善教学手段,丰富教学内容.  相似文献   

The Division of Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines has developed a new approach in teaching and using electronic circuit fabrication skills as a standard part of our undergraduate electronics laboratories. We have created a vertically integrated facility with advanced computer-aided design (CAD) tools, quick and cheap printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication machinery and industry-standard electronics assembly tools. This facility has brought a new capability to our undergraduate laboratories for our students to design and fabricate significant circuits that used to be abstract problems because the implementation was too difficult or expensive. Since typical graduates from four-year electrical engineering degree programs have no electronics production skills, they must then learn on the job these necessary skills and industry must cope with the lowering of productivity and quality. Given the needs of the students and industry, it seems only natural that electrical engineering degree programs should give students a basic preparation in electronics production skills to enable their graduates to function better as working engineers. This work discusses the rationale for our approach, the impact these changes have had on our students, and gives a tour of the Electronics Prototyping Facility (EPF)  相似文献   

柔性电气开关技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柔性电气开关技术是将高频电力电子开关应用于电磁开关,以屏蔽方式实现两种技术理想化互补。由此研发的柔性电力电子控制与保护开关组件,以高频电力电子技术高性价比地处理低频低压电磁开关的动态缺陷问题。电路分析与实验验证表明此技术可行。  相似文献   

推挽式开关电源具有成本低廉、电路简单、功耗低、效率高等显著特点,被广泛应用于各种电子设备。本文介绍了LM5030推挽式开关电源的主要特点及工作原理,重点分析了LM5030芯片典型应用电路。  相似文献   

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